I’ll be honest with you right away about this one because I do n’t really like Ben Shapiro. The constant knock- flopping about President Trump…The whiney, gravelly voice…It’s just not all that appealing to me. It’s terrible because he has strong opinions on a lot of different subjects. And he’s recently received the most attention for making claims that he’s a free speech absolutist while also stifling any opinions he does n’t agree with regarding Israel. This most notably and most recently boiled to the surface when Candace Owens left the Daily Wire late: Daily Wire and Candace Owens have ended their relationship. Jeremy Boreing ( @JeremyDBoreing ) March 22, 2024I think it would be a huge mistake to let Candace slip away ( or worse, force her to leave ) But no if your devotion to Israel outweighs a desire to keep top talent. It has been “rough” since the split, to put it mildly: You have been acting unethical and physically crazed for weeks now. And we have all been forced to relax and allow it, and we have all made an effort to understand you beyond your wildest feelings. However, you cross a certain line when you enter scripture and read yourself into… — Candace Owens ( @RealCandaceO ) November 15, 2023So Megyn Kelly addressed this head on when she recently had Ben Shapiro on her show. I thought this was a amazing exchange…. Watch Megyn Kelly asks Ben Shapiro if Daily Wire supports completely speech just in Israel.
pic. twitter.com/0EQpgyXVmH— An0maly ( @LegendaryEnergy ) April 2, 2024So, what do you think? Do you belong to Team Ben Shapiro or Team Candace? I want to talk about Israel a little bit differently, so I ask: WHY ISRAEL? It’s All About Cosmic Geography! I’ve been watching aged Dr. Michael Heiser videos for the past several weeks, which is something I’ve been getting into. You all know that YouTube will recommend all of those same videos to you for the following two weeks after you watch one video on something? And it’s not” strange” because it’s strange content, quite the contrary. Heiser is one of the people I could listen to for hours and be enthralled without stopping. I detested school, but curiously enough, I can study with a teacher like Dr. Heiser without interruption and absorb information like a sponge. So that’s not the peculiar part. The odd thing is that I have a lot going on right now ( for example, I do n’t have enough time to get to everything ), but I still found myself listening to Dr. Heiser videos. However, it now makes perfect sense in Israel then that the conflict has started. Because I have a platform around that over 5 million people each month tune in to. That responsibility is not something I take casually. I make an effort to perform this job with integrity and excellence, and a large part of that means just publishing the truth! That means not censoring stories the way the MSM does…It means honestly researching and honestly reporting each story, even if it does n’t fit “my” narrative…And it also means being able to decipher competing stories to FIND the truth in a sea of lies. That last section suddenly becomes so relevant for Dr. Heiser, and I was irrationally drawn to those videos for the past two weeks because I wanted to be prepared to navigate this propaganda war we are in and report to you the Biblical truth about what is happening so we do n’t just blindly replace SUPPORT ISRAEL with SUPPORT UKRAINE! Let me say clearly two things: ( 1 ) I absolutely support Israel; and I know that last line may make many of you nervous. That’s certainly up for negotiation. ( 2 ) I am not Israel’s keeper, nor are you or America. YHWH is. Israel is Yahweh’s portion. He neither snoozes nor sleeps while defending Israel. So I want to get that evident right away. Now what I want to do next is introduce you to this idea of” Cosmic Geography”. This is the Bible that your pastor most likely not taught you on Sunday morning, but it is very accurate. Dr. Heiser was well-known for saying,” I’ve always had an authentic thought in my life,” which imply that all of his writing is independently verified and verified by various scholars and history. That’s critical. I’m not interested in learning from someone who claims” this is what the Church taught for centuries until modern churches stopped teaching it,” but I’m interested in learning from someone who claims that this is what the Church taught for centuries. Heiser’s premise is that if you asked a contemporary Christian “why is the world but mess up,” they would respond in the same way: because sin entered through Adam and even in the Garden of Eden. But if you asked an old Jewish, they’d say there are three reasons! Yes, that is the first instance of the Garden of Eden event. Next, there is the Genesis 6: 4 event, in which the Fallen Angels travel to Earth, mate with women, and form the Nephilim, who are the Giant Clans throughout the majority of the Old Testament. Look it up, it’s all in there. The division of nations, which occurs immediately after the Tower of Babel, is the next event. The Garden of Eden is frequently taught in church. Genesis 6: 4 is about not taught in church, but we talk about it here. However, this second occurrence is very often discussed. Because it makes pastors confused, they simply skip over it. It’s Deuteronomy 32: 8 which reads: 8 When the Most High divided their inheritance to the nations,
When He divided the Adam’s sons,
He established the boundaries of the populations.
