WARNING: language caution. If you do not like Samuel L. Jackson style language, please leave today. I’m sorry, but it’s not my fault, and I’m going to make a report on it right away. Last week I brought you this article below, which is proving to be very accurate and spot on: CANARY IN THE COAL MINE: Gold Makes New All Time High ( AGAIN )— DO THIS NOWAnd now another guy is saying exactly what I told you. Maybe not as artistically as I would have liked, he uses some more vibrant language to convey the message that Gold is sending a mother stupid warning. I will never relent. April 12, 2024Spot on!- Michael A. Gayed, CFA ( @leadlagreport ) http ://t.co/uOkM2gltN2 Now, if you do n’t know who that is or why you should care, here’s who posted that: Michael A. Gayed, CFA, is a highly accomplished and respected portfolio manager with a strong background in finance and management. He graduated from NYU Stern with a dual major in finance and management, where he developed his abilities and knowledge in the financial sector. Gayed is a 5x Dow &, Founders Award winner, showcasing his expertise and success in the field of finance. Gayed has more than 740,000 Twitter followers, and his five award-winning research papers on market anomalies and investing demonstrate his thorough knowledge and creative approach to financial markets. He is likewise the Risk- On/Off$ RORO ETF, Junk- On/Off$ JOJO ETF, and$ ATACX Mutual Fund Portfolio Manager, managing a range of investment vehicles that cater to different market conditions and investor preferences. Gayed, the publisher of The Lead- Lag Report, a publication with hundreds of thousands of subscribers, provides normal market insights and data-driven recommendations to improve long-term investment strategies. His work is based on award- winning market research, offering effective market insights to help investors navigate volatility and maximize their returns. Despite of market conditions, The Lead-Lag Report teaches investors how to constantly succeed in the stock market and reduce risks. Gayed has made important contributions to the economic community through his work and research. In May 2015, he published an award-winning white paper titled” Lumber: Worth its Weight in Gold,” in which he demonstrated that strategies that use the signaling power of Lumber and Gold produce stronger overall and risk-adjusted returns than a quiet buy-and-hold index. This work showcases his ability to identify market anomalies and develop revolutionary investment strategies. Michael A. Gayed has earned a reputation as a thought-leader and authority on the field of finance because of his commitment to providing important insights and strategies to the financial community. His work continues to help investors make informed decisions and achieve lengthy- term success in the stock market. And it’s not just him, either. How reliable is UBS Investment Bank for you as a source? They only said this: UBS Investment Bank: Gold Might 2- 3x **SOON**I’ve been talking a lot about Gold late, and for good reasons. But that’s not all, I think. In fact, I do n’t like to write about what I think. That’s why I enjoy being a reporter. I like to report on what OTHER people are saying, and precisely people “in the know”. UBS Investment Bank comes in at that point. Because according to a video I’m going to show you below, UBS just released a report saying that see the potential for Gold to 2x- 3x from where it’s at now ( roughly$ 2, 400 ). A” 2- 3 year view” investor could anticipate seeing gold probably double from here to more than$ 4, 000. The take profit signal is when real rates turn bad and when there is a complete swept recession. With a recession that seems far away and authentic rates still at an all-time high,… twitter.com/XH80MYFA2l— Menthor Q ( @MenthorQpro ) April 12, 2024Quoting from eHack: UBS Investment Bank cites gold as having substantially more room to run in the face of a recession. In the recessions of 1972, 1978, and 2008, they saw gold as having 2- 3 times that. While this missed the dot- com recession, the subsequent rise in gold may suggest some are starting to place their wagers. I do n’t have access to the report itself because I believe it was a private report that was issued to its investment banking clients, but what I do have is this analysis from Kevin Paffrath (” MeetKevin” ) who consistently does a fantastic job of summarizing the financial news and making it understandable. Here is Kevin ( in his private jet by the way, so there’s some serious credibility for you ) talking about the UBS report and what he thinks about Gold from here… This Investment Might 2- 3x **SOON**– NEW INVESTMENT is the title of the video. Watch around: Backup here if needed: THIS Investment Might 2- 3x **SOON**– NEW INVESTMENTMirror: https ://t.co/EMNr1WHCtc pic. I’m only a “reporter,” hardly a financial advisor, but I do. But this is very noteworthy and I’m reporting on what UBS simply said– certainly what I privately think. Despite the fact that I’m a modest reporter, UBS has teams of incredibly intelligent economic analysts. This really lines up PERFECTLY with a report I brought you earlier this morning: Gold to$ 3, 000 Per Ounce? Not$ 5, 000, why? Gold prices have been soaring to new heights, reaching a historical$ 2, 400 per ounce this week. The momentum, according to Rosenberg Research President and renowned economist David Rosenberg, could bring the price of gold to$ 3, 000 before the next business cycle shift, a further 25 % increase over the current levels. Rosenberg attributes this surge to robust demand, especially from northern banks resembracing gold as a reserve asset. Central banks have been steadily increasing their gold holdings, with a significant increase from -77 tonnes in the second quarter of 2022 to 361 tonnes in the same period of 2023. This trend is driven