[[{“value”:”Steve Kirsch, founder of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, recently discovered that the number of people who received the Wuhan coronavirus ( COVID- 19 ) vaccine and had dementia had increased 1, 000 times. The World Health Organization ( WHO ) estimates that it is currently one of the leading causes of disability and dependency among older people worldwide and the seventh leading cause of death.
Article by Belle Carter that has been republished with Naturalnews.com’s consent.
All of the data is publicly available, but it might have been hidden or organizations like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( CDC ) might not have given the public the information they needed. Kirsch, however, took the initiative to double-check, and it only took him a few seconds to learn the truth. He discovered 998 cases where the brain condition was symptomatic in comparison to the types of vaccines from the Dec. 29, 2023 release of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS ) data, according to a graph on the national vaccination information center website.
He went on to say that the calculation does n’t apply to all vaccines in history at once, but rather to the average vaccine. It’s important to note that many of these vaccines have much higher doses than the pandemic vaccine, and if that were taken into account, Kirsch continued, the difference would be even greater.
In his Substack newsletter dated January 30, Kirsch concluded,” The results are self-explanatory: the COVID- 19 vaccines cause dementia.” Anyone who claims that” correlation is n’t causation” should clarify the COVID-19 vaccine’s role in the situation. Additionally, he claimed that no one would also want to engage in a discussion with him about this because nobody would be interested in discussing the truth. Perhaps worse, the mainstream media would not perhaps report and cover this.
The separate investigator also emphasized that individuals seeking an immigration visa to the United States would need to administer the COVID-19 vaccine. ” But you too may develop dementia!” He continued. Additionally, no medical condition would permit a person to decline the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, unlike different shots. The fact that the aforementioned jabs are advised specially to pregnant women, he claimed, is even more astounding. And this is true despite nurse Michelle Gershman’s shocking revelation that it can multiply fetal deaths by at least 50 times. Lastly, he continued to advise those who wished never to take the shots to do so religiously. However, almost no one is approved, according to observers.
Kirsch even published a report in August of last year stating that COVID-19 vaccines are associated with an increased risk of early-onset dementia by 2,500 percent. A charge nurse at a rehabilitation and long-term elder care facility informed him of the staggering number of new dementia cases that are emerging all around her. Prior to the pandemic, it was uncommon for a healthcare professional to witness someone abruptly display dementia-like behaviors, such as abrupt onset hallucinations. The nurse has observed early onset dementia symptoms appear almost 50 times in just a year or two following the roll-out of vaccines, which is 25-fold an increase in the illness rate. ( Related: COVID shots are associated with a 2, 500 % higher risk of developing early dementia. )
Drug producers develop treatments for the wounds that their COVID-19 vaccines caused.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene ( R- GA ) expressed concern about the” shots” at one point during the testimony portion of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic hearing earlier in January, aside from the acknowledged and established fact that they contained foreign spike proteins that damage the body systems and cause blood clots. Some studies have been cited by contentious doctors Peter McCullough, Ryan Cole, and Kirk Milhoan to support these claims, but they bemoaned how President Joe Biden’s government agencies disregarded them. Another point is that it appears that the Big Pharma companies have developed drugs and vaccines that could” cure” the negative effects of the COVID-19 shots.
Green also used Big Pharma’s adage,” Sell the illness and then sell the cure.” and their allies in Congress compel Americans to foot the bill for it. In some instances, Washington operates in this manner. Do these vaccine producers sell the treatments for the diseases they’re producing if, as you’ve mentioned, they created these vaccinations with chemical mRNA that has caused heart disease, strokes, neurological issues, and everything else?
Board-certified anatomical and clinical pathologist Cole did n’t respond directly but said he finds it ironic that Pfizer, a significant drugmaker, recently spent$ 40 billion on an organization that treats cancer. According to data from the U. K.’s Office for National Statistics, there has been an unprecedented increase in the deaths of young people between 2021 and 2022 from quickly metastasizing and terminal cancers since the start of COVID- 19 vaccines. Additionally, it was discovered that Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine was tainted with DNA fragments that cause cancer.
McCullough, an internist and cardiologist, struck in and said he had never prescribed so some blood thinners in his career after the roll-out of the mRNA vaccines. ” This is extraordinary,” she said. I’m confronted with blood clots from various scenarios all day long, he said. The first coronavirus treatment proponent likewise showed how expensive medical procedures are becoming more and more expensive. He has been ordering electrocardiograms (ECG or EKG ) and cardiac magnetic resonance images ( MRIs ) more and more recently, as well as frequent visits to the emergency room, particularly in those who are military service members.
Watch the complete, unfiltered account of the COVID-19 vaccine-related injuries hearing in Congress below.
More articles on the unfavorable effects of the coronavirus injections can be found on VaccineInjuryNews.com.
This article’s sources include:
WHO. not
KirschSubstack .com is the first.
