
Black Alabamans Urged Officials to Stop a Plant Polluting Their Neighborhood

This story was originally published on Inside Climate News. It is reproduced as part of Climate Desk’s collaboration. Walter Moorer says he lives in 411 “Death Row Street” because of the pollution, noise and dust from an asphalt plant.

 [[{“value”:”This article was first published by Inside Climate News, and it is now available for viewing as a result of our Climate Desk collaboration.
Walter Moorer likes to say he lives at 411″ Death Row Street”. He says at least that is how he feels about his daily exposure to the stench, pollution, noise, and dust from Hosea Weaver and Sons Inc.’s asphalt plant.
” I changed it to Death Row because I’d be in the house and that odor comes from Hosea Weaver”, Moorer said at a hearing last month before the Alabama Department of Environmental Management ( ADEM). I feel as though I’m in a gas chamber. But I been on death row 20 something years”.
Hosea Weaver’s request for a new or revised Synthetic Minor Operating Air Permit was the subject of Moorer’s testimony during a portion of the hearing set apart for public comment. The input from Moorer and others who live next door to the company could be summed up in three words: deny the permit.
Moorer and his neighbors, who can still recall life before the asphalt plant and the Planning Commission meeting 25 years earlier when their concerns were initially ignored, had a long road of opposition. Would their testimony, and written comments, to the state’s climate regulators produce a different result this time?
I was told to go to the health department when I tried to tell ADEM about all the cancer and illness I have seen over the past 20 years.
Moorer really lives on Chin Street in the ancient Black community of Africatown, which was founded by former slaves brought to America on the Clotilda, the last known slave ship to arrive in the country. The regular billow of professional pollution that has plagued residents of Africatown for years is woven into its history.
Moorer, 66, grew up on Chin Street and reminisces about how life used to be before Hosea Weaver constructed the asphalt plant only yards away from his home 20 years earlier. Moorer claimed to again have the ability to experience community, hear children playing, and taste barbecue food.
Then the sound of young children playing and smell of food grilling has been replaced with machinery and the toxic fumes of asphalt cooking.
The president of Hosea Weaver, Michael Weaver, did not respond to a request for comment.
Moorer and various residents have complained for years about Hosea Weaver to local officials, but the company has continued operating. Moorer, who claims the company has destroyed his life, has been affected by the experience. The sole relief from the facility’s pollutants, he said, are when it rains or if the company gives workers a day out.
Moorer said,” All this is about is Hosea Weaver. My life, my nerves.” I think about them all the time because they done destroyed my life”.
Moorer then only hopes that ADEM will reject the novel permit and that some peace can be restored to his life. But if the permit is denied it is questionable whether the facility will have to cease operating, or could re- apply.
Moorer in Mobile, Alabama, outside his home on Chin Street.
Inside Climate News ‘ Patrick Darrington
Residents of the facility complained to ADEM in November 2021, and in June 2022, regulators conducted a fine matter air quality test. It found that Hosea Weaver was emitting the greatest amount of particulate matter allowable under their air permit, and ADEM issued a warning. The business responded to ADEM by promising to conduct weekly tests to find any leaks two months after. Consequently, ADEM conducted a test in December 2022 that revealed the facility had not fixed the issue and was emitting particulate matter above the acceptable limit.
Particulate matter emissions are limited to 0.04 grains per dried standard cubic foot. The asphalt company was found to be emitting an average of 0.067 gr/dscf.
According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, a mixture of good particles and liquid droplets is a pollutant made up of. Exposure to particulate matter can cause a multitude of health complications, according to studies, including lung cancer, aggravated asthma, increased respiratory issues and more. Additionally, the facility exposes residents to a number of” criteria” pollutants, including sulfur dioxide, volatile organic compounds, ozone pollution, lead, and nitrogen monoxide, as defined by the EPA.
Hosea Weaver discovered that the reason for the extreme emissions was a failed mechanism designed to capture pollution. The facility was fined$ 24, 000 and issued a consent order by ADEM for breaking the emissions limit.
The fresh revisions to the permit would place further limitations on the facility’s hours of operations and on the types of fuel oil it is allowed to burn. According to ADEM, these revisions will ensure Hosea Weaver adheres to the fresh permit. But an environmental organization, the Mobile Environmental Justice Action Coalition ( MEJAC ), argues that the new permit requirements demonstrate that the facility has been operating without the correct permit the entire time.
Moorer and various residents in the area want Hosea Weaver out of their neighborhood and are not happy with these revisions. Public comment from some other environmental organizations cite many reasons why the proposed permit is not enough and should be denied.
While the majority of people comments to ADEM stated that the organization would decline the permit, some people also back the business, but none who lives on Chin Street.
As part of the public input process, ADEM held the hearing and even allowed written comments to be submitted. During the hearing, Yuvonne Brazier made written remarks.
The Hosea Weaver asphalt plant is yards apart from Chin Street.
Inside Climate News ‘ Patrick Darrington
” When I tried to tell ADEM about all the cancer and sickness I have seen over the past 20 years, I am told to go to the health department”, Brazier wrote. The health department has informed me that they are not involved with the environment. Thank God there are no more fish in 3 Mile Creek where the entire street used to fish and share with the neighbors. My mother, who had previously smoked, passed away from lung cancer. I tried to get her to leave, but she loved our home and her garden in the backyard. She boasted about the raw vegetables she had. When her cancer got so poor, she had to leave and come stay with me. Therefore my niece attempted to live there until her son about died from asthma. He could hardly breathe”.
