
Peter Schiff: “Gold is going to be revalued MUCH higher than it is…”

I’ve been letting you know that you might want to get some GOLD for a while now. My name is really your humble reporter, no economic advisor. However, a professional money manager who is much smarter than I am only said something that you must see. That would be Peter Schiff, who recently stated on MeetKevin’s podcast that the value of gold is about to increase MUCH! Oh, and David loves gold just like Patrick Bet! Check out Peter Schiff’s statement:” Gold is going to be revalued Little higher than it is.”#GotGold READ THIS: https ://t.co/8 SfgaIbPgF pic.@digitalassetbuy @DigPerspectives @realMeetKevin @PeterSchiff If it’s simpler for you to understand, here is a dedicated video player: Peter Schiff:” Gold is going to be revalued Many higher than it is.”#GotGold https ://t.co/8 SfgaIbPgF pic.@digitalassetbuy @DigPerspectives @realMeetKevin @PeterSchiffREAD If you’d like, you can watch the entire interview at twitter.com/vmTuHQcAEY ( @Daily NoahNews ) on February 8, 2024. Peter Schiff and Patrick Bet- David are two VERY smart men. If you do n’t know much about Peter Schiff, here’s more: He is an accomplished American economist, financial broker, author, and stock market commentator who has a lot of clout in the financial and investment community. Schiff is the CEO and principal world strategist of the 1996-founded brokerage company Euro Pacific Capital Inc., which specializes in trading securities and foreign markets. He has safely grown the company’s operations over the years, demonstrating both his international financial market expertise and his ability to spot growth opportunities. Schiff’s foresight in predicting the 2008 financial crisis is one of his greatest achievements. He gained popular acclaim for his foresights of the housing market bubble and the ensuing economic crisis, which were made before they actually happened. He gained a reputation as an astute investor and keen observer of financial trends thanks to his accurate prediction of these events. Market events have supported Schiff’s warnings about the risks of excessive debt and fanciful bubbles, strengthening his reputation as a forward-thinking economist. Peter Schiff has written numerous books on economics and investing in addition to his financial career. His writings, such as” Crash Proof: How to Profit From the Coming Economic Collapse,” have received high praise for their perceptive analysis and useful guidance on protecting investments from downturns in the economy. Schiff’s books are well-liked by both novice and seasoned investors thanks to his ability to translate difficult economical concepts into understandable language. Schiff has frequently shared his views on economic news networks and has been a vocal proponent of good money and macroeconomic conservatism. Some investors ‘ strategies have been influenced by his support for gold as a hedge against inflation and currency devaluation. Despite his occasionally divisive viewpoints, Schiff’s knowledge and in-depth understanding of monetary principles have won him the respect of the investment community. Speaking of Gold being revalued in the future, we first informed you of this three months back:” Gold Revaluation” Is Coming? Price ranges from$ 10, 000 to$ 60,000 per ounce! ” Gold Revaluation” Arrival? Price ranges from$ 10 000 to$ 60,000 per ounce! Allowing the Central Bankers to remove the Gold Standard was one of the worst things our nation has always done. However, since the crooked bankers printed endless amounts of money and became obscenely wealthy, it was for the best that they suffered! But are they preparing to change the course of events for the general public after more? I’m hearing rumors that they might be prepared to return to a Gold Standard as the system they entirely destroyed through unlimited money printing is about to collapse. Crazy, do n’t you think? I have to share with you this quick 2-minute video from the Black Swan Capitalist, who nails it on the nail. Therefore keep reading for a quick fix YOU can use to protect your family and yourself! And there’s one way to do it that requires NO MONEY OUT OF POCKET! Well, in all honesty. He claims that in addition to the plan being in place, simulations have also been conducted, and that if and when that occurs, the price of gold would need to be between$ 10,000 and$ 60,000 per ounce. For those who are n’t very good at math, a gain of between 400 % and 2, 900 % or more would be possible with today’s price of$ 1, 955! Wow! But in addition to that, there was one line that particularly stood out to me. That rang very true to me, he said,” Those who put their money in gold and silver will be just fine and make incredible gains, while those who trusted the government and kept it in US Dollars will completely wipe out.” When did” trusting the government” start to pay off? They would CERTAINLY enjoy doing something like this! With that in mind, watch this clip to learn what might be JUST around the corner. Central banks have been covertly purchasing gold in anticipation of a gold revaluation, which will pave the way for the creation of new reserve currency. They have also partnered with# Ripple so they can #tokenize those real assets on the #blockchain where #XRP will be crucial in achieving this picture. Black Swan Capitalist ( @VersanAljarrah ) November 7, 2023 Twitter.com/4k793CNvD0 Backup here if necessary: OH MY.