According to the number of the]c ] children of Israel.
9 For His people are His people’s,
Jacob is the place of His heirship. Translation: that says God divided up the people of the world into Nations according to the” Sons of God” ( i. e. the Principalities that Paul so often talks about in the New Testament ). These are actual people who were members of the Divine Council. I’ll get more into that in a moment. No co- equal gods, but truly members of God’s council ( something else nearly never taught in church ). Some translations translate the phrase” children of Israel” because they do n’t like” Sons of God,” which creeps them out if you look at the footnote to the above quote. However, take note of the footnote that Bible Gateway provides that you are given about whether the actual language is:” Angels of God” or” Sons of God.” The” DSS” refers to the Dead Sea Scrolls, which were only recently uncovered and which are widely believed by scholars to be one of the oldest and thus most reliable translations available. That is the correct translation. Finally read verse 9 and consider that the LORD’s provision is Israel. In other words, let me sum it all up for you: God is unhappy with what people have done at Babel. Because he divided them up into Nations and gave each one a ruler, an Angel or a Son of God, because they have no disbursed and spread out on the Earth the way he instructed them. However, God maintains Israel for himself so that, even if all other Nations dishonest, they can also fulfill the original plan that they had in Eden through Israel. I hope you’re tracking with me, because you’re going to see the News in an entirely fresh light when you understand this. Ephesians 6: 12:” 12 For we wrestle no against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against religious wickedness in great places,” is a verse you’ve probably read before. Each country has a” Principality” over it, as it is true. It’s Daniel 1013:” But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days, but lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, and I remained that with the kings of Persia”.I’m telling you, this stuff is all over your Bible, and when you start to see it and connect the dots, things come alive! One more quote to make it all worthwhile for you… Psalm 82: The Asaph’s Psalm 82A Plea for Justice. 1 God has taken his place in the holy council,
He renders judgment in the midst of the gods:
2″ How much will you continue to judge unjustly?
and show partiality to the cruel? Selah
3 Treat the orphans and the poor fairly.
maintain the right of the lowly and the destitute.
4 Help the poor and the needy.
They must be saved from the hand of the nasty. 5 They lack neither knowledge nor comprehension.
they walk about in darkness,
The earth’s foundations have been completely shaken. I repeat,” You are gods, I say.
children of the Most High, all of you,
7 yet, you will pass away like people.
and fall like a prince,” he said. 8″ Raise up, O God, judge the earth.
for all the nations belong to you! If anything I’ve said so much irritates you, remember that this is ALL in your Bible. Have you always read Psalm 82? It connects with everything I just told you. In the Divine Council, YHWH places himself in the position of the gods, where he renders judgment! Do n’t belittle me; I did n’t write that. Jesus did! It is included in your Bible! Does this imply that there are more gods than one? No. However, there are several” Sons of God” that YHWH has appointed as part of his Divine Council. And because in the remainder of the Psalm, these other “gods” ( Elohim, simply defined as spiritual beings created by God living in the spiritual realm ) all turn evil and go bad, you ca n’t read that as just being the Trinity. Psalm 82 is recounting what happens after Deuteronomy 32. God gave each of the nations of the world one of his Divine Council members. He believed that they would rule justly and pretty, but all of them eventually turn dishonest. Sound familiar? So they are subject to judgment, and God/YWW executes his initial plan through Israel, His PORTION. That’s my intention in order to explain this concept to you and help you understand what is happening with Israel straight now on the global stage. But of course Dr. Michael Heiser does it better than I possibly could. But here are some videos for you, for those who are visual learners out it. The second is Dr. Heiser discussing this in an A format Q& conversation: https: //www. youtube .com/watch? If you enjoyed that and want to go further, or if you’d prefer a more in-depth teaching style to Q&A, I’ll give you the best. This is Dr. Heiser’s 4-Part Supernatual Seminar. It covers everything I just told you but in much more detail and in the way simply Dr. Heiser could do it. Please enjoy this article and if any of this resonates with your spirit, please share it with people, friends, family, or perhaps pastors who might need to see it. Continue reading as I go over the details of my earlier post on this