
NEW STUDY: If Hospitals Used Zelenko Protocol + IV Vitamins, C-19 Deaths Would Be “Virtually Non-Existent”!

Talk about a bombshell headline! Well, folks, this is true, and it was just published by a much-admired study at the NCBI. NLM. NIH. gov website! In fact, it appears that the study has been published since November, and of course no one from the MSM would make a report on it. Great thing you have us. Imagine that…the Zelenko Protocol, which I have been reporting on for several weeks now is proving to be very effective? Vindicated. The study was initially gaining some attention on Twitter earlier today at https: //t. co/uTuUplhV3w— Suzanne ( @Suzanne87882210 ) January 23, 2022https: //t. co/8BTNlemBDB
If hospitals had utilized the Zelenko protocol with intravenous vitamin C and vitamin D, then covid- 19- associated deaths would be virtually nonexistent — Matsuie (@ThinkingPress77 ) January 22, 2022But that’s just Twitter and we do n’t publish articles based on Twitter posts. No, we really do research around these. But what we do publish are articles based on “multicenter, randomized, opened- label studies” which is precisely what this study was. In plain English: it was very well researched and documented. The study’s summary, which straight comes from NCBI, is what I’m going to post below. NLM. NIH. gov as I formerly mentioned. I’ve bolded some of my favourite parts: BackgroundCOVID- 19 is a global pandemic. Treatment with hydroxychloroquine ( HCQ), zinc, and azithromycin ( AZM), also known as the Zelenko protocol, and treatment with intravenous ( IV ) vitamin C ( IVC ) have shown encouraging results in a large number of trials worldwide. Vitamin D levels are a crucial indicator of the severity of symptoms in COVID- 19 patients. ObjectivesOur multicenter, randomized, opened- label study aimed to assess the effectiveness of HCQ, AZM, and zinc with or without IVC in hospitalized patients with COVID- 19 in reducing symptom severity and duration and preventing death. MethodsHospitalized patients in seven participating hospitals in Turkey who had COVID- 19 were randomly chosen to receive either HCQ, AZM, and zinc ( group 1 ) or HCQ, AZM, zinc plus IV vitamin C treatment for 14 days. Additionally, the patients received vitamin D3 at levels that were n’t therapeutic. The trial has received approval from the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration ( TGA ) and is listed on the Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trial Registry (ACTRN12620000557932 ). ResultsA total of 237 hospitalized patients with COVID- 19 aged 22- 99 years ( mean: 63.3 ± 15.7 years ) were enrolled in the study. Almost all patients were vitamin D deficient (97 % ), 55 % were severely vitamin D deficient ( &lt, 25 nmol /&gt, Of the patients, 73 % had comorbidities, including diabetes ( 35 % ), heart disease ( 36 % ), and lung disease ( 34 % ). All but one patient (99.6 %, n = 236/237 ) treated with HCQ, AZM, and zinc with or without high- dose IV vitamin C ( IVC ) fully recovered. Additional IVC therapy contributed significantly to a quicker recovery ( 15 days versus 45 days until discharge, p = 0.0069 ). Side effects such as diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting, reported by 15 %- 27 % of the patients, were mild to moderate and temporary. No cardiovascular side effects were observed. Low vitamin D levels had a significant impact on a longer hospital stay and a higher likelihood of being admitted to the intensive care unit ( ICU). Unfortunately, one 70- year- older adult patient with heart and lung disease died after 17 days in ICU and 22 days in the hospital. Her vitamin D level was 6 nmol/L on admission ( i. e., severely deficient ). ConclusionsOur study concludes that the treatment regimen of HCQ, AZM, and zinc with or without vitamin C is safe and efficient for COVID- 19, with higher dose IV vitamin C facilitating a much faster recovery. Importantly, our study confirms vitamin D deficiency to be a higher- risk factor of extreme COVID- 19 disease and hospitalization, with 97 % of our study’s patient cohort being vitamin D deficient, 55 % of these being greatly vitamin D deficient, and none had optimum levels. Did you catch the missing parts? High-dose vitamin D3 in addition to HCQ, AZM, and zinc, and high-dose iv vitamin C. Future trials are warranted. Of 237 patients, all but ONE survived with this protocol! That is extremely, extremely effective, and