An EJScreen, a report on climate justice produced by the EPA, was carried out in Africatown, capturing various social and environmental indicators. The test confirmed that Africatown was an environmental justice community because residents face the highest air toxics cancer risk in Alabama (99th percentile ) and in the United States ( 95- 100th percentile ).
Additionally, according to a state-wide 2019 EPA study, Alabama released the fifth-highest toxic substances into the air, and Mobile County came in second nevertheless in releases.
Ever since the plant “went into operation, it has had a damaging impact on the local community, the residents, their health, and regional businesses”.
Over 65 pages of written comment were submitted by a number of environmental advocacy groups, including MEJAC, Mobile Alabama NAACP Environmental and Climate Justice Committee, Greater- Birmingham Alliance to Stop Air Pollution ( GASP), Southern Environmental Law Center, and Clean Healthy Educated Safe and Sustainable Africatown ( CHESS).
Throughout the document, the organizations presented many reasons why ADEM should deny the permit, chief among them that Hosea Weaver needs to be designated as a consequently- called “major source” emitter under Title V of the Clean Air Act. According to Hosea Weaver’s history of emissions, the asphalt plant evidently releases far more pollution than meets the definition of a major source emitter.
The economic organizations also argue that ADEM is not fulfilling its role to protect the civil rights of a proportionally affected minority community, as described under the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
According to the document,” ADEM must ensure that it fulfills its constitutional duty to protect legal rights as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,” as a recipient of federal funds for the enforcement of the air permit and different programs delegated to it by the EPA. ” For consideration is required under Title VI because emissions from the Source result in an emissions impact to a community that now bears significant economic harms”.
The ADEM hearing for Beverly Cooper, who was opposed to the new permit, brought up memories of a prior people hearing in 1999 when Hosea Weaver had formally requested a construction permit for a project that was about to be finished.
” I voted against this because it was evident that it would have a negative impact on the local community, and it has”, Cooper said. Since it first started operating, it has had a damaging effect on the neighborhood, the residents, their health, and the nearby businesses.
Cooper also said that the facility was largely entirely constructed by the time Hosea Weaver also came before the planning commission to request its approval.
In accordance with a 1999 article in the Mobile Press Register, Hosea Weaver constructed nearly 75 % of the facility right next to Chin Street without getting the necessary construction approval from the city of Mobile. The city administered many stop- work orders for Hosea Weaver to halt construction on the facility after finding out but the company continued building anyhow. Paul Weaver, the former president of the company, claimed at the time that he did no know that a building permit was required.
Despite the plant being constructed without city permits, the Mobile Planning Commission voted 4- 2 to give Hosea Weaver tentative approval. Because he collaborated with Hosea Weaver on the project, one of the members, James Laier, resigned from his position.
According to the Press Register, 40 Africatown and Head Street residents protested the facility being built during the meeting. The commission mandated that Hosea Weaver construct an 8-foot privacy fence and two 16-foot-high tree strips to act as a buffer for local residents as part of the construction approval. These requirements were not fulfilled.
Although they did not make any open comments, some residents spoke with Inside Climate News and spoke with them about how Hosea Weaver has had a negative effect on their community.
Arthur Ruggs ‘ backyard has turned muddy according to an embankment created by the asphalt plant.
Inside Climate News ‘ Patrick Darrington
Arthur Ruggs, who did not submit written testimony with ADEM objecting to Hosea Weaver’s fresh permit, said in an interview that his backyard was muddy according to an embankment created by the asphalt plant. Vanders claimed he could not even mow his lawn, explaining how his lawnmower just got stuck in the wet ground.
Ruggs is thankful his children were grown by the time Hosea Weaver moved in and avoided the company’s pollution and environmental impact. The only thing he said about it right now is,” Ain’t no small kids around here,” he said.
Jemal Walker said that the noise produced by the plant usually kept him from getting any sleep at night. Walker previously argued that his time in prison was “more peaceful” than his current one.
” I’d rather be in prison than to be sitting around listening to this noise”, Walker said. ” I found more peace in prison than I do best now.”
There are some within the Africatown community and outside who support Hosea Weaver. Despite the fact that residents claim the Africatown Community Development Corporation does not employ anyone from the community, Cleon Jones, a member of the organization, claimed Hosea Weaver and “business” were necessary to help revitalize the area. Charles Williams, even with ACDC, said he empathized with Chin Street residents but believed they needed to discuss solutions because “industry is going somewhere”.
Williams said,” My heart goes up to the people who live right next to the plant.” ” I live over here. I can hear the noises so they wo n’t bother me. I do n’t have to see the pollution. I can feel your pain even though I do n’t have to walk in your shoes. But likewise there are people who work at that plant who have got to feed their families. And we must work hard to come up with a solution.
” Some guys came down from Washington, they said they’ve never seen a plant that close to a community”.
