
Taylor Swift’s Lyrics: Explicit, Demonic and Blasphemous?

Are Taylor Swifts lyrics full of “explicit ” content? It’s one thing to drop a bunch of F-bombs…. but are they likewise flat-out Demonic and Blasphemous? Some people say yes, including Sean Feucht, who posted this which is what actually caught my attention: Here’s the obvious songs in @taylorswift13 ‘s new album. Watching Christians applaud this latest promiscuity andamp;; album National false morality at its highest level in 2024 is reversed while simultaneously criticizing Biden for allowing men to use the restroom. pic. twitter. com/8ewq18nJM9— Sean Feucht ( @seanfeucht ) April 19, 2024Are your kids listening to Taylor Swift? Are you okay with them saying all this slang? But as I said, that ’s one thing. They’re going to hear negative language in this world. But are you okay with them singing ( chanting ) and hearing outright Demonic and Blasphemous lyrics? ) them over and over, nearly as if casting a spell? That’s a total different thing! Take a look at Sean Feucht’s next post: Nearly half of Taylor Swift’s new album features explicit lyrics, mock Christians, and blaspheme God. Do you want your kids to enjoy this type of music? Do you think I’m overreacting? Read the lyrics below and decide for yourself :Guilty as Sin… — Sean Feucht ( @seanfeucht ) April 21, 2024Almost half the songs on Taylor Swift’s new album contain explicit lyrics, make fun of Christians and straight up blaspheme God. Do you want your kids to enjoy this type of music? Do you think I’m overreacting? Read the lyrics below and decide for yourself :Guilty as Sin
If I slam the stone, what happens?
They’re gonna crucify me anyhow
What if you hold me in the sacred place of my birth?
If they want me to behave long-sufferingly, then I’ll be fine.
They don’t know how you ’ve haunted me so wonderfully
Another song: The smallest man who ever lived. I choose you and me religiously.
I would ’ve died for your sins, otherwise, I merely died insideAnother song: But daddy I love him
I recently discovered that these individuals simply raise you.
To cage you
Hannahs and Sarahs in their best Sunday attire
Clutchin’ their pearls, sighing, “ What a mess ”
These people are trying to save you, I really learned.
Because they despise you
Who claim that they want what is best for me?
Unremarkably singing soliloquies that I will not see.
Thinkin’ it can change the beat
When he touches me, in my heart.
And counteract the chemistry
And undo the destiny
You ain’t gotta pray for me
All of this crazy joy includes me, my wild boy, and myself.
If all you want is white, I’d rather be black.
Then it ’s just white noise, and it ’s just my choiceWow, that ’s bad. And that is QUITELY from her most recent album. what if we review her whole catalogue? We soon find out that she truly enjoys writing about witches a lot. That’s weird. Here are 4 examples :“They’re burning all the witches, even if you aren’t one ” – from the song “ I Did Something Bad ” off her album “Reputation”“ Women like hunting witches, too ” – from the song “Mad Woman” off her album “Folklore”“Devils roll the dice, angels roll their eyes ” – from the song “Cruel Summer ” off her album “Lover”“ I thought the plane was going down/How’d you turn it right around ” – a line from “Labyrinth” off her album “Midnights” which was associated with witchcraft allegations due to a coincidental plane flying overhead during a concert. Why would someone write but many witch-related lyrics? Seems weird. I know, I know…. it ’s art! You really don’t get it! You’re best, I don’t. I don’t get it and I don’t like it. Let’s talk about the physical imagery at her shows for a moment before moving on to the lyrics, which I could probably do in a later article. Even lyrics can be misinterpreted, but certainly the images at her shows are pleasant right? It’s not like she performs witches, goat heads, spells, and rituals at her shows, right? Best? Ummmm, take a look for yourself. The Christian Post went into great detail about the subject, accusing former Boyzone star Shane Lynch of performing devilish rituals and devilish songs at her sold-out shows. “ I think when you’re looking at a lot of the artists out there, a lot of their stage shows are satanic rituals live in front of 20,000 people without them realizing and recognizing, ” Lynch recently told Ireland’s Sunday World. “You’ll see a lot of hoods up and masks on and fire ceremonies. When you watch one of Taylor Swift’s shows, she has two or three different diabolical rituals to do with the pentagrams on the ground and all kinds of things on her stage. … But to a lot of people it ’s just art and that ’s how people are seeing it, however. ”The 47-year-old British singer said there’s a “lot of invisible satanic” messaging in music today, but most listeners are indifferent to it. There is a lot of hidden satanic and a lot of terrible in many of the music that is currently available, including down to the beats, in comparison to the hip-hop side of things. It’s very real, ” he said. “Music attaches to your emotions, ” Lynch added, “It has a connection to your spirit and how you feel. That’s why I’ve stopped listening to those types of music myself because it does n’t suit my spirit. ”Lynch, a father of two and a professing Christian, warned that particular music is damaging to society in general and especially children. “It 100 percent has an effect on society. I think our society has always been worse in some areas, and it starts from our children, ” he said. It is aimed at our children right away to prevent them from being influenced by anything that is divine, handled, or strictly enforced. There is a reason why it is getting wilder and wilder out it. … Music is risky. ”Swift, 34, has recently been accused of promoting devilish activity through her music; In her 2020 “Willow ” music video, she is depicted observing an occult ritual and has previously stated that the song “sounds like casting a spell on someone to make them fall in love with you.” She captioned a photo of herself on social media with the lyrics,” Sometimes I really want to listen to music while pining away, staring out of a window, or even just one. ’ It’s me. I’m witches. ”She even referenced witch hunts in her 2017 album Reputation. “They’re burning all the witches, even if you aren’t one, ” she sings in the song “ I Did Something Bad. This is her bestie sitting next to her, for those of us who recall the Super Bowl. The girl wearing the Devil Horns wears the cross necklace with peach hair. Nothing to see here, only Taylor Swift’s guest Ice Spice yelling up devilish signs while posing with a cross to ensure that everyone sees it on the big screen. DEMONS. pic. twitter. com/D9ywjZDOR7— AG ( @Yolo304741 ) February 12, 2024Just more coincidences, I’m sure. Okay, but let’s look into why but many people believe that her shows feature devilish rituals and/or casting spells. I’m never even going to give any comments, I’m only going to show you the videos and let you decide. Is this a devilish ritual performed by Taylor Swift? 1/ pic. twitter. com/eCLp5gSRRF— Daily Noah. com ( @Daily NoahNews ) April 22, 2024Exhibit B:Is this a Taylor Swift satanic ritual? 2/ pic. twitter. com/vDcxvKa3TG— Daily Noah. com ( @Daily NoahNews ) April 22, 2024Exhibit C:Is this a Taylor Swift satanic ritual? 3/ pic. twitter. com/ClJ9NIUCy6— Daily Noah. com ( @Daily NoahNews ) April 22, 2024And here she is talking about Witches again…. Why is she so fascinated by witches? It’s crazy. Why is Taylor Swift but knowledgeable about witches? Who talks like this? # Witchcraft pic. twitter. com/HW3FRXxr4v— Daily Noah. com ( @Daily NoahNews ) April 22, 2024Ok, I could go on for hours, but I’ll wrap it up here. I’ll end with this…. We often like to be fair and balanced here, but while I have serious concerns with what I see in her lyrics and videos and concerts, we should report that she professes to be a Christian: Taylor Swift: “I’m a Christian” [[{“value”:”

Are Taylor Swift’s lyrics “explicit?” It’s one to drop a few F-bombs …., but are they also blasphemous and Demonic? Sean Feucht posted this, which was what initially caught my eye: Here are the explicit songs on @taylorswift13’s new album. Watching Christians praise this new album of promiscuity & perversion while simultaneously rebuking Biden for allowing men in women’s locker rooms is peak American fake morality in 2024. pic.twitter.com/8ewq18nJM9 — Sean Feucht (@seanfeucht) April 19, 2024 Are your kids listening to Taylor Swift? Are you okay with them listening to this EXPLICIT lingo? But, as I said before, that is one thing. In this world, they’ll hear bad language. Are you okay with them hearing Demonic and Blasphemous songs and lyrics? They are repeated over and over again, almost like a spell. It’s another thing! Sean Feucht’s second post is worth a read: Nearly half of the songs on Taylor Swift’s new album have explicit lyrics that make fun Christians and blaspheme God. Is this music you’d want your children to listen to? Do you think that I’m being overly dramatic? You can decide for yourself by reading the lyrics below: Guilty As Sin… — Sean Feucht @seanfeucht April 21, 2024. Almost half of Taylor Swift’s album contains explicit lyrics that make fun of Christians, and blaspheme God. Is this music you would want your children to listen to? Do you think I am being over-reacting? You can decide for yourself by reading the lyrics below: Guilty As Sin What happens if I roll away the stone?

They’re going to crucify you anyway

What if you are holding me in a way that is holy?

If they want me to be a long-suffering gentleman, that’s what they will get.

They don’t understand how you’ve haunted my life so dramatically

I choose you and Me religiously Another song: the smallest man to ever live

I would have died for your sins but I just died inside Another Song: But daddy, I love him

Just learned that these people only raise children

To cage you

Sarahs and Hannahs Sunday best

Clutching their pearls and sighing “What a mess!”

These people are trying to save you, I learned recently

They hate you Another song : God save the most judgemental creeps

Who says they want the best for me?

I’ll never be able to see you perform a soliloquy in a sarcastic manner.

Thinkin’ it could change the beat

When he touches me, he touches my heart

And counteract chemistry

Undo the destiny

You ain’t gotta pray for me

Me and my wild son and all this wild joy

If gray is all you want, I’m yours

It’s not good. This is just from her latest album ….What if we reviewed her entire catalog? We can tell right away that she loves to write about Witches. That’s strange. Here are four examples: “They are burning all the Witches even if you’re not one” from her song “I Did Something Bad”, from her album, “Reputation”. “Women also like hunting witches” from her song, “Mad Woman”, from her album, “Folklore”. “Devils play the dice, and angels roll their eyelids” from her song, “Cruel summer”, from her album, “Lover”. “I Why would someone write so many songs about Witches? It seems strange. I know ….it is art! You just don’t get it! You’re right, I don’t. I don’t understand it and I do not like it. I could spend a lot more time on the lyrics, and I may do so in a future post. But let’s now talk about the visual imagery of her shows. The images at her shows may be misinterpreted but the lyrics are not. It’s not as if she performs Goat Heads, Witches, Spells and Rituals at her shows. Right? Take a look yourself. This is a charming image: Watch this full clip: The Christian Post has gone deep on the subject: Former Boyzone member Shane Lynch has accused Taylor Swift of engaging satanic practices and demonic practices during her sold-out concerts and warned about the damaging effects of such music on children. Lynch told Ireland’s Sunday World that many artists perform satanic ceremonies in front of 20,000 fans without them knowing or recognizing it. “You’ll notice a lot of hoods and masks and fire ceremonies. Taylor Swift, one of the most popular artists in the world, has two or three demonic rituals that involve pentagrams and other things on stage. It’s not just art to many people, and that’s what they’re seeing, unfortunately. The 47-year old Irish singer said music has “a lot of hidden satanic messages” but most listeners don’t know it. “There is a great deal of hidden satanic in a lot hip-hop music, even down to the beats. He said, “It’s very real.” Lynch said that music is connected to emotions. “It’s a connection between your spirit and your feelings.” It’s because I don’t like the music. “It has a 100 percent effect on society.” He said, “I think our society is worse than ever in many areas. It all starts with our children.” “It is aimed at our children right from the start to get them away from anything Godly or controlled. It’s becoming more and more wild out there. Swift, 34, was accused of promoting demon activity through her music. In her 2020 “Willow,” music video, Swift is shown observing a occult ceremony. She has also said that the song “sounds as if you’re casting a magic spell to make someone love you.” She posted a picture of herself with the caption “Witches, be like “Sometimes I want to listen music while pining/sulking/staring at a window. It’s me.” I’m a witch.” She also made reference to witch hunts in Reputation, her 2017 album. In the song “I Did Something Bad,” she sings that they are burning all witches even if you’re not one. And for those who remember the Super Bowl this is her bestie next to her. The girl with orange hair and the upside-down Cross necklace is doing the Devil Horns. There is nothing to see, just Taylor Swift’s guest Ice Spice displaying demonic signs wearing an upside down cross and making sure that the world can see it on the big screens. DEMONS. pic.twitter.com/D9ywjZDOR7 — AG (@Yolo304741) February 12, 2024 Just more coincidences, I’m sure. Let’s now examine why so many people think that demonic imagery, spells or rituals are being performed at her shows. I won’t even comment, I will just show you the videos to let you decide. Exhibit A – Is this a Taylor Swift ritual? 1/ pic.twitter.com/eCLp5gSRRF — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) April 22, 2024 Exhibit B: Is this a Taylor Swift satanic ritual? 2/ pic.twitter.com/vDcxvKa3TG — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) April 22, 2024 Exhibit C: Is this a Taylor Swift satanic ritual? 3/ pic.twitter.com/ClJ9NIUCy6 — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) April 22, 2024 And here she is talking about Witches again…. Why is she so fascinated by Witches? It’s weird. Who talks like this?#Witchcraft pic.twitter.com/HW3FRXxr4v — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) April 22, 2024 Ok, I could go on for hours but I’ll wrap it up here. Who talks like this?#Witchcraft pic.twitter.com/HW3FRXxr4v — DailyNoah.com (@DailyNoahNews) April 22, 2024 Ok, I could go on for hours, but I’ll wrap it up here. I’ll finish with this …. We like to be fair, so we’ll report that Taylor Swift says she is a Christian.


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