Some people have been investing in gold as a means of saving for the future in the face of these now uncertain economic times because buying it has long been a way to hedge your dollars against inflation. However, it might surprise you to learn that Costco, one of the biggest investors in gold, is now one of the biggest ones. According to a report from Wells Fargo, Costco sells up to$ 200 million in gold bars each month. By the way, keep reading and I can get you connected with someone who has MUCH BETTER prices than Costco for gold and silver…PAMP It: Costco Selling Up To$ 200 Million In Gold Bars Per Month, Wells Fargo Estimates https ://— zerohedge ( @zerohedge ) April 9, 2024The PAMP Suisse Fortuna series Costco sells are 1 troy ounce and are 24 karats. Customers can simply purchase five units of these golden bars from Costco as individuals. People who want to diversify their assets are excited to hear the news. Gold coins at Costco is the new Bitcoin — Reminiscences of an American Capitalist ( @4Awesometweet ) April 9, 2024Gold Rush at Costco! The fact that Costco reportedly sells these gold bars for about 2 % above the spot price may contribute to their popularity. With a mere 2 % above spot … no wonder they sell out. The majority of places are 5 %. — Sea of Rust ( @OldBrokeDroid ) April 9, 2024With the executive membership and 2 % cash back I ended up getting it cheaper than spot — Ok ( @Ok31522 ) April 9, 2024Apparently, Costco is also selling 1oz silver coins now. They also sell silver on 20oz increments — Keijo Karpo ( @KarpoKeijo ) April 9, 2024They sell silver now too! pic.— Justin Strange ( @JustinLStrange ) April 9, 2024Is Costco, of all places, influencing how people think about the American monetary system? Lot of normal people I run into are starting to know about and talk about# Gold and# Silver Hard to deny the role of Costco https ://— Weimar Silver Baron ( @BankerWeimar ) April 9, 2024CNBC reported on Costco’s recent success selling gold: In fact, sales are so brisk that analysts at Wells Fargo expect revenue “may now be running at”$ 100 million to$ 200 million a month, a rapid acceleration since bullion hit the warehouse club late in the summer of 2023. According to our research, there has been considerable interest given COST’s extreme pricing and higher level of customer trust, according to Edward Kelly, an equity analyst at the bank, in a note to clients on Tuesday. If Kelly’s assessment is accurate, that would represent a significant step for a product that only debuted last August and generated about$ 100 million in sales in Costco’s fiscal first quarter that ended in late November 2023. This is reflected in the rapid frequency of Reddit posts, quick on-line sell-outs of product, and COST’s robust monthly eComm sales. Costco is selling 1- ounce bars made of almost true 24- karat gold. While the price is not disclosed virtual to nonmembers, it’s estimated that the product usually sells for about 2 % above the spot price, which as of Tuesday morning was around$ 2, 357 an ounce. That would result in a price tag of just over$ 2, 400. Ok, then the great question…. But, what can YOU do to protect yourself? To protect your family? To stay healthy? Simple: you need to get some# Gold or# Silver in your own possession. It’s called “physical” gold and silver. Not paper-traded garbage that is n’t supported by anything on the stock exchanges. Do n’t touch that stuff. I have two unique hookups for you. Both involve real silver and gold. Because if you do NOTHING more, make sure you own “physical” gold and silver, no paper contracts. Because they are not actually supported by the gold and silver they claim to represent, paper contracts ( like stock tickers SLV and GLD ) could very well go POOF and disappear or go to zero. When the music stops ( and I believe it will stop soon ), people who only own paper might find themselves owning something that is n’t actually worth the paper it’s written on. And I’m sure you’ll not forget it if I send you this GIF. Let’s Get Natural: Now…WHERE do you get real gold and silver and how do you know it’s true and healthy? And that you’re getting the best price? Oh, and how about specific one- on- one real customer service? You know, as if you were a Goldman Sachs Big Wig millionaire and needed assistance from their private banker? That’s what I’m about to tell you. I have two incredible connections for you: the second is for buying bullion and gold. That means half bars. To get as much gold and silver as feasible for the least amount of money, that’s the cheapest and most efficient way to go about doing it. WLT Precious Metals is the website’s name, and you’ll know you’re in the right place when you see my logo in the best left-hand corner. Ira Bershatsky ( or someone on his team ) will answer any questions you may have and provide you with assistance via a personal phone call. How about that! You do n’t see that much anymore, but Ira and his team pride themselves on good old- fashioned real customers service: No sales pitch, just real, actual help. And the most affordable prices. The only caveat I’ll leave is this: it might take a couple days before you get a call again because they do pride themselves on providing quality service. Just be calm. Those who wait receive fine things! Ok, you can reach Ira and WLT Precious Metals. Ok, that was# 1. I want to tell you about option# 2 right then. I’m so happy to be working with these guys, they are an extremely excellent company. For those who want to put real, physical gold or silver in their IRAs ( Investment Retirement Accounts ), this next company, Genesis Gold, is the name. You are aware of how beautiful that is? TAX FREE baby! I’m not a tax advisor, but that’s a public oversimplification. Always pay more taxes than you are officially required to. And because of this, I enjoy having a lot of gold and silver in my IRA ( as well as having a lot of it myself! ). There’s so much to love about Genesis Gold, starting with the fact they are boldly and un- embarrassedly Christina! They refer to it as” Faith-Driven Stewardship,” and they include a passage from Ezekiel in the title of their website as well.