2 KirschSubstack .com
News.com- Expose
Steve Kirsch LIVEs At MIT’s” Kirsch Auditorium.”
Steve Kirsch LIVES At MIT’s” Kirsch Auditorium.”
Steve Kirsch has been covered with pride numerous times around at WLTReport.
He’s doing a fantastic job of highlighting the serious risks associated with the transcriptional vaccine.
In addition, he has quite the impressive bio, in case you were n’t aware of his background and story:
Steve Kirsch, an American businessman and MIT alumnus, has made major advancements in philanthropy and technology. His academic career has included graduating from MIT in 1980 with a Bachelor of Science and Master’s degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
One of Kirsch’s most renowned accomplishments was co-inventing the optical mouse in 1980, a crucial advancement in computer hardware. His innovative spirit inspired him to launch a number of businesses, including Frame Technology Corp., which Adobe acquired in 1995, and Infoseek, he sold to Walt Disney Co. in 1999. Additionally, he founded the spam-filtering company Abaca and Propel Software. He introduced OneID in 2011, concentrating on creating a common key cryptography-based online identity system.
By 2007, Kirsch and his wife Michele had founded a nonprofit organization that had raised$ 75 million for various causes. Following his diagnosis of a rare form of cancer, his philanthropy extends to medical research, particularly refocusing his foundation to support empirical treatments.
Since some of you have requested the link to watch the Kirsch Auditorium at MIT (yes, named after him ) last night, as we previously reported, I wanted to provide it to you here.
Interesting presentation!
Enjoy yourself:
Steve Kirsch is currently residing at MIT. co/EpZq6QkILA
30 November 2023, Daily Noah.com ( @Daily NoohNews )
Adam Deng and Specner Sindhusen of the MIT Students for Open Inquiry extended an invitation to Kirsch to speak at the university:
Obtaining FREE Speech on College Campuses! ( along with Spencer Sindhusen and Adam Deng )
I have great news for you: we’re going to be just fine if you have any concerns that the “next generation” will destroy this nation.
In fact, the next generation appears to be on the verge of turning things around from some of the mess created by the” Woke” people who are currently in charge of all facets of our society.
Because I had the opportunity to speak with Adam Deng and Spencer Sindhusen on my show today, I have a lot of hope.
On the MIT campus, Adam and Spencer co-founded the Students for Open Inquiry ( MSOI), a brand-new student organization that is waging war against the Woke mind virus that has wiped out so many university cultures.
Sadly, MIT is not an exception.
Adam and Spencer therefore came to the conclusion that it was time to “fight back “—time to speak out and declare that we disagree with the Cancel Culture practiced by those in power at the moment! We do n’t want free speech to be suppressed! We do n’t want intimidation to the point where no one will dare to question the status quo or propose a novel concept that might be in opposition to” Woke” ideology!
Adam and Spencer made the wise observation that our institutions are being completely destroyed by the Woke culture.
Where available discussion and free exchange of ideas are supposed to be the strongest, they are now all but nonexistent. And that causes an empires to quickly fall apart. has always been and always will be.
Because of this, I assert that I have more faith in individuals like Adam and Spencer than I do in the majority of the faculty and staff at these colleges and universities.
The same could be said for the majority of executives in large businesses, those in charge of great pharmaceuticals, and most definitely those who oversee the MSM.
Standards for Environmental, Social, and Governance ( ESG) and Diversity, Equality and Inclusion ( DEI ) are utterly ruining creativity and intellectual development. suffocating them!
I become really enthusiastic about our future when I see good people acting in addition to speaking out.
Additionally, I’m thrilled to cover them around on this platform!
Adam and Spencer were present on my show today, and I ca n’t wait for you to hear it.
On Rumble, you can watch:
Additionally, on YouTube:
They’re now making great progress, but they need your help.
Please spread this word and let everyone know that there ARE wonderful things taking place on our college campuses and with the upcoming generation of British leaders!
The Kirsch Auditorium on MIT’s Campus (yes, named after him ) is the location of their upcoming event, which will take place on Thursday, November 30, 2023 at 6 p.m. EST, and will feature a keynote address from Steve KirSCH ( an ex-MIT 1980 graduate ).
You can access all of those specifics here: https ://mitsoi.com/kirsch .html.
If you’re unable to attend locally, there is also a livestream you can watch ( I’ll be watching ).
More information on MSOI and the outstanding work they do is provided below:
Meet the MIT champions who are returning completely speech!
I’m so happy to share this story with you because I adore it so much. And to introduce you to the College Campus, one of the world’s least welcoming environments for complimentary speech, where three courageous proponents are fighting.
A sewer of elitism and intolerance for any ideas that do not entirely align with Far Left Wokeism has replaced what was once a stronghold of free speech and the robust debate of competing ideas.
Thus depressing.
However, three courageous students are retaliating, and I ca n’t wait to highlight their efforts.
