Do you recall a few years ago when we instantly experienced train accidents all over the nation? It seemed like a new one each week, sometimes even everyday! Are Floating Barges and Cargo Ships the only exceptions to this pattern right then? Seems like it. Here’s the latest — 26 barges break loose and float down Ohio River, causing damage and prompting bridge closures in Pittsburgh: 26 Barges break free and are floating down the Ohio River, closing all the bridges in Pittsburg. Probobly merely a coincidence. hold on small frens. It’s gonna get slippery.
H/T @tpk19th pic.— Joe Rambo ( @BrainStorm_Joe ) April 13, 2024Grok confirms: And from CNN: A marina in Pittsburgh sustained extensive damage after 26 barges, most of which were loaded with dry cargo, broke loose late Friday night and floated uncontrolled down the Ohio River, according to authorities. After the barges broke completely, two Pittsburgh-area bridges, which were about 2.5 miles off, were closed. According to McKees Rocks police, the McKees Rocks Bridge was shut down out of” an abundance of caution” soon after midnight. Police described the barges as” we are never willing to take the risk,” but they may or may not come into contact with sub-structure. According to Pittsburgh city officials, the West End Bridge was closed in both directions, and the rail bridge to Brunot Island was closed for both. The city claims that there were no dangerous items on the barges. Of the 26 free barges, 23 were loaded and carrying clean cargo, including coal, according to the news release. According to a news release from the City of Pittsburgh, Brunot Island had eleven barges located and pinned them against the river bank. They were being held by a tugboat. Nevertheless, 14 continued down the river and six have gone over the Emsworth Dam, the city said. Peggy’s Harbor, a family-owned and operated complete service marina on the Ohio River, was damaged, according to the release, despite no reports of injuries. What precisely does the marina’s damage look like? Here’s what I wrote a few weeks ago: Planes, Trains and Shipping Vessels — What Comes Next? Plains, Trains and Automobiles was a brilliant movie. Since Hollywood has been unable to write comedies for more than ten years and does n’t appear to be recovering anytime soon, this may be one of the top 20 comedy of all time. But Plains, Trains and Shipping Vessel derailments? Not but interesting. Yesterday, there were two events that made me think about this subject and write this article. First, someone mentioned to me how it seems like there have been a lot more tragic incidents under the Biden Regime ( remember all the train accidents? )? Then planes are disintegrating daily. A Shipping Vessel has now destroyed an entire important bridge, wrapping it up. But rest assured that this guy is working on the case and going to fix it all immediately. Of course, we covered all of those daily, but looking at the forest from the trees made it truly come to mind. Next they asked me the question: what do you think happens next? Between now and the election. Do you believe it improves or decreases? Because we both knew, neither of us actually needed to respond to that query. Next thing was that I came across the meme posted above. Sometimes a picture really is worth 1, 000 words. I do n’t recall much, if any, of this crap happening under Donald Trump’s watch. Oh, there were some vicious tweets, but the rest of the world was largely unharmed and at peace. Today? I suppose it might be a good idea to turn to the real data and travel down memory lane. This is not a complete list; it would take far too long; however, some of the hardships we’ve endured during the Biden Regime’s four years are here. How much of this must happen before it becomes” not a coincidence”? As we travel down memory lane, I’m not sure, but I’m hoping you’ll stick with me. Of course Palestine, Ohio, was perhaps the most significant and horrible derailment. I’m sure you all remember this: Norfolk Southern” Wiped Out” Critical Footage Leading Up to East Palestine Train Derailment, Report Says ( WATCH) Bizarre Squeaky Voice Among Other Health Impacts In East Palestine Following Train DerailmentOklahoma: Train Derailment in Oklahoma, Caught on VideoNebraska: JUST IN: Another Train