
Pro-Palestinian Protestor Crushes Hand in Unlawful Protests

On Monday morning, pro-Palestinian protests lasted for many hours on I-880 in Oakland. One of the numerous demonstrations that slowed traffic through the Bay Area and a second one that slowed traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge was the protests. According to a pro-Palestinian protest, both directions of the Golden Gate Bridge have been closed. Highway 101’s eastbound travel has been blocked by demonstrators. This is the second protest causing major back-ups on Bay Area roadways, the demonstration has blocked northbound … pic. twitter. com/oO5dMCvqFD— ABC7 News ( @abc7newsbayarea ) April 15, 2024However, the shocking story here is how far the demonstrators would go to protest. Watch a startling video of a police officer attempting to disassemble the protestors on I-880 and the Golden Gate Bridge this morning. This is unconstitutional and will not be tolerated. The CHP is recommending charges despite the fact that arrests were made. Our law enforcement partners appreciate your assistance. pic. twitter. com/Nn4fdqD08m— CHP Headquarters (@CHP_HQ ) April 16, 2024Full video player here: Tactics utilized by unlawful protesters this morning on I-880 and the Golden Gate Bridge. This is unconstitutional and will not be tolerated. The CHP is recommending charges despite the fact that arrests were made. Our law enforcement partners appreciate your assistance. pic. twitter. com/Nn4fdqD08m— CHP Headquarters (@CHP_HQ ) April 16, 2024The protestor is shown in agony as the officers were forced to cut a piece of concrete reinforcement in order to remove him. The officer even appears in the video pleading with the man to resend the rebar, which he refused to do. Ironically, the protest was immoral and about 40 arrests were made from the protest. More information is provided by Fox News regarding the protestors ‘ methods and charges: The video shows a man’s hand being held against concrete inside a 55-gallon drum. An officer can be seen trying to get the man’s hand out of a screw while disassembling it. Let’s go! the officer yells. Let go of the bar! ” several times and the man is heard screaming “Ow, wha, ouch! I’m being cut by the rebar. Stop! Stop! This is a variation of the protesters ‘” sleeping dragon” tactic of preventing their removal from a site. A group of protesters are known as the” sleeping dragon,” and this prevents police from simply using bolt cutters to break the handcuffs. The California Highway Patrol released all the different charges they will be recommending to prosecutors, including unlawful assembly, refusal to comply with a valid order, resisting, false imprisonment and unlawful to stop on a bridge. While the protestors were hoping to accomplish something, they actually just annoyed commuters, who took to X to voice their annoyance:Chopping the arm of would have been quicker and easier. He got off gently. — Ian Emery ( @IanEmeryBFG ) April 17, 2024“ He needs to be seen by a medic”
A reason for him to visit the emergency room is required! — Mustanger65 ( @desertrider65 ) April 17, 2024Good, lock em up — Christteam ( @rush4chris ) April 17, 2024People need to realize there is a right way to demonstrate their beliefs, and disrupting traffic is not one of them! RELATED:Pro-Palestinian Protestors Block Major Interstates For HOURS, Airport Passengers Abandon Cars and WalkRemember the “Summer of Love” in 2020? Feels to me like we are about to repeat history when mass riots break out just in time for another election. The latest? Absolute chaos as Pro-Palestinian protestors ( say that three times fast ) block major interstates for hours, creating serious issues in several major U.S. cities. S. cities. Pro-Hamas protestors slog through Chicago and obstruct access to O’Hare Airport for hours, forcing passengers to carry their luggage pictures around them. twitter. com/26d75uNhjq— Harrison Krank ( @HarrisonKrank ) April 15, 2024Police did nothing and passengers left their vehicles ( or Ubers ) and walked for miles to get to the airport :WATCH: Palestine protestors block the entrance to Chicago O’Hare Airport, stopping passengers from getting to their flights, while police stand by and watch pic. twitter. com/7yL5EGwcwt — Overton ( @OvertonLive ) April 15, 2024Same story in Seattle :Pro-Palestinian protestors block the road to Seattle ’s Sea-Tac airport pic. twitter. com/PmJe4QkpLc— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial ) April 15, 2024From local KOMO News :At least eight vehicles appeared to be blocking the road along with a group of people standing in the road. As they attempted to board their flights, some passengers could be seen passing the protest and rolling their bags down the road. “Interestingly enough, this is actually something that we’ve done tabletop exercises and plans for because this kind of thing has happened at other airports recently around the country already, ” said Perry Cooper, a Seattle-Tacoma Internation Airport ( SEA ) spokesperson. So we basically created a simulation