I figured now would be a great time to reflect on this in order to recall what it was like under President Trump in the country and in the White House. Did you know that whenever God sent Israel into a battle, he would instruct them to put the believers on the front lines? Why? Because that’s where the battle was won…. in the spirit realm. Ephesians 6: 12: For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the metaphysical forces of wickedness in the holy places.
But, kindly enjoy these wonderful moments and remember that the conflict has already been won. What a privilege to honor Jesus in prayer and worship today at the White House. I was challenged, informed, convicted, &, inspired at the #faithbriefing w/ several peers in the CCM industry. In this day and age, the church has a wonderful opportunity to rise with grace andamp; truth. pic. twitter.com/xgZQiqh6XG— Tauren Wells ( @taurenwells ) November 14, 2018Musical artists + amazing acoustics + worship = chills for days! Wonderful day in Washington, DC! #faithbriefing pic. twitter.com/StlAcYbGWm— SANCTUS REAL ( @SanctusReal ) November 14, 2018Backup if that gets taken down. But important:” There is none sacred like the Lord:
because you are the only one there is.
No rock compares to our God. ( 1 Samuel 2: 2 ) Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice,
and let them say among the nations,” The Lord reigns”!
Let the sea roar, and all that fills it,
let the field exult, and everything in it!
Therefore shall the forest’s trees sing joyfully.
before the Lord, for he comes to judge the earth.
Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is great,
for his unwavering love endures long! ( 1 Chronicles 16: 31–34 )” Sing to God, sing praises to his name,
lift up a song for him who travels through the deserts.
his name is the Lord,
exult before him!
Protector of widows and father of the childless
is God in his divine habitation”. ( vs. 4–5 ) ( Psalm 68 )” I will also praise you with the harp
for your faithfulness, O my God,
I’ll lyricize you with the lyre, and sing praises to you.
O Holy One of Israel.
My lips will yell joy.
when I ob praise upon you,
my soul likewise, which you have redeemed.
And I will speak of your pious assistance throughout the day.
for they have been put to shame and upset
who sought to do me hurt”. ( vs. 22–24 ) ( Psalm 71 ) Want even more? Here’s what I wrote a few months ago here on WeLoveTrump about Worship as Warfare: Hi, Noah below. This will be a little different from the hard news articles that we usually bring to you around at WeLoveTrump. This is a call to battle. But possibly unlike anything you have ever seen before. We are currently engaged in a battle in both America and around the world. Yes, it’s a battle against a virus called the ‘ Rona. But that’s just the surface level. In reality, it’s a moral conflict being waged in mighty settings. This is a battle for America’s soul. A battle of great vs. evil. Absolutely. If you’ve read your Bible, you know it’s a pretty divine book. In modern America, we’ve made an effort to remove all divine elements from the Bible. We want to reduce the complexity to facts and what we can see. The issue is that the Bible tells a completely unique tale. In fact, Ephesians 6: 12 tells us very especially the real battle is not against other humans and it’s not one we can see with our eyes: For we wrestle no against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against religious wickedness in high places. But what to do? The answer is WORSHIP. Did you know that the LORD Almighty battled the Bible’s most battles? It’s accurate. Did you know that whenever YHWH gave Israel instructions on how to fight a battle, he would advise them to send the soldiers to the front lines? That makes no sense. You’re going to send a man with a guitar and a man with a flute out on the most harmful front line, right? No shield. No sword. No weapons. It’s accurate. Check this out from 2 Chronicles 21- 24: 21 After consulting the people, the king appointed singers to walk away of the army, singing to the Lord and praising him for his sacred splendor. This is what they sang:” Give thanks to the Lord,
his faithful love endures forever” !22 At the very moment they began to sing and give praise, the Lord caused the armies of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir to start fighting among themselves. 23 The Moab and Ammon armies rebelled against their Mount Seir allies, killing each of them. They started attacking one another after destroying the Nonlinear army. All they saw when the Judah army arrived at the lookout point in the wilderness were corpses lying on the ground as much as they could see. Not a single member of the enemy had escaped. Interesting battle tactic! And they won without shedding a second savage. Remember Joshua at Jehrico? Do you recall the fall of the walls? with a loud shout and praise and worship. Joshua 6: 20: 20 When the trumpets sounded, the army shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the men gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed, but everyone charged straight in, and they took the city. And coming back a tiny bit earlier from Joshua 6: 6, who was in charge of the army? The trumpet players were sung by Joshua, the son of Nun, who called the priests and said,” Take up the ark of the covenant of the Lord and have seven priests carry trumpets in front of it.” 7 And he ordered the army,” Advance! What did Paul and Silas do when they were imprisoned while marching around the city with an armed guard heading for the ark of the Lord? Worship as warfare. 25 At midnight, Paul and Silas were singing hymns to God while the other prisoners were hearing them speak. 26 The foundations of the prison were shattered by a sudden earthquake of such magnitude that it caused such a harsh earthquake. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came drop. Psalm 22: 3: But You are sacred, and this is the reason the power is in the worshippers, which is perhaps explained.
