
Trump To Biden: Let’s Do It At The Courthouse Tonight, I’ll Wait Around!

[[{“value”:”This is definitely entertaining!
It’s difficult to pick a favourite, but Donald Trump has some of the most famous Tweets and truths of all time. However, this one ranks close to the top of the list.
Donald Trump continues to win and grow in popularity even as Joe Biden’s DOJ uses lawfare to try to stop his opponent in the forthcoming election and finds himself in numerous courtrooms fighting against this lies.
Trump knows he’s running circles around Biden.
Joe Biden goes to sleep at 8 o’clock with a plastic cup of warm milk, while Trump sleeps 4 hours a night and holds Rallies at midnight.
But with all of this in mind, here’s what really happened:
BREAKING: Donald Trump challenges Joe Biden to a NYC courthouse debate TONIGHT on National Television! pic. twitter.com/nTTqnGswgp
— Daily Noah.com ( @Daily NoahNews ) April 26, 2024
Trump posted the invitation to Biden on TruthSocial, saying they’ll debate at the Courthouse and…. quote:” I’ll wait around”!
Completely legendary…. this is one of Donald Trump’s best possibly Tweets!
He knows Joe Biden ca n’t stay up past 8pm!
Good gold. pic. twitter.com/W6V2NaxDgR
— Daily Noah.com ( @Daily NoahNews ) April 26, 2024
Here’s a larger view:
Good gold!
We all know that to make Biden stronger, he will need several different drugs and weeks of preparation for a debate.
We all know this is difficult.
Trump also makes the invite, forcing everyone to take those things into account and accept them as real.
Then, as I was thinking about some of Trump’s best Tweets/Truths, I thought it would be fun to look back on his Top 10 Best Possibly:
TOP TEN: The Best Trump Tweets Of All Time!
Do you recall David Letterman’s Top 10 list from the past?
It was the best.
And Letterman was at least still interesting despite not liking Trump and being left-leaning.
unlike the trolls these days who sleep soon at night.
They are cruel, enraged, and would rather have their agendas pushed aside.
Yeah, I digress…
In honor of President Trump being reinstated to Twitter, and as an homage to David Letterman’s Major 10 Lists, I give you my favorite Trump tweets of all time.
They range from the critical to the funny, and everything in between.
Please take note that I posted these with all the best intentions because I genuinely, absolutely, love these on so many levels.
Not change, Mr. President — we love ya!
These are but great, enjoy:
Starting with the critical:
Got to do something about these kidnapped children who have been taken by the perverts. To many incidents–fast trial, death penalty.
— Donald J. Trump ( @realDonaldTrump ) October 8, 2012
It would become the underlying theme of both his movement and the Q community.
For excellent reason.
Before doing this research, I had never really seen this subsequent one, and it’s perfect:
I object to the Pope ordering his bill at a hotel’s front desk. It’s no Pope- like!
— Donald J. Trump ( @realDonaldTrump ) March 19, 2013
Classic Trump:
It makes me feel so good to hit” sleazebags” back — much better than seeing a psychiatrist ( which I never have! )
— Donald J. Trump ( @realDonaldTrump ) November 19, 2012
Love a comment I saw on the following one: Is that what an American burn is called?
Best line in the Elizabeth Warren beer catastrophe is, to her husband,” Thank you for being here. I’m glad you’re around” It’s their house, he’s supposed to be there!
— Donald J. Trump ( @realDonaldTrump ) January 14, 2019
https ://wltreport.com/2022/11/20/flashback-elizabeth-warren-tells-husband-thank-you-for-being-here/
One of the most prominent:
Happy# CincoDeMayo! The best taco bowls are prepared at Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics! https ://t.co/ufoTeQd8yA pic. twitter.com/k01Mc6CuD I
— Donald J. Trump ( @realDonaldTrump ) May 5, 2016
A private favorite:
I do n’t want to say that because I always insist on being politically correct, even though @BetteMidler is an incredibly ugly woman.
— Donald J. Trump ( @realDonaldTrump ) October 28, 2012
Another also known, major, classic:
Kim Jong Un, the leader of North Korea, just stated that the” Nuclear Button is always on his desk.” Please let me know that my Nuclear Button is much bigger and more powerful than his, and that it also functions. Please let someone from his food-hungry and drained regime know.
— Donald J. Trump ( @realDonaldTrump ) January 3, 2018
Classic Trump:
Every time I discuss the haters and losers, I do but with utmost affection and love. They are unable to accept that they were born fucked up!
— Donald J. Trump ( @realDonaldTrump ) September 29, 2014
Hey, that is strange:
When I was 18, people called me Donald Trump. When he was 18, @BarackObama was Barry Soweto. Weird.
— Donald J. Trump ( @realDonaldTrump ) March 12, 2012
Another American burn?
Today Elizabeth Warren, often referred to by me as Pocahontas, joined the race for President. Will she run as our first African American presidential candidate, or has she decided that after 32 years, this is not playing but also again? See you on the campaign TRAIL, Liz!
— Donald J. Trump ( @realDonaldTrump ) February 9, 2019
Trump knows:
Some people left Madonna’s concert after receiving a call from her to cast their ballots for Obama. Years ago, I left because the concert was awful.
— Donald J. Trump ( @realDonaldTrump ) October 29, 2012
This is on my Mt. Rushmore of favourite Trump tweets:
Barney Frank looked disgusting–nipples protruding–in his orange shirt before Congress. Very pretty rude.
— Donald J. Trump ( @realDonaldTrump ) December 21, 2011
But is this:
I’ve never seen a slim person drinking Diet Coke.
— Donald J. Trump ( @realDonaldTrump ) October 14, 2012
Another significant one, prescient?
Pervert alert. @RepWeiner is again on twitter. All girls under the age of 18, block him instantly.
— Donald J. Trump ( @realDonaldTrump ) November 7, 2012
Another gem:
Remember this?
Trump has often been aware of poison vaccines:
Of course, there is the Very Secure Genius:
Another factor that helped his campaign launch:
And we must come to an end with the most well-known of all…
Which is your favorite?
“}]] [[{“value”:”