superior to anything else we have tried so much. Surely better than the poison vaccines! I note one important result from the study: no merely did 236/237 survive and beat COVID, but none of them died from the treatment itself! Can you say that about the poison vaccines? ( of course not ) This ought to be headline-grabbing news everywhere, folks! Oh, and just in case that study gets taken down from their website, I took screenshots: If you want more on the Zelenko Protocol, let me give you more here…Dr. Due to his first use of hydroxychloroquine in the COVID battle, Vladimir Zelenko became a hero. Ironically, his efforts were halted by a Democrat governor. But Dr. Zelenko did n’t stop. He continued to work and discovered an over-the-counter way to assist people. Watch: These is Dr. Zelenko talk about” the bullet and gun” approach for understanding zinc ionophores ( transcript of highlights is below ): Present Status of Z- Stack: IN- STOCK! Below is a transcript of highlights from the video: Dr. Zelenko:” Zinc is the bullet – it kills the virus. The only issue is that the bullet does n’t get to the right location. The virus is housed within the cell. The cell contains the enzyme. Additionally, the zinc cannot enter the cell on its own. You have a bullet without a gun – unnecessary. What they do is open up a channel, a door, which allows zinc to travel from outside the cell to inside the cell, according to what it turns out to be: a class of medications called “zinc ionophores” or a class of substances called “zinc ionophores.” There are four of them that are conveniently available; two are prescriptions, and two are over-the-counter. The two prescription medications Ivermection and hydrochlorquin everyone knows about. They’re the guns that shoot the bullet. The virus enzyme is therefore prevented from assisting the virus ‘ replication by the bullet entering the cell. So you have a gun and bullet. A functioning unit is merely created by the synergy of the two. Because I was the only one in the state doing it, Cuomo issued an executive order in April of last year that was immediately targeting me and my patients. where pharmacies refused to give patients amoxicillin. So all of a sudden, I had a gun and a bullet approach, but…he took away the zinc delivery system — at least he took aside access to my patients. So I was forced by necessity to innovate. I did more research, and on the NIH servers of all places, I found papers saying a substance called quercetin is a zinc delivery system, while also. It’s a zinc ionophore. To be honest, I’d always heard of quercetin. So I googled it and I see it’s over- the- counter. One of the most important discoveries in my life and perhaps humanity was that realization. Why do I say that? since tyranny was then treatable. The doctor you choose and the government under which you reside are two risk factors for dying from COVID. Besides that, there’s no reason a person should die from COVID. Now, you do n’t need a doctor and now you do n’t need permission from the government. You can purchase an over-the-counter quercetin supplement that includes zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin D, either at a pharmacy or at a supermarket. Up, they make a very potent immune-boosting nutritional supplement. I’m prohibited from making any claims unless it serves as an immune booster and health supplement, according to the FDA. What I’m going to say is this: Vitamin C and quaercetin work together to create a zinc ionophore, or zinc delivery system. Zinc is what it delivers, but you really need zinc as also. You need the gun and the bullet. And Vitamin D3 levels between 50 and 70, as all studies claim, nearly eliminate hospitalizations or admissions to the intensive care unit. It optimizes their defensive system.. but you need Vitamin D, then you need Zinc, which is the bullet. Then you need Vitamin C and quercetin to form a functioning gun. People were having trouble sourcing it because it was made up of four different ingredients that were n’t always present in the same location. They struggled to locate the appropriate dosage. It was a little very difficult for people to piece together because it was a puzzle. So I was asked to create something that has everything in one package as a necessity as a favor to people. With the help of my colleagues, we were ready to create a substance called Z-Stack that contains quercetin and zinc and vitamin C. For We Love Trump readers, Dr. Zelenko created a special page: https ://zstacklife .com/wlt ( by ordering through this link, you’ll be supporting and benefiting WeLoveTrump ) It is Kosher- certified, GMP- certified, and proudly made in the USA. Use code “WLT2022” at checkout to get your more discount! To order Z- Stack immediately from Dr. Zelenko’s store, click here. Order today for immune system support – use code “WLT2022” at checkout for a discount! [[{“value”:”