The Genesis Gold IRABY YOUR PERCEPTION AND YOUR PERCEPTION, YOU HAVE MANNADE WORDS FOR YOURSELF, AND YOU HAVE ADDED Gold AND SALT TO YOUR TREASURES. EZEKIEL 28: 4Genesis Gold Group believes that the Bible provides explanations for how man-made currencies ( paper money ) represent instability, a lack of virtue, and encourages living wastefully in excess. Conflicts have plagued humanity since the dawn of civilization, and they can all be summed up in one conflict. The battle is between currency, man- made paper, and gold and silver — the two beautiful metals found in our Earth’s crust, sent to us by our Lord to use as money. Man- made currency often leads nations down the path to increased war, greed, and final collapse. The history of the past has demonstrated that avoiding gold and silver has often been a terrible idea. Gold and Silver enforce discipline, nurture self- constraint, self- reliance, and balance, and lead to confidence, a constrained government, and a more stable foreign policy. With Gold & Silver as an integral part of a healthy portfolio, Genesis Gold Group believes in empowering faith-driven stewardship. In these trying times, protecting your finances with valuable metals has never been more important. Let your Genesis Gold and Silver experts guide you through the simplicity of asset protection and growth with our Genesis Gold IRA. With a combined 50 plus years in the beautiful metals industry. Honestly, Genesis Gold GroupEmpowering Faith- Driven StewardshipOh…. and they’re Really good at what they do. Believe it or not, you also receive real gold and silver with Genesis! A picture is taken and sent to you, the gold and silver are purchased for you, and they are then safely stored in a vault for you ( in whatever combination of coins and bars you choose ). I adore what these men are up to. Here’s more on why gold and silver in your IRA are so powerful: You can contact Genesis Gold below. You may have to wait a little while because they are also pretty well backed up by record demand, but someone WILL get in touch with you for personal service and assistance! Tell’ em Noah sent ya! Oh, and did you know that SUPERMAN himself recommended Genesis? It’s correct. Superman himself, Clark Kent — Dean Cain — came on my show a few weeks ago and we broke it all down: Watch here: Stay healthy! Make certain you have protection from the storm! Because the storm always hits eventually, does n’t it? As for me and my house, we will be available. [[{“value”:”
Buying gold has long been a way to hedge your dollars against inflation, and many during these currently uncertain financial times have been investing in gold as a means of saving for the future. But it may surprise you to learn that retail giant Costco is one of the leading sources of gold people are now investing in. It has been reported that Costco sells up to $200 million in gold bars every month, according to an estimate by Wells Fargo. By the way, keep reading and I can get you connected with someone who has MUCH BETTER prices than Costco for gold and silver… PAMP It: Costco Selling Up To $200 Million In Gold Bars Per Month, Wells Fargo Estimates — zerohedge (@zerohedge) April 9, 2024 The PAMP Suisse Fortuna series Costco sells are 1 troy ounce and are 24 karats. These gold bars are available to Costco members only, and customers are limited to buying 5 total units. People interested in diversifying their assets are excited to hear the news. Gold coins at Costco is the new Bitcoin — Reminiscences of an American Capitalist (@4Awesometweet) April 9, 2024 Gold Rush at Costco! — Ron Jones (@ronjonesnews) April 9, 2024 The popularity of these gold bars may have something to do with the fact that Costco reportedly sells them for approximately 2% above the spot price. With a mere 2% above spot… no wonder they sell out. Most places are ~5%. — Sea of Rust (@OldBrokeDroid) April 9, 2024 With the executive membership and 2% cash back I ended up getting it cheaper than spot — Ok (@Ok31522) April 9, 2024 Apparently, Costco is also selling 1oz silver coins now. They also sell silver on 20oz increments — Keijo Karpo (@KarpoKeijo) April 9, 2024 They sell silver now too! — Justin Strange (@JustinLStrange) April 9, 2024 Is Costco, of all places, influencing how people think about the American monetary system? Lot of normal people I run into are starting to know about and talk about #Gold and #Silver Hard to deny the role of Costco — Weimar Silver Baron (@BankerWeimar) April 9, 2024 CNBC reported on Costco’s recent success selling gold: In fact, sales are so brisk that analysts at Wells Fargo expect revenue “may now be running at” $100 million to $200 million a month, a rapid acceleration since bullion hit the warehouse club late in the summer of 2023. “Our work suggests there has been significant interest given COST’s aggressive pricing and high level of customer trust,” Edward Kelly, an equity analyst at the bank, said in a note to clients Tuesday. “The accelerating frequency of Reddit posts, quick on-line sell-outs of product, and COST’s robust monthly eComm sales suggests a sharp uptick in momentum since the launch.” If Kelly’s assessment is correct, that would represent quite a move for a product that only debuted last August and generated about $100 million in sales in Costco’s fiscal first quarter that ended in late November 2023. Costco is selling 1-ounce bars made of nearly pure 24-karat gold. While the price is not disclosed online to nonmembers, it’s estimated that the product generally sells for about 2% above the spot price, which as of Tuesday morning was around $2,357 an ounce. That would put the price at