I feel like we need an music right now because I love this thus far. The roughly 3-minute-long video, which has the 1986 song Glory of Love playing in the background, is a collection of motivational quotes from both Trump’s and JFK administrations. It was created by Matt Struck in the beginning, and it is a real masterpiece that completely reimagines America First! After watching the video, I got this email from a reader: Noah, definitely loved &, sobbed over The Glory of Love. I’m so happy you posted it. Mary Ann in Michigan, USA, wants to watch it every day.
Mary Ann is thus real! I to! It is incredibly motivating and does make you cry. ” That we did it all for the glory of love” picture can be seen here. Lyrics from the famous song” Verse1″ can be found at twitter.com/dlEo5KaZDX—Daily NoahNews ) February 16, 2024.
Tomorrow, it’s abundantly clear.
We’re both lying around, that’s why.
I have so many things I want to say.
I’ll usually love you.
[Verse 2] I would not abandon you.
I simply forget occasionally.
Say things I might come to regret
My heart is broken to see you in tears.
I want to keep you.
I could not succeed on my own, Chorus.
I’m a man who’ll defend your honor.
I’ll be the hero of your dreams.
We’ll live a long time.
Knowing one another
that everything we did was done for love’s glory [Verse3]
I’m kept standing high by you.
You support me throughout.
I’m often resilient when you’re by my side.
I’ve often needed you.
When this story eventually comes to an end, it’s going to be one of the best stories previously told because I could not make it alone. We have a pure heart. All of the love is with us. We possess all of humanity. from the creator, Matt Struck ( excellent work, sir! All for the glory of love,# Trump2024! pic. General Mike Flynn also shared the video: The best is yet to come ( turn it up! ) on twitter.com/xMSHMtWaeH—Mat Struck ( @realTT1776 ) February 14, 2024. pic. Here it is again, with timestamps: Trump shared this… absolute ChillsFollow the lyrics…• 1:25 Who dat?twitter.com/ibwbNWVKZ5 General Mike Flynn ( @GenFlynN ) February 14, 2024.
” Like a knight in shining armor,” JFK said at 1:34.
JFK Jr., from a very long time before, at 1:37.
Trump said,” Just in time, imma save the day,” at 1:40.
Take you to my castle far away, says Mar a- Lago at 1:44.
2:00 Trump… picture The video was re-shared by Trump on his Truth Social account on February 15, 2024, under the caption” THE BEST IS YET TO COME” at twitter.com/jZ6MxNzBKf. The best is yet to come, according to President Trump, who likewise pinned this video to Truth Social today. This video is extremely potent, and it made me shiver. I believe that President Trump is constantly subtly informing us of what is happening. The video went viral online on February 14, 2024, and it received a significant cultural media response. twitter.com/J3nE4nD4KM—êê(@TheThe1776 ) Take a look at these responses to the uplifting video,” Gives me hope.” I have to watch every day. Amazing video: We Are The People ( @BigMouth_Baby ) February 15, 2024 RIP JFK! For you, bud, this one. I adore this, Kyle ( @329_Kyle ) February 15, 2024. It honors and expresses gratitude to those who fought and continue to fight for a genuine, admirable, and wonderful America. I love my President Trump! Trump 2024 — Emily ( @coolsarabug1 ) February 15! My eyes started to tear up at this! pic. twitter.com/qFFbgxsdJJ— Shore Patriot ( @Jerzey17761 ) February 15, 2024Wow, this brought tears. # Trump #neverforgetJFKTurn it up! The best is yet to come! @realDonaldTrump @DanScavino https ://t.co/jqTfd8tc42— Lynette Kennedy McQuain ( @LKennedyMcQuain ) February 15, 2024Trump’s caption on the video parrots what he said in his farewell address back in 2021…Per The Wall Street Journal: President Trump closes his speech, with ran about 80 minutes, ending with upbeat notes on America’s prospects” .We look at tomorrow and see unlimited frontiers just waiting to be explored. Our brightest discoveries are not already known. Our most fascinating stories are never yet told. Our grandest journeys are not already made. The British age, the British epic, the British adventure has only just begun. Our spirit is still fresh. The sun is also rising. God’s grace is also shining. And, my own Americans, the best is yet to come. Thank you. ” As he concludes, he walks off stage. Behind him, Speaker Pelosi rips up her copy of the speech, and sets the pieces over. But, what do you think? Could Trump be hinting at anything around? Is there a deeper meaning to his caption on the video? Is he, afterwards, referring to the” pause”? …President Trump After Once Explains Why” The Pause” Was NecessaryOr, is it nothing more than an inspirational compilation of clips that Trump wanted to share with us? SHARE, please! [[{“value”:”
I love it so much. I feel like this is an anthem that we need right now. The nearly 3-minute video, which features the 1986 song Glory of Love in the background is a compilation of inspiring moments from both Trump and JFK’s presidency. It was created by Matt Struck and is a masterpiece that gives America First an entirely new meaning. This morning, I received an email from a reader who had watched the video: Noah, absolutely loved and cried over The Glory of Love. You are so kind to have posted it. Want to watch it everyday Mary Ann from Michigan USA Mary Ann, I agree! I agree! It is truly inspiring and brings tears to your eye. Watch here: “That we did it all for the glory of love” pic.twitter.com/dlEo5KaZDX — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) February 16, 2024 Lyrics from the historic song: [Verse 1]
Tonight, it is very clear
We’re both lying because we’re both here
There are so many things that I want to say
I will always love You
I would never leave alone [Verse two]
I sometimes forget.