Derailment! Hazmat Team Called to NebraskaOhio ( again ): Another Ohio Train Derailment! Minnesota: BREAKING: Disrupted Train in Minnesota Catches Fire, Causes Immediate EvacuationBREAKING: Train Hauling Hazardous Materials Derails in North DakotaWashington: 5, 000 Gallons of Diesel Spills After Train Derails in WashingtonWest Virginia: Train Derails In West Virginia! Multiple Injuries, Fuel Tank Plunges Into RiverKansas: Union Pacific Train Derails In KansasPennsylvania: PENNSYLVANIA: 18- Inch Pipe Bomb Reportedly Found on Train Tracks Wow, right? And since that was a SMALL sample, I stopped before it lasted an unreasonable much. And that was just trains. I probably do n’t need to remind you too much about all the airplane incidents recently…. planes literally falling apart during takeoff, midflight and during landing. Only a few examples: Downtown- Bound Plane Forced To Land After Fire Breaks Out” Mayday! Mayday! Anybody ecstatic about flying the friendly skies these days? YouTube footage shows an Atlas Air plane on fire mid-air and making an emergency landing Me both. Then of course there is the notorious incident from yesterday that was horrifying: A Bridge Crash Video Sped Up 8x Shows A Very Different Picture. I saved perhaps the worst ( worst ) for last. Do n’t forget about all of these: STUNNING: Map Shows All Food Processing Plants That Have Burned Down, Blown Up or Been Destroyed Under BidenSTUNNING: Map Shows All Food Processing Plants That Have Burned Down, Blown Up or Been Destroyed Under BidenFolks, this is truly stunning. They are attempting to stifle our food supply! I witness this firsthand as someone who sits in this chair and covers the news every day. We just finished covering this one, which is known as BREAKING: An Explosion Sets A Chicken Plant Ablaze In Texas. I was aware of the number of food processing plants and different food supply buildings that had either burned down, destroyed, or then met a tragic, unfortunate end in the previous three years, but I had no idea how many until I saw it all gathered in one place. Although I’ve been around to cover each of these, the combination of them makes it seem so confusing. Watch this video: STUNNING: This map shows all the food processing plants that have sometimes caught fire or been destroyed… They are attempting to stifle our food supply! pic.— Daily ( @Daily NoahNews ) January 31, 2024If you’re not the video type, then see it in print below… Here’s a complied list of almost 100 fires from 2021 and 2022 from Rumble: 1— 4/30/21 Monmouth Smithfield Foods pork processing plant
2— 7/25/21 Memphis Kellogg plant
3— 8/13/21 JBS beef plant
4— 8/24/21 Patak Meat Company
5— 7/30/21 Tyson River Valley ingredient plant
6— 10/21/21 Darigold plant
7— 11/15/21 Garrard County food plant
8—11/29/21 Maid- Rite Steak Company
9—12/13/21 San Antonio food processing, West side Foods
10—1/7/22 Hamilton Mountain poultry processing
11—1/13/22 Cargill- Nutrene feed mill. Lacombe, La
12—1/31/22 Winston- Salem fertilizer plant
13—2/3/22 Wisconsin River Meats
14—2/3/22 Percy dairy farm
15—2/5/22 Wisconsin River Meats processing facility destroyed by fire in Mauston, Wisconsin.
16—2/15/22 Bonanza Meat Company goes up in flames in El Paso, Texas
17—2/15/22 Shearer’s Foods Food processing plant explodes in Hermiston, Oregon.
18—2/16/22 Indiana Louis- Dreyfus soy processing plant
19—2/18/22 Bess View Farms
20—2/19/22 Lincoln premiere poultry
21—2/22/22 Shearer’s Foods potato chip plant
22—2/22/22 Fire destroys Deli Star Meat Plant in Fayetteville, Illinois.
23—2/28/22 mineral AG Solutions fertilizer facility burns
24—2/28/22 Shadow Brook Farm &, Dutch girl Creamery burns
25—3/4/22 294, 800 chickens destroyed at farm in Stoddard, Missouri
26—3/4/22 644, 000 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Cecil, Maryland
27—3/8 /22 243, 900 chickens destroyed at egg farm in New Castle, Delaware
28—3/10/22 663, 400 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Cecil, Maryland
29—3/10/22 915, 900 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Taylor, Iowa
30—3/14/22 Wayne Hoover dairy farm, barn total of cows burns
313/14/22 2, 750, 700 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Jefferson, Wisconsin
32—3/16/22 Walmart Distribution Center burns for 76 hours in Plainfield Ind.