topic, pointing you through a sea of lies to where the Biblical truth is found: The USA Does No Keep Israel, YHWH Does! Time for a minor heart check…. And a little bit of biblical advice. I want to clarify a few things because I believe there is currently too many devious propaganda at the moment to know what is up. Anyone otherwise feel like that? This is the most ominous Proposed propaganda attack I have ever seen because they have cornered us. However, when you pause and lay it over, it becomes quite understandable. Quite simply, Ukraine is a huge money laundering operation. We’ve already covered that. That is then disintegrated. Second, the FTX part blew up. Therefore, in recent weeks, the public has FINALLY lost all interest in the continued funding of Ukraine. If you look at the statistics, you can fall off a cliff, both for Conservatives and Liberals. People are done with it. Therefore, Roseanne calls the” People Who Run the World” a” New Way to feed their War Machine.” Because, after all, the War Machine is the source of all the money. So they just made one simple switch: Pictures always explain things better than words ever could, do n’t they? I have to applaud its genius in particular. What is the ONE nation that Americans, particularly Traditional Americans, will often support? Israel. But you swap out Israel for Ukraine, and suddenly you start to understand why I’ve been very vocal about pointing this out and saying what I think is the most natural, legal, and common sense statement:” NO MORE FUNDING TO ANY COUNTRY OTHER THAN THE USA!” Do you know how much money Maui has received? $ 700 per household. But Billions upon Billions traveled to Ukraine and are now on their way to Israel. Some people believe that I am anti-Israel because I am speaking out against using National tax dollars to fund the world, and that is where I need to get some clarification and some bible teaching. Why do I have a burning fire at the top of this article? Because I need to introduce you to a person named YHWH, according to Deuteronomy 4: 23- 24. Do you know what the Bible says about Israel? It says a lot. But it makes one thing very clear: It rarely mentions the United States of America’s role as Israel’s protector or its own security. Sorry folks, no in the Bible. No, it’s little better than that! many stronger! Read Deuteronomy 32: 9 —” Israel is the LORD’s portion …” He divided up all the nations and gave them to the Sons of God, but Israel he kept for himself. It is referred to as” Cosmic Geography” by biblical scholars. Read Psalm 121, the ascent song. 1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
Where does the money I receive come from?
2 The Lord gives me help, 2 My help comes from him.
the Maker of heaven and earth. 3 He will never slack off your toes.
He wo n’t snooze when you watch him.
4 however, he who watches over Israel
will not sleep or snooze. — The Lord is watching over you.
the Lord is your shade at your proper hand,
6 By day, the sun wo n’t harm you.
nor the moon illuminated by night. 7 The Lord will keep you from all harm—
He will take care of your affairs,
8 The Lord will watch over your travels and arrivals.
both then and everlasting. The LORD is not sleeping or sleeping, but rather the one who keeps Israel and keeps watch over it. He’s still in power, and spoiler alert: he does n’t need a bunch of dishonest American war-mongering politicians to support him! But let’s be quite clear…. I back Israel and respect it. However, neither America nor Israel are my defenders. That cheapens the role the Bible assigns to YHWH and I’m not all that exciting in trying to usurp his role. I wrote this earlier this morning because I needed to clear up something. Is Israel my country’s support? Definitely! Always have and always will. However, please take note that you are already experiencing the most shady FF propaganda event to date. Ukraine support suddenly waned after 2 years. However, many Americans will back Daily Noah.com ( @Daily NoahNews ) on October 10, 2023 to fix something. Is Israel my country’s support? Definitely! Always have and always will. However, please take note that you are already experiencing the most shady Proposed propaganda event to date. Ukraine support suddenly waned after 2 years. However, many Americans will continue to support Israel until we become desolate and burst. I am a blessing to Israel, but I always am. But understand the USA does no” keep” Israel. Israel is not slumbering or sleeping, according to the Bible. Read Psalm 121: 4. The USA is never Israel’s keeper. Israel is a part of YHWH. Read Deuteronomy 32, 9 to 19. Israel is the LORD’s portion. The Most High does no guard Israel, but the USA does. The absolute BEST thing you can do is find your north star center of truth whenever you find yourself in that position, because this is the most covert propaganda I’ve always had to navigate through. And where do you find that? in the Bible. So that’s what I did below, and I hope it helps you. We can honor and support Israel while at the same time staying out of a brand new war and keeping British taxpayer dollars HOME and helping Americans! Share if you. [[{“value”:”
