[[{“value”:”At a gathering, New York City Mayor Eric Adams asserted that because of his various administration, people are “hating” him.
Have you always witnessed New York City being led by this little chocolate? Adams enquired.
” Decline the line.” Observe who is present. This is a picture of the city. That’s why people hate me, he continued.
Adams continued by contrasting himself with Jesus.
How some of you attend church each year? He questioned the crowd.
He referred to the passage where Jesus flips the tables of money changers in the temple, saying,” This is a Matthew 21 and 12 moment.”
” Jesus saw them doing wrong in the temple as he walked through it.” He did what, exactly? Adams enquired.
He continued,” I went to city hall to flip the table.”
Have you ever seen this many chocolate leading the city of New York? Mayor Eric Adams displays his various administration. This is the reason they despise me!
He finally draws comparisons to Jesus for putting together such a non-White team. pic. AbhgylBBB2 on Twitter
— February 6, 2024, End Wokeness ( @End Wokeness )
Adams is n’t despised for selecting a diversified administration.
On the contrary, it’s because the City of New York is being destroyed by his bad leadership, incompetence, and policies.
The Democrat mayor’s remarks at Brooklyn Town Hall drew criticism:
Leaders like this will continue to receive praise for their terrible work https ://t.co/jRSVX3MG1Y as long as racism is accepted as a legitimate justification for corruption and incompetence.
Allie Beth Stuckey ( @conservmillen ) February 6, 2024
No, the real reason I despise him is because I backed him when he was running, and the second thing I did after taking office was to extend DeBlasio’s totalitarian vaccine passports. t.co/mxiKJ99Bcw
— February 6, 2024, Affirm Reality ( @MirabelleW18 )
When the agenda is more crucial than serving the people, http ://t.co/RyzIWQW8P I
— Kenneth Johnson, ( @kennethmjohnson ), February 6, 2024
We New Yorkers are witnessing insanity because the man has no control over our city, and when you do n’t have any control, we experience it. When will these politicians finally realize that WE THE PEOPLE are sick of your obvious lies and controversial strategies? It should n’t be https ://t.co/IHnBw9hVZH anymore.
— February 6, 2024, Rough Ruffman #MENTOO ( @King __ Julian7 )
According to The New York Post:
Adams, who has been in charge of the city since 2022, compared his tenure to Dinkins ‘ 1990 election as New York City’s first black mayor.
Rudy Giuliani, Dinkins ‘ successor, was chosen, he claimed,” a set- up for a settingback.”
Who did we get after David Dinkins, and it took us 30 years after what they did to him? Giuliani,” Adams remarked.
He claimed that Dinkins ‘ detractors “wore him down so much that black people did n’t come out to vote.”
” You know what, we’re never coming out,” they said. They simply beat him and exhausted him repeatedly, Adams claimed.
The legislation for healthy city, safe streets that allowed us to obtain the resources we needed to reduce crime in our city was passed by David Dinkins. And who benefited as a result? Giuliani. Giuliani.
Since taking office as mayor of New York, Adams has repeatedly given immigrants the upper hand over locals.
For instance, a pilot program that will give immigrants$ 53 million in pre-paid cards.
Pre-paid credit cards will be distributed to immigrant families through NYC’s$ 53M program at https ://t.co/pND7FYtPNW pic. twitter.com/NyXBIgeNSy
February 2, 2024, New York Post ( @nypost )
Fox News reports:
In spite of common outcry, New York City Mayor Eric Adams defended a rumored$ 53 million pilot program to issue pre-paid credit cards to immigrant families staying in hotels on Tuesday.
The Democrat mayor stated that he wanted to dispel “misinformation” about the program when speaking before a state congressional budget hearing in Albany on Tuesday.
Adams remarked,” We’re never giving people National Express cards.” ” We discovered that the food delivery service we established during the emergency could be improved in our belief that we want to reduce 20 % of the immigrant costs. Therefore, we have a pilot project with 500 participants in which we are giving them food cards so that they can now purchase their own food, which will cost them$ 12 per day, as opposed to having to give them debit cards, have food delivered to them, and have them eat it.
Adams stated that this is a pilot project we’re going to use that is expected to save us$ 6.7 million annually.” Consequently, we will save money on delivery, on people wasting food, and on all of these costs. ” And if the pilot is powerful, we’ll try to expand it throughout the entire system, trying to find smarter, more cost-effective ways to deal with this crisis that was dropped in our lap, not just with the migrants and asylum seekers.”