33—3/16/22 Nestle Food Plant heavily damaged in fire and new production destroyed Jonesboro, Arkansas
34—3/17/22 5, 347, 500 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Buena Vista, Iowa
35—3/17/22 147, 600 chickens destroyed at farm in Kent, Delaware
36—3/18/22 315, 400 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Cecil, Maryland
37—3/19/22 Walmart Food Distribution center catches fire in Plainfield, Indiana
38—3/22/22 172, 000 Turkeys destroyed on farms in South Dakota
39—3/22/22 570, 000 chickens destroyed at farm in Butler, Nebraska
40—3/24/22 Major Fire at McCrum Potato Plant in Belfast, Maine.
41—3/24/22 418, 500 chickens destroyed at farm in Butler, Nebraska
42—3/25/22 250, 300 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Franklin, Iowa
43—3/26/22 311, 000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
44—3/27/22 126, 300 Turkeys destroyed in South Dakota
45—3/28/22 1, 460, 000 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Guthrie, Iowa
46—3/29/22 Maricopa, Az. Food Pantry burns down 50, 000 pounds of Food destroyed in Maricopa, Arizona.
47—3/31/22 Rio Fresh Onion factory damaged by fire in San Juan, Texas.
48—3/31/22 76, 400 Turkeys destroyed in Osceola, Iowa
49—3/31/22 5, 011, 700 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Osceola, Iowa
50—4/6/22 281, 600 chickens destroyed at farm in Wayne, North Carolina
51—4/9/22 76, 400 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
52—4/9/22 208, 900 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
53—4/12/22 89, 700 chickens destroyed at farm in Wayne, North Carolina
54—4/12/22 1, 746, 900 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Dixon, Nebraska
55—4/12/22 259, 000 chickens destroyed at farm in Minnesota
56—4/13/22 Fire destroys East Conway Beef &, Pork Meat Market in Conway, New Hampshire.
57—4/13/22 Plane crashes into Gem State Processing, Idaho potato and food processing plant
58—4/13/22 77, 000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
59—4/14/22 Taylor Farms Food Processing plant burns down Salinas, California.
60—4/14/22 Salinas food processing plant
61—4/14/22 99, 600 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
62—4/15/22 1, 380, 500 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Lancaster, Minnesota
63—4/19/22 Azure Standard nation’s leading independent distributor of natural and healthy food, was destroyed by fire in Dufur, Oregon
64—4/19/22 339, 000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
65—4/19/22 58, 000 chickens destroyed at farm in Montrose, Colorado
66—4/20/22 2, 000, 000 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Minnesota
67—4/21/22 Plane crashes into and destroys General Mills
68—4/22/22 197, 000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
69—4/23/22 200, 000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
70—4/25/22 1, 501, 200 chickens destroyed at egg farm Cache, Utah
71—4/26/22 307, 400 chickens destroyed at farm Lancaster Pennsylvania
72—4/27/22 2, 118, 000 chickens destroyed at farm Knox, Nebraska
73—4/28/22 Egg- laying facility in Iowa kills 5.3 million chickens, fires 200- plus workers
74—4/28/22 Allen Harim Foods a chicken processing company based in Delaware killed almost 2 million chickens
75—4/2822 110, 700 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin
76—4/29/22 1, 366, 200 chickens destroyed at farm Weld Colorado
77—4/30/22 13, 800 chickens destroyed at farm Sequoia Oklahoma
78—5/3/22 58, 000 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin
79—5/3/22 118, 900 Turkeys destroyed Beadle S Dakota
80—5/3/22 114, 000 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
81—5/3/22 118, 900 Turkeys destroyed Lyon Minnesota
82—5/7/22 20, 100 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin
83—5/10/22 72, 300 chickens destroyed at farm Lancaster Pennsylvania
84—5/10/22 61, 000 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
85—5/10/22 35, 100 Turkeys destroyed Muskegon, Michigan
86—5/13/22 10, 500 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin
87—5/14/22 83, 400 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
88—5/17/22 79, 00 chickens destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
89—5/18/22 7, 200 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
90—5/19/22 Freight train derailment Jensen Beach FL
91—5/21/22 57, 000 Turkeys destroyed on farm in Dakota Minnesota
92—5/23/22 4, 000 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
93—5/29/22 200, 000 Chickens killed in fire in Minnesota
