One of the most brightly shining quasars is 12 billion light-years away. It shines brighter than 500 trillion Suns. It’s the fastest growing black hole ever, with a mass of one Sun per day. But it’s 12 billion light years away.
The post Scientists Spot Brightest Object Ever – 500 Trillion Times More Luminous Than the Sun appeared initially on Good News Network.
“}]] Twelve billion light years ahead, one has been discovered that is shining brighter than 500 trillion suns. Quasars are the brilliant cores of far-off galaxies powered by giant black holes. It is the fastest-growing dark hole to date, expanding in mass at the rate of one Sun per day, but at 12 billion light years
On Good News Network, a post titled” Scientists Spot the Brightest Object Ever—500 Trillion Times More Luminous Than the Sun” first appeared.