Meet Adam, Isabella, and Spencer:
They created the MIT Students for Open Inquiry ( MSOI ) group together.
By promoting heterodox thinkers and dissidents, they hope to spread completely speech.
I’ve always believed that speaking up for great people is a crucial first step in restoring our nation.
We’ve been intimidated into silence and made to feel ashamed that friends, family, and coworkers will avoid us if we dare to speak out about traditional values!
However, democracy perishes in silence, and in reality, there are probably MANY MORE people who share liberal values who have also been shunned, embarrassed, or scared into silence.
Good people are needed to speak up and speak away!
Great attorneys…
Great physicians…
Excellent teachers…
competent plumbers…
decent pastors
and particularly top-notch students across all university campuses!
Activate MSOI.
Lately, they invited Hirsh Singh, a Ron Paul Republican and Trump supporter, to speak about his social background and policy views.
A trans group attempted to oust Deng in an email, but they were successful in defending Hirsh.
With” Hirsh Singh: A Political Odyssey,” the newly founded MIT Students for Open Inquiry ( MSOI ) launched its campaign to promote free speech on Tuesday, November 14. A group of students, teachers, and alumni listened to Singh, a longtime Republican and self-described “nerd from New Jersey” with “background in engineering,” as he gave an intelligent speech on politics from the inside, lessons learned, as well as his own journey from college inspiration to action.
Singh claimed that Ron Paul, a former House Representative, and the Viennese economics center Mises Institute encouraged him to get involved in politics. He emphasized the significance of upholding the founding principles of America and financial liberty. Singh chose politics because he supported free speech and said,” Also if someone says something that I completely disagree with, I believe in the concept of letting them express it so I can understand what I might not understand.” I love this country with all of my heart and believe that it can accomplish so much more than what has been happening. If fresh information comes along that …calls into question what I believe, I will consider it and constantly adapt and change to be correct.
The discussion covered both theoretical and practical wisdom. You ca n’t actually fix the world or move it in the right direction if you’re operating from the standpoint of idealism, singeth balanced hope and action. The guardrails should be idealism, but before you start making changes, you need to understand the circumstances as they are. Money does n’t win anything because you’re not persuading people by throwing money at them, he said, adding that it’s true that you need money to participate in the game.
He gave the impression that he was solidifying to the young people by saying,” If you really want to be political, get involved in every policy issue so you can understand what you believe. Otherwise, you wo n’t be able to persuade anyone else unless you’re speaking from your own conviction.” When you’re young, you think you know everything, and only by going through that wringer do you actually become more capable of understanding how the world really works, Singh recalled his own experiences. Make sure you understand why you stand where you do that, even if they approach you with gotcha questions, at least you know you’re standing on your own two feet, was the last piece of assurance you received.
Thereafter, there was a Q& session during which Singh was the subject of numerous inquiries from various perspectives. European policy was the most talked-about subject: Russia, Ukraine, and China, Taiwan. Singh did not want to” send American sons and daughters over to Ukraine to die” and was “very much opposed to continuing aggression in the Ukraine space.” However, Singh advocated for” showing ] firm resolve that under no circumstances are we going to allow [ China ] to take Taiwan, which he called “very different.” And if they are aware of this, they wo n’t pose a threat to Taiwan’s future.
Singh evaluated the British economy and its rivalry and stated that he was unaffected by China’s belt and road initiative. In fact, I believe that all we need to do is bring manufacturing back to the United States for fundamental problems and enable varied economical use of factories. When asked about labor, Singh focused on his home state and added a nuance to unionization, saying,” New Jersey is very union state, and I would say that …it’s such an expensive state …and …you have bureaucratic overstep because the unions have superior power, which is baked in the cost of many things and has disconnected the original intent.” I therefore support union workers more than union members.
Singh’s two responses to the question of the 2020 election and the covid vaccine —” Forcing someone to inject themselves with something that has n’t been fully tested or something you have a particular doubt about is anathema to America “—were that no MIT Students for Open Inquiry event is complete without—as the name implies—touching some taboos. Singh made a crucial case for free speech on third-rail issues, saying,” Whenever you try to restrict someone’s speech, the bad ideas do n’t disappear.” They sink, become more hideous, and worsen. He receives praise from the MSOI for defending completely speech.
Disagreements surfaced when a trans advocacy group suggested cancellation in an email to MIT undergrads, claiming Singh would bring “harm” and “discomfort.” With an appropriate” Thank you for your free speech,” the MSOI repelled these assaults on open inquiry and held its ground. Visit the MSOI website to access the exchange.
The event was a huge success nevertheless, with an academic stream of politics and observations, legal discussion, and renowned audience viewpoint diversity. As it continues its fight for free speech in the world’s math and tech hub, the MSOI has created a beachhead for unconventional viewpoints on academic grounds, particularly right-wing ones.
On Odysee and Rumble, you can watch the video of the entire event.
