Gov. Greg Abbott (R) is facing accusations that the state went too far after Texas state troopers detained more than 50 protesters at a University of Texas at Austin. Greg Abbott (R), who is under fire for accusations that the state went overboard, has been criticized. On Wednesday, police wearing riot gear dispersed a nonviolent but unofficial demonstration at the flagship university of the state. A journalist from… was among those arrested.
Gov. Texas took over 50 people into custody at a protest at the University of Texas in Austin, following their arrest. Greg Abbott ( R ) is accused that the state overstated. On Wednesday, police in riot gear broke up an unsanctioned but peaceful demonstration at the state’s flagship university. A journalist with… Gov. Texas took over 50 people into custody at a University of Texas at Austin protest after state troopers made them arrests. Greg Abbott ( R ) is accused that the state overstated. On Wednesday, police in riot gear broke up an unsanctioned but violent demonstration at the state’s flagship university. A journalist with…
Gov. Greg Abbott (R) is facing accusations that the state went too far after Texas state troopers detained more than 50 protesters at a University of Texas at Austin. Greg Abbott (R), who is under fire for accusations that the state went overboard, has been criticized. On Wednesday, police wearing riot gear dispersed a nonviolent but unofficial demonstration at the flagship university of the state. A journalist from… was among those arrested.