of a situation where the drives would be blocked. Soon after the protest began, police and several tow trucks arrived on the scene. The tow trucks started removing the vehicles that were obstructing the expressway about an hour after the protest began. The State Department of Transportation confirmed in a post on X that Airport Drive was completely closed in both directions on State Route 518. According to Flightaware. com, 139 flights had been delayed at SEA Monday night. Nevertheless, it was unclear how many were directly impacted by the protest. According to Cooper,” We have instructed us to inform travelers that they should check in with them and their specific flight.” So it is up to them whether to delay those flights or make additional arrangements with those passengers. The department advised that all travelers should avoid the area and take alternative routes. At 3:07 p.m., Sea-Tac airport posted on X:” A demonstration has closed the airport expressway leading to SEA Airport.” m. Travelers who travel to the airport were even advised to take the Light Rail and other modes of transportation. At 6:01 p.m., the airport posted an update on X. m. noting that the demonstration had been completely overturned. Florida handled matters far differently…. Take a look at police in action! Protestors in Florida made an attempt to obstruct roads. Police officers who enforced the law immediately dragged them to the sidewalk. Authorities must guard against law-abiding citizens from having their day stricken by protesters like these. pic. twitter. com/TogsVjRPJa— Visegrád 24 ( @visegrad24 ) April 16, 2024This was so insightful:The most ironic thing about all of the “road block ” protests is that the protestors are taking advantage of the fact that humanity is generally good and loving, and won’t run them over and kill them. Think about that for a minute. pic. twitter. com/0K33le0vTx— Tracy Beanz ( @tracybeanz ) April 15, 2024So true! Different approach from Testicles, PhD ( errrr “Tess T. Eccles-Brown, PhD ) on Twitter :How to deal with# FreePalestine protestors or any other ingrates that block traffic, a how-to guide! pic. twitter. com/ZpsCtiqttl— Tess T. Eccles-Brown, PhD (@TTEcclesBrown ) April 15, 2024Curious to know what you support :Do you think Drivers should should be allowed to PLOW protestors who are illegally on the Interstate? Should drivers be able to fraudulently plow protesters on Interstates, in the national interest? https ://t. co/5btrZtp5yt — Daily Noah. com ( @Daily NoahNews ) January 13, 2024We’re taking a poll…. please add your vote :NATIONAL POLL: Should Drivers Be Allowed To Plow Protestors Illegally On The Interstate? [[{“value”:”

On Monday morning, pro-Palestinian demonstrations took place on I-880 for several hours in Oakland. The protest was one of many demonstrations that blocked traffic in the Bay Area. Another blocked traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge. A pro-Palestinian demonstration has shut down both directions of the Golden Gate Bridge. Demonstrators blocked Highway 101’s southbound direction. This is the second protest causing major back-ups on Bay Area roadways, the demonstration has blocked northbound… pic.twitter.com/oO5dMCvqFD — ABC7 News (@abc7newsbayarea) April 15, 2024 However, the shocking story here is how far the demonstrators would go to protest. Watch this shocking video of a policeman struggling to separate the protestors. This morning, illegal protesters used these tactics on I-880 near the Golden Gate Bridge. This is illegal and will not tolerated. The CHP has recommended charges and made arrests. We thank our law enforcement partners who assisted us. pic.twitter.com/Nn4fdqD08m — CHP Headquarters (@CHP_HQ) April 16, 2024 Full video player here: Tactics utilized by unlawful protesters this morning on I-880 and the Golden Gate Bridge. This is illegal and will not tolerate it. The CHP has recommended charges and made arrests. We thank our law enforcement partners who assisted us. pic.twitter.com/Nn4fdqD08m — CHP Headquarters (@CHP_HQ) April 16, 2024 The protestor is shown in agony as the officers were forced to cut a piece of concrete reinforcement in order to remove him. The video shows the officer begging the man to let go of the rebar. He refused. The protest was illegal and around 40 arrests resulted from it. Fox News provides additional information on the protestors’ techniques and the charges. The video shows that a man has his hand pushed into a pipe, and then held down by concrete in a 55-gallon barrel. Unscrewing a screw by an officer to try and remove the man’s hands is shown. The officer yells, “Let go!” The man is heard screaming, “Ow, Ow, Ow!” as he repeatedly lets go of the bar. The rebar is cutting my skin. Stop! Stop! This is a form the “sleeping-dragon” maneuver used to impede protesters’ removal from a location. The sleeping dragon is a traditional protester’s tactic where they handcuff each other through PVC pipes, preventing police from using bolt cutters. California Highway Patrol has released the charges that they will recommend to prosecutors. These include unlawful assembly, refusing to comply with a legal order, resisting a lawful command, false imprisonment, and unlawful stopping on a bridge. The protestors may have hoped to achieve something, but they really just annoyed commuters who took to X in order to voice their frustration: Cutting off the arm would have been faster and easier. He got off easy. He needs to be seen by the medic.No,

