
REPORT: Infertility Issues? READ THIS NOW!

[[{“value”:”You learn something new every day…
And this was a big one for me.
In hindsight, it makes perfect sense but I had never really thought about it.
In fact, when someone started telling me about this, I said “Wait, hold up…say that again?  What did you say?”
And so they told me again….and then I researched it…..and this article is the result of that journey.
Some of you may already know this but this may be a similar stunning wake up call for many of you like it was for me.
(Be sure to read to the end because I’m not just going to give you the problem, I’m going to give you the solution!)
So basically, the premise is this: studies have now shown that many popular makeup brands have “EDCs” in them.
EDC stands for Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals.
According to EHN.org, Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals can have the following major health consequences:

For the reproductive system, these harms include:

Genital malformations
Cancers of the reproductive organs
Early female puberty
Early menopause
Lowered sperm counts
Low birth weights

These chemicals are also linked to many inflammatory and chronic diseases, including:

Obesity and other forms of metabolic dysfunction
Cardiovascular disease
Hormone-sensitive cancers
Autoimmune disorders
Allergies and asthma

EDCs can also harm the brain and nervous system. Prenatal and childhood exposure is linked to:

Lower IQ
Memory and attention deficits
Developmental delays
Neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s

Take a look at that first grouping and then ask yourself if it’s any wonder so many young couples are suddenly facing infertility issues.
It’s such a private thing that people don’t talk about very often, but I would bet you probably know someone in your life right now facing infertility issues.
And the cause may be EDCs….
Specifically, the EDCs that we are rubbing all over our skin each day!
The enemy is within the building folks!
The enemy is in the expensive creams and lotions that we pay so much money for and then rub all over our skin.
As someone who has young daughters at home, this one hits REALLY close to home.
How about you?
In fact, studies are now showing that ON AVERAGE young women use EIGHT personal-care products a day that contain EDCs!
Are you kidding me?
And some were as high as 17:

According to the following study, young women use at least eight personal-care products a day that contain known endocrine-disrupting chemicals. Some of the women in the study used up to 17. pic.twitter.com/tUVs66h5Fn
— RAW EGG NATIONALIST (@Babygravy9) July 21, 2023

But is this really any big surprise?
They are poisoning us with the food we eat (mRNA steaks anyone?), the air we breathe (hello chemtrails!)….is it really any wonder there would also be poison in what we rub on our skin?
Like I said — so obvious in hindsight, how did I not know this until now?
I mean, think about it too….
God designed our skin to essentially be this giant solar panel.
It takes in sunlight and then converts that to vital Vitamin D and other nutrients we need.
Our skin is like the most advanced solar cell ever.
So it’s receiving and taking in all sorts of things, of course it would be highly sensitive to taking in toxins.
And where do we often rub creams and ointments?
Often in sensitive places.
Instant access for toxins.
Man, this is some nasty stuff — but I have to warn you about it and maybe we can truly save some lives and improve some lives!!
You’d better believe I’m making INSTANT changes for my daughters as they grow up!
I’ve got a ton to show you about this, but let’s go here next:
Here’s more from EHN.org:

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals, also known as EDCs, are natural or human-made substances that interfere with the healthy functioning of the body’s endocrine system.
The endocrine system is made up of glands throughout the body, along with the hormones that these glands produce and receptors that respond to the hormones. Endocrine glands include the pituitary, thymus, pancreas and adrenals. Hormones act like messengers, traveling through the body to deliver instructions that control biological processes ranging from growth and development to sleep, digestion and childbirth.
Humans have more than 50 hormones. These include estrogen and testosterone, which help to control sexual development, as well as the “feel good” hormones serotonin, endorphins and oxytocin, which regulate mood, along with many other processes.
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals change how the endocrine system works. Some EDCs are chemically similar to our hormones and mimic their effects in the body. Others block the action of hormones, increase or decrease their levels, or affect how the body responds.
Because the endocrine system is extremely sensitive, endocrine disruptors can be hazardous in tiny amounts, such as one part per trillion — the equivalent of one drop of water in 20 Olympic-sized swimming pools. Some of these substances, such as lead, are so harmful that there is no known level of exposure that is not considered dangerous to some degree.
According to one estimate, there are roughly 1,000 endocrine disrupting chemicals currently in use. However, this number is likely an undercount. There are hundreds of thousands of synthetic chemicals, and only a small percentage have been assessed for their effects on the endocrine system.