The fall semester of the MSOI is jam-packed with speakers on a variety of subjects. Their activities can be seen here. Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, an impartial presidential candidate and MIT ’87 email inventor, is then invited to the stage by the MSOI.
The cancellation of Professor Dorian Abbot appears to have encouraged the founding of MSOI.
Cancel culture struck, but this time it also produced something new in addition to canceling a voice it did n’t like. MSOI.
More information about the notorious cancellation is available from the MIT Free Speech Alliance:
The prominent John Carlson Lecture at MIT on the habitability of planets outside of our Solar System was given by Professor Dorian Abbot of the University of Chicago. The date was October 21, 2021. A Twitter campaign was created to dissuade him from entering throughout September of that year. MIT informed Professor Abbot that his lecture would be canceled on September 30.
Why was n’t Abbot invited?
In 2020, Prof. Abbot created YouTube videos urging hiring people based on their individuality more than group identity. Then, on August 12, 2021, Abbott published an editorial in Newsweek supporting Merit, Fairness, and Equality ( MFE ) rather than Diversity, Equity and Inclusion ( DEI ) for faculty recruitment and promotion. To prevent him from giving lectures at another universities, a Twitter campaign was started. A group of current alumni, postdocs, and graduate students from MIT demanded that he be rejected on Twitter in late September. The lecture was postponed eight days after. Professor Robert van der Hilst, director of the Earth, Atmospheric &, Planetary Sciences ( EAPS), announced the invitation. According to the New York Times (quoted in an open-access Reason article ):
He emphasized that before deciding to reschedule the lecture, he spoke with top M. I. T. officials. Dr. van der Hilst remarked,” It was n’t who shouted the loudest.” ” I listened quite intently.”
Dr. van der Hilst made the speculative claim that Black students might have been turned away if they had learned of Mr. Abbot’s opinions on racial action. M. I. T. has hoped to draw these students to the school with this lecture program, which was established to investigate fresh climate science findings. He acknowledged that these same students might run into professors or perhaps mentors in the future who have opposing political ideologies.
Dr. van der Hilst said,” Those are good questions, but they’re a little speculative.” ” Freedom of speech goes a long way, but it makes civility challenging.”
The Consequences of the Cancellation
Professor Abbot’s expulsion from MIT was frequently reported, including in the London Daily Mail, New York Times, Atlantic, Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, and Boston Herald. The disinvitation was frequently noted as a new lower in university suppression of free speech: Abbot was rejected because of his opinions expressed in related writing rather than what he was going to say in his lecture.
Steve Kirsch has even been invited to speak by the group, according to Twitter:
I was invited by MIT to give a speech in my auditorium. All of my previous requests were turned down because they were unable to locate a faculty sponsor. I anticipate that this talk will draw a sizable crowd. pic. z7Xo7 XgpcJ on twitter.com
On November 3, 2023, Steve Kirsch ( @stkirsch )
Naturally, as some people were horrified by his invitation, there was an immediate “reee-ing” from the Far Left.
One Twitter response felt compelled to mention that Kirsch correctly points out that it’s possible that MIT also had to approve the invitation, which was made by a Student Group rather than the university.
It needed MIT’s approval.
Do you object to that in any way?
Would you be interested in chatting on Twitter?
Or do you prefer to make fun of people from a distance?
Steve Kirsch ( @stkirsch ) on November 4, 2023
The irony that Steve Kirsch would be speaking in his “own” Auditorium is unfathomable.
Think about that!
And never also welcomed by the majority of students on the far-left campus:
Which simply serves to emphasize the crucial role of MSOI.
The MSOI Charter states the following:
The Chicago Principles and the MIT Free Expression Statement are both supported and affirmed by us. We also think that you have the right to offend people, no rights to be absolved of wrongdoing, and no right or expectation that your views will be protected from those you find objectionable.
However, a statement of rights is insufficient. To implement these rights, the MSOI is present.
We are in a unique position to challenge the current censorship-educational difficult as MIT students. The future of America and MIT belong to the youth. Will we allow reactionary tyrants to rule the Institute and the nation, or will we stand up for our heritage of liberty and completely thought?
It’s a lone battle. Some organizations have the guts to oppose a system that punishes disobedience and demands obedience. However, we have come to the conclusion that it is preferable to struggle against imposed intellectual orthodoxy and bear the consequences than to live in its shadow with our careers secure but our morals and ideals crushed.
In order to achieve this, we will identify, expose, and neutralize the censorship-industrial complex and the constrictive groupthink it has placed on us. We will invite students, professors, and alumni to interact with guest speakers who are offensive to the organization. To encourage our classmates to question authority and consider orthodox ideas, we will hold student gatherings, rallies for students, and debates. To highlight our events, spread the word, and inspire universities to support available inquiry, we will write our personal news.
We are committed to being the forerunners and role models for upcoming completely speech activists while maintaining a beachhead on what has turned into angry academic territory. We’ll start the present censorship and forced speech regime’s downfall. And we’ll succeed.
