Why is it ok to be anti- Christian….? …. but never anti- semitic? …. and never anti- Muslim? I could go on and on. Christians appear to be the only group in the Legacy Media to be seasonally available. Note, I said” Christians” and that is about to be come very relevant in only a moment. Because the Democrats and Legacy Media in this country seem incapable of ever using the word” Christians.” They say” Evangelicals “…And their other favorite is” Easter Worshippers” …. But they refuse to say” Christians”. Gee, I wonder why? Do you recall that Barrack Hussein O-Bomb-Y and Hillary Clinton posted this to Tiwtter in 2019 as the first time anyone had ever heard the term” Easter Worshippers”? And it did n’t ( nor should have ) received much. I’ll explain more below, but we are not” Easter Worshippers “…We worship and follow Jesus, we do n’t worship and follow” Easter”, which is the implication in that phrase. The phrase’s other implication is that it is a very conceited attempt to replace Jesus and his Resurrection with pagan fertility rituals with strong historical roots in the name” Easter” and replace them with the evil one. But I’ll go over all of that in more detail down under. We get to Fox News, while, who just ran this headline from this article. I’ve included that screenshot because I anticipate they will update the headline later. However, the Internet is written in ink, and we have it documented around. So why in the world would Fox News resurrect ( no pun intended ) the phrase” Easter Worshippers” in 2024? Because Far Left liberals have completely taken over Fox News. It is no more where it was 15 years ago. Ok, so today let’s get to the bigger topic I promised to explain…. What’s up with the Bunny and the Eggs, and why do they love the phrase” Easter Worshippers” so far? Is any of that in the Bible? Allow me to explain…Do You Know The Origin Of” Easter” and The Eggs and Bunny? Ok, let’s address this… In almost 10 years of running this website, I do n’t think I’ve ever tackled this topic. But today it’s time. And what I’m about to say might surprise you. depending on what you already know or where you personally feel about this subject. Therefore, read the entire article to get my entire opinion! But here’s the basic premise that we’re going to tackle: the Bible never talks about” Easter”. Easter is in fact derived from the pagan fertility “goddess” Ishtar, which is the reason for the eggs and bunny, because those are moreover reproductive symbols. Some of you are saying “it’s about time Noah finally covered this” !Others of you are saying” there’s no way that can be true “.Yet another group is saying” I do n’t care if it’s true, just do n’t ruin my adult version of the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus please” !So, big question: is it true? We’ll talk about what to do after we’ve answered that we’ll discuss. Here’s what my friend Bo Polny simply posted: HAPPY EASTER??? ?
Have you been LIED overly???? Think SPECIFICALLY before declaring” Content Easter” on this RESURRECTION Sunday! Ishtar: pronounced’ Easter’ ‘ Easter’ was originally the celebration of the god Ishtar, the Assyrian and Babylonian goddess of fertility, animal sacrifices, … — Bo Polny ( @BoPolny ) March 29, 2024So I’ll just cut right to the chase: Yes, by all accounts this is historically true. Most of it. I’ll explain more below, but Grok is absolutely correct in saying that the Easter eggs and bunnies come from “ancient pagan traditions and fertility symbols.” Now to the name” Easter” …. There seems to be some disagreement on this subject. Grok reports that the name does indeed drive from a pagan fertility festival, but that is” Ēastre” or” Ēostre”, not specifically” Ishtar”: If find” Ēostre”, interesting in how closely related it is to the word “esoteric”. But as to” Ishtar”, Grok reports there is not a clear connection it: Then let’s go to ChatGPT to see what it says about Easter, the Eggs and the Bunny: The use of eggs and bunnies in Easter celebrations has a history that combines ancient traditions, Christian customs, and social adaptations. EggsThe egg has been associated with fresh life and rebirth for many years, long before Christianity became a mainstream culture. Eggs represent Jesus Christ’s resurrection, which signifies his resurrection from the dead and resurrection to fresh life, in the context of Easter. This symbolism was first