The question is how to set up a system that eliminates credit cards while also allowing governments to run. And if we returned to a silver standard, we would have to do something similar to replace all of the world’s currencies with gold at an obvious ratio. How can you obtain gold without having any money in your pocket on February 8, 2024, according to Twitter.com/Dul6Kqr8OG ( @Daily NoahNews )? Read on. We typically talk about politics here, but politics also have an impact on the economy, including YOU and ME. These are the ONLY two golden companies with which I am proud to partner. as well as our wallets. the top division. But, in addition to covering politics, we occasionally cover money. Although I’m not a financial advisor, I share what I learn in the hopes that it will be useful to you and keep your family and you safe. And that frequently prompts me to discuss gold and silver. You know, what they’ve always referred to as” God’s Money.” It has always been highly valued as money from the beginning of time until the present because he made it and they are n’t making any more of it. I therefore consider it to have the ability to accomplish great things if, say, the U.S. Dollar were to suddenly collapse. Therefore, I discuss it and want to ensure that everyone protects themselves and their families. But, to respond to the query,” What can I do?” It’s really quite easy: you just need to have some# Gold or# Silver on hand. It is referred to as “physical” gold and silver. On the stock exchanges, nothing that is n’t backed by anything is traded in paper. Do n’t handle that material. I decided to publish this and simply put it out there for everyone to have because I get so many questions about where to buy it and where the best places are. The sole two businesses I am glad to collaborate with on Gold and Silver are the two I have specific hookups for you. Both involve silver and gold that is PHYSICAL. Make sure you own “physical” gold and silver, not paper contracts, if you do n’t do anything else. Because they are n’t actually backed by the gold and silver they claim to represent, paper contracts ( like stock ticker SLV and GLD ) could very well go POOF one day and vanish or go to zero. People who only own paper might find themselves owning something that is n’t worth the paper it’s literally written on when the music stops ( and I believe it will stop soon ). There is a huge game of musical chairs going on right now. Let’s get Physical: Now, WHERE do you get physical gold and silver, and how can you tell that it is real and safe? I know you wo n’t forget it if I give you thisGIF. and that the price you’re receiving is the best? Oh, and how about individualized, one-on-one, genuine customer service? You know, like a Great Wig millionaire at Goldman Sachs who could simply call their personal banker for assistance? I’m about to tell you that. I have two fantastic connections to share with you. The second is used to buy bullion made of gold and silver. That entails large bars. Stretching your dollar into as many gold and silver as you can is the cheapest and most cost-effective way to do it. The website is called WLT Precious Metals, and you can tell you’ve found the right place when you see my logo in the best left-hand corner. Ira Bershatsky ( or a member of his team ) will personally call you and work with you for however long you require, answering any questions you may have and arranging for your care. What do you think? Ira and his team take great pride in providing genuine customer service—no sales pitch, just genuine assistance. You do n’t see that much anymore. and the most affordable prices you can find. Here is the only disclaimer I will give you: because they take great pride in providing excellent service, it may take a couple days before you receive re-calls. Be patient, please. Waiting pays off, as they say! Ira and WLT Precious Metals are available below. Okay, that was the first. I want to then talk to you about option2. I’m thrilled to be working with these guys; they’re an extremely fantastic company. For those who want to buy actual physical gold or silver in their IRAs ( Investment Retirement Accounts ), there is a company called Genesis Gold. You are aware of its beauty, right? Basically, there are two great advantages: first, a tax-free baby! That’s a public oversimplification, even though I’m not an advisor to taxes. Always pay more taxes than you are required to by law. And for that reason, I enjoy putting gold and silver in my IRA ( and the reason I have a sizable portion of my own )! Second, it wo n’t cost you anything if you just switch money out of stocks ( as Peter Schiff advises ) and into gold. No out of pocket cash! BOOM! Genesis Gold has a lot to love, just like the fact that they are boldly and unashamedly Christina! They refer to it as” Faith-Driven Stewardship” and include a quote from Ezekiel, Wealth Preservation With Gold &amp, Silver, right on the home page of their website.