However, I would n’t anticipate anything less from MIT students.
It’s too bad that administrators and professors do n’t have the same sensibilities because they are so far removed.
But if you’ve ever worried about the future of our country, know that three courageous and astute students founded this organization to fight back against intolerance and irrelevance while the professors and administration continue to sag further and further in favor of FREE SPEECH and FREE AND OPEN EXCHANGE OFIDEAS.
Students like these and free thinkers like this are what can elevate not just our universities but even our nation to prominence!
Maintain your positive attitude, MSOI; we are supporting you from a distance!”}]] [[{“value”:”
Steve Kirsch, founder of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, recently discovered that the number Wuhan coronavirus vaccine recipients with dementia had increased by 1,000 times. According to the World Health Organization, it is the seventh leading cause for death and one the most common causes of disability and dependence among older people worldwide.
Article by Belle Carter republished from Naturalnews.com with permission.
The data was all in plain sight, but it may have been hid or agencies like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may not have informed the public. Kirsch checked and it only took him a few moments to discover the truth. He found 998 cases of brain conditions that were symptomatic in relation to the types of vaccines on the National Vaccine Information Center’s website. The data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, released Dec. 29, 2023, was used.
He explained that the calculation was relative to the average vaccination and not all vaccines combined. Kirsch said that it is important to remember that many of these vaccinations have more doses than coronavirus vaccines and that the difference will be even more extreme if this is taken into consideration.
Kirsch concluded his Substack Newsletter dated January 30 with the statement: “The results are obvious: The COVID-19 vaccines can cause dementia.” “Anyone who says that ‘correlation doesn’t equal causation’ must explain what the real cause was if this wasn’t caused by the COVID-19 vaccination.” Kirsch concluded in his Substack newsletter dated Jan. 30. The mainstream media would not report on this.
The independent investigator reminded people that they would need to take the COVID-19 vaccination to obtain an immigration visa for the U.S. “So, you can also get dementia!” he added. SARS-CoV-2 vaccination is not affected by any medical condition, unlike other vaccines. He said that it is even more shocking that these jabs are only recommended to pregnant women. This is despite the shocking revelation by nurse Michelle Gershman that the jabs can increase fetal death rates by 50 times or even more. He still recommended religious exemption for those who did not wish to take the vaccines. Observers claim that almost no one is approved.
Kirsch released a report in August of last year that linked COVID-19 vaccinations to a 2,500 percent increased risk for early onset dementia. He spoke with a charge nurse from a long-term care facility and rehabilitation center who told him how many dementia cases she has seen in the past few years. Before the pandemic the healthcare professional rarely saw anyone suddenly exhibit dementia like behaviors, including sudden onset of hallucinations without apparent reason. In just a year or so after the introduction of vaccines, the nurse saw early onset dementia symptoms nearly 50 times. This represents a 25-fold rise in the rate of illness. (Related to: COVID vaccines linked to 2,500% increase in risk of early-onset dementia.
Drug companies create cures for injuries caused by their COVID-19 vaccines
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-GA, raised a concern during the House Select Subcommittee hearing on the Coronavirus Pandemic earlier in January. She did not mention the fact that the “shots”, as they were called, contained foreign spike proteins which can harm the body and cause blood clots. Peter McCullough and Ryan Cole, two controversial doctors, have cited studies that prove these claims are true. However they lamented the fact that President Joe Biden’s government agencies ignored their findings. Another point is that Big Pharma companies appear to have manufactured medications or vaccines that could “cure” adverse reactions caused by the COVID-19 injections.
Green quoted Big Pharma, “‘Sell the cure and then the disease. Their friends in Congress then force Americans to pay. Washington is often involved in these cases.
Cole, a board certified anatomic and clinicalpathologist, didn’t answer directly, but he said that he finds ironic the fact that Pfizer, a major drug manufacturer, just spent $40 billion to buy a cancer treatment firm. Since the introduction of COVID-19, the Office for National Statistics in the U.K. has reported that the death rate of young people from terminal and rapidly metastasizing cancers has increased by an unprecedented amount between 2021-2022. Pfizer’s mRNA vaccination was also found to contain cancer-causing DNA fragments.
McCullough, an internist and cardiologist, said that he had never prescribed as many blood thinners during his career. “This is extraordinary. “I’m constantly confronted by blood clots in different scenarios,” said he. The early proponent of coronavirus treatment also revealed the skyrocketing prices for medical procedures. He has seen a rise in the number of cardiac electrocardiograms and magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs).
Below you can watch the unedited full coverage of the Congressional hearings on the injuries caused COVID-19 vaccines.
VaccineInjuryNews.com has more stories on the adverse events of the coronavirus injections.
Sources for the article include:
KirschSubstack.com 1
KirschSubstack.com 2
Steve Kirsch LIVE At The “Kirsch Auditorium” At MIT
Steve Kirsch LIVE At The “Kirsch Auditorium” At MIT
Steve Kirsch has been covered by WLTReport many times.
