According to a projection by Decision Desk HQ, President Biden won the Rhode Island Democratic Presidential Primary. Biden became the presumptive candidate last month, after he secured enough delegates to be nominated. His win in Ocean State will give him at least 21 out of the 26 pledged delegate up for grabs. Biden was…
According to a projection from Decision Desk Headquarters, President Biden has won the Rhode Island Democrat presidential primary. After obtaining enough delegates for the nomination, Biden became the presumed nominee next month. His victory in the Ocean State will put up at least 21 of its 26 pledged delegates up for grabs. Biden was the… According to a projection from Decision Desk Headquarters, President Biden has won the Rhode Island Democrat political primary. After receiving ample delegates to qualify for the nomination, Biden became the presumed nominee next month. His victory in the Ocean State will put up at least 21 of its 26 pledged delegates for grabs. Biden was the…
According to a projection by Decision Desk HQ, President Biden won the Rhode Island Democratic Presidential Primary. Biden became the presumptive candidate last month, after he secured enough delegates to be nominated. His win in Ocean State will give him at least 21 out of the 26 pledged delegate up for grabs. Biden was…