by a desire for security amidst geopolitical risks and a fear of overreliance on the US dollar, particularly as the Chinese yuan loses its grip as the world’s next reserve currency. Gold’s allure is further bolstered by booming commercial usage, especially in the electronics sector, which is experiencing a boom as a result of the demand for AI-related models. However, the important metal’s safe- haven status is reinforced by international geopolitical risks and uncertain economic outlook, with the US debt- to- GDP ratio at 120 % and the looming possibility of a fiscal crisis. Rosenstein is not the only one who holds these beliefs. Jonathan Rose, CEO of Genesis Gold Group, also sees$ 3, 000 gold on the horizon” .We look at precious metals as long- term hedges against tumultuous markets, but major gains obviously make them even more attractive,” Rose said”. Because it is very encouraging for our clients who will immediately start purchasing actual precious metals, it is very encouraging to see gold rising right away. ” Genesis Gold Group specializes in rolling over or transferring retirement accounts into Genesis Gold IRAs backed by physical precious metals. Rosenberg predicts a 15 % increase in gold’s value in a” soft landing” and a typical bear market scenario, as well as a potential 30 % increase in play as central banks begin to lower rates. He cites the historically negative correlation between gold prices and real interest rates, predicting that a decline in real interest rates would lead to a 10- 15 % increase in gold prices “.If Bitcoin, an invisible man- made token, can reach$ 70, 000 then what’s stopping gold, a limited precious resource with a proven track record, from surpassing$ 5000? Rose enquired. Rosenberg appears to agree. In light of these factors, Rosenberg advises investors to include gold in their portfolios and to overweight it because the downside risks are also contained but the upside is important. Click here to receive a free, fast reference metal investment guide from Genesis Gold Group. I refer to it as your personal” cheat sheet”! Here is what conservative star Dean Cain says about working with Genesis Gold Group: ==>, Click here to contact Genesis Gold Group today and receive a free Comprehensive Gold Guide and learn more about protecting your life’s savings from the different threats we’re facing today. ( Note: Thank you for working with American businesses that benefit WLTReport by providing a sponsored message in this article and supporting them through the links in this article. We appreciate your support and the opportunity to tell you about Genesis Gold! The data provided by WLTReport or any related communications is just for informational purposes and should not be interpreted as financial advice. We do not provide personalized investment, financial, or legal advice. ) RELATED: Costco Gold Is Selling Within Hours… Next week, I announced that Costco would begin selling gold. They have, and they ca n’t keep it in stock. Out of stock in a few hours! As you know, I’m a big fan of gold and I’ve been telling you about it around for a while… Before Costco, I worked on this, which is why so many people respect and trust our reporting because we beat the MSM and are then defeating the major retailers like Costco! By the way, keep reading and I can get you connected with someone who has MUCH BETTER prices than Costco for gold and silver… But second, the news: According to CNBC, Costco,$ COST, is selling one-ounce gold bars and are closing quickly. — unusual_whales ( @unusual_whales ) September 27, 2023Costco is apparently selling gold bars that consumers are snapping up at a record pace. According to Breitbart News ( @BreitbartNews ), September 29, 2023, Costco is reportedly selling gold bars, which is growing at a record-selling rate. On Wednesday, CNBC described the gold bars as one- ounce gold PAMP Suisse Lady Fortuna Veriscan bars. According to the outlet, they were apparently being sold for roughly$ 1, 900. Costco’s chief financial officer, Richard Galanti, said Tuesday during the company’s quarterly earnings call that the bars were selling fast “.I’ve gotten a couple of calls that people have seen online that we’ve been selling 1 ounce gold bars. Well, but when we load them on the site, they usually vanish after a couple hours, and we only allow one per member, he said. When Breitbart News searched the Costco website Thursday morning, the company had listed the gold bars as a” Member Just Item,” and buyers must sign into their accounts to view the price: And from ZeroHedge: Really think about this for a moment: people are buying gold from Costco. The average American has grown so sick of our government’s reckless spending and the Fed’s foolish monetary policy because they figuratively want to fill their shopping cart with real money, whether it be online or in person. From People: The retail giant has just been selling 1 oz. According to Insider, bars of authentic 24 karat gold from South African mining company Rand Refinery and Swiss precious metal supplier PAMP Suisse are available on their websites for$ 1, 949.99 and$ 1, 979.99, respectively. According to the product details on Costco’s page, Rand Refinery’s gold bars are singularly stamped with a unique serial number and arrive in a sealed dark assay card, while PAMP Suisse’s gold bars are separately” controlled, registered, and secured “within CertiPAMP packaging with an established Assay Certificate and a digital certificate accessed with a QR Code. Both items are non-refundable, ship via UPS, and now have a 4.9 out of 5 regular rating on the company’s website, with one customer stating on Rand Refinery’s gold bar that it was” beautiful piece of gold “and” brand new. ” It’s an amazing commentary on the average American citizen. Americans figuratively choose to exchange U.S. dollars