adopted in the early years of Christian celebration of Easter. There are practical reasons for the association of eggs with Easter, in addition to their metaphorical significance. Previously, Lent, the forty- day period leading up to Easter, was a time of fasting in the Christian calendar. Eggs and other dairy products would be avoided by many Christians. Eggs laid at this time would thus be saved and decorated to mark the conclusion of Lent and Easter celebrations. The Easter Bunny has a more intricate and less distinctly spiritual background. Rabbits, known for their enthusiastic breeding, have long been symbols of fertility and new life. Because the rabbit is a famous breeder and spring is a time of rebirth and renewal, it is thought that the association between Easter and rabbits or hares was made during pre-Christian fertility festivals. European Lutherans are thought to have ascended to the origin of the particular custom of the Easter Bunny as a deliverer of eggs and candy to children. The” Easter Hare” would assess children’s behavior at Easter’s initiation and deliver gifts of well-behaved children colored eggs, sweets, and toys the night before Easter. The tradition was introduced to the United States by German immigrants in the 18th century, and it developed into the Easter Bunny customs we are all familiar with today. So, the origins of eggs and bunnies in Easter celebrations stem from a mix of old fertility symbols, Christian resurrection symbolism, and cultural traditions that highlight themes of renewal, rebirth, and joy. But once more, we can confirm that the bunny and the eggs are connected to pagan fertility rituals and eventually co-opted into Christianity. They attempt to relate the “new life” to fertility rituals and the tomb of Jesus to the egg. Ok, so now the great question: what do we do with all of this? Passover ( Pesach ): Commemorates the Israelites ‘ release from Egyptian slavery ( Exodus 12: 1- 14), saving their firstborn sons ( Exodus 12: 1- 14 ). Feast of Unleavened Bread ( Chag HaMatzot ): Observed immediately after Passover, this seven- day festival involves the removal of all leaven (yeast ) from homes to symbolize purity and separation from sin ( Exodus 12: 15- 20 ). Feast of Firstfruits ( Yom HaBikkurim ): Celebrated on the day after the Sabbath following Passover, it involves presenting the first sheaf of the barley harvest to the Lord as an offering, acknowledging God’s provision ( Leviticus 23: 10- 14 ). Pentecost ( Shavuot ) or the Feast of Weeks: This occurs fifty days after the Feast of Firstfruits and the wheat harvest is officially over. Additionally, it honors Moses ‘ receipt of the Torah at Mount Sinai ( Leviticus 23: 15- 22 ). This is the day of the trumpet-blow festival known as the Day of Atonement, which marks the start of the ten days of repentance leading up to the Day of Atonement ( Leviticus 23: 23- 25 ). Day of Atonement ( Yom Kippur ): Considered the holiest day of the Jewish year, it involves fasting and repentance. The high priest enters the Holy of Holies to make reparation for the people’s sins ( Leviticus 16: 26-32 ). A week-long festival known as the Feast of Tabernacles or Booths ( Sukkot ) is observed during which Israelites spend their days in temporary shelters ( booths ) to remember their journey through the wilderness and their reliance on God’s provision. It also celebrates the harvest ( Leviticus 23: 33- 43 ). There is no place in the Bible where we are instructed to stop observing these. In fact, they seem to be very crucial. Additionally, no passage in the Bible mentions celebrating with eggs and bunnies. However, it’s also true that there has been a lengthy history of Christians and Christianity shining light on the darkness and revealing the truth in places where people have formerly lived in pagan confusion. While the ancient origins of” Easter” and the bunny and the eggs were deeply ingrained in pagan fertility rituals, it seems historically accurate that Christians have taken that over and replaced pagan rituals with Christian truth. And I do n’t think that’s a bad thing. In fact, it reminds me of Paul when he arrives in Athens. Do you know this story? It’s from Acts 17: 23, which says:” For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. So, you foolishly worship him, declare I unto you. Paul is now traveling to Athens, a city full of monuments to