[[{“value”:”Rarely has President Trump been known to closely follow teleprompters.
It would be boring if he did.
And he’s never monotonous.
He speaks to us directly.
However, he does typically have a teleprompter set up to help him get started on the subjects.
However, yesterday in South Carolina earlier in his Rally, everything went awry, but he merely winged it for more than 90 minutes. It was wonderful, too!
The crowd was devouring it.
Look at this:
He had the crowd giggling as I laughed so rough and farted.
Because the stooped teleprompter broke, Trump was up there, in his own words,” Rapping,” and he launched into a hilarious comedic rant about Joe Biden.
Biden’s favorite color is BLACK, but http ://t.co/WPjqJ3hp3t pic is his favorite ice cream. VM3RbUUFkU on twitter.com
— February 24, 2024, MJTruthUltra
Backup provided around:
https ://t.co/d0FM8cks4y credit
I farted and laughed so hard that he had the crowd in a tizzy.
Because the stooped teleprompter broke, Trump was up there and said,” Rapping,” but he launched into a brilliant comedic rant about Joe Biden.
Bidens ‘ favorite color is BLACK, as seen in the picture. 8LGfmAFSNd on twitter.com
— February 24, 2024, Daily Noah.com ( @Daily NoohNews )
Additionally, it is certainly worthwhile to watch the entire Rally.
I’ve got this right below for you:”}]] [[{“value”:”
President Trump is not known for following a Teleprompter too closely ….
If he did, it would be boring.
He’s never boring.
He speaks to us directly.
He does have a teleprompter to guide him through the topics that he wants to cover.
It was amazing! But yesterday, in South Carolina, he had a shambles in his Rally. He just wing it for 90 minutes …..
The crowd ate it up.
Have a look at:
He had the crowd rolling…
Trump was up there “Rapping” because the stooopid Teleprompter broke. He then went on a hilarious comedy rant about Joe Biden.
“Bidens favorite color is BLACK… but his favorite ice cream is… https://t.co/WPjqJ3hp3t pic.twitter.com/vM3RbUUFkU
— MJTruthUltra (@MJTruthUltra) February 24, 2024
Back here:
CREDIT: https://t.co/d0FM8cks4y
He had the crowd rolling with laughter. I laughed so much… I farted…
Trump was up there “Rapping” because the stooopid Teleprompter broke. He then went on a hilarious comedy rant about Joe Biden.
“Bidens favorite color is BLACK…… pic.twitter.com/8LGfmAFSNd
DailyNoah.com @DailyNoahNews February 24, 2024
It’s worth your time to watch the entire rally.
Here’s what I have for you: