[[{“value”:”I enjoy hearing this right then!
BlackRock is being told to go kick sand by the Texas Board of Education!
The reason is because they have connected the dots and come to terms with the fact that BlackRock is the all-powerful force behind all the DEI anti-White Sustainable propaganda that is being pushed in our direction every day.
They said that” BlackRock’s prominent and persistent leadership in the ESG movement immensely damages our state’s oil &, gas economy…”
No to mention BlackRock’s involvement in all the other anti-American and anti-family initiatives.
Let’s hope this spread to different states!
Texas yanks$ 8.5B from Larry Fink’s BlackRock in’ massive blow against the scam of ESG ‘ https ://t.co/UwNS8buuOe pic. twitter.com/9rK5ivJ7KM
— New York Post ( @nypost ) March 19, 2024
National Review reports:
The Texas Board of Education is divesting$ 8.5 billion from BlackRock because of the asset manager’s Environmental, Social, and Governance investment philosophy.
The Texas Permanent School Fund ( TPSF ) will end its financial partnership with BlackRock on Tuesday and seek a new company to manage its$ 8.5 billion in state assets.
” Today, PSF leadership gave global asset manager BlackRock an official notice that its financial management of about$ 8.5 billion in Texas ‘ assets is terminating. Texas Board of Education Chairman Aaron Kinsey said in a statement shared with National Review that terminating BlackRock’s contract ensures PSF’s total compliance with Texas law.
Our state’s oil and gas economy and the companies that generate our PSF’s revenue are both severely harmed by BlackRock’s strong and prolonged leadership in the ESG movement. This fund has been working closely with Texas and the PSF to expand it in order to build Texas ‘ schools.
Texas’s state law forbids state funding of financial services firms that profit from the state’s oil and gas sector, which is a significant component of the state economy. The economic component of BlackRock’s ESG strategy encourages a transition from fossil fuels to alternative energy investments.
The Board of Education Chair’s punitive and arbitrary decision of today jeopardizes Texas schools and the families that have benefited from BlackRock’s ongoing, long-term improvement of the Texas Permanent School Fund. Our$ 120 billion investment in Texas ‘ people energy companies is ignored, and the decision defies expert guidance. As a professional, politics should not outweigh performance, specifically for taxpayers”, BlackRock told National Review in a statement.
Over the past five years, the TPSF outperformed BlackRock’s intended benchmarks, according to BlackRock in an annual report last year. The fund achieved 6.14 percent returns next year, above the 4.38 percent benchmark, and a 6.19 percent return over five years, higher than the 5.52 percent.
The TPSF’s decision to end its economic ties with BlackRock, according to ESG supporters, represents a considerable step in the fight against ESG.
” Under Larry Fink’s leadership, BlackRock has been misusing client funds to push a political agenda for years. Somewhere in the world was more severe than Texas, where BlackRock managed funds that depended on royalties earned from that same industry while simultaneously attempting to destabilize the domestic oil and gas industry. A more flagrant violation of professional duty is hard to imagine”, said Will Hild, executive director of Consumers ‘ Research, a leading consumer advocacy group. Hild is a popular opponent of ESG and “woke” business activism.
Texas is not the only dark state challenging BlackRock for its support for ESG investment objectives. In July 2022, West Virginia Treasurer Riley Moore ( R ) placed BlackRock on the list of restricted financial institutions because it prohibited business in the coal and natural gas sectors without having a justifiable business purpose. Six financial institutions were just recently warned by the state that their economic investing objectives might cause them to be included in the list.
According to State Financial Officers Foundation CEO Derek Kreifels,” Today’s strong move by Aaron Kinsey and the Permanent School Fund of Texas is a significant blow to the scam of ESG.”
And make no mistake, Larry Fink will NEVER back away from ESG/DE I unless made to do so by force.
Why? Because it conforms to his philosophies.
Do n’t let the headline mislead you.
Black Rock CEO is n’t ashamed of ESG.
He feels bad for being very slow to acknowledge the public’s growing awareness of the unfair practice he promotes, ESG.
Larry Fink will continue to support it under a different name. pic. twitter.com/mFlZFmvBlE
— ZNO ( @therealZNO ) June 26, 2023
Moreover, Larry Fink is sort of like the surprise Bill Gates.
Certainly as many people know about him but that’s changing.
His net worth is significantly higher than Gates, despite the fact that BlackRock manages assets worth more than 9 trillion dollars.
And like Gates, he’s behind the scenes buying up everything, from single family residence homes to farmland, also in Ukraine.
Because he has a few free billions lying around so he figured, what the heck, why not buy some farmland.
I’m guessing there’s an agenda at play here.
The chairman of Blackrock, Larry Fink, plans to invest billions of dollars in the acquisition of large tracts of Ukrainian farmland.
Paying attention?
— Douglas Macgregor ( @DougAMacgregor ) March 18, 2024
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. warns of BlackRock’s plan to “gain ownership of all the single-family residences in This Country.”
The majority of us are familiar with homebuying prospects. They were prepared to do it, but a person unexpectedly approaches with a cash offer and digs it out… picture. twitter.com/U2eWSgji73
— Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd ) August 25, 2023
Have you heard of Rupes Nigra?
It’s a supposedly substantial mountain at the North Pole, and it means Black Rock.
Is that how BlackRock got its name?
Hidden in plain sight.
Rumor has it that this mountain is comprised of lodestone, which is composed of a mineral called magnetite.
Ergo, this mountain is magnetized.
Is that why the compass is always northeast of the needle?
Because there’s a great mountain that that contains magnetite?
Could God be that smart?
The elites would n’t try to hide this would they? That’s no like them.
Let’s go look for the North Pole and try to find it.
Oh, wait. Anyone trying to travel that way north is blocked by the military camp it.
I wonder why?
Here’s a 400 year old map that’s from Atlas ( Mercator, G. and Hondius, J. 1606 )
What’s that in the middle?
‘ Rupes nigra… ‘
Why that’s unusual.
That area on Google Earth has been blocked out by Google.
Are they trying to hide something?
This is an ancient video clip that was shot above the North Pole.
Is this what they’re blocking out?
We’ve been told more lies than we think.
Stay interested, my friends.
UPDATE: BlackRock Then Advising Its Clients Invest In Gold! We Told You Second!
We take pride in reporting below, and we often put our story first.
While the Financial MSM Talking Heads and the Big Banks “talk their books,” we’ve been shooting you flat here.
Yet BlackRock appears to be boarding the long-gold trade at this point.
Just keep in mind what we already mentioned months earlier!
BlackRock, the world’s largest asset management firm and the biggest promoters of Environment, Social, and Governance ( ESG) investments, has released a report recommending investors allocate money into physical precious metals.
” Gold is having a moment, one we believe is possible to continue. The precious metal has risen over 8 % so far in 2023, thanks to a combination of positive factors,” the analysts said in the report”. Due to expectations that the United States would not miss the deadline to raise the debt ceiling, gold dropped from its May 3 high of near$ 0 00 per ounce to$ 0 00 per ounce. That said, the decline occurred after gold rallied almost 30 % from its 52- week small. If gold can hold onto a rally that started at its 10-year great of$ 2067, that could indicate a continuation of the rally.
This is not surprising given that they are in the business of making money as well as making sure their investors do n’t suffer too much, according to Jonathan Rose, co-founder of Genesis Gold Group.
They are encouraging ESG funds, which have shown to lose money, so it makes sense to promote gold at this time as they try to achieve balance.
Although BlackRock and the World Economic Forum assert that ESG funds are useful, their words do not.
Yet the Biden- Harris administration has attempted to compel the issue by encouraging financial advisors to invest in ESG securities despite their ongoing losses.
This is why tens of thousands of Americans are switching to self-directed IRAs with real precious metal backing instead of traditional retirement accounts.
A self-directed IRA, in contrast to a traditional IRA, gives people the opportunity to invest in a wider range of assets, including gold, while also receiving the same tax advantages as a standard IRA.
Step 1: Opening Your Self- Guided IRA
– Numerous people generally collaborate with a provider of precious metals, such as Genesis Gold Group, who will guide you through each step of the process.
Step 2: Funding Your Self- Guided IRA
– You can fund your self- directed IRA by rolling over or transferring assets from your existing retirement accounts, such as a 401 ( k ), 403 ( b ), TSP, savings, or other IRA accounts. These rollovers and transfers typically occur without any tax implications. You can purchase gold as part of your retirement account when your self-directed IRA is funded.
Click this link to contact Genesis Gold Group right away.
In contrast to other precious metals companies, Genesis Gold Group does not exploit investors ‘ frustration to push them into the wrong metals.
Through rollovers or transfers of retirement accounts, they place a premium on customer service and selecting the right metals for their clients ‘ portfolios. This is why they do n’t engage in the devious ploy of” free” silver marketing.
Not just BlackRock’s rapid adoration of precious metals. China is continuing to increase metal purchases, surpassing all previous highs in each of the previous seven months.
Since only recently have investors begun calling them out, main banks have been buying as much gold as they can.
If you’re concerned about the future, contact Genesis Gold Group …
You’ll work with nationalist, faith-driven experts who can create your retirement accounts using any desired combination of natural precious metals, including a free Comprehensive Gold Guide.
To speak with Genesis Gold Group today, click around.
p. s. Did you know Superman likes them to?
That’s right, Dean Cain is a great fan just like I am…watch here:
( Note: The information provided by WLTReport or any related communications is just for informational purposes and should not be interpreted as financial advice. We do not provide personalized investment, financial, or legal advice. )”}]] [[{“value”:”
This is what I love to hear!
BlackRock is told to kick sand by the Texas Board of Education!
They’ve realized that BlackRock, the powerful force behind the DEI anti White ESG propaganda that is being pushed daily in our faces, is behind it all.
They said “BlackRock’s dominant, persistent leadership in the ESG Movement damages our state’s Oil & Gas economy …”
BlackRock has also been involved in other anti-American and anti-family activities.
Let’s hope that this spreads to other states!
Texas yanks $8.5B from Larry Fink’s BlackRock in ‘massive blow against the scam of ESG’ https://t.co/UwNS8buuOe pic.twitter.com/9rK5ivJ7KM
New York Post (@nypost), March 19, 2024
National Review reports
The Texas Board of Education has divested $8.5 billion in BlackRock due to the asset manager’s Environmental, Societal, and Governance investment philosophy.
The Texas Permanent School Fund will be terminating their financial relationship with BlackRock, and looking for a new firm that can manage the $8.5 billion in state assets. This was announced by the TPSF to BlackRock on February 2.
“Today PSF leadership sent an official notice to global asset management BlackRock terminating their financial management of approximately $8.4 billion in Texas assets. Aaron Kinsey, Texas Board of Education Chairman, said in a National Review statement that terminating BlackRock’s contracts ensures PSF’s compliance with Texas laws.
“BlackRock’s dominant, persistent leadership in the ESG industry damages our state’s economy and the companies that generate revenue for our PSF.” Texas and the PSF worked hard to grow this account to build Texas’s schools.”
Texas state law prohibits investment by the state in financial services firms that boycott the oil industry, which is a major part of the economy. BlackRock’s ESG Strategy promotes a transition from fossil fuels to green energy investments.
“Today’s unilateral, arbitrary decision made by Board of Education chair Aaron Kinsey puts Texas schools at risk and families who have benefited over the years from BlackRock’s consistently outperforming performance for the Texas Permanent School Fund. The decision ignores the $120 billion we invested in Texas public energy companies, and goes against expert advice. BlackRock said in a National Review statement that as a fiduciary politics should not overshadow performance, especially when it comes to taxpayers.
BlackRock stated in its annual report that the TPSF had outperformed BlackRock’s benchmarks for the past five years, net of fees. The fund’s 6.14 percent return last year was higher than the benchmark of 4.38 percent, and its 6.19 percent over five years was higher than the benchmark of 5.52 percent.
Advocates of ESG consider the TPSF’s decision to end its financial relationship BlackRock as a significant step towards pushing back against ESG.
“Under Larry Fink’s leadership, BlackRock misappropriated client funds for years to push a partisan political agenda. This was nowhere more evident than in Texas where BlackRock simultaneously tried to destroy the domestic gas and oil industry while managing funds which depended on royalties from this very same industry. Will Hild, executive of Consumers’ Research and a leading consumer advocacy organization, said that it was difficult to imagine a more flagrant breach of fiduciary duties. Hild is an outspoken opponent of ESG, corporate activism and “wokeness”.
Texas isn’t the only red state that has reacted against BlackRock because of its adoption ESG investment goals. West Virginia Treasurer Riley Moore placed BlackRock on the restricted financial institutions list of West Virginia in July 2022 because it limited business with coal and natural gas without a reasonable purpose. The state has recently warned six financial firms that they could be added because of their environmental investment goals.
Derek Kreifels, CEO of the State Financial Officers Foundation, told NR that “Today’s courageous step by Aaron Kinsey, and the Permanent School Fund of Texas in accordance with the state law, is a huge blow against the scam of ESG.”
Larry Fink WILL NOT EVER resign from ESG/DEI, unless forced to do so.
Why? Why?
Do not be misled by the headline.
Black Rock CEO doesn’t feel ashamed of ESG
He regrets that he did not recognize the growing awareness of discriminatory practices that he promotes, ESG.
Larry Fink will continue his campaign, but with a new name. pic.twitter.com/mFlZFmvBlE
ZNO (@therealZNO), June 26, 2023
Larry Fink is also like the secret Bill Gates.
It’s true that fewer people know about him, but this is changing.
While his net worth may not be as high as Gates’, the assets he manages are far greater. BlackRock manages assets of over 9 TRILLION US dollars.
Like Gates, he is also buying everything behind the scenes, from single-family residences to farmland in Ukraine.
He had a few billions lying around, so he thought, what the hell, why not buy some land?