I’ll admit it right away…I’m no fan of Ben Shapiro. The constant flip-flopping on President Trump… the whiney, nasally tone… It’s not that appealing to me. It’s unfortunate, because he has excellent opinions on many other subjects. He’s been criticized for claiming to be a free speech extremist, but then stifling opinions that he doesn’t agree with. Candace Owens’ departure from the Daily Wire brought this to the forefront. Jeremy Boreing, (@JeremyDBoreing), March 22, 2024 I think Candace is a great talent, and letting her go (or worse, forcing out) would be a big mistake. If your loyalty to Israel is more important than your desire to retain top talent, then no. Since the split it has been “rough”, to put it mildly. You have been acting unprofessionally and emotionally unhinged since weeks now. We have all been forced to accept it and to show extreme understanding of your raw emotions. You cross a line when you read yourself into scripture when you ask for it. — Candace Owens, (@RealCandaceO), November 15, 2023 Megyn addressed this issue when she invited Ben Shapiro to her show. This was a fascinating conversation …. Watch Megyn ask Ben Shapiro: Is Daily Wire only pro-free speech except for Israel? pic.twitter.com/0EQpgyXVmH — An0maly (@LegendaryEnergy) April 2, 2024 So, what do you think? Are you Team Candace or Ben Shapiro? Now, for a different perspective on Israel: WHY ISRAEL. It’s all about cosmic geography! In the last few weeks, I have been watching old Dr. Michael Heiser YouTube videos. You know how YouTube will recommend the same videos for two weeks after you watch a video about something? It’s not “strange”, because the content is strange, but rather it’s the opposite. Heiser is someone I could listen for hours and be fascinated. I hated going to school, but I can listen to someone like Dr. Heiser without interruption for hours and absorb it like a sponge. That’s not strange. It’s strange that I have so many things going on (running this site, for example) and don’t have time to do everything, yet I still find myself listening to videos by Dr. Heiser. It makes sense now that Israel is at war. I have a platform that is viewed by over 5 million people every month. I don’t take this responsibility lightly. I do my best to do this with excellence and integrity, and part of that is simply publishing the truth. This means not censoring the stories like the MSM… It means honestly reporting and researching each story, even when it doesn’t match “my” narrative… AND it means being able decipher competing stories in order to FIND THE TRUTH in a sea full of lies. This last part is what makes Dr. Heiser relevant. I can now see why I was irrationally drawn to those videos over the past two weeks. It was to prepare me to navigate the propaganda war in which we find ourselves and to report to you the Biblical Truth of what’s going on so that we don’t blindly substitute SUPPORT UKRAINE for SUPPORT ISRAEL! I realize that the last line of my statement may make some of you nervous. So let me state clearly two things. (1) I support Israel. This is not negotiable. But (2) neither I, nor you, nor America are Israel’s keeper. YHWH. Israel is Yahweh’s portion. He defends Israel himself and never sleeps or slumbers. I want to be clear about that right away. Next, I’d like to introduce you to the concept of “Cosmic Geography”. This is the Bible that your pastor may not have taught you on a Sunday morning. But it’s real. Dr. Heiser is famous for saying, “I’ve never thought of anything original in my life.” This means that all his work has been thoroughly sourced by other scholars as well as history. That’s important. I don’t want to follow someone who is “new” and has created something in Christianity. That’s dangerous. I’m interested in someone who says, “This is what the Church has taught for centuries, until modern churches stopped educating it.” Now you have my attention. Heiser’s basic idea is that if you asked a modern Christian, “why is the whole world so messed-up?” they would give you the usual answer: sin entered the world via Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. If you asked an ancient Israelite they would say that there are three reasons. Yes, the Garden of Eden is #1. Second, there is the Genesis 6:4 Event, where the Fallen Angels leave their spiritual realm and come to Earth. They mate with women and create the Nephilim. These Nephilim are the Giant clans throughout most of the Old Testament. It’s all there. The third event, the splitting of Nations, occurs immediately after the Tower of Babel. In church, the Garden of Eden is often taught. Genesis 6:4 rarely gets taught in churches, but we do. This third event is rarely discussed. Pastors tend to ignore it because it confuses them. It’s Deuteronomy 32.8 which says: 8 When the Most-High divided their inheritance to nations.