He is doing a great job exposing the extreme risks of the mRNA vaccination.
If you’re not familiar with his story and background, he has a pretty impressive bio.
Steve Kirsch is an American entrepreneur, MIT alumnus and philanthropist who has made significant contributions to technology and philanthropy. Steve Kirsch earned a Bachelor of Science, a Master’s of Science in Electrical Engineering, and Computer Science at MIT in 1980.
Kirsch’s most notable achievements include the co-invention of the optical mouse in 1980. This was a pivotal innovation for computer hardware. His entrepreneurial spirit led to him starting several companies, such as the search engine Infoseek which he sold in 1999 to Walt Disney Co. and Frame Technology Corp. acquired by Adobe in 1996. He also founded Propel Software, Abaca and Abaca Spam Filter Technology. In 2011, he founded OneID, which focuses on developing a digital identification system using public key encryption.
Kirsch and his wife Michele established a charitable foundation in 2007, contributing $75 million towards various causes. His philanthropy includes medical research. After being diagnosed with a rare cancer, he refocused his foundation on supporting experimental treatments.
As we reported earlier in the week, Kirsch was the keynote speaker at the Kirsch auditorium at MIT last night. Since many of you asked for the link to view, I wanted to provide that to you.
Fascinating presentation!
Steve Kirsch LIVE at MIT:https://t.co/EpZq6QkILA
DailyNoah.com November 30, 2023
Adam Deng and Specner Sindhusen of the MIT Students for Open Inquiry invited Kirsch to speak at MIT:
Reclaiming FREE SPEECH on College Campuses (with Adam Deng, Spencer Sindhusen and Spencer Sindhusen).
You don’t have to worry about the “next generations” ruining this country ….we will be fine!
In many ways, it looks like the next generation might be able to turn things around and fix some of the mess made by the “Woke”, people who are running all aspects of society today — and driving them into the ground.
I am filled with hope after speaking to Adam Deng and Spencer Sindhusen today on my show.
Adam and Spencer cofounded MIT Students for Open Inquiry, a new student organization on the MIT Campus that is already making waves. They are fighting back against the Woke Mind virus that has destroyed many University cultures.
Unfortunately, MIT is not an exception.
Adam and Spencer decided that it was time to “fightback” — to speak out and say we do not agree with the Cancel Culture imposed by those in power! We don’t want to stifle Free Speech! We don’t want to intimidate people so much that they won’t dare to challenge the status quo, or put forward a new idea which might go against the “Woke” ideologies!
Adam and Spencer correctly recognized that the Woke Culture is destroying our institutions.
The places where the free exchange and open discussion of ideas should be strongest have become almost non-existent. This leads to empires falling into a death spiral. Always has, and always will.
This is why I think I see more hope for people like Adam and Spencer, who are fighting and winning some big victories than I do for the majority of faculty and staff in these Colleges and Universities.
Most executives in Big Business or Big Pharma and those in charge of MSM could be described in the same way.
Diversity, Equality and Inclusion standards (DEI) and Environmental, Social and Governance standards (ESG) are destroying creativity and intellectual expansion. Crushing them!
When I see people speaking out and taking action, I am very excited about the future.
I am also excited to cover these topics on this platform.
Today I had Adam Spencer on my show and I was really excited to have you hear it.
You can watch Rumble here:
Here is a link to YouTube:
They are already doing great things, but they need your support.
Please share this message to let the world know that there are great things happening in our college campuses and with this new generation of American leaders.
The next event will be a talk by Steve Kirsch, an MIT 1980 Graduate, at the Kirsch Auditorium (yes, it is named after him), on MIT’s Campus, this Thursday, November 30, 2023, at 6pm EST.
All those details can be found here: https://mitsoi.com/kirsch.html
If you are unable to attend the event locally, you can also watch a livestream (I will be watching).
More on MSOI’s great work:
Meet the MIT Champions Reclaiming Free Speech!
I love this story, and I’m glad to share it with you ….and introduce you to the brave champions of freedom of speech who fought in one of most hostile free speech climates in the world: the College Campus.
What was once a bastion for free speech and vigorous debate between competing ideas, has now become a sewer for elitism.
It’s so sad.
But three brave students have fought back, and I’m so proud to highlight what they’re doing ….
Meet Spencer, Adam, and Isabella
Together, they formed MIT Students for Open Inquiry.
They aim to promote free speech by promoting dissidents, heterodox thinkers and other groups.
I have always said it is important for good people to speak out in order to take back our country!
We’ve been shamed into silence. If we dare to speak out about conservative values, we’ll be shunned from friends, family, and coworkers.
But Democracy dies when we remain silent. The truth is that there are probably FAR more people who share conservative values, but they’ve been shamed, frightened and shunned into silence.
We need people who will speak up and speak out.