EZEKIEL 28: 4Genesis Gold Group believes the Bible provides clues on how man-made currencies ( paper money ) represent instability, a lack of virtue, and encourage living wastefully in excess. Through your wisdom and understanding, you have made wealth for yourself and have gathered Gold and Silver into your treasuries. Since the beginning of civilization, we have been plagued by conflicts, which can both be summed up in one conflict. The two valuable metals that our Lord sent to us to use as money are gold and silver, man-made paper, and currency. Nations are often led down the path of increased war, greed, and eventual collapse by man-made currency. Gold and silver abstinence has always been a terrible idea, according to history. Discipline is enforced by gold and silver, which also foster self-control, reliance, and balance while fostering confidence in the government and a more robust foreign policy. Genesis Gold Group is committed to fostering faith-driven stewardship with Gold andamp, Silver being an essential component of a balanced portfolio. In these trying times, protecting your finances with valuable metals has never been more important. With our Genesis Gold IRA, let your Genesis gold and silver experts walk you through the simplicity of asset protection and growth with a combined 50+ years in the beautiful metals industry. Honestly, Genesis Gold Group, encouraging faith-driven stewardship, and they are VERY skilled at what they do. Believe it or not, Genesis even gives you real gold and silver! A picture is taken, sent to you, and then securely stored in a vault for you after the gold and silver have been purchased ( in whatever combination of coins and bars you prefer ). I adore what these men are accomplishing. You can contact Genesis Gold below to learn more about why gold and silver in your IRA are thus potent. You might have to wait a little while, but someone WILL contact you for personalized customer service and assistance because they are even heavily backed up by record demand! Inform them that Noah sent you! Oh, and did you know that SUPERMAN himself suggests Genesis? It’s accurate. Watch here: Stay healthy! Superman himself, Clark Kent, or Dean Cain, recently appeared on my show. When the storm arrives, make sure you can survive it! Because, after all, the storm always comes, does n’t it? We will be prepared, including myself and my home.  [[{“value”:”

I’ve been telling people for a long time that they should consider buying some GOLD… I am not a financial adviser, I am just your humble reporter. Someone who is much smarter and a professional money manager has just said something you need to see. Peter Schiff said on MeetKevin’s podcast that Gold was about to be revalued much higher! Patrick Bet-David also loves gold! Peter Schiff: “Gold will be revalued much higher than it currently is …”#GotGold? @digitalassetbuy @DigPerspectives @realMeetKevin @PeterSchiff READ THIS: https://t.co/8SfgaIbPgF pic.twitter.com/vmTuHQcAEY — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) February 8, 2024 Here is a dedicated video player if this is easier for you to see: Peter Schiff: “Gold is going to be revalued MUCH higher than it is…”#GotGold ? @digitalassetbuy @DigPerspectives @realMeetKevin @PeterSchiff READ THIS: https://t.co/8SfgaIbPgF pic.twitter.com/vmTuHQcAEY — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) February 8, 2024 You can watch the entire interview right here if you like: Two VERY smart guys, Peter Schiff and Patrick Bet-David. If you don’t already know him, here’s a little more about Schiff: Peter Schiff is a well-known American economist, financial advisor, author, and stock market analyst. He has a great influence in the finance and investment world. Schiff is the CEO of Euro Pacific