
How Famine and Starvation Can Affect Generations to Come

A top US humanitarian official acknowledged publicly this week that famine is already occurring in parts of Gaza. After six months of Israeli blockade and war, an estimated 2,2 million people are suffering acute or catastrophic food shortages. One third of the children in northern Gaza suffer from malnutrition, and hunger is a major cause of death.

 [[{“value”:”A major US charitable official formally acknowledged this week for the second time that a famine is now occurring in some parts of Gaza. After six months of Israeli war and blockades, an estimated 2.2 million people are facing severe or fatal food shortages. According to US officials, one in three children in northeastern Gaza are famished, and deaths from hunger are anticipated to rise quickly.
The impact of near starvation is also likely to be experienced by generations not still born, according to the groundbreaking work of French researcher Dr. Tessa Roseboom. Roseboom, a biologist and professor of early development and health at the Amsterdam UMC/University of Amsterdam, has been studying the extended- term consequences of antenatal malnutrition for nearly 30 years.
Her parents, who were born around the French” Hunger Winter” at the end of World War II, are the subjects of a large portion of her work. Roseboom and her colleagues have provided some of the first clear evidence in humans of the generational effects of in-utero exposure to stresses like famine in dozens of studies. Their work suggests that malnutrition during pregnancy can have profound consequences not only for the future health of the child but for successive generations. It’s one of the things that makes me really excited when I think about how the decisions we make today will affect people for many, many years,” Roseboom says. ” I truly feel the generations that have come before me urging me to speak out.”
Audio journalists Neroli Price, Salman Ahad Khan, and Gabrielle Berbey talked with Roseboom as part of their investigation into how Israel’s blocking of aid trucks carrying food and medical supplies is leading to a maternal and infant health disaster. The most recent Reveal radio episode,” In Gaza, Every Pregnancy is Complicated,” which is available for listening on almost 600 News stations or as a download here, can be heard containing excerpts of their conversation. We are presenting a longer electronic version because the subject is current and pressing.
Let’s start with the Hunger Winter. What was the climax of the events that caused the Dutch winter of 1944 to be so damaging for people?
At the conclusion of World War II, in the region of the Netherlands that the Allies had no liberated, there was a period of famine known as the Hunger Winter. ]After the D- Day invasion in June 1944], the Allies liberated France and Belgium and retook the southwestern part of the Netherlands. The French government was in exile calling for a railroad strike to support the Allies, but the operation failed before they were able to retake the north and west of the nation, including Amsterdam, the capital. The European occupying forces retaliated by outlawing all food transportation from rural areas of the nation to metropolitan areas in response to the railroad strike. Immediately, rations that had been around 2, 000 calories a day during the whole war dropped to around 400 to 600 calories a day. The usual adult ration during that time was two slices of bread, two potatoes, and half a sugar beet.
The blockade came about as a very quick and severe winter approached the Netherlands, which caused canals to be a significant means of transporting food. So it was really a combination of this terrible winter and the blockade that immediately led to a very serious period of famine, which lasted until the Netherlands was liberated and the war ended, in May 1945.
How did mortality change as a result of that extraordinary famine?
Mortality rates were half what they were in the first six months of 1945, during the famine period, during the initial six months of 1944, when there was enough food. It is estimated that a total of 25, 000 people died during the Dutch Hunger Winter.
What do you know about the events that occurred in your family during this time?
They do n’t recall anything because my father was born during the first few weeks of the famine and my mother was born one month after liberation, of course. But my grandmothers remember what it was like to be pregnant during a war and during a period in which there was very tiny food available.
Thankfully, both of my parents were born in remote areas, where famine was less severe. When there was no light and bombings were occurring, my father’s mother explained how she delivered him at home. She told me how families from Amsterdam came fleeing to the part of the country where she lived, looking for food. Even though my father was just 10 weeks old, he was now more weight than the Amsterdam boy who was 10 months old.
What did another people tell you when you started researching the larger effects of this famine?
Even though I spoke to them decades later, they still remember it as quite a tragic period. One woman I know could n’t breastfeed because she was so undernourished after giving birth to her first child. She claimed that her baby had a peeled rabbit-like appearance; she claimed that this was how thin he turned after a few days. So she went to church to try and find someone willing to take him because she realized,” He’s going to die if I keep him with me”. Thankfully, she was able to get milk and food so she could feed herself and her baby. But she had considered giving him away because she had been feeling criminal all her life. It took her nearly 50 years before she told her son this story.
You’ve written or coauthored many papers on the long-term effects of the Hunger Winter on the health of those who were born during that time. What effects have you observed in particular?
In about three decades of studying men and women who were being shaped inside their mother’s womb during the French famine, we know that the lack of nutrients left lasting marks on on the organs and tissues that were forming at the time.
The babies born during the famine and whose mothers were underfed while their brains were being built had smaller brains. When those people reached adulthood, their brains were wired differently. They were more prone to stress and addiction, their cognitive function was affected. They were less likely to work in the workforce.
We discovered that during the famine, infants who were born earlier were particularly at risk of depression. They even had a higher risk of schizophrenia and antisocial personality disorders.
Their metabolism also changed. Your body will develop a very, very effective way of metabolizing the calories you do consume in utero, which makes sense. But then, because of your successful metabolism, when food becomes more copious later in life, you have a higher risk of becoming obese. More people who are younger, have higher cholesterol levels, and are more obese and have Type 2 diabetes were among those whose research was conducted.
