I am aware that the majority of you have n’t watched Saturday Night Live in a while. I neither. When Norm Macdonald was hosting the Weekend Update, it was hilarious, but it has n’t been enjoyable to watch in a long time. perhaps decades. Watching older Norm Macdonald clips on YouTube is absolutely a better use of time. However, Shane Gillis, who was the host last night, is a very interesting guy and makes eerily funny and accurate Trump impressions. He is genuinely funny and does n’t do it in a mocking, mean-spirited manner. Wow, just picture that! What an original idea! And because it’s actually very funny, one of the skits from past night has gone viral today. Yes, it makes fun of Donald Trump ( and Joe Biden, by the way ), but it does so in a lighthearted manner. Like comedy is SUPPOSED TO BE, you know! If you find this to be interesting, please let me know. Was the Trump skit on SNL funny? # ShaneGillis image What do you think about Twitter.com/9KFVgce0Cg—Daily NoahNews ) February 25, 2024? Backup here Did you chuckle? It’s DEAD ON! is a better video of Gillis pulling off an amusing Trump impression. eerie! Regarding Trump impressions, I find Shane Gillis to be brilliant and does a fantastic job, but Captain Deplorable is also hilarious. Do you recognize this? Trump Goes To Chick- Fil- A…Recently, I brought you a fresh Captain Deplorable video, Trump Gives The Weather Report. It was amusing. You can see it around if you missed it: Captain Deplorable Is Up: Trump Gives The Weather ReportAnd today I had to show you one more. His drive through videos are some of my favorites and this one was another gem. Enjoy: TRUMP GOES TO CHICK- FIL- A! # Spicy Like Who# CHICKFILA# SpicyChickenSandwich# Waffle Fries# ChickenBiscuit# PolynesianSauce #STAYLOUD# LOUDMAJORITY# USA# AmericaFirst# CaptainDeplorable# OfficialCaptainDeplorable #MAGA pic. twitter.com/xRLRVaBNMp— UNGOVERNED w/ Shawn Farash ( @ Ungoverned Show ) January 16, 2022Backup here :@♬- And if you loved that, I have to show you this… My man CaptainDeplorable45 made a video all about WeLoveTrump.com and it’s absolute perfection! It really keeps getting better each time you watch. A true favorite of mine. I do n’t know how he does these but this man is a genius! You gotta watch this, it’s so great. Watch these on Rumble: Backup these: I Love You!! # WeLoveTrumpDotCom #MAGA# TrumpLoves WeLoveTrumpDotCom #WLT# RealNews #STAYLOUD# LOUDMAJORITY# USA# AmericaFirst# CaptainDeplorable# OfficialCaptainDeplorable https ://t.co/0AVv5ouPRr— UNGOVERNED w/ Shawn Farash ( @ Ungoverned Show ) January 9, 2022
https ://wltreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/We-Love-Trump_CaptainDeplorable .mp4My man, you absolutely NAILED IT! I’m also laughing… so great, thank you! If you want more, you can find a bunch more at his website here ( more videos, swag, etc ) https ://www.captaindeplorable45.comMore hilarious Sound Bites here https ://www.captaindeplorable45.com/sound-bitesAnd follow him on his social media which is where he posts all the latest videos: Twitter https ://twitter.com/captndeplorableIG https ://www.instagram.com/CaptainDeplorable45/TikTok https ://www.tiktok .com/@captaindeplorable? And if you want more, check out two of my other favorites… Trump Goes To Arbys: Trump Goes To Arbys…And TrumpGoes To Taco Bell: Trump Visits Taco Bell…https: //twitter.com/CaptnDeplorable/status/1487235121266712577 [[{“value”:”
I know that most of you haven’t watched Saturday Night Live in a while. Me either. It used to be hilarious when Norm Mcdonald did the Weekend Update. But it hasn’t really been worth watching for years. Decades even. It is better to spend your time watching old Norm Mcdonald videos on YouTube. Shane Gillis, who hosted last night, is a funny guy. He does a spot-on Trump impression that’s hilarious. He does it in a funny, genuine way. Imagine that! What a novel idea! One of the skits that was performed last night has gone viral today, because it is actually quite funny. It pokes fun at Donald Trump and Joe Biden, but it’s funny. You know, just like comedy IS SUPPOSED to be! Take a look and let me know if you think this is funny: Was this Trump skit on SNL actually funny?#ShaneGillis pic.twitter.com/9KFVgce0Cg — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) February 25, 2024 Backup here: What do you think? Did you laugh? Here’s another clip of Gillis performing a hilarious Trump impersonation: It’s dead on! Uncanny! Shane Gillis does a great impression of Trump, but Captain Deplorable is also hilarious. Have you seen this video? Trump Visits Chick-Fil A… I recently brought you a Captain Deplorable new video, Trump Gives the Weather Report. It was hilarious. If you missed it, you can watch it here: Captain Deplorable is Back: Trump Gives the Weather Report. And today I just had to show you another. This video was another gem. His drive-through videos are among my favorites. Enjoy: TRUMP GOES TO CHICK-FIL-A!#SpicyLikeWho #CHICKFILA #SpicyChickenSandwich #WaffleFries #ChickenBiscuit #PolynesianSauce #STAYLOUD #LOUDMAJORITY #USA #AmericaFirst #CaptainDeplorable #OfficialCaptainDeplorable #MAGA pic.twitter.com/xRLRVaBNMp — UNGOVERNED w/ Shawn Farash (@UngovernedShow) January 16, 2022 Backup here: @ – And if you loved that, I have to show you this… My man CaptainDeplorable45 made a video all about WeLoveTrump.com and it’s absolute perfection! It gets better every time you watch it. My favorite. I don’t even know how he manages to do these, but this man is a genius. This is so good, you have to watch it. Watch here on Rumble : Backup here: You’re Loved! #WeLoveTrumpDotCom #MAGA #TrumpLovesWeLoveTrumpDotCom #WLT #RealNews #STAYLOUD #LOUDMAJORITY #USA #AmericaFirst #CaptainDeplorable #OfficialCaptainDeplorable https://t.co/0AVv5ouPRr — UNGOVERNED w/ Shawn Farash (@UngovernedShow) January 9, 2022 https://wltreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/We-Love-Trump_CaptainDeplorable.mp4 My man, you absolutely NAILED IT! I’m still giggling…thank you! If you want more, you can find a bunch more at his website here (more videos, swag, etc) https://www.captaindeplorable45.com More hilarious Sound Bites here https://www.captaindeplorable45.com/sound-bites And follow him on his social media which is where he posts all the latest videos: Twitter https://twitter.com/captndeplorable IG https://www.instagram.com/CaptainDeplorable45/ TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@captaindeplorable? And if you want more, check out two of my other favorites… Trump Goes To Arbys: Trump Goes To Arbys… And Trump Goes To Taco Bell: Trump Visits Taco Bell… https://twitter.com/CaptnDeplorable/status/1487235121266712577