What is going on with airlines and airports these days? It seems quite unsafe to fly right now…both according to the planes themselves and the passengers aboard them! It’s a crapshoot whether you’ll also get a plane suitable for flight in the air or if different pieces will fall off during takeoff, landing or somewhere inbetween. But assuming your plane stays along, you might just experience a maniac on your flight threatening to take the plane down. Remember the TMINR lady from next year? Well, she’s got a lot of new friends in her club of mad passengers on plane flights. How’s the latest…. National- Indian Hindu man named Shail Patel freaked out and found himself in a headlock after calling other passengers “blue eyed, white devils” and threatening to take down the plane. It was all caught on video: American- Indian Hindu man named Shail Patel, 29yo from Flordia hurls insults at white people calling them “blue eyed white devils” even threatening to “take this plane down”, whilst hurling anti- white slurs he also wants to fight a white passenger where he is tackeld pic. twitter.com/KPp8lgONHn— Rahul Agrawal ( @RahulAgrawaI ) March 23, 2024Backup here if needed:” F*ck all you blue -eyed white devils”!
-Shia Patel
They did n’t like that sht. All of the azure- eyed very patriots in oakleys got engaged Good morning. pic. twitter.com/0CmYBUJ0fA— Kev_Almighty ( @BigYash_609 ) March 23, 2024Local WFLA reported the following details: A Tampa man was put in a headlock, removed from a flight and jailed for being verbally abusive to passengers and threatening to take down the plane at Tampa International Airport, court documents said. Airport police said Shail Patel, 29, was taken off an United Airlines plane preparing to fly from Tampa to Philadelphia on Tuesday. According to the report, Patel was drunk when he boarded the flight and started “antagonizing passengers, calling flight attendants names, threatening passengers and violently moving through the aircraft” .He called them “blue- eyed white devils” and threatened to “take this plane down with all you mother f— on it”, the report said. Police said Patel slapped one passenger on the hand and face and spit on them. Video obtained by WFLA appears to show Patel being put in a headlock by a friend passenger before being led off the plane. A flight attendant used the plane’s PA system to ask if there were down- duty officers on board who could help. Police said six off- duty law enforcement officers were ready to restrain Patel and take him off the aircraft. Patel was arrested on two counts of battery and one count of chaotic intoxication. He is being held at the Hillsborough County Jail on a$ 2, 150 bond. Now let’s take a little walk down memory lane at all the previous incidents in the last few years…. I’ll tell you what, an airplane is the LAST place I’d want to be correctly today: ANOTHER Airline Passenger Freaks Out: ‘ She’s possessed! She needs help! ‘ What is going on here? Why are so many people having complete freak out meltdowns on airplanes and in airports? I get it, it’s not simply the best place to spend time…Hostile environments…Hostile employees… But it’s been like that for a while, why are we suddenly seeing a bunch of these freak out sessions? I’m not totally know but here’s the latest. Watch here:” She’s possessed”! Passenger freaks up during Frontier Airlines flight, another passenger accuses her of being possessed. pic. w tter.com/TT hv qR4k Mi e Si gto (@Mike in ton) ovem er 2 , 20 3Backu he e: NEW “Po sesse ” wo an sta r twitter.com/TTXhvkqR4k— Mike Sington ( @MikeSington ) November 21, 2023Backup here: NEW:” Possessed” woman starts screaming and climbing over seats on a Frontier Airlines flight, claiming she was kidnapped. After the situation briefly calmed down, one woman got up and declared that the woman was “possessed” and started singing gospel music. ” Stop blocking me! … pic. twitter.com/5yfo95h69h— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg ) November 21, 2023The Blaze actually reports it was THREE separate women: ‘ That’s not her, she’s possessed!’ 3 different women meltdown on reported Frontier Airlines flight from hellMultiple women supposedly interrupted a new flight with screaming, singing, and even crawling over seats causing claims of diabolical possession. A three- hour flight from Houston, Texas, to Denver, Colorado, was delayed by three hours— including a stop in Dallas, Texas — after many women interrupted a flight, stemming from one woman’s apprehension. Video of the incident titled” My little sister’s second experience flying by her self on Frontier “purportedly took place on a Frontier Airlines flight. It began with a woman, now being subdued by security, screaming desperately for the guards to let go of her arm. After about a minute of the woman crying while she was taken to the front of the plane, the video cut to a man arguing with security from his seat. At the same time, the earlier apprehended woman began an sought escape to toward the