Capital Inc. and chief global strategy at this brokerage firm, founded in 1996. It focuses on international markets and securities. Over the years, Schiff has expanded the firm’s operation successfully, demonstrating both his ability to identify growth opportunities and his knowledge of global financial markets. Schiff’s prescient call about the 2008 financial crises is one of his major accomplishments. He was widely recognized for his accurate predictions of the housing bubble and the financial crisis that followed, made long before they happened. His accurate predictions of these events earned Schiff a reputation as an savvy investor and keen observer of economic trend. Market events have confirmed Schiff’s warnings on the dangers of excessive borrowing and speculative booms, confirming his status as an innovative economist. Peter Schiff, in addition to his career as a financial advisor, is also an accomplished author. He has written several books about economics and investing. His books, such as “Crash Proof”: How to Profit from the Coming Economic Collapse, have been praised for their insightful analyses and practical advice about safeguarding investments against economic downturns. Schiff’s ability in putting complex economic concepts in an accessible language has made him a favorite among novice and experienced investors. Schiff is a vocal proponent of fiscal conservatism and sound money. He often appears on financial news networks in order to share his views. His advocacy of gold as a hedge for inflation and currency devaluation influenced many investors strategies. Schiff’s deep understanding of economic principles and his sometimes controversial views have earned him respect within the investment community. We first reported on the possibility of Gold being revalued three months ago. Price Could be $10,000-60,000 per ounce! “Gold Revaluation” Incoming? Price Could be $10,000-60,000 per ounce! One of the worst decisions our country has ever made was to allow Central Bankers to remove the Gold Standard… It was a blessing in disguise for the corrupt bankers who were able to print money infinity and became filthy wealthy! But ….are the bankers about to turn the script again on the public? I’m hearing reports that they are ready to return to the gold standard as their system, which they have destroyed by printing unlimited money, is about to collapse. Crazy right? I must show you this 2 minute video by the Black Swan capitalist who nails this perfectly. Continue reading to learn a solution that YOU can implement RIGHT NOW to keep yourself and your family safe. You can do this without spending any money! Yes, really…. He says that not only has the plan been put in place, but simulations were run to determine a gold price between $10,000 and $60,000 per ounce if and when this happens! If you’re not good at math, a gain of 400% to 2,900%+ would be possible from today’s $1,955 price! Wow! Not only that, but there was a line that really stood out to me …. He said, quoting: “Those who trust the Government and keep their money in US Dollars, will be utterly destroyed.” This rang very true for me. When has “trusting in the government” ever paid off for you? This is EXACTLY what they would do. And revel in it! It’s Ronald Reagan’s famous quote: So with that in mind, watch this clip and understand what might be JUST around the corner…. Central #banks have been quietly buying #gold in preparation for a gold revaluation, which sets the stage for a new reserve currency They’ve also partnered with #Ripple so they can #tokenize those reseve assets on the #blockchain where #XRP will play a key role in achieving this pic.twitter.com/4k793CNvD0 — Black Swan Capitalist (@VersanAljarrah) November 7, 2023 Backup here if needed: OH MY….