for gold. Then keep reading for our initial report and for a place to get gold and silver with better pricing that Costco: Costco To Begin Selling GoldI love it when we beat the big players to the table. We report with wonderful pride, and I look forward to confirmations like what really happened here. For the past couple months we’ve been telling you that it might be time to look into Gold and Silver. You are aware of” God’s Money.” Since the beginning of time, that has been the merely enduring good money. It made sense, particularly now that the U.S. Dollar has been erased. When you can just print trillions of new Dollars whenever you want, it does n’t take an economist to realize that soon the Dollars in your pocket have less value. They are actually “less valuable” and “possibly” even” completely” worthless” in the future. But Gold and Silver have often endured. We’ve been telling you repeatedly about what really occurred this week. Then Costco is telling you. Costco will presently sell GOLD in addition to selling you 18 bottles of ketchup and a 32-pack of Mac-and-cheese. Simple question, and again it does n’t take an economist to figure this out: What do you think all that increased Demand is going to do to the price of Gold? Yes. Looks like Costco is joining the metal trade. In the future, there may be a flurry of searches for gold bars at Costco, where customers go out for more than just groceries. #gold #costco pic. Although the price of gold may be falling, it’s important to keep in mind that the rise in actual yields on treasuries has helped it hold up very well. When real yields eventually fall, gold prices can be expected to soar. pic. twitter.com/3q7TKPIZTi— GOLY ETF Fan | Stocks &, Gold ( @GOLY_ETF ) August 27, 2023Many are saying the Costco pricing is” not great “on Gold: Costco getting a piece of the action! # Gold Can’t complain about Costco’s customer service, but the 1 OZ Gold Offer’s premium is STEEP! Check the link in the comments to get the best hookup on your Precious Metals! pic. twitter.com/p9bM8hrmzF— Zach Rector ( @ZachRector7 ) September 10, 2023From The Daily Mail: Bulk- buy retailer Costco starts selling GOLD worth up to £24, 500 in its supermarkets- but shoppers are warned to be afraid because of aggressive price fluctuationsBulk- buy specialist Costco is presently offering bars of gold for up to £24, 500 a timeExperts warned people could be getting a bad deal after swings in gold marketThe price of gold has risen 28 per cent in past 12 months, but it’s a volatile marketIt’s hardly an item likely to be on the weekly shopping lists of many households– but one supermarket giant has started selling gold bullion alongside its everyday groceries. Costco, a specialized bulk-buy retailer known for its “pile’em high, sell ’em-cheap” philosophy, is now selling bars of the precious metal for up to £24, 500 annually. But experts last night warned shoppers they could be getting a poor deal, particularly after violent swings in the gold market this year. While the company’s mark-up on gold is up 7 % on the market rate, it is also selling silver bars for a staggering 28 % premium. Many investors have been turning to what they see as the security of gold this year, amid huge uncertainties in the world economy caused by Covid- 19, international tensions and political discord in America. However, despite increasing by 28 % in the last 12 months to almost$ 1, 900 ( £1, 469 ) per ounce, the price of gold is still volatile, only dropping by more than 6 % in the last two months. On September 24, Costco’s 100g bar was on sale for £4, 939.99, when the market price for that much gold was £4, 619.70 – equal to a seven per cent mark- up in store. Take this and remember what Andy Schectman just said. Have you seen this? Gold and Silver:” No one wants to sell at these make believe prices” I’ve been telling you for a long time now that Gold and Silver are vastly undervalued. Although I’m not a financial advisor, I ca n’t advise you on what to do because I ca n’t look at historical data and clearly see that the current price of gold and silver is being manipulated. Now who would want to do that? The more crucial question is: Will it continue forever, or will the manipulators eventually sling the stretched rubber band off in a raft and ride an explosion up? I’ve you’ve been paying attention in life, you know the answer. You are aware of how Wall Street crooks load their boats before putting them in a bubble. Where are we in that process right now for commodities like Gold and Silver? Right where I positioned the star above. = You Are HereThe Big Boys are loading their boats. That’s not just my opinion, though. I’m a nobody. In just two minutes, Andy Schectman, an expert on these things, lays it out perfectly. Here’s my rough paraphrase :” A concerted effort by the very powerful to use the suppression of commodities ( gold, silver, but also a long list of all other commodities )… these countries are not complaining about suppressed low prices yet because they’re accumulating! However, the general public begins to wonder,” OMG, what have we been missing” once it becomes clear that these commodities are extremely scarce and no one wants to sell them at these “make believe prices.” And maybe that all happens in concert with a breakdown of the banking system, then the public says “give it to me now” and that’s when you’ll see the circuit breakers be put into affect. But that’s when it’s too late. ” Oh my! He should have said it clearly rather than in his own words. It’s just 2 minutes long. Watch this ( as presented by my friend, the Digital Asset Investor ): Comex 589 photo. twitter.com/uPzrOGXhZ5— Digital Asset Investor ( @digitalassetbuy ) September 11, 2023But it’s not just Andy either. This most recent interview was published on SGT Report. Sean does such a great job over