O You who [[{“value”:”
I thought this would be a great time to flashback to this… To recall what it was like to live in the Country and the White House during the presidency of President Trump… Do you remember this? Did you know that in the Bible, whenever God sent Israel to a battle, he would tell the people to put their worshippers on the front line? Why? It’s because the battle was won ….in spirit realm. Ephesians 6 :12: Our struggle is not with flesh and blood but against the rulers, the powers, the world forces that are behind this darkness, the spiritual forces in the heavenly places.Enjoy these moments and know that the battle is already won. It was a privilege for me to pray and worship at the White House today. I was challenged, informed and convicted at the #faithbriefing with many peers in the CCM Industry. In this hour, the church has an opportunity to rise up with grace and truth. pic.twitter.com/xgZQiqh6XG — Tauren Wells (@taurenwells) November 14, 2018 Musical artists + amazing acoustics + worship = chills for days! Amazing day in DC. #faithbriefing pic.twitter.com/StlAcYbGWm — SANCTUS REAL (@SanctusReal) November 14, 2018 Backup if that gets taken down. “There is no one holy as the Lord:
There is no one else but you.
There is no rock as great as our God. (1 Samuel 2:2) Let heavens rejoice and the earth rejoice.
Let them proclaim among the nations: “The Lord reigns!”
Let the sea roar and all that it contains;
Let the field and all its inhabitants rejoice!
The trees of the forest will sing in joy
Before the Lord, he is coming to judge the Earth.
Oh, give thanks to God for his goodness;
His love is eternal! (1 Chronicles 16 :31-34) “Sing praises to God’s name, sing to God;
Lift up a song for him who rides across the deserts
His name is Lord;
Exult before him
Father of the fatherless, protector of widows
I will praise you also with the harp.” (vs. 4 & 5) (Psalms 68)
Your faithfulness, my God.
I will praise you with the lyre.
O Holy One of Israel
My lips will scream for joy
When I sing your praises;
My soul, too, that you have redeemed.
My tongue will be full of praise for your righteous assistance all day.
They have been humiliated and disappointed
Want more? Here’s what i wrote about Worship as Warfare a few months back on WeLoveTrump: Hello, Noah here. This will be a bit different from the hard news articles that we usually bring you at WeLoveTrump. This is a call for battle. This is a call to battle, but probably unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. Right now, we’re fighting a battle both in America and around the world. It’s a fight against a virus named ‘Rona. But that’s only the surface. It’s a spiritual war being fought in the heavenly places. This is a fight for the soul of America. This is a battle between good and evil. Literally. If you’ve ever read your Bible, then you know that it’s an incredibly supernatural book. In modern America, we’ve tried to remove all supernatural aspects of the Bible. We want to reduce things to hard facts that we can see. The Bible tells us a different story. In Ephesians 6, verse 12, we are told that the real battle we face is not with other humans, and it is not one we can see. We fight not against flesh and bone, but against principalities and powers, rulers of darkness in this world and spiritual wickedness on high places. What should we do? The answer is to WORSHIP. Did you know the LORD Almighty fought most of the battles in the Bible this way? It’s true. Did you know that when YHWH gave Israel instructions on how to fight a war, he would tell Israel to send their worshippers to the front lines? This is absurd. You’re going to send a guy playing a guitar and a man with a flautist out on the front line, where it is most dangerous? No shield. No shield. No weapons. It’s true. 2 Chronicles 21-24 says: 21 After consulting with the people, the King appointed singers to lead the army and praise the Lord for his holy splendor. They sang: “Give Thanks to the Lord.”
The Lord made the armies of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir fight among themselves as soon as they began to sing praises. 23 The armies from Moab and Ammon attacked their Mount Seir allies and killed them all. After they had destroyed Seir’s army, they began to attack each other. When the army of Judah reached the lookout in the wilderness they found nothing but dead bodies. No enemy escaped. Interesting battle tactic! They won without ever lifting a sword. Remember Joshua at Jehrico? Do you remember the walls falling? With praise and worship, and a loud cry. Joshua 6:20 : 20 When the trumpets were sounded, all the soldiers shouted. And at the sound of a trumpet, when they gave a loud cry, the wall fell down. So everyone charged in and took the city. Who was at the front of the army in Joshua 6:6? The TRUMPet Players: 6 So Joshua son Nun called the Priests and told them, “Take the ark of covenant of the Lord, and have seven priests bring trumpets in front.” 7 And then he ordered the Army, “Advance!” What did Paul and Silas, when they were in prison, do? Worship as a form of warfare. Around midnight, Paul and Silas began to pray and sing hymns to God. The other prisoners listened to them. The prison was shaken to its foundations by a violent earthquake. All the prison doors flew wide open and everyone’s chain came loose. Psalm 22.3 may explain why the power is in worshippers: Yet You are holy.
O You Who?