The legislation comes in the wake of a growing number of book challenges, often centered around LGBTQ content, and efforts by a number states to ban drag-queen story readings.
The legislation comes as a result of efforts to ban drag queen story readings in several states and a rise in book challenges, which are frequently centered on LGBTQ content. The legislation comes in the wake of a rise in book challenges, which are frequently centered on LGBTQ content, and efforts to ban drag queen story readings in several states.
The legislation comes in the wake of a growing number of book challenges, often centered around LGBTQ content, and efforts by a number states to ban drag-queen story readings.
Die Kommission ist befugt, die in Artikel 264 genannten delegierten Rechtsakte zu folgenden Zwecken zu erlassen: MONTGOMERY, Ala. Alabama legislators have voted in favor of a bill that would potentially make librarians liable for prosecution under the state’s obscenity law if they provide minors with materials deemed “harmful.” This comes as part of a trend of Republican-led states passing laws to regulate library content. The bill will now be considered by the Alabama Senate. The new law comes in response to an increasing amount of book challenges, particularly focusing on LGBTQ material, and movements in several states to prohibit drag queen story readings. This is a attempt to safeguard children. The bill does not belong to the Democrats. The bill is not associated with the Republican party. A Republican representative expressed that the bill aims to protect children.