there of interviewing people on topics the MSM does n’t want you to see, and his latest is called”$ 1, 000 Silver– Seriously, Stop Laughing”. That quote contains a lot of historical information, and four very intelligent people moderated the discussion. Watch here: I’ve been sounding the alarm for a while now… Have you taken action? Always remember that one thing I always say is,” Watch what they do, not what they SAY,” and it’s never been proven to be false. Who is” they”? The same people Andy Schectman was referring to. Big Governments. Central Banks are everywhere in the world. Big Business. What are they doing, exactly? They are LOADING THEIR BOATS with as much Gold and Silver as they can find and they’re laughing all the way to the bank because they’re buying at what Andy says are” make believe prices”. Do you exist? After the Great Financial Crash of 2008, I made a decision. I would simply follow the Big Boys ‘ instructions from that point forward. I would simply watch what they’re doing and copy it. Oh, and that was the perfect confirmation I needed if Jim Cramer had been telling people the OPPOSITE ( i .e., Cramer says Gold is a loser but the Central Banks are buying with both fists ). So that’s been my strategy since 2008 and it’s worked very well for me. What can YOU do to safeguard yourself, then? To protect your family? To remain secure? Simple: you need to get some# Gold or# Silver in your own possession. It’s known as “physical” and is made of gold and silver. Not paper traded garbage on the stock exchanges that is n’t backed by anything. Do n’t touch anything like that. I have two special hook- ups for you. Both involve physical silver and gold. Because if you do NOTHING else, make sure you own” physical “gold and silver, not paper contracts. Because they are not actually supported by the gold and silver they claim to represent, the paper contracts ( like the stock tickers SLV and GLD ) could very well go POOF and disappear or go to zero. It’s a massive game of musical chairs out there and when the music stops ( and I think it will stop soon… ) people who only own paper might find themselves owning something not worth the paper it’s literally written on. And I’m sure you’ll never forget it if I give you this GIF, so let’s get physical: WHERE do you find physical gold and silver, and how can you be certain that it’s real and secure? And that you’re getting the best price? Oh, and how about personal, one-on-one, real customer service? You know, like you were some Big Wig millionaire at Goldman Sachs who could just call their personal banker and get help? That’s what I’m going to say to you. I have two killer connections for you… The first is for purchasing bullion made of gold and silver. That means bulk bars. To stretch your dollar into as much gold and silver as possible, that’s the cheapest and most economical way to do it. The website is called WLT Precious Metals and when you see my logo in the top left- hand corner, you’ll know you’re in the right place. Ira Bershatsky ( or someone on his team ) will give you a personal phone call, and they will work with you for as long as necessary to answer any questions you may have and ensure that you are properly cared for. How about that! You do n’t see that much anymore, but Ira and his team take pride in providing good old-fashioned, real customer service: No sales pitches, just real, actual assistance. And the best prices you will find. The only caveat I’ll leave for you is this: because they do pride themselves on providing quality service, it might take a few days before you receive a call back. Just be patient. Good things arrive to those who wait! You can contact Ira and WLT Precious Metals here. That was actually# 1. Now I want to tell you about option# 2. I am so happy to be working with these guys because they are an equally excellent company. This next company is called Genesis Gold and this is for people who want to purchase real physical gold or silver in their IRAs ( Investment Retirement Accounts ). You are aware of how beautiful that is, right? TAX FREE baby! Although I’m not a tax advisor, that’s a general oversimplification. Never pay more taxes than you are legally required to pay. And that’s why I enjoy having a lot of gold and silver in my IRA ( and why I personally own a lot of it! ). There’s so much to love about Genesis Gold, starting with the fact they are proudly and un- ashamedly Christina! They refer to it as “faith-driven stewardship,” and they include a quote from Ezekiel in the title line of their website,” Weight Preservation With Gold &, Silver.”
The Genesis Gold IRABy your wisdom and your understanding you have made wealth for yourself, and have gathered Gold and Silver into your treasuries – EZEKIEL 28: 4Genesis Gold Group believes the Bible gives clues on how man- made currencies ( paper money ) represent instability, and a lack of virtue and encourages living wastefully in excess. We have been afflicted since the beginning of civilization, and all of them can be summed up in one conflict. The battle is between currency, man- made paper, and gold and silver — the two precious metals found in our Earth’s crust, sent to us by our Lord to use as money. Nation-made currency always leads to more war, greed, and ultimately collapse. History has shown that abandoning gold and silver has always been a bad idea. Gold and Silver promote self-control, self-reliance, and balance, and this results in confidence, a restrained government, and a more stable foreign policy. Genesis Gold Group believes in empowering faith- driven stewardship with Gold &, Silver are an integral part of a balanced portfolio. In these trying times, protecting your finances with precious metals is never more important. With a combined 50- plus years in the precious metals industry, let your Genesis gold and silver experts