At a Fort Bend County thermal panel farm, a hailstorm in Texas damaged thousands of solar panels. Residents of the Needville neighborhood are concerned about potential chemical contamination, according to FOX 26 Houston, who reported that “tens of thousands of solar panels were destroyed in the Needville area on March 16 from a significant hailstorm.” WATCH: BREAKING: Hail storm in Matt texas on 3/24/24 destroys 1, 000’s of acres of solar farms. Who pays to fix this natural energy? @StateFarm? @FarmBureau? @Allstate? Or you the taxpayer? pic.— Corey Thompson ( @Roughneck2real ) March 25, 2024Hail reportedly reached the size of golf balls. ABC 13 reports: Next Saturday was a night Nick Kaminski will not forget. Golf ball-sized hail rained from the sky after the wind tore off his roof. ” The hailstorm we experienced Saturday morning was unimaginable”, Kaminski recalled. ” We’ve never seen anything like it in our lifetime “.Kaminski’s property damage was n’t his only upsetting sight. When he observed what other hail struck, he could n’t believe it. They appear to have been shotguns, which were then blasted into the air and caused holes to encase the pellets, according to Kaminski. Panels from the Fighting Jays Solar Farm in Guy were hammered by hail rather than rays. Kaminski is more concerned about the damage that has been done to his home because thousands of rows of shattered panels have been captured by SkyDrone13. According to experts, compound cadmium telluride is used to make significant solar farm panels the majority of the time. Because he uses effectively water, Kaminski is concerned about this. ” That’s what we take a shower with, we drink with”, Kaminski explained. ” It could be in our water now” .Flag this
Thousands of solar panels were destroyed by a hail storm, and residents were concerned about harmful, cancer-causing chemicals leaching into well water. Every thermal farm appears to have the ability to be the next Superfund site. Outdoor Houston, Texashttps: //t. co/Ois9WYVUnR pic.— Ryan Maue ( @RyanMaue ) March 26, 2024Residents are concerned about the environmental impact of the damaged solar panels. However, green energy is deemed socially- friendly? From FOX 26 Houston: On March 16, the 4, 000-acre thermal farm Fighting J’s near his Needville, Texas, home suffered a blow from hailstorms. When he first saw the damage, Kaminski says he was shocked. Before the thermal farms were constructed, one of the residents was concerned about the negative effects on the environment. ” That’s right. I was worried about it”, Kaminski said. Nick sent emails to the owners of Fighting J’s Solar Farm, the Fort Bend County Commissioners, and the Fort Bend Economic Development Council informing them of the report’s economic impact. ” We’ve asked for the same studies, and we’ve been treated the same way”, said Mikes Fugua who also lives near the solar farms. ” We got nothing out of them”. ” The hail damage that came through these panels has caused me to worry,” Kaminski said.” There are a lot of makeup in the chemicals on this thing,” Fugua said. ” The majority of them are cancer- causing” .WATCH: [[{“value”:”
A Texas hailstorm destroyed thousands of solar panels in a Fort Bend County panel farm. FOX 26 Houston reports that a hailstorm on March 16 destroyed thousands of solar panels around Needville. Residents are worried about possible chemical contamination. Watch: BREAKING – Hail storm in Damon Texas on 3/24/24 destroyed 1,000’s acres of solar farms. Who pays for this green energy fix? @StateFarm? @FarmBureau? @Allstate? Or you, the taxpayer? — Corey Thompson (@Roughneck2real) March 25, 2024 Hail reportedly reached the size of golf balls. ABC 13 reports that Nick Kaminski’s night last Saturday will be one he never forgets. After the hail the size of golf balls fell from the sky, the wind ripped off Nick Kaminski’s roof. Kaminski said that the hailstorm he experienced on Saturday morning was “unimaginable”. Kaminski’s property damages weren’t the only thing that made him upset. He was shocked when he saw what else the hail had hit. Kaminski said, “They look as if someone took a shotgun, blasted it in the air, and let the pellets drop down and shatter all the holes in them.” The Fighting Jays Solar Farm panels in Guy were hammered with hail instead of collecting rays. SkyDrone13 captured thousands rows of shattered solar panels. Kaminski was more concerned about the damage to his home than what happened. Experts say that large solar farm panels tend to be made from compound cadmium-telluride. Kaminski is concerned about this because he uses water from a well. Kaminski said, “That’s the water we use to drink and take a bath with.” “It’s possible that it is in our water right now.” Flag this Hailstorm destroyed thousands of solar panels, and neighbors were concerned about cancer-causing chemicals leaching from the well water. Each solar farm has the potential to be the next Superfund site. Outside Houston, Texas — Ryan Maue (@RyanMaue) March 26, 2024 Residents are concerned about the environmental impact of the damaged solar panels. Yet, green energy is deemed environmentally-friendly? FOX 26 Houston reports: The 4,000 acre solar farm Fighting J’s, located near his Needville home, took a beating in the March 16 hailstorms. Kaminski was shocked when he saw the damage. He was one of those residents who were concerned about the environmental impact prior to the solar farms being built. “That’s correct. Kaminski said, “I was worried about it.” Nick showed us the emails he sent asking for the Environmental Impact Report to Fort Bend County Commissioners and the Fort Bend Economic Development Council. He also asked the owners of Fighting J’s Solar Farm. Mikes Fugua, who lives near the solar farms, said that he had asked for the same study and was treated the same. “We got nothing from them.” “My concerns are the hail damage which came through and broke these panels. We now have some highly-toxic chemicals that could potentially leak into our water tables,” Kaminski said. “There’s many makeup in the chemicals of this thing,” Fugua added. “The majority are cancer-causing.”