[[{“value”:”About 27 % of Saudi Arabian respondents who were surveyed by a brand-new study second reported by TrialSite News experienced heart complications as a result of the mRNA COVID- 19 vaccination.
Heart issues started a month or more than a year after, with a range of one to three.
TrialSite cannot ignore what appears to be a sizable number of circulatory complications self-reported after COVID-19 vaccination, even though the authors of this study appear to downplay the magnitude of the response. After receiving a transcriptional COVID-19 vaccine, 27.11 % of the sample found themselves in the hospital with some sort of respiratory complication, according to TrialSite News.
” Of course, this study is n’t meant to demonstrate that the vaccines were the cause, but the associations are statistically significant and cannot be disregarded. Comorbidities are good a factor”, the outlet added.
Bombshell Saudi Arabian Study: 27.11 % of Study Population Report Cardiac Complications Post COVID- 19 mRNA Vaccination https ://t.co/03W3ur0mw0
— TrialSite News (@TrialsiteN ) April 3, 2024
From TrialSite News:
Conducting the cross- regional design- based study, the team of investigators used ethnically adapted questionnaires covering statistical details, vaccination history, health conditions, and perceptions. The study on self-reported cardiac complications caused by mRNA vaccination in Saudi Arabia is a crucial component of the continued global efforts to understand the safety profile of mRNA-based vaccines. In general, a robust study in terms of methodology, relevance, and humane considerations contribute what Sheriff and colleagues call “valuable insights into the safety profile of mRNA vaccines in the particular context, fostering informed public health strategies in Saudi Arabia.”
” The onset of cardiac complications varied, with 14.55 % experiencing symptoms within one month of vaccination + others reporting issues up to 12 months or longer”, Children’s Health Defense noted.
‘ Bombshell’ Study: 27 % of mRNA- Treated Saudis Suffered Heart Complications
14. 55 % of people experienced symptoms within a month of receiving a vaccine, and others reported issues lasting for 12 months or longer.
https ://t.co/LEgrpwO4nq
— Children’s Health Defense (@ChildrensHD ) April 5, 2024
Cardiologist Dr. Peter A. McCullough” said that in addition to the large number of cardiovascular symptoms warranting hospitalization, 15.8 % landed in an intensive care unit ( ICU)”, The Defender reports.
More than half of subjects claimed to have been influenced by a government or healthcare specialist to get their vaccines, according to McCullough.
There has never been a anticholinergic vaccine that has been made available to the general public, he added.
More than a quarter of participants in a study in Saudi Arabia experienced heart problems after receiving an transcriptional COVID-19 vaccine, according to the study. https ://t.co/G6m5Ur0dyp
— Together In Truth ( @togetherintruth ) April 5, 2024
The Defender reports:
The Saudi Arabian study, published in the medical journal Cureus, employed a cross- regional design and recruited 804 participants ( 379 men, 425 women, ages 18 and above ) who had received at least one dose of an mRNA COVID- 19 vaccine ( Pfizer- BioNTech, Moderna or both — 58 took a different brand ).
Nearly 40 % took just one shot.
Participants filled out a questionnaire that was culturally appropriate and included statistical information, vaccination history, health conditions, and perceptions of vaccines.
The onset of cardiac complications for the 27.11 % of affected participants varied, with 14.55 % occurring within one month of vaccination, 6.97 % between one and three months, and others experiencing issues up to 12 months or more after receiving the vaccine.
Inpatient treatment typically lasts for less than one day, with 8.33 % of patients spending between four and seven days in the hospital, compared to 15.8 % of patients admitted to critical care units and 11.44 % of patients to general hospital wards.
Many participants were receiving medical care for cardiac complications while 9.45 % had received medical care for more than 12 months, and 7.11 % had been receiving continuous care at the time of the survey.
Sixty- five percent of subjects reported being “neutral”,” fairly no confident” or” no confident at all” on the safety of mRNA vaccines, while only about 20 % said they believed their cardiac symptoms were” highly related” or” somewhat related” to the vaccines.
The study also found high rates of pre- existing health conditions among the participants, including diabetes ( 48.26 % ), hypertension ( 56.72 % ), obesity ( 39.15 % ) and sedentary lifestyle- related issues ( 22.14 % ).