94—5/31/22 3, 000, 000 chickens chickens destroyed at Forsman egg farm facility in Stockholm Township, Minnesota
95—6/2/22 30, 000 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania And
96— S &, P Meats Burn Down in Spokane, WA. Gone In Summer 2021It’s hard to believe that Hillary and Bill Clinton had more than 100 friends and adjacent business associates who died in bizarre circumstances or committed suicide. No way. I believe this is planned. From the inside out, this appears to be a deliberate destruction of America. But now the big question: What can YOU do about it? And how can you protect your family? Read this: Former Soldier’s Insider Warning Reveals America’s Food Security NightmareTeddy Daniels risked his life and bled for America. He was given the Purple Heart for his bravery, and he continues to care about and safeguard his country. But when he warns us that something great is coming… We better listen. Lately, Teddy releaseda fresh set of stunning discoveries. His insider knowledge and defense service exposed a serious threat to American society. A danger that threatens one of our most important pillars of infrastructure… Our food supply. In this unique report, Teddy reveals the causes and consequences of this threat… Along with 3 Fatal Food Secrets you must be aware of to protect both you and your family. The corrupt mainstream media wo n’t let you hear any of this. In fact, has anyone more removed the veil from what is actually happening with the US food supply prior to this? ( Teddy explains everything here. ) You’ll learn about this imminent threat in the first two minutes, and you’ll also learn about Teddy’s three Fatal Food Secrets and how he physically prepares and keeps his family’s food safe… no matter how awful things turn out. To access Teddy’s Special Report – before it’s too late – Click Here. ( Note: We appreciate you supporting businesses like those we partner with and friends, including the sponsored message above and placing an order using the links provided, which benefits WLTReport. We appreciate your support! We would like to assist you and ensure that you are as well-prepared as possible. So…. then to wrap things up. Do you believe that between now and the election, things will get better or worse, in your opinion? Do you think we’ll yet have an election? [[{“value”:”
Remember a few decades ago when suddenly, train derailments began to occur all over the nation? It seemed that a new derailment was occurring every week, and sometimes even daily. Do we see the same trend now, but with Floating Barges or Cargo Ships instead? It seems to be. Here’s the latest: 26 barges break free and float down the Ohio River causing damage, and forcing bridge closures in Pittsburgh. Probably just a coincidence. Hold on tight, frens. It’s going to get bumpy. H/T @tpk19th — Joe Rambo (@BrainStorm_Joe) April 13, 2024 Grok confirms: And from CNN: A marina in Pittsburgh sustained extensive damage after 26 barges, most of which were loaded with dry cargo, broke loose late Friday night and floated uncontrolled down the Ohio River, according to authorities. After the barges broke loose, two bridges in the Pittsburgh area were closed about 2.5 miles apart. McKees Rocks Police said that the bridge was closed “out of an abundance of caution” shortly after midnight. Police said that the barges may or may not have come into contact with the sub-structure, but they were not willing to risk it. According to Pittsburgh officials, the West End Bridge in both directions was also closed. Rail traffic was also shut down on Brunot Island’s rail bridge. According to the city, the barges did not contain any hazardous materials. According to a news release, 23 of the 26 barges were loaded with dry cargo, including coal. According to a press release from the City of Pittsburgh, eleven of the barges had been located and were pinned against the riverbank by Brunot Island. A tugboat was holding them. The city reported that 14 boats continued down the river, and six went over the Emsworth Dam. The release stated that although there were no reports of injuries, Peggy’s Harbor, a family-owned and operated full-service marina located on Ohio River, was damaged. It is unclear what the damage looks like to the marina. Here’s what i wrote a couple of weeks ago: Planes Trains and Shipping Vessels – What’s Next? Plains, Trains and Automobiles is a hilarious film. Hollywood hasn’t been able to write comedies in about 