ACDC is connected to a nonprofit called Keep Mobile Growing ( KMG), which works to protect the interests of businesses in the port of Mobile from environmental activists. Its website says it is a “non- profit alliance of Mobile Businesses and industries supporting the Alabama Port Authority, related port commerce and the region’s energy markets”.
According to its website, the organization was established in 2014 solely to give voice to climate activists. ” Radical, federal environmental organizations remain active locally and are emboldened by increasing attention to the Mobile area”, a page on the website says. Their goals frequently conflict with the standard, secure operations of KMG members. KMG exists to provide a voice of advocacy against any threats posed by these groups”.
The Mobile Environmental Justice Action Coalition was established only one year earlier, in 2013, to fight for the interests of people who reside close to the port and all of its businesses.
Keep Mobile Growing’s membership list on their website features Hosea Weaver. The organization claims that the Africatown Business and Community Panel ( ABCP ) was established in 2016 as a result of its collaboration with the Africatown Community Development Corporation. In IRS filings, this relationship is referenced continuously. According to 2021 filings, Keep Mobile Growing donated$ 1, 000 to Jones ‘ nonprofit, the Cleon Jones Last Out Community Foundation.
During her public comments at the new ADEM meeting, Brazier, in describing all the cancer in her family, mentioned that a city council member told her they were powerless to help because businesses in the port generated significant revenue.
Some people from Washington reported not to see a plant that near to a community, according to Brazier. ” And I just do n’t understand that. We attended the city council meeting afterward. We were there a couple years earlier. And the city council member claimed that there is nothing we can do about it because we receive$ 30 billion from the state dock and all that is connected.
Shirley Ford, another Chin Street resident, has no faith in ADEM and remembers what life was like due to Hosea Weaver moving in.
Ford claimed that he was born and raised below. ” I remember when the air was better. When it smelled much, I can recall. Nine times out of ten ADEM’s gonna give the permit to Weaver anyway, cause the plant is n’t in their neighborhood”.
On March 18, ADEM made its decision regarding the air permit, and Ford had assumed it would be done exactly as it had been: ADEM granted the permit despite the enormous requests for denial from Chin Street residents.
In a response to the common comments received, ADEM separated the submissions into two sections. The agency responded to the request for comments in one section and the other section for comments unrelated to the suggested permit action. It categorized all of the comments asking for the permit to be denied—those made primarily by Chin Street residents —as irrelevant to the permitting action.
The comments made by MEJAC and other environmental organizations were overwhelmingly those that were deemed important to the suggested permit action. ADEM responded to these comments by explaining how Hosea Weaver complied with suitable regulations or how the comments did not necessitate any changes to the proposed permit.
” I want them to be aware of the smell and how awful it is. The noise. the sand. And how they simply ignore us”.
In response to comments to deny the permit, ADEM stated that the applicant [ Hosea Weaver ] has requested additional restrictions and recordkeeping requirements for the existing Synthetic Minor Operating Permit. ” The application indicates, to the satisfaction of the Department, that the proposed changes to the permit can comply with the technical and managerial requirements appropriate to the proposed operation of the facility. The Department has the authority to unilaterally deny the issuance of the requested permit once a applicant has satisfied all legal requirements for obtaining a permit. In addition, the Department has no jurisdiction over the zoning and siting of permitted facilities. These concerns ought to be addressed to the correct local zoning department or agency.
The comments that were related to the proposed permit action were mainly the arguments submitted by the Mobile Environmental Justice Action Coalition and other economic organizations. Hosea Weaver complied with applicable regulations, and DEM responded to these comments by explaining how the comments did n’t require any modifications to the proposed permit.
Walter Moorer, like his neighbor on Chin Street, Shirley Ford, was never surprised by the decision. He claimed that “nobody cares about our lives, so I knew it would happen.”
Moorer said he did not want to bring up race as a factor, but he believed that ADEM was so eager to disregard the community’s concerns because they are Black and the owners of the asphalt plant are light.
Ford, who is surrounded by industry in the” chemical corridor,” wants people to be aware of the nervous conditions she and other residents live in. ” It feels like we do n’t exist”, she said.
Ford said,” I want them to know about the smell and how awful it is.” ” The noise. the sand. And how they just ignore us like we do n’t exist. And you do n’t care. They did n’t even put the eight- foot fence up. They did n’t try to buffer the noise, the dust, or anything else. It’s like we do n’t count. We do n’t even exist.”}]] This article was first published by Inside Climate News, and it is now available for viewing as a result of our Climate Desk collaboration. Walter Moorer likes to say he lives at 411″ Death Row Street”. He says at least that is how he feels about how he lives in a place where the smell, pollution, noise, and dust from an asphalt plant are so prevalent. 

This story was originally published on Inside Climate News. It is reproduced as part of Climate Desk’s collaboration. Walter Moorer says he lives in 411 “Death Row Street” because of the pollution, noise and dust from an asphalt plant.


The speaker expressed their thoughts and feelings with a mix of quotes and punctuation marks. They emphasized certain points and shared their emotions with a sense of urgency. The text is a series of quote marks and dashes.


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