What a shocking headline! This is a real study, and it was published on the NCBI.NLM.NIH.gov site! The study is out there, and it seems to have been since November. Of course, no one in the MSM has reported on it. You’re lucky to have us. Imagine…the Zelenko Protocol that I have been covering for several weeks is proving highly effective. Vindicated. We first noticed the study starting to get some attention on Twitter earlier today: https://t.co/uTuUplhV3w — Suzanne (@Suzanne87882210) January 23, 2022 https://t.co/8BTNlemBDBIf hospitals had used the Zelenko Protocol with intravenous Vitamin C and Vitamin D, then covid-19 associated deaths would be virtually nonexistent. — Matsuie @ThinkingPress77 January 22, 2022 That’s just tweets and we don’t publish articles based upon tweets. We do research here. We do publish articles based on “multicenter randomized open-label studies”, which is exactly what the study was. It was well documented and researched. I will post the summary below, which is directly from NCBI.NLM.NIH.gov. As I mentioned previously. I’ve bolded my favorite parts. Background COVID-19, a global pandemic, is a worldwide problem. In a number of clinical trials, the Zelenko protocol (HCQ, zinc, azithromycin, AZM) and intravenous vitamin C (IVC), also known by the name Zelenko, have shown promising results. Vitamin D levels are also an important indicator of severity of symptoms among COVID-19 patients. Our multicenter, open-label, randomized study aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of HCQ with or without zinc, with or without IVC, in hospitalized COVID-19 patients in reducing symptoms and duration, and preventing deaths. Hospitalized COVID-19 patients in seven participating Turkish hospitals were screened and randomly assigned to receive either HCQ and zinc (group 1), or HCQ and zinc plus IV vitamin c treatment (group 2), for 14 days. The patients were also given nontherapeutic levels vitamin D3. The trial has been registered with the Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trial Registry (ACTRN12620000557932) and approved by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration. The study enrolled 237 COVID-19 patients aged 22-99 (mean: 63.3+- 15.7). The majority of patients (97%) were vitamin D-deficient, and 55% were severely deficient ( ). 73% of patients had comorbidities including diabetes (35%), lung disease (36%), or heart disease (36%). All but one patient (99.6%, n = 236-237) treated with HCQ and AZM with or without high dose IV vitamin C (IVC), fully recovered. The addition of IVC therapy was associated with a faster recovery (15 days as opposed to 45 days; p = 0.069) The mild to moderate side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which were reported by 15-27% of patients, were transient. No cardiac side effects have been observed. Low vitamin D levels were associated with a greater likelihood of admission to intensive care units (ICUs) and a longer hospital stay. One 70-year-old woman with heart and lungs disease died after 22 days and 17 days in ICU. Her vitamin D level at admission was 6 nmol/L (i.e. severely deficient). Conclusions Our study suggests the treatment protocol of zinc, AZM and HCQ with or without vitamin D is safe and effective for COVID-19. High dose IV vitamin C leads to a faster recovery. Our study confirms that vitamin D deficiencies are a risk factor for severe COVID-19 illness and hospitalization. 