Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) In remarks made on Monday, Van Hollen accused Israel of a ‘textbook war crimes’. Van Hollen referred to a recent report from the World Food Program, the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund and the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund that detailed the lack of food in Gaza due to Israel’s retaliatory blockade against Hamas.
Chris Van Hollen, Sen. (D-Md. ) In remarks made on the Senate floor on Monday, Israel was accused of committing a “textbook war crime.” In light of Israel’s hostile siege against Hamas on the…, Van Hollen discussed a recent analysis from the World Food Program and the United Nations Childrens Emergency Fund that revealed there was no access to food in Gaza. Chris Van Hollen, Sen. ( D- Md. ) In remarks made on the Senate floor on Monday, Israel was accused of committing a “textbook war crime.” In light of Israel’s hostile siege against Hamas on the…, Van Hollen discussed a new analysis from the World Food Program and the UN Children’S Emergency Fund that revealed Gazans were unable to access food.
Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) In remarks made on Monday, Van Hollen accused Israel of a ‘textbook war crimes’. Van Hollen referred to a recent report from the World Food Program, the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund and the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund that detailed the lack of food in Gaza due to Israel’s retaliatory blockade against Hamas.