Women’s basketball is Popular right now… Congratulations to Caitlin Clark for defeating LSU. And since women’s basketball is so popular right now, I wanted in! Let’s talk women’s hoops! Especially, we have to go to the Top Dog of Women’s Hoops, which would be Brittney Griner. Do you know anything about her? I’m not certain if I’ve previously covered Brittney Griner on this site. I just do n’t find “her” all that interesting. At least that was until today…. when I heard a video of “her” talking. You might be shocked just as much as I was if you’re like me and have not heard her speak earlier. Understand one thing….. The video I’m going to show you has n’t been altered in any way. Her true voice is this one. With your eyes closed, only watch and listen, and then watch and listen again. DEVELOPING: Since a number of people on the internet were dissapointed by her voice, Brittney Griner appears to have released yet another video. pic. twitter.com/tvwM7yucen— Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives ( @dom_lucre ) February 25, 2024Backup: This is Brittney Griner. No editing is done with the sound. This is “her” voice. Simple question: Is this a man?
pic. twitter.com/MUQvboXXvr— Daily Noah.com ( @Daily NoahNews ) February 25, 2024I know some of you will say” who cares” so I’ll address that. I care. I care if someone lies to the whole nation indecently. I care if someone acts like a woman to allow her to compete in women’s sports and intimidate bio women. Why did we exchange true, dangerous prisoners for prisoners in other countries for them to get them ago? I care if they break a law in another country. So it matters. Truth usually matters. After hearing Brittney Griner speak, there is no denying in my mind that he is a MAN who joined the WNBA because it is simpler, much like Lia Thomas did with swimming. For those who will claim that video was edited or altered, I’ll give you a bunch more many showing that strong, billowy, manly voice. Because he is the only WNBA player capable of dunking a basketball, we should have known. LISTEN and let me know if this picture is incorrect. twitter.com/5BXwxX4lVz— Alexander Sheppard ( @NotAlexSheppard ) July 28, 2023But that’s not all…. Dude LOOKS like a man and walks around shirtless, in addition to sounding like a man. I do n’t care how “flat chested” a lady may be, I’ve never known an adult women who walks around topless. Have you? Why is Brittney Griner shirtless in this video and wearing nothing but a bikini top?
pic. twitter.com/jqgAf9zlG4— Alexander Sheppard ( @NotAlexSheppard ) July 28, 2023Backup here: I asked Grok if Brittney Griner was a man and Grok said no, but then claimed she was a “lesbian” married twice to women: Hmmmm, what if she’s just a man married to a woman? What does Occam’s Razor tell us? Typically, the proper response is the easiest. So let’s apply it around …. The person has been married half to a woman and LOOKS like a man and SOOKS like a man. What is most likely…. Option 1: a woman who sounds really strange and has no breasts to mention who is a gay engaged to women. Option 2 — dude is a dude. What does everyone think? I’m simply asking questions and describing what I see with my eyes and hear with my ears, not to make any claims. This kid Chris May seems to be piecing things up: pic. twitter.com/Vp73iIPARc— Chris May ( @Mays_Media1 ) February 25, 2024 [[{“value”:”
Caitlin’s Clark is a winner for beating LSU. Since women’s basketball was so hot at the moment, I wanted to be in! Let’s talk about women’s basketball! Brittney Griner is the Top Dog of Women’s Hoops. Have you heard about her? I don’t think I ever covered Brittney on this site. I don’t find her very interesting. It wasn’t until today ….that I heard “her” talk. You might be as shocked as I am if you’ve never heard her speak before. Understand one thing ….. The video I’m about to show you is not altered in any way. This is her actual speaking voice. Watch and listen, then listen and watch again with your closed eyes: Brittney griner has released another video after several people on the Internet were in disbelief over her voice. pic.twitter.com/tvwM7yucen — Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives (@dom_lucre) February 25, 2024 Backup: This is Brittney Griner. The sound has not been edited in any way. This is “her’ voice. This is “her” voice. pic.twitter.com/MUQvboXXvr — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) February 25, 2024 I know some of you will say “who cares” so I’ll address that. I care. I care if someone lies blatantly to the whole country. I care if someone pretends that they are a woman to play women’s sport and beat up bio women. I care if this person breaks a rule in another country, and we have to exchange real and dangerous prisoners to get them back. (Why did we do it again?). It matters. Truth is always important. For those who say the video is edited, I will show you a few more showing that deep, manly, billowy voice: After listening to Brittney Griner, there is no doubt that he is a MAN, who joined WNBA for its ease, just like Lia Thomas with swimming. We should have known, because he is the only WNBA basketball player who can dunk a ball. LISTEN and tell me I’m wrong pic.twitter.com/5BXwxX4lVz — Alexander Sheppard (@NotAlexSheppard) July 28, 2023 But that’s not all…. Not only does he sound like a guy, but he also looks like a guy and walks around shirtless. I don’t think it matters how “flat-chested” a woman is, I’ve never seen an adult woman walk around shirtless. Have you? Look at the video: Why is Brittney griner shirtless and without a bikini top?
pic.twitter.com/jqgAf9zlG4 — Alexander Sheppard (@NotAlexSheppard) July 28, 2023 Backup here: I asked Grok if Brittney Griner was a man and Grok said no, but then claimed she was a “lesbian” married twice to women: Hmmmm, what if she’s just a man married to a woman? What does Occam’s Razor tell you? Usually, the simplest answer is the correct one. Let’s use it here …. The person LOOKS and SOUNDS like man, has been married to a woman twice, and HAS been married to a woman. What is the most likely ….? Option 1 — A woman with a strange voice, who has no breasts and is married to a woman. Option 2 — dude, dude. What do you think? …. This dude Chris May seems to be piecing things together: pic.twitter.com/Vp73iIPARc — Chris May (@Mays_Media1) February 25, 2024