Costco just more than $2,400. Ok, now the big question…. So, what can YOU do to protect yourself? To protect your family? To stay safe? Simple: you need to get some #Gold or #Silver in your own possession. It’s called “physical” gold and silver. Not paper traded garbage on the stock exchanges that isn’t backed by anything. Don’t touch that stuff. I have two special hook-ups for you. Both involve PHYSICAL gold and silver. Because if you do NOTHING else, make sure you own “physical” gold and silver, not paper contracts. The paper contracts (like stock ticker SLV and GLD) could very well go POOF one day and disappear or go to zero, because they’re not actually backed by the gold and silver they claim to represent. It’s a massive game of musical chairs out there and when the music stops (and I think it will stop soon…) people who only own paper might find themselves owning something not worth the paper it’s literally written on. And I know you’ll never forget it if I give you this GIF so….Let’s Get Physical: Now…WHERE do you get physical gold and silver and how do you know it’s real and safe? And that you’re getting the best price? Oh, and how about personal one-on-one real customer service? You know, like you were some Big Wig millionaire at Goldman Sachs who could just call their personal banker and get help? That’s what I’m about to tell you. I have two killer connections for you… The first is for purchasing gold and silver bullion. That means bulk bars. That’s the cheapest and most economical way to do it, to stretch your dollar into as much gold and silver as possible. The website is called WLT Precious Metals and when you see my logo in the top left-hand corner, you’ll know you’re in the right place. You’ll get a personal phone call with Ira Bershatsky (or someone on his team) and they will work with you free of charge for as long as needed to answer any questions you have and get you taken care of. How about that! You don’t see that much anymore, but Ira and his team pride themselves on good old-fashioned real customers service: No sales pitch, just real, actual help. And the best prices you will find. Here’s the only disclaimer I will give you: because they do pride themselves on dedicated service, it might take a few days before you get a phone call back. Just be patient. Good things come to those who wait! You can contact Ira and WLT Precious Metals here. Ok, that was #1. Now I want to tell you about option #2. An equally great company, I am so happy to be working with these guys. This next company is called Genesis Gold and this is for people who want to purchase real physical gold or silver in their IRAs (Investment Retirement Accounts). You know what the beauty of that is? TAX FREE baby! I’m not a tax advisor, but that’s a general oversimplification. Never pay more taxes than you are legally required to pay. And that’s why I love getting gold and silver in my IRA (and why I hold a large chunk in an IRA myself!). There’s so much to love about Genesis Gold, starting with the fact they are proudly and un-ashamedly Christina! They call it “Faith-Driven Stewardship” and they put it right on the homepage of their website along with a quote from Ezekiel: Wealth Preservation With Gold & Silver – The Genesis Gold IRA By your wisdom and your understanding you have made wealth for yourself, and have gathered Gold and Silver into your treasuries – EZEKIEL 28:4 Genesis Gold Group believes the Bible gives clues on how man-made currencies (paper money) represent instability, and a lack of virtue and encourages living wastefully in excess. Conflicts have beleaguered us since the dawn of civilization, and they can all be encapsulated into one battle. The battle is between currency, man-made paper, and gold and silver — the two precious metals found in our Earth’s crust, sent to us by our Lord to use as money. Man-made currency always leads nations down the path to increased war, greed, and ultimate collapse. History has shown that abandoning gold and silver has always been a bad idea. Gold and Silver enforce discipline, nurture self-constraint, self-reliance, and balance, and lead to confidence, a restrained government, and a more stable foreign policy. Genesis Gold Group believes in empowering faith-driven stewardship with Gold & Silver are an integral part of a balanced portfolio. Protecting your finances with precious metals has never been more crucial during these trying times. With a combined 50-plus years in the precious metals industry, let your Genesis gold and silver experts guide you through the simplicity of asset protection and growth with our Genesis Gold IRA. Sincerely, Genesis Gold Group Empowering Faith-Driven Stewardship Oh….and they’re VERY good at what they do. You also get physical gold and silver with Genesis, believe it or not! The gold and silver is purchased for you (in whatever combination of coins and bars you prefer, a picture taken and sent to you, and then stored safely in a vault for you! I love what these guys are doing. Here’s more on why gold and silver in your IRA are so powerful: You can contact Genesis Gold here. They are also very backed up with record demand, so you may have to wait a bit, but someone WILL get in touch with you for personal customer service and assistance! Tell ’em Noah sent ya! Oh, and did you know Genesis is recommended by SUPERMAN himself? It’s true. Superman himself, Clark Kent — Dean Cain — came on my show a few weeks ago and we broke it all down: Watch here: Stay safe! Make sure you can weather the storm when it hits! Because the storm always hits eventually, doesn’t it? As for me and my house, we will be ready.