[[{“value”:”Talk about a clip from history!
Over 35 years ago back in 1988, Donald Trump went on Oprah’s TV show and they had an amazing chat.
You can see Oprah fawning all over Donald….
They all LOVED him before he ran for President!
And speaking of running for President, Oprah asked him if he actually thought he’d run.
Listen as he tells Oprah that he has no desire to run for president because of the difficult circumstances that come with it, but that he would not close the door in the event that things got so terrible.
What a smart man…
Because he could see the direction America was heading even then, he kept the door opened.
Watch around:
Donald Trump talks America First with @Oprah— again in 1988. pic. twitter.com/CV2Uydm6ru
— News Nomad (@The_Nomad_News ) March 10, 2024
Backup around:
Donald Trump tells Oprah precisely what he would do if things got bad enough over 35 years ago.
@Daily NoahNews pic. twitter.com/ohP9NvwfkX
— Daily Noah.com ( @Daily NoahNews ) March 13, 2024
What truly strikes me is how amazingly persistent he is.
He sounds the same in 1980 as he does in 1988 as he does today!
Similar guy!
And it’s not the person Legacy Media claims to be.
This is man who loves America.
But that’s not all.
Let’s go back even earlier ….
The Oprah clip was 1988.
Let’s go back to 1980 where we have Donald Trump at Age 34.
His devotion to this country arose before anything else even next.
It’s all it.
Watch around:
Listen to this clip and put off what you think of Trump for a second. https ://t.co/rn7mymW2Mc
— Farzad ( @farzyness ) March 13, 2024
Backup around if needed:
Donald Trump asked if he wanted to be president someday at the age of 34.
His response might surprise you.
@Daily NoahNews pic. twitter.com/cL8g7bWP6G
— Daily Noah.com ( @Daily NoahNews ) March 13, 2024
Perhaps Elon Musk weighed in by saying” Interesting”:
— Elon Musk ( @elonmusk ) March 13, 2024
Yes indeed, quite exciting!
Okay, so we’ve got a couple more since we’re doing this extensive Memory Lane walk.
RARE VIDEO: David Letterman LOVED Donald Trump!
You’re going to love this.
So I have to admit something…
I was a great David Letterman fan.
Generally thought he was brilliant.
Truly interesting, and I adored how he would interview and joke with guests.
If Leno was your glossy, plain vanilla comedy, Letterman had all the sharp edges…. and the edges were brilliant.
But then something happened.
He grew more democratic and started to go far left as he grew older.
And with that move the comedy started to disappear.
Because comedy ca n’t exist when you’re too full of anger and political ideology.
So I want to make sure you do n’t forget the David Letterman of today, and I want to take you back to the David Letterman of the 1980s.
When Letterman was in his prime…. and when Donald Trump was adored by David Letterman.
That is certainly my opinion, which comes direct from Letterman in this clip.
Watch and enjoy:
CLASSIC: Dave Letterman Asks Donald Trump to Purchase A New Office Photo. twitter.com/MbMjTZbDeM
— Daily Noah.com ( @Daily NoahNews ) May 20, 2023
Backup around on Rumble:
These are a couple more…
Watch this one from 1992:
And one of the earliest ones, which was in 1986:”}]] [[{“value”:”
What a historical clip!
In 1988, Donald Trump and Oprah had a fascinating conversation.
Oprah is swooning over Donald ….
Before he ran for president, they all loved him!
Oprah asked him, in reference to his thoughts on running for president, if he had ever considered it.
Listen to him tell Oprah that he doesn’t want to run for president because it is a difficult life. But he also says he wouldn’t close the door if things got so bad in America he was forced to.
What a wise person…
He kept the door wide open because he knew even then what direction America was heading.
Watch Here:
Donald Trump talks America First with @Oprah– back in 1988. pic.twitter.com/CV2Uydm6ru
News Nomad (@The_Nomad_News), March 10, 2024
Back here:
Over 35 years ago Donald Trump told Oprah what he would have done if the situation got too bad.
@DailyNoahNews pic.twitter.com/ohP9NvwfkX
DailyNoah.com – (@DailyNoahNews), March 13, 2024
What strikes me most is his incredible CONSISTENCE.
He sounds the same today as he did in 1980, 1988 or even today!
Same guy!
It’s not who the Legacy Media would have you believe.
This is a man who loves America.
But that’s just the beginning.
Let’s go back even earlier….
The Oprah video was from 1988.
Let’s look back at 1980 and Donald Trump, who was 34 years old.
Even then, his love for this nation was above all.
All of it is there.
Watch Here:
Listen to this clip and forget what you think about Trump for a moment. https://t.co/rn7mymW2Mc
— Farzad (@farzyness) March 13, 2024
Back up here if necessary:
Donald Trump asked if he wanted to be president one day at age 34.
You may be surprised by his answer.
@DailyNoahNews pic.twitter.com/cL8g7bWP6G
DailyNoah.com – (@DailyNoahNews), March 13, 2024
Even Elon Musk commented by saying “Interesting”.
Enjoy the following:
Elon Musk (@elonmusk), March 13, 2024
Yes, it is indeed very interesting!
Now, let’s add a few more to our walk down Memory Lane ….
RARE VIDEO – David Letterman loved Donald Trump
You’re going love this.
So I must admit something…
I was a big David Letterman fan.
I always thought he was funny.
He was genuinely funny and I enjoyed the way he interacted with guests and made jokes.
Letterman has all the jagged edges ….and they are hilarious.
Then, something happened.
As he grew older, he became more political and began to lean far left.
The comedy began to disappear with this move.
Comedy is impossible when you are too filled with anger and political ideologies.
I want you to forget the David Letterman you know today and go back to the David Letterman you knew in the 1980s.
When Letterman was at his peak …. and when David Letterman loved Donald Trump
This clip is not mine, but Letterman’s.
Enjoy the show:
CLASSIC: Dave Letterman Asks Donald Trump To Build Him A New Office pic.twitter.com/MbMjTZbDeM
DailyNoah.com @DailyNoahNews May 20, 2023
Here are a couple more…
Watch this video from 1992:
One of the first ones was in 1986.