Democrats hope that a new strict abortion law and related ballot question can flip the state. Trump won it by only 3 points in 2020.
Democrats hope that a strict new abortion law and a relevant ballot question will flip the state, which Trump just won by 3 points in 2020. Democrats hope that a strict new abortion law and a connected ballot question will flip the state, which Trump just won by 3 points in 2020.
Democrats hope that a new strict abortion law and related ballot question can flip the state. Trump won it by only 3 points in 2020.
President Joe Biden appeared in Tampa, Florida on April 23, 2024 to address the topic of reproductive freedom. President Joe Biden arrived in Florida on Tuesday with the intention of using the state’s new strict abortion law, along with a ballot initiative that could reverse it, as a campaign focal point that could secure him the state’s electoral votes for the upcoming November election and solidify his chances for reelection. At a rally in Tampa, Biden pointed to former President Donald Trump as the driving force behind the abortion law, accusing him of taking credit for it. He criticized the six-week abortion ban in Florida that was enacted following the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Wade and the decision to end a nationwide abortion right, and pointed out to voters that the three appointees to the Supreme Court by the former president who attempted a coup were the ones responsible. He stated that it was Donald Trump who took away the rights and liberty of women in the United States. We will show Donald Trump and the far-right MAGA Republicans a lesson they won’t forget: Do not underestimate the power of American women. Political consultants from both sides of the aisle are doubtful that Biden will win Florida, but they do agree that it is wise to put pressure on Trump in a state he cannot afford to lose. Despite only winning by a narrow margin in 2016, Trump cannot overlook Florida in this election. Steve Schale, who managed Obama’s successful Florida campaigns in 2008 and 2012, believes that Biden’s presence in Tampa signifies a strategic move to highlight their differences. A candidate’s time is extremely valuable, especially for someone currently in office. Trump’s campaign did not answer questions from HuffPost. In 2016, Trump struck a clear agreement with evangelical voters who didn’t trust him, promising to appoint only anti-abortion Supreme Court justices vetted by Christian groups in exchange for their backing.