guide you through the simplicity of asset protection and growth with our Genesis Gold IRA. Genesis Gold GroupEmpowering Faith-Driven Stewardship Oh, and they’re VERY good at what they do. You also get physical gold and silver with Genesis, believe it or not! The gold and silver are purchased for you ( in any combination of coins and bars you prefer ), a photo taken and sent to you, and are then safely stored in a vault for you. I love what these guys are doing. You can reach Genesis Gold here for more information about the power of gold and silver in your IRA. They are also very backed up with record demand, so you may have to wait a bit, but someone WILL get in touch with you for personal customer service and assistance! Tell them Noah sent you! Oh, and did you know Genesis is recommended by SUPERMAN himself? It’s accurate. Superman himself, Clark Kent– Dean Cain– came on my show a few weeks ago and we broke it all down: Watch here: Stay safe! Make sure you are prepared for the storm when it arrives! Because the storm always hits eventually, does n’t it? As for my home and I, we will be prepared. [[{“value”:”
WARNING: language alert. Please leave immediately if you don’t like the language used by Samuel L. Jackson. Sorry, this is not from me. I will report on it. Last week, I sent you the article below. It is proving to very accurate and spot-on: CANARY in the Coal Mine: Gold Makes New all Time High (AGAIN). DO THIS NOW. And now another guy says exactly what I said. He uses a more colorful way to express the same message as I did about the Canary in the Coal Mine ….. I will not relent. https://t.co/uOkM2gltN2 — Michael A. Gayed, CFA (@leadlagreport) April 12, 2024 Spot on! If you’re wondering who posted this or why it’s important, Michael A. Gayed is a respected portfolio manager who has a strong background with finance and management. He has a BS in Finance & Management with a double-major from NYU Stern where he honed both his skills and knowledge of the financial industry. Gayed has won the Dow & Founders Award five times, demonstrating his expertise and success within the finance field. Gayed has more than 740,000 followers on Twitter, and is the author five award-winning papers on market anomalies. This shows his deep understanding of financial markets and innovative approach. He is also the Portfolio Manager of $ATACX, $RORO, and Junk-On/Off ETFs. These investment vehicles cater to different market conditions and investor preferences. Gayed is the publisher of The Lead-Lag Report a Substack magazine with hundreds of thousands subscribers. He provides daily market insights as well as data-driven strategies for improving long-term investing strategies. His work is based upon award-winning research and offers powerful market insights that help investors navigate volatility to maximize their returns. The Lead-Lag Report shows investors how to minimize risk and consistently win on the stock market, regardless of market conditions. Gayed’s work and research have made significant contributions to financial community. In May 2015, Gayed wrote a white paper that won an award titled “Lumber Worth its Weight in gold,” in which he demonstrated that strategies utilizing the signaling power Lumber and Gold lead to stronger absolute and risk adjusted returns than a passive index. This work demonstrates his ability to identify market abnormalities and develop innovative investing strategies. Michael A. Gayed has earned a reputation for being a thought-leader and expert in finance because of his dedication to providing financial community with valuable insights and strategies. His work continues to assist investors in making informed decisions and achieving long-term success on the stock market. It’s not only him …. What makes UBS Investment Bank a credible source to you? They just said: UBS Investment Bank : Gold Might 2-3x **SOON**. I’ve been talking about Gold a lot lately, and with good reason. But it’s more than just my opinion… In fact, I’m not a big fan of writing about my opinions. It’s because of this that I enjoy being a journalist …. I like to report what OTHER people say, and in particular people “in-the-know”. UBS Investment Bank is the answer. According to the video I’m about to show you, UBS has just released a new report that says they see Gold’s potential to double or triple from where it is now (roughly $2400). UBS: “An investment with a view of 2-3 years could expect to see the price of gold double from now to more than $4,000.” The take-profit signal is when the real rate turns negative and there is a full-blown recession. Today with real rate still high and a recession seemingly faraway,… pic.twitter.com/XH80MYFA2l — Menthor Q (@MenthorQpro) April 12, 2024 Quoting from eHack: UBS Investment Bank cites gold as having substantially more room to run in the face of a recession. They believe that gold has increased by 2-3x in the recessions of 1978, 1972, and 2008. The recent rise in gold could indicate that some are beginning to bet. This was a private report that was issued to investment banking clients. I don’t know the report, but I have this analysis by Kevin Paffrath (MeetKevin), who does an excellent job of summarizing financial news in a way that is easy to understand. Kevin (in a private jet, by the way) talks about the UBS report. He also shares his thoughts on Gold. The video is entitled “THIS INVESTMENT MIGHT 2-3x **SOON** – NEW INVESTMENT”. Watch here: Backup here if needed: THIS Investment Might 2-3x **SOON** — NEW INVESTMENT Mirror: https://t.co/EMNr1WHCtc pic.twitter.com/Hqh3C1t7wZ — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) April 12, 2024 Keep in mind, I’m not a financial advisor, I’m just a “reporter”…. This is a very important story and I am reporting what UBS has just said, not what I think. UBS has teams with extremely smart financial