According to the study authors, these complications may have been related to the increased risk of cardiovascular complications following transcriptional vaccination.
Read the entire study HERE.”}]] [[{“value”:”
According to a new study reported by TrialSite News in Saudi Arabia, 27% of participants who were surveyed experienced heart complications after receiving mRNA COVID-19.
Heart problems can appear within a month or even more than a full year.
TrialSite cannot ignore the staggering number of cardiovascular complications that were self-reported after COVID-19 vaccination. TrialSite News reported that 27,11 % of the total sample were hospitalized with a cardiac complication following a mRNA vaccine for COVID-19.
“Of course this study is not designed to prove vaccines were the causes, but the statistically significant associations cannot be ignored.” The outlet also stated that comorbidities were likely to be a factor.
Bombshell Saudi Arabian Study: 27.11% of Study Population Report Cardiac Complications Post COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination https://t.co/03W3ur0mw0
TrialSite News (@TrialsiteN), April 3, 2024
TrialSite News:
The team of investigators used culturally-adapted questionnaires to conduct the cross-sectional study. These covered demographic details, vaccination histories, health conditions and perceptions. The study on self reported physician-diagnosed heart complications post mRNA vaccine in Saudi Arabia is a crucial contribution to ongoing global efforts to better understand the safety profile for mRNA-based vaccinations. Overall, a study that is strong in terms of methodology, relevance, ethical considerations, and other factors contributes to what Sheriff and co-workers describe as “valuable insight into the safety profile for mRNA vaccines within the specific context in Saudi Arabia, fostering informed strategies in public health.”
Children’s Health Defense reported that “the onset of cardiac problems varied. 14.55% of children experienced symptoms within a month of vaccination, while others reported issues lasting up to 12 months.”
Study reveals that 27% of Saudis who received mRNA vaccination suffered heart complications
The onset of heart complications varied. 14.55% of people reported symptoms within a month of vaccination, while others reported issues lasting up to 12 months.
Children’s Health Defense April 5, 2024
The Defender reports that Dr. Peter A. McCullough, a cardiologist, “said that besides the large number cardiovascular symptoms that warranted hospitalizations, 15.8% ended up in an intensive care (ICU) unit.”
McCullough, McCullough’s spokesperson, told the outlet that “more than half of the subjects indicated that a healthcare professional or governmental agency influenced them to get vaccinated.”
“Never before has a such a heart-damaging vaccine been released to the public,” he said.
A study in Saudi Arabia revealed that more than a quarter of participants suffered heart complications after receiving the mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. https://t.co/G6m5Ur0dyp
Together In Truth (@togetherintruth), April 5, 2024
The Defender reports
The Saudi Arabian study published in the medical Journal Cureus used a cross-sectional approach and recruited 804 participants (379 women and 425 men aged 18 and over) who had received a dose of mRNA COVID-19 (Pfizer BioNTech, Moderna, or both — 58 people took a different brand).
Nearly 40% of the shots were just one.
Participants completed a questionnaire that was culturally adapted to cover demographic information, vaccination history, current health conditions, and perceptions about vaccines.
The timing of the onset of cardiac complications varied for the 27.11% affected participants. For example, 14.55% of the cases occurred within a month of vaccination. 6.97% of the cases occurred between one and three months. And others experienced issues up to a year or more after receiving their vaccine.
Inpatient treatment for the 15.8% admitted to critical-care units and the 11.44% admitted to general hospital wards lasted from less that one day to several week, with 8.33% of patients spending between four to seven days in hospital.
Many participants were receiving treatment for cardiac complications. 9.45% of respondents had been receiving medical care for over 12 months, and 7.11% were undergoing continuous treatment.
Sixty five percent of the subjects were “neutral,” “somewhat unconfident” or “not at all confident” about the safety of the mRNA vaccines. Only around 20% of the subjects believed that their cardiac symptoms “strongly” or “somewhat” related to the vaccines.
The study also found that participants had high rates of pre-existing conditions, including diabetes (48.26%) hypertension (56.72%), obesity (39.15%), and issues related to sedentary lifestyles (22.14%).
According to the authors of the study, these comorbidities could have contributed to an increased risk of cardiac complications after mRNA vaccination.
You can read the complete study HERE.