I’m assuming there’s a hidden agenda here.
Larry Fink, Chairman of Blackrock, is preparing to invest billions of dollars in buying vast tracts of Ukrainian farmland.
Are you paying attention?
— Douglas Macgregor (@DougAMacgregor) March 18, 2024
Robert F. Kennedy Jr warns about BlackRock’s plan to ‘gain ownership of all the single-family residences in this country’
“Most of know people who were going to buy a house. They were ready to do it and at the last moment, somebody comes in with a cash offer and scoops it out… pic.twitter.com/U2eWSgji73
— Chief Nerd @TheChiefNerd August 25, 2023
Have you heard about Rupes Nigra?
It’s supposed to be a massive mountain near the North Pole.
BlackRock’s name is derived from this.
Hidden in plain sight.
This mountain is said to be made of lodestone which is a mineral known as magnetite.
This mountain is magnetic.
Is this why the needle on all compasses faces north?
There’s a huge magnetite mountain there?
Could God be so clever?
Would the elites try to hide it? It’s not their style.
Let’s visit the North Pole to try and find it.
Oh, wait. The military is there to stop anyone from going that far north.
Here’s a 400-year-old map from Atlas (Mercator G. and Hondius J. 1606)
What’s the middle thing?
‘Rupes nigra…’
Why is that odd?
Google Earth has blocked that area out.
Are they hiding something?
This is an old video taken above the North Pole.
What are they blocking out?
We’ve been told many more lies than we thought.
Keep your curiosity, my friends.
BlackRock is now advising its clients to invest in gold! We Told You Firstly!
We are always proud to have been the first to report a story.
We’ve told you the truth while the Big Banks, the Financial MSM Talking Heads and other financial experts “talk their book”, which means they tell you to sell even though they’re buying.
It looks like BlackRock has also joined the long-gold trade.
Remember, we told you about it first — many months ago!
BlackRock, the largest asset management company in the world and the most prominent promoter of Environment, Social, and Governance investments (ESG), has released a new report recommending that investors allocate their money into precious metals.
“Gold is having its moment, and we think it will continue.” The precious metal is up over 8% in 2023 thanks to a variety of positive factors,” analysts stated in the report. “Gold fell from a high of around $2050 an ounce on May 3, amid expectations that the U.S. wouldn’t miss the deadline for raising the debt ceiling. The decline was after gold had rallied nearly 30 percent from its 52-week bottom. If gold is able to maintain a rally above the 10-year high of $267, it may indicate that another leg in this rally is likely.
Jonathan Rose, cofounder of Genesis Gold Group, said, “This move was not surprising, as they are in the business to not only make money, but also to ensure that their investors do not lose too much.”
“They are pushing ESGs which have lost money and promoting gold now makes sense, as they are trying to achieve balance.”
BlackRock and the World Economic Forum may claim that ESG funds have benefits, but their actions don’t match their words.
Even the Biden/Harris regime tried to force this issue by encouraging financial advisors who continue to lose money to push ESG investments.
This is why tens and thousands of Americans have moved their retirement accounts into self-directed IRAs backed up by physical precious metals.
Self-directed IRAs are different from traditional IRAs in that they allow individuals to invest in a wider range of assets, including gold, while still enjoying similar tax benefits.
Step 1: Open Your Self-Directed IRA
– Many people work with a precious-metals provider, such as Genesis Gold Group, to open a self directed IRA. They can guide you through the entire process.
Step 2: Funding your Self-Directed IRA
You can fund your IRA by transferring or rolling over assets from existing retirement accounts such as a 401 (k), 403 (b), TSP or savings account. These rollovers and transfer are usually done without tax consequences. You can purchase gold for your retirement account once your self-directed IRA has been funded.
Click here to contact Genesis Gold Group.
Genesis Gold Group, unlike other precious metals firms, does not exploit investors’ anxiety to push them towards the wrong metals.
They focus on customer service, and adding the right metals to their clients’ portfolios by rolling over or transferring retirement accounts. This is why they do not engage in the devious marketing ploy of “free silver”.
BlackRock isn’t the only one who has suddenly become obsessed with precious metals. China continues to increase its gold purchases, with each of the past seven months seeing a record high.
Investors began to notice and call them out when central banks started buying gold at a rapid pace for the past two years.
Contact Genesis Gold Group if you are concerned about your future.
You will receive a free Definitive Gold Guide, and you will work with patriotic, faith-driven experts who can help you set up your retirement account with any desired mixture of physical precious metals.
Click here to contact Genesis Gold Group today.
p.s. Did you know Superman also likes them?
Watch here:
Please note that the information provided by WLTReport and any other communications is only for informational purposes and should not be construed as financial advice. We do not offer personalized investment, legal, or financial advice.