analysts. I am just a reporter. This is PERFECTLY in line with a report that I presented to you earlier today: Gold at $3,000 per ounce? Why not $5,000? Gold prices are soaring, reaching an historic $2,400 for one ounce of gold this week. David Rosenberg, President at Rosenberg Research and renowned economist, believes the momentum could take the precious metal up to $3,000 by the next business cycle change, which would be another 25% increase. Rosenberg attributes the surge in gold prices to the strong demand from central banks, who are reembracing gold as a valuable reserve asset. Central banks have steadily increased their gold holdings. This has seen a noticeable turnaround from -77 tons in 2022’s 3rd quarter to 361 tons in the same period in 2023. This trend is fueled by a desire to be secure amid geopolitical risk and a fear that the US dollar will become over-reliant, especially now that the Chinese yuan has lost its position as the second reserve currency of the world. Gold’s appeal is also boosted by the rising industrial use, especially in the electronics industry, which is experiencing a boom because of the demand for AI models. Gold’s status as a safe-haven is further enhanced by the geopolitical risk and unpredictable macroeconomic outlook. The US debt-to GDP ratio is 120%, and a fiscal crisis could be looming. Rosenberg’s beliefs are not unique. Jonathan Rose, CEO at Genesis Gold Group, believes that $3,000 gold is on the horizon. Rose said that precious metals are a long-term hedge against volatile markets, but big gains make them more attractive. “It’s encouraging to see gold rising now, as it bodes well in the future for our clients who are looking to invest in physical precious metals.” Genesis Gold Group specializes on transferring retirement funds into Genesis Gold IRAs backed with physical precious metals. Rosenberg believes that gold will gain 15% in both a “soft-landing” scenario and a typical bear-market scenario. A 30% increase could be possible as central banks start to lower rates. He cites a historically negative correlation between real interest rates and gold prices, predicting a 10-15% rise in gold prices if real interest rates decline. “If Bitcoin, a man-made invisible token, can reach $70,000, then what’s preventing gold, a precious limited resource with a proven track history, from exceeding $5000?” Rose asked. Rosenberg seems to agree. Rosenberg recommends that investors include gold in their portfolios, and to overweight it. The downside risks are well-contained, but the upside potential is significant. Click here to download a free gold investment guide. It’s your personal “cheatsheet”! Here’s what conservative star Dean Cain has to say about working with Genesis Gold Group. ==>Click here for more information about protecting your life savings from the threats we face today. (Note: We appreciate your support of American businesses, such as the one that presents a sponsored message within this article. By working with them via the links in this post which benefit WLTReport. We appreciate your support, and the chance to tell you more about Genesis Gold. Information provided by WLTReport and any other communications is only for informational purposes and should not be construed as financial advice. We do not offer personalized legal, financial or investment advice. Costco Gold selling out within hours… Last week, I told you Costco would start selling gold. They can’t keep up with the demand. Selling out in hours! As you may know, I am a huge fan of gold. I have been telling you all about it for quite some time. I was covering this before Costco. This is why people trust and love our reporting…because now we are beating the MSM, and the big retailers such as Costco! Keep reading, and I’ll connect you with someone who can offer MUCH BETTER gold and silver prices than Costco… CNBC reports that Costco, $COST is selling one-ounce bars of gold and they’re selling out in a matter of hours. — unusual_whales, September 27, 2023 Costco sells gold bars at a record rate. https://t.co/BVMASNZ4An — Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) September 29, 2023 From Breitbart: Costco is apparently selling gold bars that consumers are snapping up at a record pace. CNBC described these gold bars as PAMP Suisse Lady Fortuna Veriscan one-ounce bars on Wednesday. The outlet reported that they were being sold for around $1,900. Richard Galanti, Costco’s chief finance officer, said during the company’s quarterly earnings conference call on Tuesday that the bars are selling fast. “I’ve received a few calls from people who have seen on the internet that we are selling 1 ounce bars. He said that yes, they are usually gone within a couple of hours after we upload them to the site. We also limit members to two gold bars. Breitbart News found that the gold bars were listed as a “Member Only item” on the Costco website. Buyers must sign in to their accounts to see the price. And ZeroHedge said: Think about it for a minute: people are buying Gold from Costco. This shows that the average American is so tired of the Fed’s irresponsible money policy and our government’s reckless expenditures that they want to literally fill their shopping carts, online or in-person. From People: Recently, the retail giant has been selling 1 oz. According to Insider, the retail giant sells authentic 24-karat bars from South African mining firm Rand Refinery and Swiss precious-metal supplier PAMP Suisse for $1,949.99 each and $1,979.99 respectively on their website. According to the product information on Costco’s website, Rand Refinery gold bars come with a unique serial code and are sealed in a black assay card. PAMP Suisse gold bars, meanwhile, are “controlled, registered and secured” inside CertiPAMP packaging and include an official Assay certificate and a digital certification