When the Hunger Winter babies were born, were these effects soon visible?
No. It’s fascinating, but one would n’t have assumed that the babies who were born shortly after the Dutch famine were that much impacted. Babies were n’t particularly small, thin, or any other way from babies that were born. But for a long time, we thought maybe they’re not going to be affected by famine. They are secure inside the womb of their mother. We should n’t be too concerned.
But based on our research then, we know that the structure and function of their organs are different. And it’s just as we get older that issues with our organs start to develop as the damage accumulates over the course of our lives.
Did you discover any effects of parental stress on babies during that time, aside from the effects of famine?
In general ,]the fetus is ] protected from the stress hormones that the mother has in her own bloodstream. However, the placenta’s enzyme that protects the fetus from being exposed to this stress hormone is no longer functioning correctly when women are undernourished. The baby will be exposed to the stress levels that the mother is experiencing because of great stress levels and poor nutrition.
Your research did n’t stop with people born around the time of the Hunger Winter. You even studied the children of them. What did you uncover?
We saw that both through the mother and the father, these effects can be transmitted to future generations.
Every human being began as a second fed egg. However, the egg that produced you and me did n’t just emerge right away after it was fertilized. It was really formed when our mothers were in our grandmothers ‘ wombs”.
As a biologist, I frequently mention the fact that each and every one of us, every human being, was born from a second fertilized egg. However, the egg that produced you and me did n’t just emerge right away after it was fertilized. It was truly formed when our mothers were in our grandmothers ‘ wombs. During the Hunger Winter, I developed the egg that gave me that name.
People are extremely vulnerable to their surroundings, especially in the first years of development. And we know that the environment, whether it is nutrition or whether it’s a horrific experience, has an impact on the expression of the biological code—what we call genetic effects. The quality of your biological potential is greatly affected by the environment. The Dutch Famine Study and other studies looking at various crises and fatal events, such as 9/11 and climate catastrophes like flooding and fires, have all constantly demonstrated that there are epigenetic effects. Not so much of the DNA structure is changed, but the extent to which our genes are expressed is altered by the environment in which we grow and develop, and even these effects are transmitted from one generation to the future.
The European occupying forces ‘ blockade of food transports seems to be akin to what’s happening in Gaza right now.
There is a striking parallel to what is happening in Gaza, in my opinion. And because of the research I’ve done, I’m not worried only about the people now experiencing the situation there. The long-term effects this will have on the generation that is n’t even born yet are extremely worrying to me.
We’ve spoken with ob-gyns in Gaza who left behind no standard medical supplies for their patients in October. How might that kind of collapse in the health infrastructure affect fetal development?
The potential impact is beyond my comprehension. I have no accurate comparison of the health system collapsing based on the studies we’ve been conducting on the Flemish famine because, unsurprisingly, the health system continued to function during the war and the famine. Doctors and nurses continued to provide care and record details of the pregnancies that we’ve been allowed to see because these records were kept.
However, we know that this causes stress and has a negative effect on the development of the [fetus ] because of other studies of disruptive circumstances, such as flooding, that prevented pregnant women from seeing their doctors or midwives. You can still see [this ] in the way that their genes are expressed, the way these children develop, and in their risk of developing chronic diseases later in life.
I’m imagining a mother who is living through what has been happening in Gaza, who may be wondering if there was any way to protect her infant from those bad extended- term effects.
Because your organs were formed while you were in the womb, you were unable to do that once more. Your brain cannot be rebuilt. But the scientific evidence is quite evident that in terms of stress, the effects can be greatly reduced if people get social support. Even if you are unable to get out of that difficult situation, getting societal support can be very important in reducing the negative effects.
Another thing people can do is make sure they eat healthier diets and exercise as they get older, which will help lower the risk of developing vascular disease or Type 2 diabetes. If they have been unwell during pregnancy or have a child who is unwell during that time.
If you could grab all the world’s leaders, and get on your soapbox, what is the one message you would tell them about mothers and babies and war and famine?
According to me, the environment our ancestors created has forever designed us as humans. The societies, our cities, our families, and the world we live in are all influenced by those who came before us. What we do today is actually shaping the environment in which future generations will be allowed to develop to their full potential.
And these upcoming generations are certainly some fictitious future creatures that are already present. The egg that gave birth to both of us was already present when our mothers were grandmothers ‘ wombs, as I previously mentioned. The future generations are now here, in the present, and we are affecting them with our actions right then.
This interview has been edited to be more concise and in-depth.”}]] A major US charitable official formally acknowledged this week for the second time that a famine is now occurring in some parts of Gaza. An estimated 2.2 million people are experiencing chronic or severe food shortages after six months of Jewish hostility and blockades. One in three children in northeastern Gaza are emaciated, and deaths due to hunger 

A top US humanitarian official acknowledged publicly this week that famine is already occurring in parts of Gaza. After six months of Israeli blockade and war, an estimated 2,2 million people are suffering acute or catastrophic food shortages. One third of the children in northern Gaza suffer from malnutrition, and hunger is a major cause of death.


The text is a series of punctuation marks in a specific pattern.


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