The Democrats scored a strategic win this week when No Labels, which had been pushing for an eventual third-party presidential run, announced that it would dismantle its effort this year. Democratic strategists, officials and activists kept a close eye on the centrist group. They tried to monitor their movement and assess their money.
Democrats won this week with a military victory following No Labels, a group that had been promoting a probable third-party presidential bid, revealing that it was ending its campaign this year. Democrat party officials, activists, and strategists had closely monitored the centrist group’s movements and attempted to track their finances as they went along… Democrats won this week with a military victory following No Labels, a group that had been promoting a probable third-party presidential bid, revealing that it was ending its campaign this year. Political party officials, activists, and strategists had closely monitored the centrist group’s movements and attempted to track their finances as they went along…
The Democrats scored a strategic win this week when No Labels, which had been pushing for an eventual third-party presidential run, announced that it would dismantle its effort this year. Democratic strategists, officials and activists kept a close eye on the centrist group. They tried to monitor their movement and assess their money.