According to a study in the journal Communications Earth & Environment, rising global temperatures are linked to inflation in food prices in both regions that are already warmer and in countries outside of the tropics, like the U.S. Researchers from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PICR) and the European Central Bank examined monthly price indexes in the period between…
According to a study published in the journal Communications Earth &, Environment, rising global temperatures are related to inflation in food prices, both in hotter regions and in hotter nations like the United States. Regular price indexes between the European Central Bank and Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research were studied by researchers from… According to a study published in the journal Communications Earth &, Environment, rising global temperatures are linked to inflation in food prices, both in regions that are now hotter and in nations like the U.S. Regular price indexes between…
According to a study in the journal Communications Earth & Environment, rising global temperatures are linked to inflation in food prices in both regions that are already warmer and in countries outside of the tropics, like the U.S. Researchers from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PICR) and the European Central Bank examined monthly price indexes in the period between…