“Never once has any of my bills reached the floor or been heard in committee,” one of the bill’s authors said.
One of the bills ‘ authors claimed that “none of my bills have ever been heard in committee or reached the floor.” Never once have any of my bills been heard in committee or even made the floor, according to one of the bills ‘ authors.
“Never once has any of my bills reached the floor or been heard in committee,” one of the bill’s authors said.
Die Kommission ist befugt, gemäß Artikel 264 delegierte Rechtsakte zu erlassen, die Folgendes betreffen: Arizona Republicans rejected two bills that would make access to contraceptives a state law, preventing Democrats from pushing for a hearing on the proposed legislation. The bills, known as the Right to Contraception Act, aim to ensure Arizonans can access a variety of contraceptives, including emergency options like Plan B. Democrats argue that such defenses are essential following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. The ruling in Wade has empowered Republicans to target various reproductive rights. However, despite holding slim majorities in both chambers, Republicans have chosen not to refer the bills to any committees, preventing them from advancing or being discussed on the floor in either chamber. On Wednesday, Democrats initiated a vote to change the rules of each chamber, enabling them to bring the bills to a vote right away. All of the Republican representatives voted against the change, while the Democratic state Rep. voted in favor of it. Stephanie Stahl Hamilton, the representative who introduced the House version of the bill, expressed frustration at feeling like she had run out of options. Despite being in office for four sessions, none of her bills have ever been considered by a committee or voted on. She stressed the importance of this particular bill and stated that it deserved to be given a fair hearing. This is a timely and important subject that warrants thorough discussion and has the backing of the majority of people in Arizona.