What’s clear from these studies, and others, is that personal-care products are one of the most significant sources of exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals for women. If you’re worried about your reproductive health, ditch them or find natural alternatives. pic.twitter.com/FvVCuPQoez
— RAW EGG NATIONALIST (@Babygravy9) July 21, 2023

Ok, so now you’re probably saying I get it, this is terrible, but what can I do?
You’re right, the situation IS bleak…
In fact, every brand you see in this wheel below is owned by the 11 corporations shown below:

But it’s actually much worse than that….
Because those 11 corporations are mostly owned by THREE corporations:
…and State Street!
It’s called the ILLUSION of choice:

You’re not going to find the solution in that wheel…
Or in your local grocery store….
Definitely not at Wal-Mart or Target.
Those are EDC havens folks!
So, what’s the solution?
How about this:
There’s only one pro-American, American made and manufactured, chemical free, toxin free, hormone free, company left….and I’m teaming up with them to FIGHT BACK!

This is the company I’ve partnered up with on my new Mission that I keep talking about.
We launched the new Mission in February, but this company has been doing this for over 38 years!!
Talk about a track record.
Watch this:

Time to make the switch…..
It’s INVITE ONLY, jump on the list here https://t.co/0HBTcCFOyQ pic.twitter.com/HTbHs1ZW7f
— DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) December 5, 2023

Backup here if that doesn’t play:

Want in?
It’s invite only….
https://t.co/9cjSEFFqKF pic.twitter.com/aRfYggpCGo
— DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) July 26, 2023

It’s Invite Only but the invite is completely free!
In fact, I’ve assembled a team of patriots who will personally get you invited and signed up….if you want in.
Folks, we don’t have many strongholds left.
This is one.
And I’m all in.
If you’d like to find out more and get a FREE personal invite, just go here:  https://SwitchWithNoah.com
Tell them Noah sent you and I promise you will get a personal call, text or email.
Don’t freak out when you do.
I know I tend to get concerned when I get messages from numbers I don’t recognize, but if you request a Free Invite (Link here) you WILL have someone from my Inner Circle reach out to you….so be ready!
These are awesome people and I think you’ll love getting a chance to talk with them.
And they’ll help get you all set up.
Then put me to the test…
I’ve had people take their products and run them through the most detailed, scientific lab testing possible and they pass with flying colors.
Who’s with me?
NOTE: am I saying we can CURE infertility?  No, absolutely not.  Am I saying that you should consider getting as far away from EDCs as you can?  100% yes.  Let’s start there and see what happens?  Sound good?
What is the primary medical credo?
How about if we cut off the products that are doing harm and then we see where we go from there?
That good with everyone?

– Noah
p.s. Since everyone gets personal attention, we will take these in the order in which they come in.  So if you are excited, ask for your invite now or you might be far down on the list.  I have a great team, but they can only do so much and they’ll work on a first-come, first-served basis.
Request a free Invite here
“}]] [[{“value”:”