10 years and is unlikely to be able recover any time soon. But what about derailments of trains, plains, and shipping vessels? Not funny. Yesterday, I was prompted to write this article by two events. Someone told me that it seemed like tragic events have increased under the Biden Regime. (Remember all the train accidents? Every day, planes are crashing. Then a Shipping Vessel blew up an entire bridge. But don’t worry. This guy is on the case, and will fix it all very soon. Then, they asked me: What do you think will happen next? Between now and the elections Do you think things will get better or worse in the future? We both knew the answer to that question, so we didn’t need to ask. Second, I saw the meme above. A picture can be worth a thousand words. I don’t remember much of this crap happening, if anything, under Donald Trump’s supervision. Oh, we had a few mean Tweets but the world was mostly in order and under control. Now? I thought that it would be good to look at the data and go down memory lane. This is not a complete list. That would take too long. But here are some of the things we’ve experienced over the past 4 years under the Biden regime. How many of these things must occur before it is no longer a coincidence? I don’t, but let’s see how long you can stay with me while we go down memory lane …. The most tragic and notable derailment occurred in Palestine, OH. You’ll remember this: Norfolk Southern “Wiped out” Critical Footage Leading up to East Palestine Train derailment, Report Says. (WATCH). Bizarre Squeaky voice Among Other Health Effects In East Palestine After Train Derailment Oklahoma. Train Derailment in Oklahoma Caught on Video Nebraska. JUST IN! Another Train Derailment. Hazmat Team called to Nebraska Ohio (again), Another Ohio Train Derailment Minnesota: BREAKING – Derailed Train in Minnesota Causes Immediate Evacuation. BREAKING – Train Hauling Hazardous Material Derails on North Dakota Washington: 5,000 gallons of diesel spills after train derails in Washington West Virginia : Train Derails On West Virginia! Multiple Injuries and Fuel Tank Plunges into River Kansas: Union Pacific Train Derailment In Kansas Pennsylvania: PENNSYLVANIA : 18-Inch pipe bomb reported on train tracks Wow, right? This was only a small sample. I stopped before the list got too long. That was just trains. You don’t have to be reminded too much of all the recent airplane incidents ….planes literally breaking apart during takeoff and landing. Here are a few examples: NYC-bound plane forced to land after fire breaks out “Mayday!” Mayday! Mayday! Me either. I’ve saved the worst (or perhaps the most horrific) for last. Don’t forget these: STUNNING Map Shows Food Processing Facilities That Have Been Burned down, Blown up or Destroyed under Biden They are trying destroy our food supply. I can attest to this because I sit in this chair every day and cover the news. We even covered this one this morning: BREAKING – Explosion Sets A Chicken Plant Ablaze in Texas I knew that there had been many food processing plants, other food supply buildings, and other buildings that had burned down, blown out, or otherwise met an untimely, catastrophic end in the past 3 years. But I didn’t know how many, until I saw them all in one place. It’s a bit shocking to see them all together. I’ve covered each one, but seeing it all together is a little unsettling. Watch this video. STUNNING! This map shows the food processing plants which have either caught on fire or been destroyed… They are trying destroy our food supply. — (@DailyNoahNews) January 31, 2024 If you’re not the video type, then see it in print below… Here’s the list of almost 100 fires that occurred in 2021 and 2022, compiled by Rumble: 1–4/30/21 Monmouth Smithfield Foods porcine processing plant
2– 7/25/21 Memphis Kellogg Plant
3– 8/13/21 JBS Beef Plant
4– 8/24/21 Patak Meat Company
5– 7/30/21 Tyson River Valley Ingredient Plant
Darigold plant, 10/21/21, 6
7– 11/15/21 Garrard county food plant
8–11/29/21 Maid-Rite Steak Company
9–12/13/21 San Antonio food processing, West side Foods
10–1/7/22 Hamilton Mountain poultry processing
11–1/13/22 Cargill-Nutrene feed mill. Lacombe
12–1/31/22 Winston-Salem Fertilizer Plant
13–2/3/22 Wisconsin River Meats
14–2/3/22 Percy Dairy Farm
Fire destroys Wisconsin River Meats’ processing facility in Mauston, Wisconsin.
Bonanza Meat Company in El Paso, Texas goes up in flames 16–2-15/22
17–2/15/22 Shearer’s Foods Food Processing plant explodes in Hermiston.