97% of the study’s cohort were vitamin D-deficient, 55% severely vitamin D-deficient, and none of them had optimal levels. Future trials should evaluate the combination of high-dose Vitamin D3 with HCQ, AZM and zinc, as well as high-dose intravenous Vitamin C. This protocol was successful in saving 237 patients. I would say that this protocol is highly, highly efficient and better than any other we have tried. It’s definitely better than the poisonous vaccines! One key result of the study is that not only did 236/237 people survive and beat COVID but none died from the treatment! Can you say the same about poison vaccines? This should be on the front page of every newspaper! Oh, and in case the study is removed from their website, i took screenshots. If you want to know more about the Zelenko Protocol let me tell you more here… Unfortunately, a Democrat Governor halted his efforts. But Dr. Zelenko didn’t stop. He continued to work and found a way to help people that was available over-the-counter. Watch Dr. Zelenko explain “the bullet and the gun” approach to understanding zinc ionophores. (Transcript of highlights is below). Current Status of Z-Stack is IN-STOCK. Here is a transcription of the highlights from the video. Dr. Zelenko says: “Zinc kills the virus. The only problem is that the bullet does not reach the right place. The virus is in the cell. The enzyme is in the cell. The zinc cannot enter the cell on its own. A bullet without a firearm is useless. There’s a group of drugs called “zinc ionophores” or a group of substances called “zinc ionophores”. They open a channel that allows zinc to enter the cell from the outside. There are four readily available zinc ionophores – two are prescribed and two are over-the counter. Everyone knows about the two prescription drugs: Ivermection and Hydroxycholorquine. These are the guns that fire the bullet. The bullet enters the cell, and stops the virus enzyme’s ability to replicate. You now have a bullet and a gun. Only when the two work together can you have a working unit. Cuomo issued a directive in April of last year that targeted me and my patients, because I was the sole practitioner in the state. Pharmacy’s refused to dispense hydroxychloroquine. I suddenly had a gun-and-a bullet approach. But…he took the zinc delivery system away — at least, he took access away from my patients. So, I was forced to innovate by necessity. I did some more research and found that on the NIH servers, of all places, there were papers stating quercetin was a zinc delivery system. It’s an ionophore of zinc. To be honest, quercetin was something I had never heard of. I looked it up on Google and found that it is available over-the-counter. It was probably the most important realization of my life, and perhaps in all of humanity. Why do I say this? Now there was a remedy for tyranny. There are two factors that can increase your risk of dying from COVID. The first is the doctor you select and the second is the government in which you live. A person shouldn’t die of COVID. You don’t have to consult a doctor anymore, and you don’t need the permission of the government. You can buy a quercetin nutritional supplement at a supermarket or pharmacy. It contains Zinc, Vitamin C and Vitamin D. According to the FDA I am not allowed to make claims other than that it is an immune booster and nutritional supplements. Quercetin, Vitamin C and other antioxidants work together to form a zinc ionophore – a zinc delivery system. It delivers zinc, so you need zinc too. You need both the gun and bullet. Vitamin D3 levels between 50 to 70 have been shown in all studies to virtually eliminate hospitalizations and admissions into the intensive care unit. It improves their immune system..so Vitamin D is needed, and then Zinc which is the bullet. To make a gun that works, you’ll need Vitamin C, quercetin, and other ingredients. Patients had trouble finding it because it was made up of four different ingredients, which weren’t always readily available. They had difficulty finding the right dosages. It was a puzzle which was a bit too complex for the people to solve. I was asked to create something that had everything in one package as a favor for people. It made sense to my colleagues and I, so we were able, with the help from my colleagues, to produce a substance called Z-Stack which has Vitamin C, Vitamin D and most importantly, has quercetin, and zinc.” Now Dr. Zelenko makes Z-Stack accessible to everyone. For We Love Trump readers, Dr. Zelenko created a special page: https://zstacklife.com/wlt (by ordering through this link, you’ll be supporting and benefiting WeLoveTrump) It is Kosher-certified, GMP-certified, and proudly made in the USA. Use code “WLT2022”, at the checkout, to receive your additional discount. Click here to order Z-Stack from Dr. Zelenko. Use code “WLT2022”, at checkout, to get a discount on your order for immune system support!


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