Every day you learn something new… and this was a major one for me. It makes perfect sense in retrospect, but I never really thought about this. When someone told me about it, I asked “Wait…say that again?” What did you say?” So they repeated it ….and I then researched it …..and the article is the outcome of that journey. This may be something you already know, but it may also be a shocking awakening for others. (Read to the end, because I won’t just tell you the problem; I’ll also give you a solution!) The premise is that studies have shown that many popular cosmetic brands contain “EDCs”. EDC stands for Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals. According to EHN.org Endocrine Disrupting chemicals can have major health consequences. For the reproductive system these harms include:Genital malformations Cancers in the reproductive organs Early women’s puberty Early Menopause Lowered sperm count Infertility Misscarriage Low Birth Weight These chemicals are linked to many inflammatory diseases and chronic illnesses, including: Diabetes Cardiovascular disease Hormone sensitive cancers Allergies and Asthma EDCs can harm the brain and nervous systems. Prenatal and childhood exposure has been linked to: Lower IQ, Memory and Attention deficits, Developmental delays, Depression and Neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson’s. Take a look at the first grouping. Infertility is a very private issue that people rarely discuss. But I’m sure you know someone who is currently experiencing infertility. EDCs …. may be the cause. EDCs, specifically the EDCs we rub on our skin every day! The enemy is in the building, people! The enemy is the expensive creams and oils that we buy and then rub on our skin. This one is a real hit for me as a mother of young daughters. What about you? Studies show that on average, young women use EIGHT products per day that contain EDCs. You’ve got to be kidding me! Some were as high at 17: WOMEN’S PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS and REPRODUCTIVE HELPFULNESS. According to a study, young women are using at least eight personal care products per day that contain known endocrine disrupting chemicals. Some of the women in the study used up to 17. pic.twitter.com/tUVs66h5Fn — RAW EGG NATIONALIST (@Babygravy9) July 21, 2023 But is this really any big surprise? The food we eat is poisoning us (mRNA steaks anyone?) They poison us with the food we eat (mRNA steaks anyone? )….is there any surprise that the products we use to rub on our skin also contain poison? How did I not realize this before? Think about it too …. God created our skin as a giant solar panel. It converts sunlight into Vitamin D and other essential nutrients. Our skin is the most advanced solar cells ever. It’s constantly receiving and absorbing all kinds of things. Of course, it would be sensitive to toxins. Where do we usually rub creams and lotions? Often in sensitive places. Toxins are available instantly. This is a nasty stuff, but I’m going to warn you and maybe we can save some lives or improve some lives! You better believe that I will make INSTANT changes to my daughters’ lives as they grow! I’ve got a ton to show you about this, but let’s go here next: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdq9hpp-wyA Here’s more from EHN.org: Endocrine-disrupting chemicals, also known as EDCs, are natural or human-made substances that interfere with the healthy functioning of the body’s endocrine system. The endocrine glands are located throughout the body. They produce hormones and have receptors to respond to these hormones. Endocrine glands are the pituitary and thymus. Hormones are messengers that travel through the body, delivering instructions to biological processes such as growth and development, sleep, digestion, and childbirth. More than 50 hormones are produced by humans. These include estrogen and testosterone, which control sexual development as well as “feel-good” hormones such as serotonin and endorphins, which regulate mood along with other processes. Endocrine-disrupting chemical substances alter the way that the endocrine systems works. Some EDCs mimic the effects of hormones in the body. Some EDCs block hormones’ action, increase or reduce their levels, or alter the way the body reacts. Endocrine disruptors are dangerous in small amounts because the endocrine is so sensitive. One part per trillion, for example, is the equivalent of a drop of water in twenty Olympic-sized swimming pool. Some of these substances are so dangerous that there is no level of exposure to lead that is not harmful in some way. According to an estimate, there are approximately 1,000 endocrine-disrupting chemicals in use today. This number is probably an underestimate. Only a small number of the hundreds of thousands synthetic chemicals have been evaluated for their effects on endocrine systems. These studies and others have shown that personal-care products can be a significant source of exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals. If you are concerned about your reproductive health then ditch them or look for natural alternatives. pic.twitter.com/FvVCuPQoez — RAW EGG NATIONALIST (@Babygravy9) July 21, 2023 Ok, so now you’re probably saying I get it, this is terrible, but what can I do? You’re correct, the situation is bleak… But it’s much worse than that …. These 11 corporations are mainly owned by THREE companies: BlackRock… Vanguard…… and State Street! It’s called ILLUSION OF CHOICE: You won’t find the solution at your local grocery store …. No, not at Target or Wal-Mart. Nope! These are EDC havens, folks! NO THANKS! What’s the answer? What about this: There is only one pro-American company left …. that is American made and manufactured. It’s also chemical free, toxins free, hormone free. I’m joining forces with them to FIGHT back! This is the company that I’ve partnered with on my new Mission, which I keep mentioning. This company has been in business for 38 years! We launched our new Mission in February. What a track record! Watch this: Time to make the switch….. It’s INVITE ONLY, jump on the list here https://t.co/0HBTcCFOyQ pic.twitter.com/HTbHs1ZW7f — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) December 5, 2023 https://switchwithnoah.com Backup here if that doesn’t play: Want in? It’s invitation only ….https://t.co/9cjSEFFqKF pic.twitter.com/aRfYggpCGo — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) July 26, 2023 It’s Invite Only but the invite is completely free! I’ve assembled an entire team of patriots that will personally invite you and sign you up …. if you want to join. We don’t have too many strongholds. This is it. I’m in. If you’d like to find out more and get a FREE personal invite, just go here: https://SwitchWithNoah.com Tell them Noah sent you and I promise you will get a personal call, text or email. Do not panic if you receive a message. If you request a Free Invitation (Link here), someone from my Inner Circle will contact you …. so be prepared! These are amazing people and I know you’ll enjoy talking to them. They’ll also help you get everything set up. Put me to the test…I’ve had people run their products through the most thorough, scientific lab tests possible and they passed with flying colors. NO EDC’S!! SAFE! NON-TOXIC! Who’s with me?! Am I saying that we can CURE infertility? Absolutely not. Do I mean that you should think about getting as far as possible away from EDCs? 100% yes. Let’s see what happens if we start there. Sound good? What is the main medical credo? DO NO HARM. What if we stop using the products that cause harm, and then see what happens? Is that good for everyone? – Noah p.s. We will go in order of arrival, since everyone gets personal attention. If you’re excited, you should ask for an invite as soon as possible. Otherwise, you may be at the bottom of the list. I have a great staff, but they are limited and will only work on a “first-come-first-served” basis. Request a free invite here


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