accessed via QR Code. Both items are nonrefundable, offer air shipping via UPS, and have an average rating of 4.9 out 5 on the company website. One member wrote on Rand Refinery’s gold bar that it was “a beautiful piece of gold” as well as “brand new”. Americans are choosing to exchange U.S. Dollars for gold. Continue reading to see our original report, and to find out where you can get gold and silver at a better price than Costco: Costco to begin selling gold I love it when the big players are beaten to the table. We take great pride when our reporting is confirmed, as it was in this case. In the last few months, we have been telling you to consider investing in Gold and Silver. You know “God’s Money”. Since the beginning of the world, this has been the only sound money. It made sense, particularly as they were printing the U.S. Dollar to oblivion. It doesn’t take a genius economist to see that the Dollars you carry in your wallet will soon lose value when you can print trillions of dollars whenever you like. They are literally “worthless” and may be in the future. But Gold and silver have always endured. What just happened last week? Costco tells you. Costco will also be selling gold in addition to 18 bottles of ketchup, a 32-pack Mac-and-Cheese and a 32-pack Mac-and-Cheese. It’s a simple question, and you don’t need to be an economist to answer it: What will all this increased demand do to Gold prices? Yup. It looks like Costco has entered the gold market. Costco may soon see long lines for gold bars instead of groceries. #gold #costco pic.twitter.com/JGstjxdilL — Mario Stifano (@Mario_Stifano) September 6, 2023 This is a bit technical, but it shows just how well Gold has done recently: While $GOLD prices may be falling, it’s important to remember that gold has held up extremely well considering the rise in real yields on treasuries. Gold prices will rise once real yields fall. pic.twitter.com/3q7TKPIZTi — GOLY ETF Fan | Stocks & Gold (@GOLY_ETF) August 27, 2023 Many are saying the Costco pricing is “not great” on Gold: Costco getting a piece of the action! #Gold I can’t complain about Costco service, but the premium on their Gold Offer of 1 OZ is steep! Check out the link in the comments for the best deal on precious metals! pic.twitter.com/p9bM8hrmzF — Zach Rector (@ZachRector7) September 10, 2023 From The Daily Mail: Bulk-buy retailer Costco starts selling GOLD worth up to PS24,500 in its supermarkets – but shoppers are warned to be wary because of violent price fluctuations Bulk-buy specialist Costco is now offering bars of gold for up to PS24,500 a time Experts warned people could be getting a poor deal after swings in gold market The price of gold has risen 28 per cent in past 12 months, but it’s a volatile market It’s not an item likely to be on the weekly shopping lists of many households – but one supermarket giant has started selling gold bullion alongside its everyday groceries. Costco, a bulk-buy specialist known for its ‘pile ’em high, sell ’em cheap’ philosophy, now offers bars of gold for up to PS24500 at a time. Experts warned last night that shoppers could be getting a bad deal, especially after the wild swings in gold prices this year. The company is selling silver bars with a 28 per cent premium over the market price. Its markup on gold is seven per cent. This year, many investors have turned to gold as a safe investment, due to the uncertainty in the global economy caused by Covid-19 and international tensions, along with political unrest in America. Gold’s price has risen 28 per cent over the last 12 months, to almost $1,900 per ounce (PS1,469), but it is a volatile and unstable market. It has fallen by more than 6 per cent just in the last two months. Costco sold a 100g bar of gold for PS4,939.99 on September 24. The market price was PS4,619.70. This was a seven percent markup. Take this and remember Andy Schectman’s words …. Did you see this? Gold and silver: “Nobody wants to sell at these false prices” I have been telling you that Gold and Silver is vastly undervalued for a very long time. I’m no financial advisor and can’t tell what you should do, but if I look at historical data I can see that the current Gold and Silver price makes no sense unless ….it is being manipulated. Who would want to do this? The more important question is: Will it continue forever or will the manipulators eventually release a stretched rubber band to ride an explosion upward? You’ve been paying close attention to life and you know the answer. You know that Wall Street crooks manipulate things down to load their boats and then manipulate them up in a bubble. What stage are commodities like Gold and Silver at right now? You can see exactly where I put the star. You are here The Big Boys are loading up their boats. But it’s not my opinion. I’m a nobody. Here’s my rough estimate Here’s a rough estimate Once it becomes apparent that these commodities are scarce and that no one is willing to sell them at these “make-believe prices”, the public will say “OMG! What have we missed?” The public may say “give it to us now” if the banking system collapses. But by then it’s already too late. Oh my! It’s much better to hear him explain it himself. It’s only 2 minutes. Watch here (as presented by my friend the Digital Asset Investor): Comex 589 pic.twitter.com/uPzrOGXhZ5 — Digital Asset Investor (@digitalassetbuy) September 11, 2023 But it’s not just Andy either. This is the latest interview at SGT Report. Sean is so good at interviewing people about topics that the MSM does not want you to know. His latest interview is entitled “$1,000 Silver – Seriously, Stop Laughing”. This quote has a lot of historical background and was discussed by four intelligent individuals. Watch here: I have been raising the alarm for quite some time now… Have taken action? As always, I always say