Hispanic Democrats throw their weight behind Rep. Rob Menendez, the House freshman who occupied the seat once occupied by his father Sen. Bob Menendez, is currently under indictment on corruption charges. The younger Menendez was elected to Congress in…
Democrats from the past are supporting Rep. Rob Menéndez (D-N. J. ), the House freshman who occupies the seat when held by his father, Sen. Bob Menéndez (D-N. J. ), who is under indictment for corruption. Former Port Authority of New York and New Jersey commissioner Menéndez, who is younger, was elected to the House in… Democrats from the past are supporting Rep. Rob Menéndez (D-N. J. ), the House freshman who occupies the seat when held by his father, Sen. Bob Menéndez (D-N. J. ), who is under indictment for corruption. Former Port Authority of New York and New Jersey commissioner Menéndez, a younger, was elected to the House in…
Hispanic Democrats throw their weight behind Rep. Rob Menendez, the House freshman who occupied the seat once occupied by his father Sen. Bob Menendez, is currently under indictment on corruption charges. The younger Menendez was elected to Congress in…