When He separated the children of Adam
He defined the boundaries of the nations
According to the number [c]children Israel.
The Lord’s people is His portion;
Jacob is His inheritance. Translation: God divided the world’s people into nations according to “Sons of God”. The Principalities that Paul speaks of so often in the New Testament). These were real beings and they were members the Divine Council. I’ll explain more about that later. Not co-equal Gods, but members of God’s Council (something else that is almost never taught in the church). You can see in the footnote of this text that some translations have translated it as “children of Israel”, because they don’t like the term “Sons of God”. It makes them uncomfortable. Look at the footnote Bible Gateway provides on the correct language: Angels of God or Sons of God. The “DSS”, or Dead Sea Scrolls is a reference to the Dead Sea Scrolls. These scrolls were only recently discovered and are widely considered by scholars to be among the oldest and most reliable translations. This is the correct translation. Read verse 9: “But Israel, the LORD’s portion”. Let me summarize it for you. God is angry at what the people of Babel have done. They did not disperse and spread out across the Earth as he instructed, so he divides up the people into Nations and assigns each one a ruler – an Angel or a son of God. God, however, keeps Israel to himself in order to fulfill his original plan in the Garden of Eden in the event that all other Nations turn corrupt (which they do). You’re going see the News from a whole new perspective when you realize this. Ephesians 6 verse 12: “12 We wrestle not against flesh-and-blood, but against principalities and powers, against rulers of darkness in this world, spiritual wickedness on high places.” I’m sure you’ve read it many times but does it now make more sense? Each nation has a ruler, a “Principality”. Daniel 1013: The prince of Persia resisted me for one and twenty-two days, but Michael, one of chief princes came to help me. I remained with the kings in Persia. Another quote to bring it all home …. Psalms 82: Psalms 82 A Plea For Justice A Psalm by Asaph. God has taken a seat in the divine council.
In the midst of the Gods, he holds the judgment:
“How long can you continue to judge unjustly?”
And show partiality towards the wicked? Selah
3 Give justice to orphans and the weak;
Maintain the rights of the poor and destitute.
4 Rescue the weak, the needy and the poor;
“Seize them from the evil hand.” 5 They lack knowledge and understanding.
They walk in darkness.
All the foundations of earth are shook. 6 I say: “You are Gods,
All of you are children of the Most High;
7 nevertheless, you shall die like mortals
“A ]”>[a]
All the nations are yours! You can find all of this in your Bible if anything I’ve said makes you nervous. Have you ever read Psalm 82 before? It relates to everything I told you. YHWH sits in the Divine Council and judges in the midst the gods! You can’t make fun of me because I didn’t write ….Jesus! It’s in the Bible! Does that mean we have more than one god? No. No. But YHWH has put multiple “Sons of Gods” on his Divine Council. You can’t just read it as the Trinity, because in the rest of the Psalm these other “gods”, (Elohim – which is a spiritual being created by God and living in the spiritual world) all turn evil. Psalm 82 tells what happens after Deuteronomy. God assigned each nation to one of the members of his Divine Council. He trusted that they would rule justly and fairly, but they all turned corrupt. Sounds familiar? They face judgment, and God/YWHW carries on his original plan via HIS PORTION which is Israel. This is my attempt to introduce you to this concept and to help you understand what’s happening with Israel on the global stage right now. Dr. Michael Heiser is a better speaker than I am. For the visual learners, I have some videos. The first is Dr. Heiser talking about this in a Q&A format: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiX4F_1gBuQ If you loved that and want to go deeper, or if you’d prefer more of a teaching format over Q&A, I’ll give you the absolute best. This is Dr. Heiser’s 4 Part Supernatual seminar. It covers all that I have just said, but in greater detail and the way that only Dr. Heiser can do it. Please enjoy and share this article with anyone who might need it. This could be a friend, family member, or pastor. Part 1 YouTube Part 2 YouTube Part 3 YouTube Part 4 YouTube Part 1 Rumble Part 2 Rumble Part 3 Rumble Part 4 Rumble After watching these videos (whenever you have the time), keep reading to learn more. Here’s what I wrote earlier on this topic pointing you in a sea full of lies towards the Biblical truth: The USA does not