Hey folks! He here with something very ridiculous to show you. This is some actual science, not the” Fauci Science” which I like to call” Scientism”. No, this is true science and it’s really important that you all see it. Why? Because I have a feeling that most of you— or someone in your household — cleans your shower, am I right? Cleans your bathroom? At least I hope you do, then I am scared for what condition your house is on! But here’s the deal… Have you ever sprayed those brand name cleaners from the store and found it almost difficult to breath after as you try and finish cleaning the shower? That should tell you something. It’s bad for you but until recently we did n’t know how bad. According to a study called” Cleaning at Home and at Work in Relation to Lung Function Decline and Airway Obstruction”, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, February 16, 2018, here’s what was found: Full study can be found here: https ://www.atsjournals .org/doi/full/10.1164/rccm.201706-1311OC#.WohWq602Zt4.twitter Here’s the summary from that link: Crazy right? It’s become so popular it’s now called the” Lung Study” and you can read the whole report at the link above from the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. From https ://online .flippingbook .com/view/575516/2/: But for the visual learners out there, let me show you a video. Watch this, it’s just two minutes but it properly shows what’s going on. There are two mason jars and chlorine test strips are taped to the top. Cleaner is finally sprayed in and the jars are closed. Two minutes pass and the results are cruelly clear. Watch: Chlorine test strips = our lungs. This is a two min lapse. Do you believe Chlorox is keeping your homespotless? Your lungs are suffering as a result. causes just as much harm as 20 years of smoking a pack of cigarettes per day! Q forewarned us Watch on. Time to make a change?
… pic. If you have any trouble getting that to play, here is a backup on Rumble: Crazy, right?Twitter.com/5oQH3YjOFz— Daily Noah.Com ( @Daily NoohNews ) July 9, 2023. You must be wondering what the bottle on the left is and where I can buy some of it. I’ve got you covered. The amazing thing is that this is only a small portion of the new Mission I’ve been talking about, which I launched in February. I adore this mission because it is both American-made, run by patriots who are creating the horizontal economy we so desperately need, and is focused on TRUE wellness. Therefore, your lungs wo n’t suffer any harm. No chemicals that are carcinogenic. In fact, it’s but secure that you could eat it in theory! That’s right, take a look at this: You and your children are safe from poisonous food. Clean from the tyrannical Big Companies… Clean from the dangerous Aspartame, Flouride, antibiotics, and mRNA in your beef, as well as the upcoming Lab Grown Beef that will soon appear on your grocery store shelves! Do any of those good appealing to you? You know the Lung Study I showed you up below, right? This is the other part I have to tell you. The business I’m working with on this new mission was completely unaware that they were yet trying! Since their goal is to simply produce SAFE and QUALITY wellness products, they naturally emerged as the study’s shining star. They did n’t commission it; they simply learned about it after the fact. What a nice thing that is. Oh, and this business has that mission, so they have not paid a Second DOLLAR in connection with an claim for product liability. Never one! Remember that Johnson & recently settled a$ 9 billion settlement? Which do YOU desire? The next aspect of this, which I adore, also entails developing our own parallel economy and defending this nation from those who are hell-bent on destroying it! Because they’re going to literally “delete” you pretty soon if we do n’t succeed. Consider being imprisoned in” Facebook Jail” to be poor? We’ve all been it, I wager. the prohibition of 24. the seven-day restriction. the 30-day ban. the deletion that is continuous. All of them have happened to me. In fact, I used to have a WeLoveTrump community on Facebook that had 1.5 MILLION members, most likely including many of you. Of course, I did nothing wrong, but Mark Zuckerberg eventually came to the conclusion that we should n’t exist. POOF: I had left. Deleted. removed. That’s bad, but if we do n’t create the Parallel Economy, this is what will happen next. Next time, you’ll be barred from the grocery store and not even permitted to enter, just like I was when I could n’t log into Facebook, rather than just being sent to Facebook Jail. Alternately, they might let you into the store only to have the banks cut off all of your credit cards. That’s coming, folks, and it will be right around the corner. This is the reason I’m on my novel mission. To defend ourselves with our money and to