[[{“value”:”Do you remember this moment?
I have NEVER forgotten this moment….
In 2016 at an earlier debate, NBC forgot to call Ben Carson’s name.
The different candidates blew past him, but when Trump’s name was called instead of taking the stage for a debate, he stayed with Carson until they called his name.
Traditional moment.
Pure class.
Take a look:
I have NEVER forgotten this moment….
In 2016 at an earlier debate, NBC forgot to call Ben Carson’s name.
The different candidates blew past him, but when Trump’s name was called instead of taking the stage for a debate, he stayed with Carson until they called his name.
Historic… pic. twitter.com/IaCjOMCVkt
— Daily Noah.com ( @Daily NoahNews ) October 29, 2023
The two have often been near:
Our nation is in desperate need of powerful leadership. A President who fights for the British people, our freedoms, our safety, and our future. I’m happy to support Donald J. Trump as president of the United States today. Join me in this … pic. twitter.com/qHlYsJ83rp
— Ben &, Candy Carson ( @RealBenCarson ) October 29, 2023
Do n’t forgot, Dr. Carson gave President Trump his full endorsement for 2024 too.
Dr. Ben Carson has always been two things: ( 1 ) incredibly smart, and ( 2 ) a class act.
At President Trump’s Rally in Iowa, he took the microphone and formally endorsed him in total.
Do you remember this?
It’s a huge 8 minutes that is worth watching again.
These you go:
Dr. Ben Carson gives FULL ENDORSEMENT of President Donald J. Trump! # Trump# Trump2024# DrBenCarson
Thank you Ben! pic. twitter.com/9qvmYjx89Y
— Daily Noah.com ( @Daily NoahNews ) October 29, 2023
Shorter version:
Dr. Ben Carson endorses Donald J. Trump for President! pic. twitter.com/Ofc6sEc8UL
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom ) October 29, 2023
Carson for VP?
NATIONAL POLL: Who Is Your Leading Choice For Trump’s VP?”}]] [[{“value”:”
Do you remember that moment?
I will NEVER forget this moment ….
NBC forgot Ben Carson’s first name in 2016 during an early debate.
When Trump’s name is called, he does not go to the debate stage but stays with Carson until his name is called.
Historic moment
Pure class.
Have a look at:
I will NEVER forget this moment ….
In 2016, NBC forgot Ben Carson’s first name at an early 2016 debate.
When Trump’s name is called, he does not go to the debate stage but stays with Carson until his name is called.
Historic… pic.twitter.com/IaCjOMCVkt
DailyNoah.com October 29, 2023
The two have always had a close relationship:
Our nation desperately needs strong leadership. A President who fights to protect the American people, their freedoms, safety and future. Donald J. Trump is the leader I’m looking for and today, I am proud to endorse him as President of the United States. Join me in this… pic.twitter.com/qHlYsJ83rp
— Ben & Candy Carson (@RealBenCarson) October 29, 2023
Don’t forget that Dr. Carson has also given President Trump his full support for 2024.
Dr. Ben Carson was always two things: 1) incredibly intelligent, and 2) a class act.
These two traits were clearly on display today when he spoke at the Rally of President Trump in Iowa, giving President Trump his full support.
Do you remember?
It’s an 8-minute masterpiece that is worth watching.
Here you go:
Dr. Ben Carson FULLY ENDORSES President Donald J. Trump #Trump #Trump2024#DrBenCarson
Thank you Ben! pic.twitter.com/9qvmYjx89Y
DailyNoah.com October 29, 2023
Shorter version:
Dr. Ben Carson endorses Donald J. Trump as President! pic.twitter.com/Ofc6sEc8UL
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) October 29, 2023
Carson for Vice President?
Who is your top choice for Trump’s Vice President?