Good lawyers…
Good doctors…
Good teachers….
Good plumbers…
Good pastors…
And especially good students on University campuses nationwide!
Enter MSOI.
Recently, they brought in Ron Paul Republican and Trump supporter Hirsh Singh, where he delivered a talk on his political journey and policy opinions.
According to an email from Deng, a trans group tried to cancel him, but they successfully defended Hirsh.
The newly-established MIT Students for Open Inquiry (MSOI) began its crusade to spread free speech with “Hirsh Singh: A Political Odyssey” on Tuesday, November 14th. Singh, a lifelong Republican and a self-described “nerd from New Jersey” with a “background in engineering”, delivered an insightful talk to a group of students, teachers, and alumni on politics from the inside, lessons learned, and his personal journey, from college inspiration to taking action.
Singh said former House Representative Ron Paul and the Mises Institute, an Austrian economics center, spurred his political involvement. He affirmed the importance of defending economic liberty and America’s founding values. Singh chose politics because “I love this country with all my heart, and I believe this country can do so much more than what has been going on”, and supported free expression: “Even if someone says something that I absolutely disagree with, I believe in the concept of letting them express it so that I can understand what I might not understand. If new information presents itself that…calls into question what I believe, I will take it under consideration and always adapt and change to be right.”
The talk included theoretical and experiential wisdom. Singh balanced hope and action, noting “You can’t actually fix the world or move it in the right direction if you’re operating from the standpoint of idealism. Idealism should be the guardrails, but you have to take what the current situation is into hand before you start actually adjusting it.” On money, he opined, “Yes, you need money for being involved in the game, but money doesn’t win anything, because you’re not convincing people by throwing money at them.”
To the youth, he conveyed a sense of gaining solidity: “If you have interest in really being political, go and dive deep into each policy issue so you can understand what you believe, because you’re not going to convince anyone else unless you’re speaking from your own personal conviction.” Singh recounted his own experiences: “When you’re young, you think you know everything, and only through going through that wringer do you actually become more capable of understanding how the world really works.” A final reassurance came with self-confidence: “Make sure you know why you stand where you stand, because if they come at you with gotcha questions, at least you know you’re standing on your own two feet.”
A Q&A session followed, in which many attendees of different perspectives asked diverse questions for Singh. The most common topic was foreign policy: Russia-Ukraine and China-Taiwan. Singh was “very much so opposed to continuing aggression in the Ukraine space” and did not want to “send American sons and daughters over to Ukraine to die.” But Taiwan, which he called “very different”, saw Singh advocate for “show[ing] firm resolve that under no circumstances are we going to allow [China] to take Taiwan. And if they understand that, then they’re not going to threaten [Taiwan’s] future.”
Singh assessed the American economy and its competition, and was “not threatened by [China’s belt and road initiative]. I actually think that we just need to bring manufacturing more back to the U.S. for core issues, and allow for diversified economic utilization of factories.” When asked about labor, Singh zoomed in on his home state and drew a nuance in unionization: “New Jersey is a very union state, and I would say that…it’s such an expensive state and…you have a bureaucratic overstep because of the unions having superior power, which is baked in the cost of a lot of things and has disconnected the original intent. So, I’m pro union worker more so than pro union.”
No MIT Students for Open Inquiry event is complete without–as the name implies–touching some taboos; when asked what the most forbidden topics in academia were, Singh’s two answers were the covid vaccine–“forcing someone to inject themselves with something that has not been fully tested or something you have a particular doubt about is anathema to America”–and questioning the 2020 election. Critically, Singh argued for free speech on third rail topics: “Whenever you try to limit someone’s speech, the bad ideas don’t disappear. They go under, and they get uglier, and they get worse.” The MSOI commends him for defending free speech.
Disagreements arose when a trans advocacy group sent an email to MIT undergrads suggesting a cancellation, saying Singh would bring “harm” and “discomfort.” The MSOI repelled these attacks on open inquiry and stood its ground, concluding the dialogue with an apt “Thank you for your free speech!” The exchange is available at the MSOI’s website, here.
Overall, the event was a big success, an intellectual stream of politics and observations, with civil discussion and audience viewpoint diversity notable. The MSOI has established a beachhead for uncommon opinions on academia’s soil, especially right-wing ones, as it continues the campaign for free speech at the math and tech capital of the world.
The video of the full event can be viewed on Odysee and Rumble.
The MSOI’s fall semester is packed with diverse speakers on diverse topics. Their events can be viewed here. The MSOI next invites Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT ’87 inventor of email, systems scientist, and Independent presidential candidate to the stage.
MSOI’s founding seems to have been spurred on by the Professor Dorian Abbot cancellation.
Cancel culture struck, but in addition to just cancelling a voice it didn’t like, this time it created something new….MSOI.
