Kiran Ahuja, the director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management(OPM), announced that she would be leaving her position in a few weeks. The OPM is the federal government’s human resources office and recruits and keeps more than 2.2 millions federal employees. “Serving as part of the Biden-Harris Administration and supporting the 2.2…
U. S. Kiran Ahuja, the director of the Office of Personnel Management ( OPM), announced that she would be leaving her position over the next few weeks. The OPM manages more than 2 employees and serves as the federal government’s individual resource office. 2 million national employees. “Serving in the Biden-Harris Administration, and in support of the 2. 2 million … U. S. Kiran Ahuja, director of the Office of Personnel Management ( OPM), announced that she will be leaving her position in the upcoming weeks. The OPM manages and employs more than 2 people for the national government, serving as the OPM’s people resource office. 2 million governmental employees. “Serving in the Biden-Harris Administration, and in support of the 2. 2 million …
Kiran Ahuja, the director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management(OPM), announced that she would be leaving her position in a few weeks. The OPM is the federal government’s human resources office and recruits and keeps more than 2.2 millions federal employees. “Serving as part of the Biden-Harris Administration and supporting the 2.2…