again businesses that are Made in America and ACTUALLY LIKE Americans! American-friendly, pro-liberty-freedom, and glad to do business with conservatives! It’s ridiculous that we also need to create this” Parallel Economy.” However, we do. Retail stores ( like Bed ), online retailers, and credit card processors. It has become abundantly clear that we must establish a PARALLEL Economy if we want to survive. Bath &, Beyond ), and so many other places have CANCELLED conservatives simply because they do n’t like us. I often imagined that I might have to start from scratch and do it all by myself, so to my surprise, I discovered a company that was already doing it! Additionally, they have been doing it for more than 35 years! They are National manufactured, American warehouses, and American shipping. In fact, Barack Obama listed their founder as one of his” Most Dangerous Conservatives.” I knew I had come to the right place when I learned those specifics! Therefore… Why are you unaware of them? as a result of their ZERO advertising. They remain hidden from the radar. Everything is just open to private invitations. That’s how they keep the undesirable actors up. However, now that I’m collaborating with them, I can let you in. And up, we can alter the world! Although I ca n’t guarantee that you’ll get a call right away, I will put you in the queue. In fact, since I began this mission in February, I’ve gotten in touch with over 70,000 people who have expressed interest in joining! Wow! There are so many people expressing interest in joining us on that mission. And I adore it! The only issue is that my modest team is completely overworked as a result of last night’s post. I forewarned you that all of this might occur. I suppose I anticipated it. And it’s AMAZING! However, it simply means that we might take a little longer to respond to you with your personalized” light glove” concierge response! We only have a large backlog, but we’ll get it! But if it’s okay, just be patient with me. I launched this website in 2015 because I was on a mission to spread the truth to as some people as possible. the reality that was n’t being discussed elsewhere. I began with the number0. Zero experience, zero funds, no backers, none of you have zero readers, and zero experience! Along the way, we’ve created a sizable community of Americans who adore America and want to restore its greatness. Every month, we then have an average of 4 to 6 million readers! And once more, we are expanding fairly fast. More significantly, the MISSION is expanding! But we’ve also encountered a lot of opposition. Oh, by any stretch of the imagination, it has n’t been simple. After having 1.5 million fans follow and adore our page, we were DELETED from Facebook. Simplypoof… One day, no more! Despite numerous sign-ups, emails sent to Junk or simply “disappeared” have been censored on nearly every platform available. Regarding email, we’ve been banned by two email providers because they veered to the far left. It has n’t always been simple, but we’re on a mission, and missions always succeed in the end. And today I want to share with you how that mission has grown. Our goal has been to spread the truth to as some people as we can since Day 1. But after being deleted, banned, and censored by nearly everyone online, I quickly understood the need for a horizontal economy. Stop giving money to the businesses that despise us and want to see us go! Do you still recall the Georgia Guidestones? They genuinely stated that they wanted to reduce the population of the Earth from 8 billion to just 500 million. It’s not a great deal, right? Just the eradication of 94 % of all current inhabitants. And yet, because we have n’t had much of a choice up until now, we continue to shop at their large stores and send them our money. Also, that has changed today. My mission EXPANDS today, and I ca n’t wait to get started! Let me introduce you to the answer. It’s time to” Make The Switch” and modify your monthly payment method. What if I told you that you could shop at the LAST pro- America, freedom-loving, British designer, manufacturer, and shipper of everything you buy each month instead of sending your money to Jeff Bezos, Costco, or Walmart? What if I told you that the goods are BETTER and frequently less expensive? For true, yes. What if I told you that this business has been operating in this manner for the past 37 years and that it is the best-kept secret you have ever heard of? And their founder was once listed among the top 10″ Dangerous Conservatives” in America by Barack Hussein Obama? ( a list I hope to compile one day! ) I hope you’ll join me on the mission because everything I’m about to tell you on is true. Here is a brief summary of the business that I am so happy to have joined forces with on this mission: Does anyone different think it