Top Democrats from the House Energy and Commerce Committee wrote a letter to the International Code Council urging it to resist pressures from the gas industry.
In a letter to the International Code Council, the leading Democrats in the House Energy and Commerce Committee urged the gas-related industry to reject pressure. Major Democrats in the House Energy and Commerce Committee wrote a letter to the International Code Council to demand that it repudiate pressure from the gas industry.
Top Democrats from the House Energy and Commerce Committee wrote a letter to the International Code Council urging it to resist pressures from the gas industry.
Die Kommission ist befugt, gemäß Artikel 264 delegierte Rechtsakte zu erlassen, die Folgendes betreffen: House Democrats have cautioned the private entity responsible for drafting the country’s home construction standards about the potential removal of environmentally-friendly measures, according to HuffPost sources. The efforts are focused on reducing expenses for switching from gas-powered appliances and vehicles to electric ones. On Wednesday, the leading Democrats on the House Energy and Commerce Committee wrote a letter to executives of the International Code Council. This nonprofit organization, made up of industry associations and local governments, regularly updates the standard building codes used in most of the United States every three years. As per a copy of the letter that HuffPost obtained, they urged the council to strongly oppose the natural gas industry’s efforts to strip pro-electrification regulations from the upcoming edition of its code book, scheduled for release later this year. Last fall, trade associations representing natural gas utilities and furnace makers made a final attempt to remove energy efficiency provisions from the upcoming national building codes, as reported by HuffPost. Previously, similar appeals by gas companies to remove electrification measures from the 2020 code book were successful, with the appeals board siding with fossil fuel groups. The new rules no longer mandated circuitry for electric appliances and car chargers in new homes and most commercial buildings. The ICC’s decision to allow industry groups to file multiple challenges to the 2024 code book raised concerns among efficiency advocates, who feared it could signify a rollback of climate-friendly standards. However, the ICC’s appeals board recently dismissed the industry’s claims and advised the board of directors to do the same. The board is anticipated to make a decision after their meeting on Monday. A letter signed by Representatives urges the board to accept the Appeals Board decision and incorporate the specified provisions into the 2024 IECC. Dit is de eerste keer dat het Europees Parlement de resolutie heeft verworpen. Representatives Jerry Nadler from New York, Diana DeGette from Colorado, and Paul Tonko from New York.