[[{“value”:”We’ve all had ideas in the past we no longer believe are true.
There’s nothing wrong with admitting it; it’s a sign of growth.
You realized you were wrong about something and changed course.
The left often thinks that being “progressive” means a never-ending, uncompromising campaign to do what they think is right, without any self-evaluation in the process.
But, as C.S Lewis once said:
We all want progress, but if you’re on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; in that case, the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive.
It’s a part of growing as human beings.
And it’s important to give credit where it is due.
Recently, former Fox News host Megyn Kelly issued what appeared to be a heartfelt apology about her previous stance on gender dysphoria.
Megyn Kelly’s emotional apology on her past coverage of transgenderism, regretting her initial supportive coverage.
“I realized now I was part of this problem. If you aren’t actively fighting against this you are part of the problem.” ~ Megyn Kelly
— Sheri @FFT4DJT (@FFT4DJT) March 8, 2024
Now the question is, was this truly a change in thinking or a way to score points with the right?
Some are skeptical.
My bad, I don’t believe her “Heart was in the Right Place”nor have I forgotten what a good shill she was at Fox & worked with Wallace to hurt Trump in 2016 debates & later. A media grifting slut to put it kindly! If she apologized for her baseless attacks on Trump, I’d listen to…
— American 4 USA (@entityjim) March 7, 2024
Shes a grifter, same as a rachel maddow…just now on the opposite side…
— Jp (@NYC2MIA223) March 7, 2024
I don’t listen to what she has to say. She speaks for whoever is paying her. She will change sides as soon as she gets a better offer.
— Jeff Marlatt (@marlatt358) March 8, 2024
Others choose to be optimistic, supporting Kelly’s reversal.
Some self-conscious journalistm pic.twitter.com/8zhpWUvbso
— László Attila Dózsa (@DozsaLA) March 8, 2024
Respect to anyone who can sincerely admit that they are/were wrong and give an honest apology.
— Mark Brackenhoff (@MJBrackenhoff) March 8, 2024
It’s great to hear someone come out and say I’m sorry I was wrong. Refreshing
— You2sportscards (@you2sportscards) March 8, 2024
Whether it’s a true change of heart or not, the message is on point.
So, kudos Megyn, if this is a genuine apology.
Trending Politics reported on Kelly’s turnaround:
Megyn Kelly became emotional on her show Thursday, sharing her regrets about past reporting on the issue of gender dysphoria and allowing children under 18 to pursue gender transition surgery or chemical therapies that some who transitioned are now publicly admitting they regret.
Speaking on the verge of tears, Kelly spoke passionately about her past positions which she says were misinformed and meant only to support young people struggling with their identity as male or female.
“I thought I was promoting anti-bullying. Now I have such regret about it.”
Is the about-face sincere, or is Kelly just a grifter willing to say anything to make a buck?
What do you think?”}]] [[{“value”:”
We’ve all had past ideas we no longer hold true. It’s not wrong to admit it. It’s a sign that you’ve grown. You realized that you were wrong and changed your course. The left thinks being “progressive”, without self-evaluation, means a never-ending campaign to do what you think is right. C.S Lewis said that we all want to progress, but if we’re on the wrong path, progress is about turning around and walking back. In this case, the person who turns back the earliest is the most progressive. It’s part of the process of becoming a human being. It’s important to give the credit where it’s due. Megyn Kel, a former Fox News host, issued what appeared to a heartfelt apologize about her previous stance regarding gender dysphoria. Megyn’s emotional apology for her past coverage on transgenderism. She regrets her initial support. “I realized that I was part the problem.” “If you don’t actively fight against this, you are part of the issue.” Megyn Kelley pic.twitter.com/J5mDv5eWlr — Sheri @FFT4DJT (@FFT4DJT) March 8, 2024 Now the question is, was this truly a change in thinking or a way to score points with the right? Some are sceptical. My mistake, I don’t think her “Heart Was in the Right Place”. Nor have I forgotten that she worked with Wallace at Fox to hurt Trump during 2016 debates and later. To put it nicely, she is a media slut! If she apologized to me for her baseless attacks against Trump, I would listen… — American 4 USA @entityjim March 7, 2020 She’s a grifter just like Rachel Maddow…just on the other side… — Jp @NYC2MIA223, March 7, 2020 I don’t pay attention to what she says. She speaks for the person who pays her. She will switch sides as soon she receives a better offer. Jeff Marlatt, (@marlatt358) 8 March 2024 Some choose to be optimistic and support Kelly’s reversal. Some self-conscious journalistm pic.twitter.com/8zhpWUvbso — Laszlo Attila Dozsa (@DozsaLA) March 8, 2024 Respect to anyone who can sincerely admit that they are/were wrong and give an honest apology. Mark Brackenhoff, (@MJBrackenhoff), March 8, 2024 I love hearing someone say they’re sorry for being wrong. Refreshing — @you2sportscards March 8, 2024 The message is spot on, whether it’s an actual change of heart or no. If this is an apology that is sincere, then kudos to Megyn. Trending Politics reported Kelly’s change of heart: Megyn Kelly was emotional on her show on Thursday, sharing regrets over past reporting on gender dysphoria. She also expressed regrets for allowing children younger than 18 to undergo gender transition surgery and chemical therapies. Some who have transitioned now publicly admit that they regret this. Kelly, on the verge tears, spoke passionately and with conviction about her previous positions. She says they were misinformed. They were meant to support young people who struggled with their identity. “I thought I would promote anti-bullying. Now I regret it.” Is Kelly’s about-face genuine, or just a crook willing to say anything for a quick buck? What do you think about it?