hundreds or even thousands of pagan “gods.” What does Paul actually do? Does he say I ca n’t come to your city? Does he say I ca n’t talk to you, ca n’t be around you, ca n’t engage with you? No. He immediately enters the darkness, discovers a way to relate to what they are doing, and uses that as a means of introducing them to the one correct God. And that’s what Christians have done generally in many contexts, but particularly here. Instead of reaffirming Jesus ‘ and his resurrection, they commandeered a pagan fertility ritual. But back to the big question: what are we to do with this information? Some people go as far as to say they’re not celebrating” Easter” at all. They skip church, skip the entire thing, and pretend like it’s not happening. That does n’t feel right to me and I’m not advocating for that. I think there’s a balance to be struck here …. I do n’t like it when people celebrate Jesus ‘ resurrection just because it has the name” Easter” or some people use bunnies and eggs, which would seem counterproductive. I believe that we follow the Church’s tradition. I believe that we will continue to bring light into the gloom. That’s my counterargument to those who believe we should stop celebrating Easter right away. But here’s my criticism of those who are aware of this truth and continue to promote the Bunny and the Eggs frequently more than you talk about Jesus: you need to change as well. The Bunny and the Eggs must now be demoted. Do you want the kids to go on an Easter egg hunt at home? Okay, I say go for it. Simply make certain Jesus and his Resurrection receive as much or more attention. So there you go, there’s the REST of the story, as Paul Harvey would say. You now have access to the traditional context and my thoughts on how we should all proceed in the future. On a related topic, I’d also like to talk about this: Memo To The Legacy Media: We Are CHRISTIANS, Not” Evangelicals” Every election cycle something very strange happens…Suddenly a new word pops up again in the Legacy Media. Words that are not used in the different three non-election cycle years A phrase that no Christians have ever used in real life, and one that Christians do no use to describe themselves. That word is” Evangelical”. We have been ranting about it a little bit on Twitter, but I thought I’d share the rant below and write a complete article about it: Note: we are Christians! Not” Evangelicals”. ” Evangelicals” is a word the MSM made up so they did n’t have to say” Christian”. pic. twitter.com/pxHrBjDi5f— Daily Noah.com ( @Daily NoahNews ) January 18, 2024And by the way, stop saying” Evangelicals”. That’s a word the MSM adopted so they did n’t have to say” Christian”. Memo to the MSM: we’re certainly an Evangelical Voting Block…. We VOTE and are CHRISTIANS! pic. twitter.com/9ZZUiG3Jxv— Daily Noah.com ( @Daily NoahNews ) January 17, 2024It’s real simple…. we are CHRISTIANS, no” Evangelicals”. ” Evangelicals” is a word the Legacy Media invented decades ago because they did n’t want to keep saying the word” Christian” when describing, well…. Christians! Thus they created a substitute. A supplement word that is only used by the MSM and no other place to describe social voting blocs of people. So I’m here to call for an end to this nonsense! MEMO TO THE MSM: use the correct word, call us what we are — CHRISTIANS! I’ve been around a lot of churches, known a lot of pastors, known a lot of Christians, and I can tell you with absolute certainty that never in my life have I ever heard any Christian identify themselves as an” Evangelical”. Oh sure,” Evangelical” is a word and a concept in the Bible — absolutely! The word for “evangelical” in Greek is” ευαγγελικός” ( pronounced as ev- ahn- ge- lee- KOS). This word is derived from the Greek” εὐαγγέλιον” ( euangelion ), meaning” good news” or “gospel”.It’s just that it’s not used to refer to a voting block of people in the 21st century …. it’s a word that means Good News, or Gospel! Remember the times Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama used the term” Easter Worshippers”? When Hillary Clinton referred to the terrorist attack against Christians as” Easter worshipers,” she was utterly incomprehensible. pic. twitter.com/FVXr6r7Fe4— Katie Daviscourt ( @KatieDaviscourt ) April 17, 2022Just as we are not” Easter Worshippers” we are also not” Evangelicals”. DC_Draino gets it — as normal. This is spot on: They call us” Easter Worshippers” They only allow” Happy Holidays” to be said Why? Because they refuse to say his name: Christ— DC_Draino ( @DC_Draino ) November 22, 2020The reason they call us Easter Worshippers and Evangelicals is because they will do ANYTHING to avoid saying” Christ” or” CHRISTians”. Then does it all make sense? But please share this message…Let’s do a small “euangelion” of our own, shall we? Please share this GOOD NEWS and let the world know we are not Easter Worshippers, and we are also not” Evangelicals” …. we are CHRISTians! Thank you. Noah up. [[{“value”:”