The MIT Free Speech Alliance has more on the infamous cancellation:
Professor Dorian Abbot of the University of Chicago was invited to give the prestigious John Carlson Lecture at MIT, on the topic of the habitability of planets outside our Solar System. It was scheduled for October 21, 2021. Throughout September that year, a Twitter campaign built to get him uninvited. On September 30, MIT told Professor Abbot that it was canceling his lecture.
Why was Abbot disinvited?
In 2020 Prof. Abbot made Youtube videos advocating to treat people as individuals and hiring them on that basis rather than on group identity. Then on August 12, 2021 Abbott published an op-ed in Newsweek advocating Merit, Fairness, and Equality (MFE) in place of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) for faculty hiring and promotion. A Twitter campaign was begun to get him disinvited from giving lectures at other universities. In late September, a group of MIT grad students, postdocs, and recent alumni demanded on Twitter that he be disinvited. Eight days later, the lecture was cancelled. The disinvitation was announced by Professor Robert van der Hilst, head of the Department of Earth, Atmospheric & Planetary Sciences (EAPS). As the New York Times put it (quoted in a Reason article which is open-access):
He stressed that he talked to senior officials at M.I.T. before deciding to cancel the lecture. “It was not who shouted the loudest,” Dr. van der Hilst said. “I listened very carefully.”
Dr. van der Hilst speculated that Black students might well have been repelled if they learned of Dr. Abbot’s views on affirmative action. This lecture program was founded to explore new findings on climate science and M.I.T. has hoped to attract such students to the school. He acknowledged that these same students might well in years to come encounter professors, mentors even, who hold political views at odds with their own.
“Those are good questions but somewhat hypothetical,” Dr. van der Hilst said. “Freedom of speech goes very far but it makes civility difficult.”
The Implications of the Cancellation
MIT’s disinvitation of Professor Abbot was widely covered, including by the New York Times, Atlantic, the Wall Street Journal, the Boston Globe, the Boston Herald, and the London Daily Mail. It was often noted that the disinvitation was a new low in university suppression of free speech: Abbot was disinvited not because of what he was going to say in his lecture, but because of his opinions expressed in unrelated writing.
According to Twitter, the group has also invited Steve Kirsch to come speak:
MIT invited me to give a talk in my auditorium. Previously, all of my requests were refused because they couldn’t find a faculty sponsor. I expect that this talk will be extremely well attended. pic.twitter.com/z7Xo7XgpcJ
— Steve Kirsch (@stkirsch) November 3, 2023
Of course that led to instant “reeeee-ing” from the Far Left as many were appalled at his invitation.
One reply from Twitter felt compelled to point out it was not MIT who invited him but a Student Group, to which Kirsch rightly points out that it’s likely MIT still had to approve it.
MIT had to approve it.
Do you have a problem with that?
Would you like to chat in a twitter space?
or do you prefer to insult people at a distance.
— Steve Kirsch (@stkirsch) November 4, 2023
The ultimate irony is Steve Kirsch would be speaking in his “own” Auditorium!
Imagine that!
And not even welcome by most on the far-left campus:
Which only underscores the absolute importance of MSOI.
The MSOI Charter reads as follows:
We support and affirm the MIT Free Expression Statement, as well as the Chicago Principles. We further believe you have a right to offend, and no right to be free from offense; a right to be wrong, and no right or expectation that you will be shielded from views you dislike.
But a statement of rights is not enough. The MSOI is here to put these rights into action.
As MIT students, we are uniquely positioned to challenge the prevailing censorship-educational complex. The youth are MIT and America’s future. Will we let the Institute and the country be run by censorious tyrants, or by defenders of our heritage of liberty and free thinking?
It is a lonely fight. Very few organizations have the gall to challenge an establishment that demands obedience and punishes dissent. But we’ve decided that it is better to fight enforced ideological orthodoxy and suffer the consequences than live under its shadow with our careers secure, but our spirit and ideals crushed.
To this end, we will identify, expose, and neutralize the censorship-industrial complex and the stultifying groupthink it has imposed on us. We will host guest speakers who are anathema to the establishment and invite students, professors, and alumni to engage with them. We will hold student meetings, rallies, and debates to challenge our classmates to question authority and open their minds to heterodox thoughts. We will write our own news to showcase our events, spread the word, and encourage universities to embrace open inquiry.
We are determined to secure a beachhead on what has become hostile academia territory and to be the pioneers and inspiration for future free speech fighters. We will instigate the demise of the current regime of censorship and compelled speech. And we will WIN.
But I would expect nothing less from MIT students.
Too bad the professors and administrators are so far gone they don’t share similar sensibilities.
But if you have ever feared for the future of our nation, understand that three brave and wise students created this organization to fight back in favor of FREE SPEECH and FREE AND OPEN EXCHANGE OF IDEAS, while the professors and administration sink farther and farther into intolerance and irrelevance.
It is students like this and free thinkers like this that can propel not only our Universities but also our Country to prominence!
Keep up the good fight MSOI, we’re rooting you on from afar!