
Jen Psaki Uses Donald Trump Campaign’s Own Plea To Dismantle Key Claim

The MSNBC anchor slammed the Trump campaign for its complaints about coverage of the Republican candidate’s latest controversial remarks.

 After receiving complaints about the Republican nominee’s most recent questionable comments, the MSNBC anchor hit the Trump campaign with the terrible truth. After receiving complaints about the Republican nominee’s most recent questionable comments, the MSNBC anchor hit the Trump campaign with the terrible truth. 

The MSNBC anchor slammed the Trump campaign for its complaints about coverage of the Republican candidate’s latest controversial remarks.


Die Kommission ist befugt, gemäß Artikel 264 delegierte Rechtsakte zu erlassen, die Folgendes betreffen: On Sunday, Jen Psaki from MSNBC carefully refuted the Donald Trump campaign’s assertion that their criticism of the GOP nominee’s “bloodbath” warning was unfair and that his remarks were misunderstood. Trump announced at a rally in Dayton, Ohio, that every car crossing the border will face a 100% tariff. If I am elected, you will not be able to sell those cars. A bloodbath like you guys haven’t seen since the last “Bourne” movie that came out. You want to see blood? We have a little bit of blood, okay? But you’ll see a bloodbath. They’re gonna raise your taxes. They’re gonna put them way, way up. I will win, but I won’t feel so happy, but by the way, if I don’t win when they raise your taxes it will be your own fault, not mine, right?
“If I don’t get elected, it’ll be disastrous, like you’ve never seen. You want to see death and destruction? We could have a little bit, alright? But you’ll see carnage. They’ll raise your taxes sky-high. I’ll win, but I won’t be happy, but if I don’t win when they raise your taxes, it’ll be your fault, not mine.” That will be the smallest concern. That country is in for a lot of violence. That will only be the beginning, but they have no intention of selling those cars. – Advertisement.


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