Why is it okay to be anti-Christian ….? ….but anti-semitic is not allowed? ….and anti-Muslim not? I could go on. Christians seem to be the only group in which there is no bias from the Legacy Media. In a moment, the word “Christians” will be very relevant. The Democrats and the Legacy Media in this Country are incapable of saying the word “Christians”. They say “Evangelicals “… and their other favorite is Easter Worshippers “…. They refuse to call themselves “Christians”. Why? Remember in 2019, when Hillary Clinton and Barrack Hussein posted this on Tiwtter? It was the very first time anyone heard the term “Easter Worshippers “…. It was not well received. We are not “Easter Worshippers “…” as implied in the phrase. We worship Jesus and follow him, we do not worship and follow “Easter”. The other implication is that this phrase is a very clever attempt to erase Jesus Christ and his Resurrection and replace it with pagan fertility rituals which have strong historical roots in the name of “Easter”. I will explain this in more detail below. I’ve included the screenshot because I expect them to later change the headline. We have it documented and the Internet has been written in ink. Why would Fox News revive (no pun intended!) the phrase “Easter Worshippers”, in 2024? Fox News is now dominated by liberals on the far left. It’s not the same place as 15 years ago. Now let’s move on to the topic I promised to discuss …. Why do people love the term “Easter Worshippers?” and what’s the deal with the Bunny? Is that in the Bible at all? Let me explain… Do you know the origin of “Easter”, The Bunny and The Eggs? Let’s talk about this… I don’t believe I’ve ever addressed this topic in the almost 10 years I’ve been running this website. Now is the time. What I’m about say could surprise you ….in different ways depending on how you feel about the topic or what you already know. Please read all the way to the end for my full opinion. Here’s our basic premise: The Bible never mentions “Easter”. Easter is derived from Ishtar the pagan fertility goddess, which is why the bunny and eggs are fertility symbols. Some of you say “it’s about the time Noah finally covered it!” Others say “there’s just no way that could be true.” Still another group says “I don’t care if it is true, but please don’t ruin my version of Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny as an adult!” We’ll answer this question and then discuss what to do. Here’s what Bo Polny posted: HAPPY Easter??? ?Have you been LYED too ???? Think TWICE before you say ‘Happy Easter!’ on this RESURRECTION Day!!! Ishtar pronounced ‘Easter.’ ‘Easter was originally the celebration for the god Ishtar. She was the Assyrian goddess of fertility and animal sacrifices ,… – Bo Polny, (@BoPolny), March 29, 2024. Most of it. I’ll explain it further below… Here’s Grok telling you straight out that the Easter eggs and bunnies trace back to “ancient fertility symbols and pagan traditions”: Sorry people, I don’t report the news, I only report it. Let’s talk about the name “Easter “…. There seems to be some confusion on this topic. Grok reports that “Eostre” is derived from a pagan festival of fertility, but not “Ishtar”. If you find “Eostre,” it’s interesting because it’s closely related to the word “esoteric”. Grok reports that there is no direct connection between “Ishtar” and Easter. Let’s now go to ChatGPT and see what they have to say about Easter, the Bunny and the Eggs: The use and celebration of Easter eggs and bunnies has a long history that includes ancient traditions, Christian customs and cultural adaptations. Eggs Since thousands of years ago, the egg has been a sign of new life and rebirth. This was long before Christianity. In the context Easter, eggs symbolize the resurrection of Jesus Christ. They represent