House Republicans criticized the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at a hearing on Wednesday over its proposed rule regulating digital wallets and payment applications. The agency announced in November its proposal to supervise nonbank financial technology. CFPB Director Rohitchopra said the rule would “crack down on one avenue…
At a hearing on Wednesday, House Republicans criticized the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ( CFPB) for its proposed rule governing financial services like digital wallets and payment apps. The nonbank economic technology program was proposed for supervision by the CFPB in November, with CFPB Director Rohit Chopra claiming that the rule “would crack down on one avenue… At a hearing on Wednesday, House Republicans criticized the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ( CFPB) for its proposed rule governing financial services like digital wallets and payment apps. The nonbank economic technology program was proposed for supervision by the CFPB in November, with CFPB Director Rohit Chopra claiming that the rule “would crack down on one avenue…
House Republicans criticized the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at a hearing on Wednesday over its proposed rule regulating digital wallets and payment applications. The agency announced in November its proposal to supervise nonbank financial technology. CFPB Director Rohitchopra said the rule would “crack down on one avenue…