back of the plane, crawling and falling over three sets of seats and passengers. Soon thereafter, a second woman appeared toward the back of the plane and began yelling in apparent objection to the first woman who caused the alleged delay” .Straight Texas style! …] I’m going to ] beat your ass! ” the woman in sunglasses and a bandana screamed. No 45 seconds later, a third woman emerged in the aisle and attempted to explain to her fellow passengers what was happening “.This is not happening for no reason. This is real evidence that there is a genuine devil that wants to kill each and every one of y’all including your family members,” she explained”. That’s no her, she’s possessed! She needs help! ” the woman wearing the inside- out beanie declared “.I’m just telling y’all because all hell is about to break lose and you’re getting the evidence of it,” she continued before moving toward the front of the plane. Once at the front, the woman turned round and began singing to the incarcerated woman as the situation escalated. The bandana- wearing woman immediately spouted off more comments toward the woman allegedly causing a delay :”Ain’t nobody playing with you, girl! “” I’ll be mad right along with you. You’re doing all that crying? I ai n’t playing with you! ” she continued. Watch the whole incident here: Really a case of some nutritious marijuana gone bad? Hmmmm, I do n’t know: She’s probably not” possessed”, she was probably told an” marijuana edible “would calm her down for the flight, instead, it caused a psychotic break which puts everyone on the plane at risk. https ://t.co/pFfeLJX0dR— Aubree Adams ( @AubreeAdams4 ) November 22, 2023RELATED: Off- Duty Pilot Attempts To Shut Down Plane Engine – Facing 83 Counts of Attempted MurderAn off- duty Alaska Airlines pilot was apprehended after attempting to shut down an airplane engine midflight. The pilot faces up to 83 felony counts of attempted murder. The off- duty pilot was sitting in the jump seat up in the cockpit, resulting in a serious risk to the safety of the whole plane. Fortunately, the suspect was subdued, and the plane could land safely in Portland. BREAKING REPORT: Off- Right Alaska Airlines pilot faces Many counts of ATTEMPTED MURDER and 83 counts of reckless endangerment after trying to” SHUT DOWN JET’S ENGINES “mid- flight while seated in cockpit jump seat.. Joseph David Emerson, 44, is charged with various counts of… pic. twitter.com/Jh6OtmWdW4— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto ) October 23, 2023NBC News shares more details on the story: An off- duty Alaska Airlines pilot has been charged with over 80 counts of attempted murder after he allegedly attempted to shut off a plane’s engines midflight on Sunday, causing the flight to divert to Portland. Flight 2059 took off from Everett, Washington, and was bound for San Francisco, Alaska Airlines said in a statement. It was operated by Alaska Airlines subsidiary Horizon Air, but was diverted due to a” credible security” threat linked to a person in the cockpit’s flight deck jump seat “.The jump seat occupant unsuccessfully attempted to disrupt the operation of the engines,” the airline said”. The Horizon Captain and First Officer fast responded, engine power was not lost and the crew secured the aircraft without incident. ” The flight crew followed” ideal FAA procedures and guidance from air traffic control “in landing at Portland International Airport. The flight took off just before 5: 30 p. m. native time and landed about an hour afterwards in Portland, according to FlightAware data. Everyone aboard the flight is wonderful that nothing more happened. Reports show that the suspect had ample chance and opportunity to damage the plane significantly. Off- duty Alaska Airlines pilot, 44,’ tried to shut down jet’s ENGINES in half- air while riding in cockpit jump seat,’ forcing plane to divert: Charged with EIGHTY- THREE counts of attempted murder
Joseph David Emerson, 44, faces charges along with an additional 83 counts of… — Tom Fitton (@TomFitton ) October 23, 2023CNN shares more on the story: Emerson is the off- duty pilot who is accused of trying to seize control of the flight, a source familiar with the matter told CNN. The airline Emerson works for was n’t immediately known. The plane took off from Seattle Paine Field International Airport and was diverted to Portland International Airport because of the” credible security threat,” the airline said in a statement Monday” .We’ve got the guy that tried to shut the engines down out of the cockpit, and he does n’t sound like he’s causing any issues in the back right now,” the pilot told Seattle- area air traffic controllers, according to audio recorded by LiveATC. net”. I think he’s subdued. Other than that, we want law enforcement as quickly as we get on the ground and are parked. ” I’m curious to know why this maniac tried to down an entire plane. Was he stupid? Local terrorism? We’ll have to wait for the FBI and police to obtain more information. We’ll