He needs a reason to visit the ER. Good, lock them up — Mustanger65 @desertrider65 April 17, 2020 24 Good, lock em — Christteam @rush4chris April 17, 2020 24 People need to understand that there are other ways to express their beliefs and disrupting traffic certainly isn’t one of them. RELATED: Protesters for Palestine Block Major Interstates for HOURS. Airport Passengers Abandon their Cars and Walk. Remember the “Summer of Love?” in 2020? I feel like we are about to repeat the past with mass chaos taking place in the USA just in time for another presidential election. What’s the latest? Pro-Palestinian (say that three times fast) protestors blocked major interstates in major U.S. Cities for hours. Here was Chicago, blocking access to O’Hare Airport for hours: Pro Hamas protestors block the roads leading to OHare, people forced to walk around them with their luggage pic.twitter.com/26d75uNhjq — Harrison Krank (@HarrisonKrank) April 15, 2024 Police did nothing and passengers left their vehicles (or Ubers) and walked for miles to get to the airport: WATCH: Palestine protestors block the entrance to Chicago O’Hare Airport, stopping passengers from getting to their flights, while police stand by and watch pic.twitter.com/7yL5EGwcwt — Overton (@OvertonLive) April 15, 2024 Same story in Seattle: Pro-Palestinian protestors block the road to Seattle’s Sea-Tac airport pic.twitter.com/PmJe4QkpLc — The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) April 15, 2024 From local KOMO News: At least eight vehicles appeared to be blocking the road along with a group of people standing in the road. Some passengers were seen walking past the protest and rolling their bags along the road to catch their flight. Perry Cooper, a spokesperson for Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA), said that this was something we had done tabletop exercises for. This kind of thing happened at other airports around the country recently. “We actually did a simulation where the drives would have been blocked.” Police and several tow trucks arrived at the scene shortly after protest started. Tow trucks began removing vehicles blocking the expressway about an hour after protests began. Washington State Department of Transportation confirmed on X in a post that both directions of State Route 518 exit ramp to Airport Drive are fully closed. Flightaware.com reports that 139 flights were delayed at SEA on Monday night. It was not clear how many flights were directly affected by the protest. Cooper said that the airlines had instructed him to tell travelers they should check in directly with them for their specific flight. “So it’s up them whether they delay these flights or make any other arrangements with travelers.” The Department said that all travelers should avoid this area and use alternate route. Sea-Tac Airport posted on X that a demonstration had closed the expressway leading to SEA Airport. Travelers were also urged not to use the area and to take alternate routes, or to take Light Rail or public transit. The airport posted another update on X on 6:01 p.m. to note that the demonstration was cleared. Florida handled things much differently …. Watch the police in action! Pro-Palestinian demonstrators attempted to block roads on the Florida coast. Police officers dragged them to the sidewalk and enforced order. Authorities must protect law abiding citizens from having their day disrupted by protesters like these.pic.twitter.com/TogsVjRPJa — Visegrad 24 (@visegrad24) April 16, 2024 This was so insightful: The most ironic thing about all of the “road block” protests is that the protestors are taking advantage of the fact that humanity is generally good and loving, and won’t run them over and kill them. Just think about it for a moment. pic.twitter.com/0K33le0vTx — Tracy Beanz (@tracybeanz) April 15, 2024 So true! Testicles, Ph.D. (errrr, “Tess T. Eccles Brown, PhD”) on Twitter: A different approach to dealing with #FreePalestine or other ingrates who block traffic, a guide! pic.twitter.com/ZpsCtiqttl — Tess T. Eccles-Brown, PhD (@TTEcclesBrown) April 15, 2024 Curious to know what you support: Do you think Drivers should should be allowed to PLOW protestors who are illegally on the Interstate? NATIONAL POLL – Should Drivers Be Permitted To Plow Illegal Protestors On The Interstate? https://t.co/5btrZtp5yt — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) January 13, 2024 We’re taking a poll….please add your vote: NATIONAL POLL: Should Drivers Be Allowed To Plow Protestors Illegally On The Interstate?


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