Saying things I may regret
I can’t stand to see you cry
I don’t want to lose you
I could never do it alone [Chorus]
I will fight for you.
I’ll be your hero of dreams
We’ll live forever
Know each other
We did it all to the glory of love (Verse 3)
You keep me standing tall
You are my guiding light through everything
I’m always stronger when you’re with me
I have always needed You
I couldn’t do it alone. When this story is finally over, it will be one of the greatest stories ever told. We have all of the heart. We have all love. We have all humanity. Matt Struck is the creator. (Well done sir! #Trump2024: All for the glory and love! pic.twitter.com/xMSHMtWaeH — Matt Struck (@realTT1776) February 14, 2024 General Mike Flynn also shared the video: The best is yet to come (turn it up!). pic.twitter.com/ibwbNWVKZ5 — General Mike Flynn (@GenFlynn) February 14, 2024 Here is is again, with timestamps: Trump shared this… absolute Chills Follow the lyrics… * 1:25 Who dat?
* 1:34 JFK : “like a Knight in Shining Armor
* 1:37 JFK Jr.: “from a very long time ago …”
* 1:40 Trump : “Just in Time imma Save the Day”
* 1:44 Mar-a-Lago : “take me to my castle far away.”
* 2:00 Trump… pic.twitter.com/jZ6MxNzBKf — MJTruthUltra (@MJTruthUltra) February 15, 2024 Trump re-shared the video on his Truth Social account, with the caption “THE BEST IS YET TO COME”. Today, President Trump posted the video on Truth Social. It’s also his Truth pinned with the caption “The Best is Yet to Come”. This video is powerful and gave me goosebumps. I feel President Trump is always subliminally letting us know what is happening …. pic.twitter.com/J3nE4nD4KM — e e (@TheThe1776) February 14, 2024 The video has since gone viral online, prompting a strong social media response. Here are some reactions to this video that inspires hope: It gives me hope. I need to watch it daily. Incredible video! — We Are The People @BigMouth_Baby February 15, 2024 Incredible Video!! JFK, RIP! This one’s for you, buddy. Kyle (@329_Kyle), February 15, 2024 This is amazing. It pays tribute to and thanks those who have fought, and are still battling, for a true and good America. Trump 2024 — Emily (@coolsarabug1), February 15, 2024. I love my President Trump. This brought tears to me eyes! pic.twitter.com/qFFbgxsdJJ — Shore Patriot (@Jerzey17761) February 15, 2024 Wow, this brought tears. #Trump #neverforgetJFK Turn up the volume! The best is still to come! @realDonaldTrump @DanScavino https://t.co/jqTfd8tc42 — Lynette Kennedy McQuain (@LKennedyMcQuain) February 15, 2024 Trump’s caption on the video parrots what he said in his farewell address back in 2021… Per The Wall Street Journal: President Trump closes his speech, with ran about 80 minutes, ending with upbeat notes on America’s prospects. “We look to tomorrow and see endless frontiers that are just waiting to explored. Our most exciting stories and discoveries are yet to be told. Our greatest journeys have not yet been made. The American age, American epic, and American adventure have only just begun. Our spirit is still very young. The sun is still rising. God’s grace continues to shine. My fellow Americans, there is more to come. “Thank you.” He walks off the stage as he finishes. Speaker Pelosi tears up her copy and sets it down behind him. What do you think? Could Trump be hinting something here? Is there something deeper to the caption he used on the video? Is he referring, once again, to the “pause “?… Trump Explains Why “The Pause Was Necessary” Or, is this nothing more than a compilation of inspirational clips that Trump wanted us to share? Please SHARE!