keep you updated on any developments in the story. And of course who could forget this? She’s now trying to walk it back, but are you buying that” ?Crazy Plane Lady” Reveals EXACTLY What She Saw On That Plane…Tiffany Gomas, the” crazy plane lady, “appeared on Barstool Sports ‘” Pardon My Take, “where she finally tells what she saw on that plane. Watch the clip these: Mad plane lady, Tiffany Gomas, REVEALS what she SAW! pic. twitter.com/VYt788eFyS— DramaAlert ( @DramaAlert ) November 3, 2023So the story given is that she got into some altercation with the person next to her, which prompted her to respond”, That motherf***** is not real. ” Check out the original video these: ‘ That guy is not actual’: Astonishing moment distressed woman has meltdown on plane over’ imaginary ‘ passenger and demands to be let offA woman was filmed in distress aboard an American Airlines flight in DallasThe clip was shared on TikTok on Sunday and has been pic. twitter.com/PL4nVhmGNM— MassiVeMaC ( @SchengenStory ) July 4, 2023The folks at Fox News share more on the story: The clip of the incident that took the internet by storm this summer depicted a distraught Gomas walking down the center aisle of the plane before turning to flight attendants and other passengers and stating”, I do n’t give two f—s, but I am telling you right now, that motherf— – back there is not real. ” She took to social media in August to apologize for the outburst. But the mysterious quote from Gomas had gone unknown until then, prompting some on social media to speculate for months about what she really saw, with theories spanning from the mundane to the paranormal. Finally, on Friday, the Dallas marketing executive told podcast co- hosts” Great Cat” &”, PFT Commenter” she was reacting to an argument with another passenger and had n’t revealed the truth for months because she found the situation” cringe “and” mortifying. “” You know, the reason I probably have n’t come out still,’ cause it’s like thus tremble – I did not see anything,” she said. Gomas continued”, So I got in a bit of an altercation. It spiraled out of control. It was never my best moment. I mean, it was truly a horrible moment. It’s definitely distressing. ” What do you guys think? I do n’t buy the story. Something seems out. Going back and watching the original, it does n’t seem like she is referring to some altercation. And why did it take so long for her to come out with it? Would it not have been better for her to say she got upset at someone rather than letting rumors circulate for months that she saw a ghost, mysterious, or lizard person? It’s also weird. And let’s assume that she is telling the truth about what happened. How can someone be so selfish as to delay a flight because the’ energy was poor? ‘ At least some people are still having fun with the story. Tiffany Gomas held a Halloween contest to see who could pull off her look the best. Check it out these: Halloween 2023• The Crazy Plane Lady, Who Wore it Best? pic. twitter.com/rTiVlvftTK— @amuse ( @amuse ) October 30, 2023Halloween 2023… pic. twitter.com/0jCnAf1BjC— @amuse ( @amuse ) October 30, 2023 [[{“value”:”
What’s going on with airports and airlines these days? It’s very dangerous to fly at the moment…both for the planes and the passengers! It’s a gamble to see if you’ll get a plane that’s fit for flight or if pieces will fall during takeoff, land or anywhere between. If your plane is intact, you may encounter a maniac who threatens to bring the plane down. Remember the TMINR woman from last year? She’s made a lot of new crazy friends on planes. Here’s the latest …. Shail Patel, an American-Indian Hindu man from Florida, freaked out after he called other passengers “blue-eyed white devils”. He also threatened to bring down the plane. It was all caught on video: American-Indian Hindu man named Shail Patel, 29yo from Flordia hurls insults at white people calling them “blue eyed white devils” also threatening to “take this plane down”, whilst hurling anti-white slurs he also wants to fight a white passenger where he is tackeld pic.twitter.com/KPp8lgONHn — Rahul Agrawal (@RahulAgrawaI) March 23, 2024 Backup here if needed: “F*ck all you blue -eyed white devils!” -Shia Patel
They didn’t like it. Good morning, all of the blue-eyed oakley-wearing super patriots. pic.twitter.com/0CmYBUJ0fA — Kev_Almighty (@BigYash_609) March 23, 2024 Local WFLA reported the following details: A Tampa man was put in a headlock, removed from a flight and jailed for being verbally abusive to passengers and threatening to take down the plane at Tampa International Airport, court documents said. Shail Patel was arrested by airport police on Tuesday as he prepared to board an American Airlines flight from Tampa to Philadelphia. The report stated that Patel was drunk at the time he boarded and began “antagonizing passengers, calling out flight attendants, threatening passengers, and aggressively moving throughout the aircraft.” Patel called them “blue eyed white devils,” and