sounds good? I to! It’s Invite Just, which is why you’ve never heard of them. You ca n’t just go sign up; I can get you in. They are glad to say “no” to the Far- Left Libs because they just want people on the same mission to join. They have been doing it for 37 years, and it has been very successful. Oh, and did I mention that the products are non-toxic and do n’t contain as many chemicals and other harmful ingredients as Red Dye 40, which is used by all the major corporations to make you weaker? to wear you out? to make you and your family ill? Because if you get tired, you’ll buy their medications! I apologize, but both my family nor I play that game. We’re referring to the LAST all-natural, grass-fed, hormone-free, sizable Black Angus beef cattle ranch in the US. Sound great huh? We’re talking about chemical-free cleaners, Deet-Free mosquito repellent, and Fluoride Free Toothpaste! What tale ideas, am I right? It’s a choice illusion; stop sending you money to these 11 businesses that do n’t care about your best interests. There is only one pro-American company left, one that is American-made and made, chemical, toxin-, and hormone-free. And I’m joining forces with them to FIGHT BACK! I’m with whom? Watch this: It’s time to switch. Jump on the list here https ://t.co/0HBTcFOy Q pic; it’s INVITE ONLY. As I previously stated, the invite is totally free and available at Twitter.com/HTbHs1ZW7f on December 5, 2023. In fact, I’ve put together a group of patriots who will physically arrange for your invitation and registration. if you wish to enter. Americans assisting Americans Patriots supporting one another. It’s called” Patriot Switch,” and I believe the name says it all. People, there are n’t many strongholds left. One like this. And I’m completely in. Go here: https ://SwitchWithNoah.com to learn more and receive a FREE personal invitation. Tell them Noah sent you, and I guarantee you’ll hear from them personally via phone, text, or email. When you do, do n’t freak out. If you request a Free Invite ( Link here: https ://SwitchWithNoah.com ), you WILL have someone from my Inner Circle contact you. I know I tend to get worried when I receive messages from numbers I do n’t recognize. Be prepared, then! These are wonderful people, and I believe you’ll enjoy having the opportunity to speak with them. They’ll also assist in getting you all set up. Who is with me and willing to give up lead, cadmium, and arsenic consumption? Your pal, Noahp. s. Since each person receives individualized attention, we will take these in the order that they are received. Therefore, if you are excited, request your invitation right away or you risk being way down the list. I have a fantastic team, but they can only accomplish so much and will just work on first-come-first-served basis. Visit https ://SwitchWithNoah.comSHARE to request a free invitation! [[{“value”:”
Hello everyone! Here’s something crazy to show you. This is not “Fauci science” or “scientism”, but actual science. This is real science, and it’s important that you all see this. Why? Because I think that most of you, or someone in your family, cleans your shower. Am I right? Does your bathroom need cleaning? I hope so, because if not I am afraid of the condition of your house! Here’s the thing… Have you ever used those store-bought cleaners and found that it was almost impossible to breathe afterward as you tried to clean the shower? This should tell you a lot. It’s bad but we didn’t realize how bad it was until recently. According to a study called “Cleaning at Home and at Work in Relation to Lung Function Decline and Airway Obstruction,” American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, February 16, 2018, here’s what was found: Full study can be found here: https://www.atsjournals.org/doi/full/10.1164/rccm.201706-1311OC#.WohWq602Zt4.twitter Here’s the summary from that link: Crazy right? The “Lung Study” has become so popular that it is now called by the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. You can read the complete report at the above link. From https://online.flippingbook.com/view/575516/2/: But for the visual learners out there, let me show you a video. Watch this video. It’s only 2 minutes long but it shows exactly what’s happening. Two mason jars are used and the tops of both are taped with chlorine test strips. The jars are then closed and cleaner is sprayed into them. The results are clear after two minutes. Watch: Chlorine test strips = our lungs. This is a 2 minute lapse. You think you can keep your house clean using Chlorox. Your lungs will pay the price. It’s as damaging as smoking a pack a day for twenty years! Q warned us Watch the video below. It’s time to switch…. pic.twitter.com/5oQH3YjOFz — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) July 9, 2023 If you have any trouble getting