18–2/16/22 Indiana Louis-Dreyfus soy processing plant
Bess View Farms, 19–2/18/22
20–2/19/22 Lincoln premiere poultry
21–2/22/22 Shearer’s Foods potato chip plant
22–2/22/22 Fire destroys Deli Star Meat Plant in Fayetteville, Illinois.
Burns at the nutrient AG Solutions Fertilizer Facility, 23–2-28/22
Burns at Dutch Girl Creamery & Shadow Brook Farm, 24-2-28-2012
25–3/4/22 Stoddard, Missouri farm destroys 294,800 chickens
26–3/4/22 644,000 hens destroyed at an egg farm in Cecil Maryland
27–3/8/22 243 900 chickens destroyed in New Castle, Delaware
28–3/10/22 663 400 chickens destroyed at an egg farm in Cecil Maryland
29–3/10/22 915 900 chickens were destroyed at an egg farm in Taylor (Iowa)
Barn full of cows on Wayne Hoover dairy farm burns 30-03-14/22
313/14/22 2,750 700 chickens destroyed at an egg farm in Jefferson (Wisconsin)
The Walmart Distribution Center in Plainfield, Indiana burns for 76 Hours between 3/16/32 and 3/16/22
Jonesboro, Arkansas: Nestle Food Plant severely damaged by fire and new production destroyed.
35–3/17/22 5,347.500 chickens were destroyed at an egg farm in Buenavista, Iowa
35–3/17/22 147 600 chickens destroyed at Kent, Delaware farm
36–3/18/22 315 400 chickens destroyed at an egg farm in Cecil (Maryland)
In Plainfield, Indiana, a Walmart Food Distribution Center catches fire on 3/19/22.
On farms in South Dakota, 172,000 turkeys were destroyed between 3-22-22 and 38–3/22/22.
39–3/22/22 570,000 poultry destroyed at Butler, Nebraska farm
Major fire at McCrum Potato Plant, Belfast, Maine.
41–3/24/22 Farm in Butler, Nebraska destroys 418,500 chickens
The egg farm in Franklin, Iowa destroyed 250 300 chickens between 3/25/22 and 3/25/22.
43–3/26/22 311,000 turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
South Dakota: 126,300 turkeys killed between 3/27/22 and 44/.
45–3/28/22 1,460,000 birds destroyed at Guthrie, Iowa egg farm
46–3/29/22 Maricopa, Az. Food Pantry burns 50,000 pounds of food in Maricopa Arizona
Fire damages the Rio Fresh Onion Factory in San Juan, Texas.
48–3/31/22 Osceola, Iowa: 76,400 turkeys destroyed.
49–3/31/22 5,011,700 hens destroyed at an egg farm in Osceola Iowa
50–4/6/22 281,600 hens destroyed at farm near Wayne, North Carolina
Minnesota: 51–4/9/22 76 400 turkeys destroyed
Minnesota turkeys destroyed between 52–4/9/22: 208,900 turkeys
53–4/12/22 89 700 chickens destroyed on farm in Wayne, North Carolina
54–4/12/22 1,746,900 hens destroyed at an egg farm in Dixon Nebraska
A Minnesota farm destroyed 259,000 chickens between 55–4/12/22
56–4/13/22 Fire destroys East Conway Beef & Pork Meat Market in Conway, New Hampshire.
57–4/13/22 Plane crashes in Gem State Processing, Idaho food and potato processing plant
77,000 turkeys were destroyed in Minnesota between 58–4/13/22
Salinas, California, Taylor Farms Food Processing Plant burns down.
60–4/14/22 Salinas food processing plant
61–4/14/22 Minnesota: 99,600 turkeys destroyed
62–4/15/22 1,380 500 chickens were destroyed at an egg farm in Lancaster Minnesota
Fire destroyed the nation’s leading independent distributor of organic food and healthy foods, Azure Standard, in Dufur, Oregon.
