The reelection campaign of President Biden launched a new national LGBTQ voter mobilization initiative, Out for Biden Harris, on Wednesday. The launch includes a virtual organizing and training event focused on reaching new volunteer, especially in battleground state, by engaging surrogates of the community, like Virginia state senator Danica Roem, (D), and former under security of…
Out for Biden- Harris, a novel regional initiative aimed at swaying Gay voters, was launched on Wednesday in President Biden’s reelection campaign. By involving surrogates from the community like Virginia state senator Danica Roem ( D), former undercover of the UN, and former undercover of the… Out for Biden- Harris, a novel regional initiative aimed at securing Gay voters, was launched on Wednesday in President Biden’s reelection campaign. By involving surrogates from the community like Virginia state senator Danica Roem ( D), former undercover of the UN, and former undercover of the…
The reelection campaign of President Biden launched a new national LGBTQ voter mobilization initiative, Out for Biden Harris, on Wednesday. The launch includes a virtual organizing and training event focused on reaching new volunteer, especially in battleground state, by engaging surrogates of the community, like Virginia state senator Danica Roem, (D), and former under security of…