his emergence from death and his resurrection to a new life. This symbolism has been used since the early days of Christian Easter celebrations. Eggs are associated with Easter for practical reasons as well as their symbolic meaning. In the Christian calendar, Lent (the forty-day period before Easter) was traditionally a fasting period. Many Christians abstained from eating eggs and dairy products. Eggs laid during this period were saved and decorated to celebrate Easter and the end of Lent. Bunnies The Easter Bunny’s origin is more complex and less religious. Rabbits have been a symbol of fertility and new beginnings for centuries. They are known for their energetic breeding. It is believed that the connection between Easter and rabbits, or hares, originated with pre-Christian festivals of fertility. This is because rabbits are prolific breeders and spring is considered a time of renewal and rebirth. It is believed that the Easter Bunny’s role as a candy and egg-delivery person for children originated with German Lutherans. The “Easter Hare”, who would judge the children’s behavior at the beginning of Eastertide, would then give gifts of colored Easter eggs, sweets and toys to well-behaved kids the night before Easter. The tradition was brought to the United States by German immigrants in the 18th century. It spread and evolved into what we know today as the Easter Bunny. The origins of Easter eggs and bunnies are a mixture of ancient fertility symbolism, Christian resurrection symbolism and cultural traditions that emphasize themes of renewal, joy, and rebirth. Once again, we can confirm that the Easter bunny and eggs are linked to pagan fertility rites and were later co-opted by Christianity. They try to link the tomb of Jesus with the breaking of the egg, and “new birth” to fertility rituals. Now, the big question is: What do we do with this? The Bible tells you to celebrate seven main feast days. Passover (Pesach), which commemorates the Israelites’ liberation from Egyptian slavery. This is when the angels of death “passed” over the houses of Israelites marked with a lamb’s blood, sparing their sons firstborn (Exodus12:1-14). This seven-day festival is observed immediately after Passover and involves the removal of all yeast (leaven) from homes in order to symbolize purity and separation (Exodus12:15-20). Feast of Firstfruits, or Yom HaBikkurim: This seven-day festival is celebrated the day after Passover. It involves offering the first sheaf from the barley harvest as an acknowledgment of God’s provision. (Leviticus 23, 10-14). Shavuot, or the Feast of Weeks (Shavuot), is celebrated fifty days after the Feast of Firstfruits. It marks the end of barley harvesting and the beginning of wheat harvesting. It also commemorates Moses receiving the Torah at Mount Sinai (Leviticus 23, 15-22). Feast of Trumpets: This day of rest is marked by the blowing of trumpets. It marks the beginning of ten days of penitence leading up to Day of Atonement. Day of Atonement, also known as Yom Kippur, is the holiest day of Jewish year. It involves fasting and repentance. The high priest enters into the Holy of Holies in order to atone for the sins of his people (Leviticus 16, Leviticus 23:26-32). Sukkot, or Feast of Tabernacles: A weeklong festival in which Israelites live temporarily in tents to commemorate their wilderness trek and dependance on God’s provision. It also celebrates harvest (Leviticus 23, 33-43). In the Bible, I can’t find anywhere that we are told not to celebrate these. They seem to be very important. The Bible does not mention celebrating Easter with Eggs and Bunnies. It’s also true, however, that Christians and Christianity have a long tradition of bringing light to darkness in places that had previously lived in confusion. It seems historically accurate that the origins of “Easter”, the bunny, and the eggs were deeply rooted in pagan fertility rites. Christians then came along and replaced pagan rituals with Christian truth. I don’t see that as a bad thing. It reminds me a lot of Paul’s arrival in Athens. Do you know the story? Acts 17 verse 23 says: “As I passed by and saw your devotions, a stone altar was there with the inscription TO THE UNKNOWN GODS. I will tell you who you are worshipping in ignorance. What does Paul say? Does he say that I can’t go to your city? Does he say that I can’t come to your city, talk to you or be