Former President Trump promised to strengthen protections for Second Amendment Rights if he is reelected in November. “I promise that with me at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue no one will touch your firearms – just as it was for four years during my time there.
In a new promise to National Rifle Association ( NRA ) members made on Friday, former President Trump promised that if he is re-elected in November, Second Amendment rights will be better protected. ” I promise you that no one will put a finger on your firearms with me at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, just as it did for four years when I… If he is reelected in November, the National Rifle Association ( NRA ) members will receive stronger protections for Second Amendment rights, according to a new promise made by former president Trump on Friday. No one will touch your firearms while you are at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, as I have been doing for the past four years.
Former President Trump promised to strengthen protections for Second Amendment Rights if he is reelected in November. “I promise that with me at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue no one will touch your firearms – just as it was for four years during my time there.