Migrants will receive 40 % more under the pilot program than the state provides to old and low-income New Yorkers receiving SNAP benefits.”}]] [[{“value”:”
New York City Mayor Eric Adams said at an event that he is “hating” because of his diverse administration.
Adams asked, “Have You Ever Seen This Much Chocolate Leading the City of New York?”
“Go down the queue.” Look who’s there. This is representative of our city. “That’s why they hate me,” he continued.
Adams then compared himself to Jesus.
He asked the audience, “How many of us go to church?”
“This is a Matthew 21, and 12 moment,” said he, referring to the passage in which Jesus flips tables of money-changers in the Temple.
“Jesus walked into the temple. He saw them doing wrong there.” Adams asked, “He did what?”
“I went to the city hall to flip the table,” he said.
Mayor Eric Adams displays his diverse administration. “Have You Ever Seen This Much Chocolate Leading the City of New York ??!! This is why people hate me!
He then compares Jesus to himself for assembling a non-White group. pic.twitter.com/AbhgylBBB2
— End Wokeness – February 6, 2024
Adams’ hiring of a diverse team is not a reason to be vilified.
It’s not because of his incompetence or poor leadership. Instead, it is because his policies, incompetence and poor leadership are destroying New York City.
The Democrat Mayor was criticized for remarks he made at the Brooklyn Town Hall:
As long as racism is seen as a valid excuse for corruption and incompetence, leaders like this will continue to be praised for doing a horrible job https://t.co/jRSVX3MG1Y
Allie Beth Stuckey, (@conservmillen), February 6, 2024
No, the reason I dislike him is because I supported him while he was running for office and then he extended DeBlasio’s fascist vaccination passports as soon as he became president. https://t.co/mxiKJ99Bcw
— Affirm Reality @MirabelleW18 February 6, 2024
When agenda is more important that actually serving citizens …. https://t.co/RyzIWQW8PI
— Kenneth Johnson (@kennethmjohnson) February 6, 2024
New Yorkers are witnessing insanity because the man has no control over our city. When will these politicians get it into their thick heads that WE THE PEOPLE have had enough of your divisive and blatant lies? It’s should no longer https://t.co/IHnBw9hVZH
Ruff Ruffman #MENTOO – King Julian 7 February 2024
The New York Post reports on:
Adams, who has been the mayor of the city since 2022 compared his tenure to that of Dinkins, who was the first African-American elected as mayor of New York City back in 1990.
He said that the election of Rudy Giuliani as Dinkins’s successor was “a setup for a setback.”
“It took us thirty years after what they did, and who did you get after David Dinkins?” Giuliani,” Adams said.
He said Dinkins critics “wore [him] down so much that the black people didn’t turn out to vote.”
Adams said that they repeatedly beat him and wore his down.
“David Dinkins passed the legislation that made our city safer. He also provided us with the resources needed to reduce crime. Who benefited? Giuliani. Giuliani.”
Since becoming mayor, Adams has repeatedly prioritized migrants above native New Yorkers.
A pilot program will allocate $53 millions in pre-paid cards to migrants.
NYC launches $53M program to hand out pre-paid credit cards to migrant families https://t.co/pND7FYtPNW pic.twitter.com/NyXBIgeNSy
New York Post (@nypost), February 2, 2024
Fox News:
New York City Mayor Eric Adams defended on Tuesday, despite public protests, a reported $53-million pilot program that would give pre-paid cards to migrant family members staying in hotels.
The Democrat Mayor appeared before a state budget hearing in Albany, New York on Tuesday to dispel “misinformation” regarding the program.
Adams said, “We don’t give people American Express cards.” “We found that by cutting 20% off the cost of migrant workers, we could do better with the food delivery service we set up in the emergency. We have a pilot program with 500 people where we give them food cards instead of debit cards. Instead of having to deliver the food and have people consume it – we saw food being wasted – they can now get their own food. This will cost $12 per day.
Adams said that the pilot project will save $6.7 million per year. “If the pilot project is successful, we will expand it to include migrants and asylum seekers. We would also like to expand the program to the entire system.
The pilot program will give migrants 40% more than what the state pays to low-income New Yorkers and elderly New Yorkers in SNAP benefits.