Wow, talk about digging your hole many deeper…. In case you did n’t notice, we recently covered the rematch between the Iowa women’s basketball team and LSU. memorable Caitlyn Clark is the subject of a major story. Even so, not a topic we would normally cover here other than the fact that one team ( LSU) appears to have completely disrespected the National Anthem:” LSU Dominated by Iowa Dominated by Iowa After Walking Off Court During National Anthem”… But at least they showed up! LSU has taken it to a whole new level by omitting the Anthem! So now that the dust settles, has a fair explanation surfaced? Ummm, “no” to put it plainly. No, the LSU head coach has just offered this incredibly perplexing explanation, saying that Kim Mulkey’s team leaving the court for the National Anthem is simply one big misunderstanding. Iowa was seen standing for the National Anthem before the Iowa vs. LSU game when LSU was n’t even on the court. Today, Mulkey is claiming that this is completely … pic.— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg ) April 2, 2024NEW: LSU coach Kim Mulkey says her team leaving the court for the National Anthem is just one big misunderstanding. Iowa was seen standing for the National Anthem before the Iowa vs. LSU game when LSU was n’t even on the court. Mulkey is then claiming that her team’s behavior is entirely standard. ” Honestly, I do n’t even know when the anthem was played”, Mulkey said. We kind of have a routine when they’re on the floor and leave at the 12-minute mark. I do n’t know, we come in and we do our pregame stuff. I’m sorry, listen, that’s nothing intentionally done “.Yikes. Watch her video here: LSU women’s basketball has been in trouble since the team did n’t intervene before its game against the Iowa Hawkeyes on Monday night. Head coach Kim Mulkey claims,” Honestly, I do n’t even know when the anthem was played “.Thoughts? pic.— Julia ( @Jules31415 ) April 2, 2024So perhaps I am misunderstanding her, but it seems to me like the answer is: it’s ok that we skipped the National Anthem because we ALWAYS skip the National Anthem! That’s our routine! In fact, we do n’t even know when it is being sung because we do n’t care! Wow…. Very bad take coach! During the National Anthem, LSU is dominated by Iowa after exiting the court. The matchup between the Iowa Hawkeyes and LSU Tigers women’s teams, which is a rematch from the 2023 NCAA National Championship, was a very anticipated game. However for LSU fans, the Hawkeyes were ready to start to take control of the game immediately after the Lady Tigers exited the court during the National Anthem. The LSU women’s basketball team EMBARRASSES itself by exiting the court during the national anthem. They continue to lose the game because Country & GT is a bull shit! pic.— Game On! ( @gameon_picks ) April 2, 2024Check out the stark difference between the two teams, the Hawkeyes stood united, holding hands, while the Tigers were nowhere to be found. No. The decisive game was lost by 3 LSU ( reigning National Champs ), who lost by a score of 94-87 to the No. 3 seed to advance to the Final Four. Iowa Hawkeyes are ranked# 1 at Albany’s MVP Arena. Kim Mulkey, who is known for her tough- horned coaching style and her eccentric game- day outfits, attempted to downplay the situation. Watch LSU Coach Kim Mulkey’s response to the walk-off during the National Anthem here:” It seems like it was a one-time mistake,” according to LSU Coach Kim Mulkey, who claims that her team did n’t “intentionally” leave the floor prior to the playing of the National Anthem.
Chessa Bouche:” LSU is not on the court for the National Anthem”
Who is lying? @ChessaBouche pic.— Brendan ( @BrendanMcInnis ) April 2, 2024This is surprisingly not the first time the Lady Tigers have avoided the National Anthem. If you actually attend an actual LSU game, you’ll discover that they never play the song on the court. It’s that simple. I’ve covered them for 3 years &, they’ve always been. — Chessa Bouche ( @chessabouche ) April 2, 2024Many have taken to X to voice their frustrations over the questionable statement by LSU: Media is sooo pathetic nowadays. How come not 1 single reporter/media did n’t ask/bash LSU for WALKING OFF THE COURT DURING USA NATIONAL ANTHEM. @LSUwbkb Feckless @espn will not even talk about it. # MarchMaddness — Connor Roche (@CMONEYMAN7117 ) April 2, 2024Angel Reese and LSU disrespected our country by walking off the court during the national anthem. There wo n’t be any more NCAA funding until they force teams to show our nation a little bit of respect. — Pro Swing Trading ( @Pro__Trading ) April 2, 2024Hey @LSUwbkb instead of walking off the court during the national anthem maybe focus on playing the game. Simply show up, insert the square object in the round object, and advance to the final 4. @Reese10Angel you fucking disgust me! Have some pride in America! # LSU# LSUWBKB— Gregory Finewater ( @whiskeylover94 ) April 2, 2024Honestly, and this is coming from an LSU alum, it appears they are arranging their affairs so that they intentionally miss the National Anthem. If you’re a college coach who specializes in teaching her players to pay attention to details, this is not a coincidence. Sorry, TRUTH. — NoMonkeyBusiness ( @NoMonkey Busine4 ) April 2, 2024 [[{“value”:”