around you? No. He goes into the darkness, finds a way to relate with what they’re doing and uses that to introduce them the one true God. This is what Christians have done in the past, especially in this context. They hijacked a pagan fertility rite to proclaim the truth about Jesus and his resurrection. Now, back to the question: What are we going to do with all this information? Some people even go so far as to claim they don’t celebrate “Easter”. They skip church and the whole thing to pretend that it isn’t happening. This doesn’t feel right and I don’t advocate for it. There’s a delicate balance to be found here …. I feel that it is wrong to ignore Jesus’ resurrection because Easter is called Easter or some people use eggs and bunnies. I think we do the same thing that the Church has done historically. I believe we will continue to shine a light in the darkness …. This is my response to those who say that we should stop celebrating Easter immediately. Here’s my response to those who know the truth but continue to promote the Bunny AND the Eggs MORE than you speak about Jesus – it’s time to change for you too. It’s time for the Bunny to be demoted. You want to host an Easter egg hunt for your kids at home? Go for it! Make sure to give Jesus and His Resurrection equal or greater attention. As Paul Harvey would say, here’s the rest of the story. You now know the historical facts and my thoughts about how we should deal with it going forward. On a similar topic, I would also like to discuss this: Memo To Legacy Media: We are CHRISTIANS and not “Evangelicals”. Every election cycle, something very strange occurs… Suddenly, a new term appears in the Legacy Media. A word that was not used during the previous 3 years …. A word that no Christian I know has ever used in real life, and certainly not to describe themselves. This word is “Evangelical”. I’ve been ranting on Twitter about it, but I thought I’d bring the rant here and publish an article about it. Note: we are Christians! Not “Evangelicals”. The MSM invented the word “Evangelicals” so they wouldn’t have to use “Christian”. pic.twitter.com/pxHrBjDi5f — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) January 18, 2024 And by the way, stop saying “Evangelicals”. It’s a term the MSM used to avoid having to say “Christian”. Memo to MSM: We’re not a voting bloc of Evangelicals …. We are CHRISTIANS, and we vote! pic.twitter.com/9ZZUiG3Jxv — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) January 17, 2024 It’s real simple….we are CHRISTIANS, not “Evangelicals”. The Legacy Media invented the term “Evangelicals” decades ago, because they didn’t like to use the word “Christian” in describing ….Christians. They created a replacement. The MSM is the only one who uses this substitute word to describe political voting blocs. So I’m here calling for an end to all this nonsense! MEMO TO MSM: Use the right word and call us what we really are — CHRISTIANS. I’ve attended a number of churches, I’ve known a number of pastors and I know a great many Christians. I can say with absolute certainty that I have never heard a Christian call themselves an “Evangelical”. Evangelical is a term and a concept found in the Bible, absolutely. The Greek word for “evangelicals” is “euaggelikos”. This word is derived by the Greek “euaggelion”, which means “good news” or the “gospel.” It is not used in the 21st Century to refer to a group of people who vote. ….it is a word that simply means Good News or Gospel! Remember when Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama and others referred to us all as “Easter Worshippers?” NEVER FORGET when Hillary Clinton referred to the terrorist attack against Christians as “Easter worshippers.” pic.twitter.com/FVXr6r7Fe4 — Katie Daviscourt (@KatieDaviscourt) April 17, 2022 Just as we are not “Easter Worshippers” we are also not “Evangelicals”. DC_Draino is right as usual. This is right on: They call “Easter Worshippers”. They only allow “Happy holidays” to be said. Why? They refuse to call him Christ — DC_Draino(@DC_Draino), November 22, 2020 They will do anything to avoid calling us “Christ” or “CHRISTians”. Does it make sense now? Please share this message… Let us do our own “euangelion”, shall we? Please share this GOOD NEWS with the world and let them know that we are not Easter Worshippers and we are not “Evangelicals “….we CHRISTIANS! Thank you. Noah out.