keep Israel, YHWH does! It’s time for a heart check …. A little Biblical teaching. I want to clarify a few things because I believe that we are currently fighting so much devious and misleading propaganda that it is hard to tell which way is up. Anyone else feeling that way? They’ve put us in a corner and that’s the reason I say this is one of the most sinister FF propagandist attacks I’ve ever seen. It’s easy to understand if you take a moment and think about it. Ukraine is a massive money-laundering operation. We’ve already covered this. This has now collapsed. First, the FTX component blew up. In recent weeks, the public’s support for continued funding of Ukraine has finally dried up. If you look at the numbers, both Conservatives and Liberals have fallen off a cliff. People are tired of it. The “People Who Run The World”, as Roseanne calls them, needed a way to feed their War Machine. The War Machine is the source of all the money. They just made a simple switch: Pictures are always better than words, right? I have to applaud its genius. What is the ONE nation that Americans and especially CONSERVATIVE Americans will always support? Israel. You can swap Ukraine for Israel, and you get nonsense. I’ve been very vocal in the last few days to point this out and say what I consider the very natural and Constitutional statement: “NO MORE FINANCE TO ANY COUNTRY OTHER THE USA!” Do know how much we spent on Maui? $700 per household. Yet, Billions of dollars went to Ukraine and will soon be going to Israel. Some people think that I am anti Israel because I speak out against using American taxes to fund the world. I need to clarify this and teach some Biblical principles. Why is there a flaming flame at the top of this post? I have to introduce you YHWH. “For the Lord is your God, a consuming flame, a jealous God.” (Deuteronomy 4:12-24). Do you know what the Bible has to say about Israel? It says a great deal. It makes one thing clear …. It never says that the United States of America will protect Israel or keep it safe. Sorry, it’s not in the Bible. No, it is much more powerful than that! Much more powerful. Read Deuteronomy 32:30 — “Israel is the LORD’s portion …” he divided all the nations up and gave them to Sons of God but Israel he kept himself. Biblical scholars refer to it as “Cosmic geography”. Psalms 121: Psalms 121, A song of ascents. I lift my eyes to the mountain–
Where can I get help?
My help comes from God.
The Creator of heaven and Earth. 3 He will not allow your foot to slip.
He who watches over you won’t sleep;
4 Indeed, he who watches Israel
Will not sleep or slumber. 5 The Lord watches you —
The Lord is your shade on your right;
The sun won’t harm you at day.
The moon does not shine at night. 7 The Lord will protect you from all harm.
He will protect your life;
8 The Lord will watch over you as you come and go
Both now and forevermore. The LORD is the one who watches over Israel and keeps it safe. He is not sleeping or slumbering. He’s still the king, and spoiler alert: he doesn’t need corrupt war-mongering politicians to help him! Let’s be clear …. I support and honor Israel. But neither I nor America are Israel’s defenders. This cheapens YHWH’s role in the Bible, and I am not interested in trying to usurp it. This is why I wrote it earlier this morning: It’s time to clarify something. Do I support Israel? Absolutely! Always have, and always will. You are in the midst the most devious FF propagandist event I have ever seen. After 2 years, the support for Ukraine has finally waned. But many Americans will support… — DailyNoah.com. (@DailyNoahNews), October 10, 2023 It’s time to clarify something. Do I support Israel? Absolutely! Always have, and always will. You are in the midst the most devious FF propagandist event I have ever seen. After 2 years, the support for Ukraine has finally waned. But many Americans will support Israel until we are bankrupt and desolate. I would never curse Israel. But you must understand that the USA does NOT “keep” Israel. The Bible says that GOD is the one who keeps Israel and he never sleeps or slumbers. Psalms 121:4 is a good place to start. The USA is not Israel’s keeper. Israel belongs to YHWH. Read Deuteronomy 32:9-19. Israel is the LORD’s portion. The Most High guards Israel, not the USA. It’s the most insidious of propaganda I have ever encountered. The best thing to do when you find yourself in this situation is to find your north star, the center of truth. Where can you find this? You can find it in the Bible. So I have done this and I hope it helps you. We can honor Israel and support it while staying out of the brand new war, keeping American taxpayer dollars HOME, and helping Americans at the same time! Please share.