Minnesota destroyed 339,000 turkeys between 64–4-19/22
65–4/19/22 58,000 hens destroyed at Montrose, Colorado farm
66–4/20/22 2,000,000 hens destroyed at Minnesota egg farm
General Mills destroyed by plane crash on 4/21/22
Minnesota destroyed 197,000 turkeys between 68–4/22/22
Minnesota: 200,000 turkeys killed between 69–4/23/22
70–4/25/22 1,501,200 chickens destroyed at egg farm Cache, Utah
307 400 chickens were destroyed at Lancaster Pennsylvania farm between 71–4/26/22
72–4/27/22 2,118,000 chickens destroyed at farm Knox, Nebraska
73–4/28/22 Iowa egg-laying facility kills 5.3 millions chickens and fires 200+ workers
Allen Harim Foods, a Delaware-based chicken processing company, killed almost 2 million chickens between 74 and 4/28/22
75–4/2822 110,700 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin
1 366 200 chickens were destroyed at a farm in Weld, Colorado between 76 and 4/29/22
13 800 chickens were destroyed at a farm in Sequoia, Oklahoma between 77 and 4/30/22
78–5/3/22 58,000 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin
79–5/3/22 118,900 Turkeys destroyed Beadle S Dakota
Duck Farm Berks Pennsylvania: 80,000 ducks killed between 80–5/3/22
81–5/3/22 118,900 Turkeys destroyed Lyon Minnesota
82–5/7/22 20,100 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin
72,300 chickens were destroyed at Lancaster Pennsylvania farm between 83–5/10/22
84–5/10/22 61,000 Ducks destroyed at Duck Farm Berks Pennsylvania
85–5/10/22 35,100 Turkeys destroyed Muskegon, Michigan
86–5/13/22 10,500 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin
83,400 ducks were destroyed at Duck Farm Berks Pennsylvania between 87–5/14/22
79,00 chickens were destroyed at Duck Farm Berks Pennsylvania between 88–5/17/22
7200 ducks were destroyed at Duck Farm Berks Pennsylvania between 89–5/18/22
90–5/19/22 Freight train derailment Jensen Beach FL
91–5/21/22 On farm in Dakota Minnesota, 57,000 Turkeys were destroyed.
Duck Farm Berks Pennsylvania: 4,000 ducks killed between 92–5/23/22
Fire kills 200,000 chickens in Minnesota
Forsman egg farm in Stockholm Township, Minnesota destroyed 3,000,000 chickens
95–6/2/22 30,000 Ducks destroyed at Duck Farm Berks Pennsylvania and
S & P Meats burns down in Spokane, WA. Gone in Summer 2021 I don’t believe that all of these deaths are accidents. Just as I doubt that Hillary and Bill Clinton had over 100+ close friends and business associates who died by suicide or under strange circumstances, neither do I think they have. No way. This looks like an intentional act to me. This looks like a deliberate destruction of America. Now the big question: what can YOU do? How can you protect your family? Read this: Former Soldiers’ Insider Warning Reveals America’s Food Security Nightmare Teddy Daniels sacrificed his life for America. He was awarded the Purple Heart… and he continues to care for and protect his nation. When he warns that something big is about to happen… we better listen. Teddy recently released a new set shocking discoveries. His insider knowledge and military experience revealed a dangerous threat looming over America. A danger threatens our food supply, one of the most important pillars of our infrastructure. Teddy reveals in this exclusive report the causes and effects of this threat. Along with 3 Fatal Food Secrets you need to be aware of to keep your family and yourself safe. You won’t find any of this in the corrupt mainstream media. Has anyone else ever uncovered the truth about what’s really going on in America’s food supply? (Teddy explains all here.) In the first two minutes, you’ll discover this looming danger… Stay tuned for a little longer to learn the three Fatal Food Secrets as well as what Teddy does personally to prepare his family and ensure their food security… No matter how bad the situation gets. Click Here to access Teddy’s Exclusive report before it’s too Late. (Note: We appreciate your support of businesses such as those of our partners and friends, including the sponsored message and ordering through the provided links. This benefits WLTReport. We appreciate your support! It’s a pleasure to serve and keep you as prepared and safe, as we can. ….now let’s wrap up. Let me ask you one more question: Do YOU think things will GET BETTER OR WORSE before the election? Do you think there will be an election?