that to play, here is a backup on Rumble: Crazy right? You’re probably wondering what the bottle on the right is and how to get some. I got you covered. This is the cool part… I’ve talked a lot about my Mission that I launched last February, and this is only a small part of it. This Mission is so great because it’s 1 focused on TRUE Wellness and 2 American made, run by patriots that are building the Parallel Economy that we desperately need. This means that your lungs will not be damaged. No toxic chemicals. It’s actually so safe, you could eat it! Check this out: Free of poison food that kills you…and your children …. Free from Big Companies that hate you …. Free of toxic Aspartame…Free from Flouride…Free from antibiotics and MRNA in your beef…Free from the coming Lab Grown Meat that is showing up now on your grocery store shelves! Does any of that sound good? Here’s what I want to tell you… Do you remember the Lung Study that I showed you above? The company with whom I’m partnering on this new Mission didn’t know they were doing it! They didn’t commission the study… They only found out after the fact. And since their mission is simply to make SAFE and HIGH-QUALITY wellness products, it was no surprise that they were the shining star. What a cool thing! This company has never paid a single dollar in product liability claims because they have this mission. Not one! Remember that just a few short months ago, Johnson & Johnson reached a $9 billion settlement? Which one would YOU prefer? The second part that I love about this is that it also means we can create our own parallel economies and save this Country from people who are hell-bent to destroy it! They will literally “delete you” if we fail. Do you think being put in “Facebook Jail”, is bad? I’m sure we’ve all experienced it. The 24-hour ban. The 7-day ban The 30 day suspension. The permanent deletion. I’ve seen them all. I had a WeLoveTrump group on Facebook that included 1.5 MILLION members, including you. I did nothing wrong, of course. But one day Mark Zuckerberg decided that he didn’t believe we should exist ….and BOOF: I had disappeared. Deleted. Wiped out. It’s bad. But here’s what will happen if we don’t build the Parallel Economy. The next time, you won’t be thrown into Facebook Jail but instead, you will be banned from the supermarket, not allowed to enter — just as I was no longer permitted to log on to Facebook. Or…they will let you into the store, only to have your credit cards blocked by the banks. It’s right around the corner, folks. This is why I am on my new mission. To fight back with dollars… To support businesses that are Made In America, and who actually ARE Americans! Pro-American… pro-Freedom… pro-Liberty… and happy to do business conservatives! It’s absurd that we have to even build this “Parallel Economy “…. but we do. After credit card processors and online stores (like Bed. Bath & Beyond and many other places have CANCELLED conservatives because they don’t want us. It’s now clear that if we are to survive, we need to create a PARALLEL economy. I thought I would have to start from scratch and I was shocked to find a company that already did it! They’ve also been doing it for 35 years! The products are made in the USA, manufactured in the USA, stored in American warehouses and shipped from American ports. Their founder was even placed on Barack Obama’s list of “Most Dangerous Conservatives”. Once I learned those details, I knew that I had found the right place. Why haven’t I heard of ….? They do ZERO marketing. They are not visible. All invitations are personal. This is how they keep the bad actors out. Now that I work with them, I’m able to get you in ….and together we can change the whole world! I can’t guarantee you’ll get a call right away, but I will get you on the list! Since I started this mission in February, over 70,000 people have raised their hands and said that they want in! Wow! Wow! So many people have responded and said they want to join us in this mission. And I love it. The only problem I have is that my team is small and after last night’s post we are completely overwhelmed! I warned you that this could happen …. I sort of expected it …. It’s AWESOME. It just means that we may take a little longer to reply to you with a “white glove” concierge response! We will get to you, we just have an enormous backlog! Please be patient with me. When I launched this website in 2015, I did so because I was on mission… I wanted the truth to reach as many people as I could. The truth that was not being covered anywhere else. I started literally with zero. Zero experience… zero money… zero backers… zero readers… none of you! We’ve built an enormous community of people who love America, and want to make our country great again. We have between 4 and 6 Million readers each month! We’re growing quickly