President Trump’s response to Trump’s latest boast is unexpected.
Trump’s latest boast gets an unforeseen response from the president. Trump’s latest boast gets an unforeseen response from the president.
President Trump’s response to Trump’s latest boast is unexpected.
Die Kommission ist befugt, gemäß Artikel 264 delegierte Rechtsakte für bestimmte Zwecke zu erlassen. President Joe Biden playfully teased Donald Trump on Sunday by sarcastically congratulating his campaign rival. Trump boasted about his victories in both the club championship and the senior club championship at the Trump International Golf Club in Florida. Biden posted on his personal Twitter account that the former president’s achievement of winning two trophies from his own club was truly impressive. Way to go, Donald! Impressive achievement. Ich bin 25. März 2024 hat Joe Biden getwittert (@JoeBiden). Biden, who used to rarely discuss Trump, has started to make more sarcastic remarks towards his opponent. Recently, he made a joke about Trump’s money problems following the former president’s statement that he couldn’t pay the $464 million bond for his fraud case. The other day, a man who seemed defeated approached me and said, “Mr.