[[{“value”:”This is unquestionably a must-see.
Bill Maher is a a quite peculiar figure, especially late.
In some cases, he supports far-left principles, but in other instances he seems to be veering yet further into Republican viewpoints.
Maybe even within the same problem!
That’s exactly what happened when the subject of abortion appeared on his show late.
In less than a minute, Bill made some statements that left the audience and the rest of his panel enthralled and grasping at a response.
He said point- blank that the entire narrative of” Republicans hate women” is bogus…. spot on, Bill. We’ve been saying that for years.
He said that full mantra was just made up, and he’s best afterwards.
Then he really goes for it and says Republicans do n’t hate women, they simply think it’s murder…. and it kind of is ( his words )!
Finally he concludes by saying that it’s murder and that I’m okay with that! Quote:” Is n’t that truly the position of people who support abortion”?
The other panel members appear astonished and unaware of their responses.
NEW: Room silents as Bill Maher admits that he believes abortion is murder but says he is fine because” there are 8 billion people in the world.”
” I scold the left on when they say: ‘ oh, you know what, they simply hate women. People who are n’t pro- life, they … pic. twitter.com/A2ps5CNNtG
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg ) April 13, 2024
Bill Maher admits to believing in abortion but says he is ok because” there are 8 billion people in the world,” and the room becomes silent.
” I scold the left on when they say: ‘ oh, you know what, they simply hate women. People who are n’t pro- life, they pro- choice.’ “
” They do n’t hate women. They simply invented that. They believe it to be murder, which it a lot of is.
” I’m really okay with that. I am, I mean there’s 8 billion people in the world. I’m sad. We wo n’t miss you. That’s my position on that.”
*Crickets *
Backup video around:
Bill Maher just shockingly admitted abortion is mųrder — but he does n’t care.
According to him, because there are 8 billion people on Earth, the aborted babies wo n’t be missed.
Definitely abhorrent.
Do all pro-choice advocates have this opinion? pic. twitter.com/9QbhCWSLMn
— Paul A. Szypula ( @Bubblebathgirl ) April 13, 2024
By Bill Maher being like a strange person, I mean this.
He said many proper statements:
Republicans do n’t hate women….
Republicans really view it as murder….
It generally *is* murder….
People who support abortion are content with that.
All correct.
All based.
Then he entirely loses it.
It’s the ultimate statement that seems madly unhinged, when he says it is murder but it’s just that I’m ok with, Maher says! Since there are 8 billion people worldwide, he thinks it’s okay to kill some newborn babies.
Credit for saying it honestly, and a lot of credit for that.
But what kind of person could actually support the murder of infants?
Republicans should NEVER lose the abortion debate; we have simply allowed it to be framed incorrectly for decades.
And thanks to Bill Maher for suddenly framing it properly for the eyes of the world.
One more video …
Bill Maher’s podcast has the exact phrase repeated here:
. @billmaher is best, abortion is murder.
However, it is inappropriate to attempt to bring this horrific child murder to normal. We must fight against this pro- abortion mentality &, protect children. RT pic. twitter.com/xiAyjOqFpG
— Live Action ( @LiveAction ) April 5, 2023″}]] [[{“value”:”
This is a must-see ….
Bill Maher has been a very strange character, especially in recent years.
In some cases, he holds values that are far left. But in others, he appears to be drifting into Republican views.
Some issues even contain the same article!
This is what happened recently when the topic of abortion was brought up on his program.
Bill made several statements under one minute, leaving the audience and his panel in a state of shock and unable to respond.
Bill, you are right. He said that the entire narrative “Republicans Hate Women” is a sham …. We’ve said that for years.
He said the whole mantra was made up and he is right again.
He then goes all out and says that Republicans don’t hate woman, they just think it’s murder ….and kind of is!
He ends by saying that it is murder, and I’m just ok with it! Quote: “Isn’t that the true position of those who support abortion?”
The other panelists appear to be stunned and unsure of how to respond.
NEW: The room is silent as Bill Maher admits he believes abortion is murder, but says that he’s okay with it because “there are 8 billion people on the planet.”
“I scold them when they say that they hate women. People who aren’t pro-life, they… pic.twitter.com/A2ps5CNNtG
Collin Rugg April 13, 2024
NEW: The room is silent as Bill Maher admits he believes abortion is murder, but says that he’s okay with it because “there are 8 billion people on the planet.”
“I reprimand the left when they say that they hate women. People who aren’t pro-life are pro-choice.
“They don’t dislike women. They made it up. They just made that up.
“I’m okay with that.” I’m okay with it, there are 8 billion people on the planet. I’m sorry. We won’t miss your presence. “That’s my position.”
Video here:
Bill Maher has just admitted that abortion is murder, but he doesn’t seem to care.
He said that there are 8 billion people living on Earth, so the aborted children won’t be missed.
Absolute horror!
Do all pro-choice advocates feel this way?pic.twitter.com/9QbhCWSLMn
Paul A. Szypula April 13, 2024
Bill Maher is a strange character ….
He made several correct statements
Republicans don’t hate Women ….
Republicans only view it as murder ….
It is a murder
People who support abortion just accept it.
All correct
Then he loses it completely ….
Maher’s final statement, where he says that it’s murder, but I’m okay with it, is the most bizarre. Maher says that there are 8 billion people on the planet, so he thinks it’s ok to kill some unborn children.
It is a big plus that you actually said it.
What kind of person would support the murder of a baby?
Republicans should never lose the abortion debate. We’ve allowed it to be framed incorrectly for decades.
Bill Maher deserves credit for framing the issue correctly.
Another video…
Bill Maher says the same thing in his podcast.
. @billmaher has it right, abortion is murder.
It’s wrong, however, to try to normalize the brutal murder of children. We must fight this pro-abortion mindset & protect the children. RT pic.twitter.com/xiAyjOqFpG
Live Action (@LiveAction), April 5, 2023