again. The MISSION is growing, and that’s important! We’ve also had to face major opposition. It hasn’t exactly been easy. After 1.5 million people had liked and followed our page, we were DELETED! Just poof ….one night, gone! We’ve had our emails censored, sent to Junk, or simply “disappeared”, despite the fact that people signed up repeatedly. Two email companies have banned us for going far-left. It hasn’t been easy, but we’re on MISSION. And mission always wins in the end. Today I want to tell about a new expansion of this mission. Since Day 1, we have been committed to spreading the truth to as many people possible. After being deleted, blocked and censored almost everywhere, I quickly realized that we need a Parallel Economy. We must stop sending our money to corporations that hate us, and want us to disappear! Remember the Georgia Guidestones? They literally said they wanted to reduce the Earth’s population from 8 billion to 500 million. No big deal, right? It’s just the elimination of 94% all people who are alive today. We continue to shop in their large stores and send our money to them because we have had little choice. Today, that all changes. Today my mission EXPANDS… I am SO excited! Let me introduce you to the answer. It’s time to make the switch and change where you spend your money each month. What if I said that instead of sending your money each month to Jeff Bezos, Costco, and Walmart, you should shop at the last pro-America, pro-freedom, American designer and manufacturer of all the things you buy? What if I told that the products were BETTER, and often cheaper? Yes, it’s true. What if I told that this is the best-kept secret you have never heard before and that this company has done this for 37 years? Their founder was placed on Barack Hussein Obama’s list of America’s Top 10 Most “Dangerous Conservatives”. One day I hope to compile my own list! All of this is real, and I am so excited to share it with you and I hope that you will join me on the MISSION. Here’s a brief summary of the company with which I am so excited to be partnered on this mission. Does this sound good to anyone else as well? I agree! You’ve never heard about them because they’re invite-only. You can’t sign up, but I can get you into the group. They’re happy to turn away the Far-Left Libs and only accept people who share the same mission. It’s worked for 37 years. Did I mention that the products are nontoxic and do not contain all the chemicals like Red Dye 40, which all the Big Corporations use to weaken you and make you weaker? To wear you out? To make you – and your family – sick? Then, when you fall ill, you’ll buy the drugs! Sorry, but I don’t and neither does my entire family play this game. We’re talking about the LAST 100% natural, grass-fed, no hormones, massive Black Angus cattle ranch in the United States …. Sound good? We’re talking Fluoride Free Toothpaste, chemical free cleaners, Deet-free mosquito repellant! What a novel concept, right? Stop sending your money to these 11 corporations who do not have your best interests at heart. It is an ILLUSION. There is only one pro-American company that is American made, manufactured, chemical free and hormone free ….and we are teaming up to FIGHT BACK together! Who’s with you? Watch this: Time to make the switch….. It’s INVITE ONLY, jump on the list here https://t.co/0HBTcCFOyQ pic.twitter.com/HTbHs1ZW7f — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) December 5, 2023 As I said, it’s Invite Only and the invite is completely free! I’ve assembled an entire team of patriots that will personally invite you and sign you up …. if you want to join. Americans Helping Americans. Patriots helping Patriots. The name of the program is “Patriot Switch”, and I believe it says it all. We don’t have too many strongholds. This is it. I’m in. If you’d like to find out more and get a FREE personal invite, just go here: https://SwitchWithNoah.com Tell them Noah sent you and I promise you will get a personal call, text or email. Do not panic if you receive a message. I know I tend to get concerned when I get messages from numbers I don’t recognize, but if you request a Free Invite (Link here: https://SwitchWithNoah.com) you WILL have someone from my Inner Circle reach out to you….so be ready! These are amazing people and I know you’ll enjoy the chance to speak with them. They’ll also help you get set up. Who’s with us and who’s ready for me to stop eating Arsenic Cadmium and Lead? Your friend, p.s. We will go in order of arrival, since everyone gets individual attention. If you’re excited, you should ask for an invite as soon as possible. Otherwise, you may be at the bottom of the list. I have a great staff, but they are limited and will only work on a “first-come-first-served” basis. Request a free Invite here: https://SwitchWithNoah.com SHARE!