How can you make sure that governments are still able to function without the use of credit cards? And if we went back to a gold standard, we’d have to do something like back the world’s currencies with gold at a certain ratio that was clear… pic.twitter.com/Dul6Kqr8OG — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) February 8, 2024 Ok so how can you get gold with NO MONEY OUT OF POCKET? Please read below… Read below… And our wallets. Big league. In addition to covering politics, we cover money occasionally…and although I’m no financial advisor, I hope that what I learn can help you, and keep you and family safe. This often leads me to cover Gold and Silver. What they’ve always called “Gods Money”. He made it and they don’t make any more. It has always been valued as money since the beginning of time. I’m a huge fan of it and I believe that it could do great things if the U.S. Dollar collapsed. That’s why i talk about it, and why i want to make sure that everyone protects themselves and their families. To answer the question “What can I do?” It’s actually quite simple: You need to have some #Gold or Silver in your possession. It’s “physical” silver and gold. It’s not the paper traded garbage that is traded on stock exchanges and has no backing. Do not touch that stuff. Because I am asked so often where to buy it, and how to get it, I thought it would be best to publish this for everyone to see …. These are the ONLY two companies with whom I am proud to be partnered on Gold and Silver. Both involve PHYSICAL silver and gold. If you DO NOTHING else, you should make sure that you own “physical” silver and gold, not paper contracts. Paper contracts (like stock tickers SLV and GLD), which are not backed by gold and silver, could go POOF and disappear one day or go to zero. When the music stops (and …) I think it will soon stop) people who only own papers might find that they own something that isn’t worth the paper on which it’s written. ….Let’s Get Physical: Now…WHERE can you buy physical gold and silver, and how can you be sure it is real and safe? And that you are getting the best price possible? How about real one-on-one customer service? You know, as if you were a Big Wig Millionaire at Goldman Sachs and could call your personal banker to get help? This is what I am about to tell. I’ve got two killer connections to share with you… First, you can buy gold and silver bullion. Bulk bars are what we mean. This is the most economical and cheapest way to get as much gold and as much silver as you can for your dollar. You’ll know that you’re at the right website when you see the logo of WLT Precious metals in the upper left-hand corner. You will receive a personal call from Ira Bershatsky or someone on his team. They will work with you for free as long as you need to answer your questions and take care of you. What a great idea! Ira’s team is known for their good old-fashioned customer service. No sales pitches, just real help. The best prices around. The only thing I’ll say is that, because they pride themselves on their dedicated service, you might have to wait a few extra days before you hear back. Just be patient. You will reap the rewards of your patience! Here you can contact Ira at WLT Precious Metals. Okay, that’s #1. Now let me tell you about Option #2. This is a great company and I am happy to work with them. This next company, Genesis Gold, is for those who want to buy real physical gold and silver in their IRAs. What’s the beauty of this? There are actually two major benefits… First, it’s TAX-FREE! I’m no tax advisor, but this is a general oversimplification. Never pay more tax than you’re legally required to. That’s why I like to have gold and silver in my IRA. (I also hold a significant amount of money in an IRA). Second, if you simply move money from stocks (like Peter Schiff suggests) to Gold, you won’t pay anything! No money out of your pocket! BOOM! Genesis Gold is a great company, and they are unashamedly Christina. They call it Faith-Driven Stewardship and put it on their homepage along with a quote by Ezekiel. Wealth Preservation With Silver & Gold –

The Genesis Gold IRA You have accumulated wealth and gold and silver in your treasuries because of your wisdom and understanding – EZEKIEL28:4 Genesis Gold Group believes that the Bible provides clues about how man-made currency (paper money) represents instability, a lack virtue, and encourages excessive living. Since the dawn of civilisation, we have been plagued by conflicts. They can be summed up into one battle. The battle is between man-made currency, gold and silver, the precious metals that are found in our Earth’s crust and sent to us by God to be used as money. Man-made money always leads to increased wars, greed and ultimately collapse. History has shown us that abandoning gold or silver was a bad decision. Gold and silver are a good way to maintain discipline, encourage self-control, self-reliance and balance. They also promote confidence, a more restrained government and a stable foreign policy. Genesis Gold Group believes that Gold & Silver is an integral part of a well-balanced portfolio. In these difficult times, protecting your finances with precious materials has never been more important. Let your Genesis gold and Silver experts, with a combined experience of more than 50 years in the precious-metals industry, guide you through the simple process of asset protection and growth using our Genesis Gold IRA. Sincerely, Genesis Gold Group Empowering faith-driven stewardship Oh ….and these guys are very good at what they do. Believe it or not, you can also get physical silver and gold with Genesis! The gold and silver are purchased for you in the combination of coins and bar you prefer. A picture is taken and sent to your email address. They then store it safely for you in a vault! These guys are amazing! Contact Genesis Gold to learn more about why gold and silver are so valuable in your IRA. You may have to wait for a while, but they will contact you with personal customer service. Tell ’em Noah sent ya! Did you know that SUPERMAN himself recommends Genesis? It’s true. Watch this video: Stay safe. Superman himself, Clark Kent – Dean Cain – appeared on my show a couple of weeks ago. Be prepared to weather the storm! The storm will always come, don’t you think? I and my house will be prepared.


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