the same thing and it has never been proven to be wrong: watch what they DO, rather than what they SAY. Who are “they”? Andy Schectman’s same people. Big Governments. Central Banks around the world. Big Business. What are they doing? They are loading their boats with as much Gold and silver as they can find, and they are laughing all the way up to the bank. Andy calls these prices “make-believe”. Are you? I made a choice after the Great Financial Crash in 2008. From that moment on, I would do what the Big Boys did. I would just copy what they do. Oh, and if Jim Cramer was telling people the OPPOSITE of what they were doing (i.e. Cramer claims Gold is a loser but Central Banks are buying it with both hands. That was usually all the confirmation I needed. This has been my strategy ever since 2008, and it’s proven to be very successful. What can YOU do to safeguard yourself? What can YOU do to protect yourself? To protect your family? To be safe, you must have some #Gold or Silver in your possession. It’s “physical” silver and gold. It’s not the paper traded garbage that’s on the stock exchanges and isn’t backed by any thing. Do not touch that stuff. I have two special hookups for you. Both involve PHYSICAL silver and gold. If you DO NOTHING else, you should make sure that you own “physical” silver and gold, not paper contracts. Paper contracts (like stock tickers SLV and GLD), which are not backed by gold and silver, could go POOF and disappear one day or go to zero. When the music stops (and …) I think it will soon stop) people who only own papers might find that they own something that isn’t worth the paper on which it’s written. ….Let’s Get Physical: Now…WHERE can you buy physical gold and silver, and how can you be sure it is real and safe? And that you are getting the best price possible? How about real one-on-one customer service? You know, as if you were a Big Wig Millionaire at Goldman Sachs and could call your personal banker to get help? This is what I am about to tell. I’ve got two killer connections to share with you… First, you can buy gold and silver bullion. Bulk bars are what we mean. This is the most economical and cheapest way to get as much gold and as much silver as you can for your dollar. You’ll know that you’re at the right website when you see the logo of WLT Precious metals in the upper left-hand corner. You will receive a personal call from Ira Bershatsky or someone on his team. They will work with you for free as long as you need to answer your questions and take care of you. What a great idea! Ira’s team is known for their good old-fashioned customer service. No sales pitches, just real help. The best prices around. The only thing I’ll say is that, because they pride themselves on their dedicated service, you might have to wait a few extra days before you hear back. Just be patient. You will reap the rewards of your patience! Here you can contact Ira at WLT Precious Metals. Okay, that’s #1. Now let me tell you about Option #2. This is a great company and I am happy to work with them. This next company, Genesis Gold, is for those who want to buy real physical gold and silver in their IRAs. What’s the beauty of this? TAX FREE, baby! I’m no tax advisor, but this is a general oversimplification. Never pay more tax than you’re legally required to. That’s why I like to have gold and silver in my IRA. (I also hold a significant amount of it myself!) Genesis Gold is a great company, and I love that they are Christinas! They call it Faith-Driven Stewardship and put it on their homepage along with a quote by Ezekiel. Wealth Preservation With Silver & Gold -The Genesis Gold IRA You have accumulated wealth and gold and silver in your treasuries because of your wisdom and understanding – EZEKIEL28:4 Genesis Gold Group believes that the Bible provides clues about how man-made currency (paper money) represents instability, a lack virtue, and encourages excessive living. Since the dawn of civilisation, we have been plagued by conflicts. They can be summed up into one battle. The battle is between man-made currency, gold and silver, the precious metals that are found in our Earth’s crust and sent to us by God to be used as money. Man-made money always leads to increased wars, greed and ultimately collapse. History has shown us that abandoning gold or silver was a bad decision. Gold and silver are a good way to maintain discipline, encourage self-control, self-reliance and balance. They also promote confidence, a more restrained government and a stable foreign policy. Genesis Gold Group believes that Gold & Silver is an integral part of a well-balanced portfolio. In these difficult times, protecting your finances with precious materials has never been more important. Let your Genesis gold and Silver experts, with a combined experience of more than 50 years in the precious-metals industry, guide you through the simple process of asset protection and growth using our Genesis Gold IRA. Sincerely, Genesis Gold Group Empowering faith-driven stewardship Oh ….and these guys are very good at what they do. Believe it or not, you can also get physical silver and gold with Genesis! The gold and silver are purchased for you in the combination of coins and bar you prefer. A picture is taken and sent to your email address. They then store it safely for you in a vault! These guys are amazing! Contact Genesis Gold to learn more about why gold and silver are so valuable in your IRA. You may have to wait for a while, but they will contact you with personal customer service. Tell ’em Noah sent ya! Did you know that SUPERMAN himself recommends Genesis? It’s true. Watch this video: Stay safe. Superman himself, Clark Kent – Dean Cain – appeared on my show a couple of weeks ago. Be prepared to weather the storm! The storm will always come, don’t you think? I and my house will be prepared.