The Texas immigration law controversy has caused a delay in its implementation but not its political effects. S.B. The 4 is the latest in a series of local and state-level crackdowns on immigration that dates back to at least California’s Proposition 187 (a 1994 ballot measure backed by then-Gov. Pete Wilson (R), who deputized Californians…
Judicial whiplash over Texas’s controversial new immigration law has delayed its implementation, but probably not its political effects. S. B. 4 is the latest in a string of nearby- and state- level immigration crackdowns that goes back at least to California’s Proposition 187, a 1994 ballot measure supported by subsequently- Gov. Pete Wilson ( R ) that deputized individual Californians… Judicial whiplash over Texas’s controversial new immigration law has delayed its implementation, but probably not its social effects. S. B. 4 is the latest in a string of nearby- and state- level immigration crackdowns that goes back at least to California’s Proposition 187, a 1994 ballot measure supported by subsequently- Gov. Pete Wilson ( R ) that deputized individual Californians…
The Texas immigration law controversy has caused a delay in its implementation but not its political effects. S.B. The 4 is the latest in a series of local and state-level crackdowns on immigration that dates back to at least California’s Proposition 187 (a 1994 ballot measure backed by then-Gov. Pete Wilson (R), who deputized Californians…