Wow, talk about digging a deeper hole …. If you missed it, our recent story on the rematch of the Iowa women’s team basketball team against LSU was covered. Caitlyn’s story is a big one. Even so, this is not a story that we would normally cover. Except for the fact one team (LSU), seems to have disrespected the National Anthem. LSU Dominated By Iowa After Walking Off Court during National Anthem It’s bad enough when athletes kneeled to show they don’t like our country …. At least they showed up. LSU has taken things to a new level by not attending the Anthem. Now that the dust has settled, is there a reasonable explanation? Ummm, to be blunt, “no”. LSU’s head coach Kim Mulkey has a new explanation for this baffling situation: Her team leaving the court during the National Anthem was just a big misunderstanding. Iowa stood for the National Anthem before the Iowa vs LSU match, while LSU was not even on the court. Now, Mulkey is claiming that this is completely… — Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) April 2, 2024 NEW: LSU coach Kim Mulkey says her team leaving the court for the National Anthem is just one big misunderstanding. Iowa stood for the National Anthem before the Iowa vs LSU match, while LSU was not even on the court. Mulkey claims that this is normal for her team. Mulkey admitted that she didn’t know when the national anthem had been played. “We have a kind of routine when they are on the floor, and they come off around the 12-minute mark. I don’t think so, we just come in and do our pregame stuff. Listen, it wasn’t done intentionally. Yikes. LSU women’s Basketball has been under fire for not performing the national anthem prior to their Monday night game against Iowa Hawkeyes. Kim Mulkey, head coach, claims that she doesn’t know when the national anthem was performed. What do you think? — Julia (@Jules31415) April 2, 2024 So perhaps I am misunderstanding her, but it seems to me like the answer is: it’s ok that we skipped the National Anthem because we ALWAYS skip the National Anthem! It’s just our routine! We don’t really care when it’s sung, so we don’t know! Wow …. VERY bad take, coach! Here is our original report: LSU dominated by Iowa after walking off court during the national anthem March Madness can be an exciting time with basketball games being played left and right. The rematch between the LSU Tigers and Iowa Hawkeyes women’s teams from the 2023 NCAA National Championship was highly anticipated. The Hawkeyes took control of the game very early, after the Lady Tigers left the court during the National Anthem. LSU’s women’s basketball team EMBRASSES themselves for walking off the court while the national anthem was playing. They lose the game because they acted like a bunch of jerks by virtue signaling. — Game On! (@gameon_picks). April 2, 2024. Check out the stark differences between the two teams. The Hawkeyes stood together, holding hands, and the Tigers were nowhere in sight. No. The No. The No. 1 Iowa Hawkeyes played at MVP Arena in Albany. Kim Mulkey, known for her tough coaching style and eccentric game-day attire, tried to downplay the incident. Watch her response here to the walk-off while the National Anthem was playing: LSU Coach Kim Mulkey claimed that her team did not “intentionally leave the floor” prior to the National Anthem being played. Framed as if it was an one-time errorChessa Bouche says: “LSU never has a player on the court during the National Anthem.”
Who is lying? @ChessaBouche — Brendan (@BrendanMcInnis) April 2, 2024 This is surprisingly not the first time the Lady Tigers have avoided the National Anthem. You’ll notice that the Lady Tigers never stand for the National Anthem at an LSU game. It’s as simple as that. I’ve covered these guys for 3 years and they’ve never been. Chessa Bouche (@chessabouche), April 2, 2024 Many people have taken to X in order to voice their frustrations regarding the questionable statement made by LSU: The media is sooo pathetic today. How come not a single reporter/media criticized LSU for walking off the court during USA National Anthem? Pathetic for @LSUwbkb. Spineless @espn won’t talk about it either. #MarchMaddness Connor Roche (@CMONEYMAN7117), April 2, 2024 Angel Reese, LSU and the team walked off the court while the national anthem was playing. No more NCAA federal funds until they force the teams to show a modicum respect for our country. Pro Swing Trading April 2, 2024 Hey, @LSUwbkb Instead of walking off the field during the national anthem perhaps focus on playing the match. It’s as simple as showing up, putting the round thing into the round thing, and going to the final four. @Reese10Angel you fucking disgust me! Have some pride in America.#LSU #LSUWBKB – Gregory Finewater (@whiskeylover94), April 2, 2024 It appears that they are deliberately arranging their affairs to miss the National Anthem. If you are a college coach that specializes in teaching players to pay attention, this is no coincidence. Sorry, TRUTH. NoMonkeyBusiness April 2, 2024