Alabama proved what we already knew: Abortion Rights Win Elections. Marilyn Lands, a Democrat, won a special Alabama state House election by campaigning for abortion rights. The deep-red state bans abortions with no exceptions.
[[{“value”:”On Tuesday, Alabama provided yet more evidence of what we already know to be true: Abortion rights win elections.
In a special election for the state house in Alabama, Democrat Marilyn Lands campaigned for abortion rights in the deeply dark state, which forbids abortion without making any racial or incestary exceptions. Lands won 62 percent of the almost 6, 000 votes cast, while her challenger, Republican Teddy Powell, won 37.5 percent, according to the illegal election night results from the Alabama Secretary of State. Republican David Cole, who was detained on suspicion of voting fraud, is up for election. ( Lands ran against Cole in 2022 and lost by just under 1, 000 votes, or about 7 percentage points—making her win last night all the more significant. )
Lands, a certified professional counselor whose website claims her” Christian values deeply influence her life and work,” campaigned for repealing the state’s abortion ban, expanding Medicaid, investing in community mental health resources, and strengthening the local economy and education. Lands and another Alabama woman, Alyssa Gonzales, both shared their personal experiences with emergency abortions following nonviable pregnancies in a campaign ad released days after the state Supreme Court’s decision threatened IVF next month. For Lands, it happened 20 years back, for Gonzales, it happened after the Dobbs decision was handed down in 2022.
In the advertisement, Lands declares,” We will not stand by and watch our most fundamental human rights be violated.”
Because Alabama’s no-exceptions abortion ban puts lives in danger, I’m sharing my abortion story. We must repeal this legislation, and if I’m elected on March 26th, I’ll work hard to do just that.
Learn more at https :// pic.
— Marilyn for Alabama ( @MarilynForAL ) February 20, 2024
The election results from Tuesday after more demonstrated how powerfully influential abortion bans can be in influencing voters in important local elections. The Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, which was constantly referenced throughout the Alabama Supreme Court decision that properly outlawed IVF procedures, is at the heart of the trend. ( The Alabama Legislature subsequently passed a bill, which the governor signed, to protect IVF access, but it did n’t address the legal status of frozen embryos. )
While Alabama is consistently red—and the state legislature remains majority Republican—Lands ‘ district, the state’s 10th District, has been a battleground: Trump won it by just one percentage point in 2020, the Washington Post reported, while he won the state by more than 35 percentage points. Voters earlier this month informed the 19th that they would support Lands because of her views on abortion and reproductive rights.
Lands told local CBS affiliate WHNT that she saw her victory as” a victory…for women, for families”, adding that she wanted to “repeal the terrible ban on no- exceptions abortion” and “protect IVF and contraception”.
” It seems like the beginning of a change has occurred below, and I believe there will be even more change in 2026.” I think Alabama is changing”, she said.
Former Alabama Sen. Doug Jones ( D) agreed, telling CNN that the results were” a huge win for Alabama, not just for Democrats”.
It seems clear that Lands ‘ victory conveys a message that advocates have been trying to send to President Biden and other Democrats for some time: that it is reproductive justice that prevails in post-Roe elections. And Democrats like Lands will likely continue to lose to Republicans if their anti-abortion policies continue to harm pregnant people, even those who are n’t seeking abortions.”}]] On Tuesday, Alabama provided yet more evidence of what we now know to be true: Abortion rights win elections. In a special election for the state house in Alabama, Democrat Marilyn Lands campaigned for abortion rights in the deeply dark state, which forbids abortion without making any racial or incestary exceptions.
Alabama proved what we already knew: Abortion Rights Win Elections. Marilyn Lands, a Democrat, won a special Alabama state House election by campaigning for abortion rights. The deep-red state bans abortions with no exceptions.
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