threatened to “take down this plane with all of you mother f— on it,” according to the report. Police reported that Patel slapped a passenger on the face and hand, and spit in their faces. WFLA obtained video that appears to show Patel being held in a headlock before being led from the plane by a fellow traveler. A flight attendant asked on the plane’s public address system if there were any off-duty officers aboard who could assist. Six off-duty officers from the police force were able restrain Patel, and remove him from the aircraft. Patel was arrested for two counts of battery, and one count of disorderly drunkenness. He is currently being held in the Hillsborough County Jail under a $2150 bond. Let’s go back in time and look at the previous incidents that have occurred over the past few years …. Another airline passenger freaks out: “She’s possessed!” What’s going on? Why are there so many people having total freak out meltdowns in airports and on airplanes? It’s true, it’s a bad place to be. Hostile environments, hostile employees… But this has been going on for a long time, why suddenly are we seeing so many freak out sessions? I’m not sure, but here’s what happened. Watch: “She’s Possessed!” Passenger freaks during Frontier Airlines flight. Another passenger accuses the woman of being possessed. pic.twitter.com/TTXhvkqR4k — Mike Sington (@MikeSington) November 21, 2023 Backup here: NEW: “Possessed” woman starts screaming and climbing over seats on a Frontier Airlines flight, claiming she was kidnapped. After the situation had calmed, a woman got up to declare that the woman in question was “possessed”. She then began singing gospel music. “Stop blocking me!… pic.twitter.com/5yfo95h69h — Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) November 21, 2023 The Blaze actually reports it was THREE separate women: ‘That’s not her, she’s possessed!’ 3 different women meltdown on alleged Frontier Airlines flight from hell Multiple women allegedly interrupted a recent flight with screaming, singing, and even crawling over seats causing claims of demonic possession. After multiple women disrupted a flight stemming from a woman’s apprehension, a three-hour flight between Houston, Texas and Denver, Colorado was delayed by three additional hours, including a stopover in Dallas, Texas. The incident, titled “My sister’s first time flying alone on Frontier”, allegedly took place on a Frontier Airlines plane. The video began with a woman screaming for the security guards to release her arm. She was already being subdued. After a woman cried for a few minutes while being taken to the front, the video cut away to a man arguing from his seat with security. During this time, the woman who was apprehended began to crawl and fall over three rows of seats, and passengers, in an attempt to escape. A second woman appeared at the back of plane and began to yell in apparent opposition to the first woman. “Straight Texas Style!” “I’m going beat your ars!” screamed the woman wearing sunglasses and a scarf. In less than 45 seconds, a third passenger appeared in the aisle to explain what was going on. “This isn’t happening by accident. She explained that this is proof that a real devil wants to kill you all, including your family. “That’s her, she is possessed!” The woman wearing the beanie inside-out declared, “She needs help!” “I’m telling you because the hell is about break loose and you’re going to get the evidence of that,” she continued, before moving towards the front of plane. As the situation escalated, the woman turned and sang to the woman who was being held. The woman wearing a bandana soon began to make more comments towards the woman who was allegedly causing the delay: “Ain’t nobody playing with your girl!” “I’ll be crazy along with you.” You’re crying all the time? “I ain’t playin’ with you!” she continued. Watch the full episode here: Just some edible marijuana gone awry? Hmmmm… I don’t really know. She’s not “possessed”, but she was probably told that a “marijuana-edible” would calm her for the flight. Instead, it caused a psychotic breakdown which puts everyone in the plane at risk. https://t.co/pFfeLJX0dR — Aubree Adams (@AubreeAdams4) November 22, 2023 RELATED: Off-Duty Pilot Attempts To Shut Down Plane Engine – Facing 83 Counts of Attempted Murder An off-duty Alaska Airlines pilot was apprehended after attempting to shut down an airplane engine midflight. The pilot could face up to 83 counts of attempted murder. The off-duty flight attendant was seated in the jump seat in the cockpit. This posed a serious risk to the safety and security of the plane. The suspect was eventually subdued and the plane landed safely in Portland. BREAKING REPORT: Off-Duty Alaska Airlines pilot faces Multiple counts of ATTEMPTED MURDER and 83 counts of reckless endangerment after trying to “SHUT DOWN JET’S ENGINES” mid-flight while seated in cockpit jump seat.. Joseph David Emerson, 44, is charged with numerous counts of… pic.twitter.com/Jh6OtmWdW4 — Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) October 23, 2023 NBC News shares more details on the story: An off-duty Alaska Airlines pilot has been charged with over 80 counts of attempted murder after he allegedly attempted to shut off a plane’s engines midflight on Sunday, causing the flight to divert to Portland. Alaska Airlines released a statement stating that Flight 2059 took flight from Everett in Washington and was headed for San Francisco. Alaska Airlines subsidiary Horizon Air operated the flight, which was diverted because of a “credible” security threat posed by a person sitting in the cockpit’s jump seat. The airline stated that the person in the jump seat had unsuccessfully tried to disrupt the engine’s operation. The Horizon Captain and First officer responded quickly, engine power wasn’t lost and the crew was able to secure the aircraft without incident. FlightAware data shows that the flight took off at 5:30 pm local time, and landed in Portland about an hour later. The flight was a lucky one for everyone on board. The suspect had plenty of opportunity to cause serious damage to the plane. Alaska Airlines pilot, 44 ‘tried to shut jet’s ENGINES mid-air, while riding in cockpit jump seats,’ forcing plane divert: Charged for 83 counts of attempted murder
CNN has more information on the story. Emerson is an off-duty pilot accused of trying seize control of a flight, according to a source familiar with this matter. It was not immediately clear which airline Emerson is employed by. The airline stated in a Monday statement that the plane took off from Seattle Paine Field International Airport, but was diverted to Portland International Airport due to a “credible threat” of security. According to audio recorded by LiveATC.net, the pilot told Seattle area air traffic controllers that the man who tried to shut down the engines was no longer in the cockpit and did not seem to be causing any problems at the back. “I think he is subdued. We want law enforcement to be there as soon as possible, as soon as the plane is parked and we are on the ground. Was he insane or not? Domestic terrorism? We’ll need to wait until the FBI and police have more information. We’ll keep everyone updated on the story. Who could forget that? Are you buying her story now that she’s trying to walk back what she said? Tiffany Gomas, “Crazy Plane Lady”, Reveals EXACTLY what she saw on That Plane… Tiffany Gomas appeared on Barstool Sports “Pardon My Take” where she finally revealed what she saw on that aircraft. Watch the clip: Tiffany Gomas, the “crazy plane lady,” reveals what she saw! pic.twitter.com/VYt788eFyS — DramaAlert (@DramaAlert) November 3, 2023 So the story given is that she got into some altercation with the person next to her, which prompted her to respond, “That motherf***** is not real.” Check out the original video here: ‘That guy is not real’: Astonishing moment distressed woman has meltdown on plane over ‘imaginary’ passenger and demands to be let off A woman was filmed in distress aboard an American Airlines flight in Dallas The clip was shared on TikTok on Sunday and has been pic.twitter.com/PL4nVhmGNM — MassiVeMaC (@SchengenStory) July 4, 2023 The folks at Fox News share more on the story: The clip of the incident that took the internet by storm this summer depicted a distraught Gomas walking down the center aisle of the plane before turning to flight attendants and other passengers and stating, “I don’t give two f–s, but I am telling you right now, that motherf— back there is not real.” She took to social media in August to apologize for the outburst. The cryptic quote by Gomas was left unanswered for months, leading many social media users to speculate about what she saw. Theories ranged from the mundane to paranormal. The Dallas marketing executive finally revealed to podcast co-hosts, “Big Cat” and “PFT Commenter”, that she was reacting after an argument with another passenger. She had kept the truth a secret for months, because she found it “cringe-worthy” and “mortifying”. Gomas continued: “So, I got into a little altercation. It spiraled out-of-control. It wasn’t my best moment. It was a terrible moment. It’s absolutely humiliating.” What do you think? I don’t believe the story. There’s something off. It doesn’t appear that she is referring a certain altercation. Why did it take her so long to say it? It would have been better if she had said she was upset with someone, rather than letting rumors spread for months that she saw an alien, ghost, or lizard-person? It’s still fishy. Let’s assume she is telling the truth. How could someone be so selfish to delay a plane because the “energy was bad?” At least some people still have fun with the story. Tiffany Gomas held an Halloween contest to find out who could pull of her look best. Check out: Halloween 2023* The Crazy Plane Lady – Who Wore It Best? pic.twitter.com/rTiVlvftTK — @amuse (@amuse) October 30, 2023 Halloween 2023… pic.twitter.com/0jCnAf1BjC — @amuse (@amuse) October 30, 2023