
As Monthly Heat Records Tumble, Scientists Are Increasingly Alarmed

This story was originally published in the Guardian, and is reproduced as part of Climate Desk’s collaboration. Another month, another record-breaking global heat. Climate scientists are left scratching their head and hoping that this is not a sign of worse than expected planetary health but rather an El Nino-related hangover. Global surface temperatures were 0.1 degrees Celsius warmer in March.

 [[{“value”:”This article was originally published by the Guardian, and it is a part of the Climate Desk collaboration that has been shared around.
Another month, another record for international heat, which has left climate scientists with the hope that this is an El Nio-related hangover more than a sign of worse-than-expected astronomical health.
According to data released on Tuesday by the Copernicus Climate Change Service, world surface temperatures in March were 0.01 degrees Celsius higher than the previous record for the month, which was set in 2016, and 1.68 degrees Celsius higher than the pre-industrial average.
This regular record is the 10th consecutive in a warming period that has destroyed all previous records. Over the previous 12 months, average global temperatures have been 1.58 degrees Celsius above pre- business levels.
This is at least partially above the Paris climate agreement’s 1.5 degrees Celsius target, but the landmark agreement will hardly be deemed broken unless this trend persists on a decadal scale.
The UK Met Office had recently predicted that the 1.5 degree Celsius goal might be accomplished in a year, and other influential climate monitoring organizations claimed that computer models had predicted that the present temperatures would still rise.
The anomaly” could suggest that a warming planet is now fundamentally altering how the climate system operates”
However, some scientists were surprised by the dramatic rise in temperatures over the previous year, which raised questions about a potential heating increase.
One of the vice-chairs of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC), Diana Ürge- Vorsatz, noted that the planet has been warming at a rate of 0. 3 degrees Celsius per decade over the past 15 years, nearly twice the rate of 0. 18 degrees Celsius per decade since the 1970s. Is this a sign of accelerating warming or within the range of climate variability? She tweeted,” I worry that it might be too late if we really wait.”
Gavin Schmidt, the director of Nasa’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, noted that temperature records are being broken each month by away to 0.2 degrees Celsius. ” It’s heartbreaking, and a bit worrying, to admit that no year has confounded climate scientists ‘ predictive capabilities more than 2023 has”, the successor to Jim Hansen wrote in a recent article for Nature.
Schmidt identified some plausible causes for the anomaly, including the El Nio effect, pollution controls that reduced sulfur dioxide particles, fallout from the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcanic eruption in Tonga from January 2022, and the rise in solar activity in the run-up to a predicted thermal maximum.
However, he claimed that if the anomaly does no stabilize by August, which he had anticipated given past El Nio events, then the world will be in unknown territory. It might suggest that the climate system’s fundamental changes are now occurring little sooner than scientists had anticipated.
The core of the problem—fossil fuel emissions—is well known and generally uncontested in the medical community. A survey of almost 90, 000 climate- relevant studies shows a 99.9 percent consensus that humans are altering the climate by burning gas, oil, coal, and trees.
According to Samantha Burgess, the deputy director of the Copernicus Climate Change Service,” to stop more warming requires quick reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.”
The scientist Michael E. Mann, whose 1999 “hockey-stick graph” revealed the dramatic rise in global temperatures since the technological era, predicted the future trends given the ongoing rise in emissions. However, he claimed that should n’t be a source of solace. ” The world is warming AS FAST as we predicted—and that’s bad enough”, he tweeted.
Opposition to this view comes not from science, but the fossil fuel industry —in certain the 57 companies linked to 80 percent of emissions—which stands to lose trillions of dollars. At a conference on the oil industry in Houston last month, Saudi Aramco CEO Amin Nasser received applause for saying,” We should abandon the fantasy of phasing out oil and gas.” Despite the fact that his country and others had already agreed to stop using fossil fuels at the Cop28 climate summit in Dubai only four months prior, this was in spite of the fact that.”}]] The Guardian previously published this story, which is available these as part of the Climate Desk collaboration. Another month, another record for international heat, which has left climate scientists with the hope that this is an El Nio-related hangover more than a sign of worse-than-expected celestial health. In March, the international surface temperatures reached a temperature of 0.1 degrees Celsius. 

This story was originally published in the Guardian, and is reproduced as part of Climate Desk’s collaboration. Another month, another record-breaking global heat. Climate scientists are left scratching their head and hoping that this is not a sign of worse than expected planetary health but rather an El Nino-related hangover. Global surface temperatures were 0.1 degrees Celsius warmer in March.


Te veré luego. Te veré luego. Estoy asombrado. Synopsize of the following text. I apologize, but there is no text provided for me to paraphrase.


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