This is hilarious!
Donald Trump has said many of the most famous Tweets/Truths in history. It’s hard to choose a favorite but this one is near the top.
While Joe Biden’s DOJ is waging lawfare against Biden’s opponent, President Trump finds himself in courtrooms all over the country defending this nonsense. Donald Trump continues to win and gain in popularity.
Trump knows that he is running circles around Biden.
Joe Biden, meanwhile, goes to bed at 8pm after drinking a warm cup of milk and sleeping for 4 hours at night.
Here’s what happened.

BREAKING: Donald Trump challenges Joe Biden in a NYC courthouse discussion TONIGHT on National Television! pic.twitter.com/nTTqnGswgp
DailyNoah.com April 26, 2024

Trump invited Biden to debate at the Courthouse, saying that they’ll both wait around.

This is one of Donald Trumps best tweets ever!
He knows Joe Biden cannot stay up past 8pm.
Solid gold. pic.twitter.com/W6V2NaxDgR
DailyNoah.com April 26, 2024

Here’s an expanded view:

Solid gold!
We all know that Biden will require weeks of preparation for a debate, and multiple drugs to amp him.
We all know that this is impossible.
By inviting everyone, Trump forces them to accept these things as true.
As I was thinking of some of Trump’s greatest tweets/truths, I thought that it would be interesting to look back at his Top 10 Best Tweets Ever:
Top Ten: The Best Trump tweets of all time!
Remember when David Letterman would do his Top 10 list on the show?
It was the best.
Even though Letterman was a left-leaning man and didn’t like Trump, at least he was funny!
The trolls of late night are not the same as they used to be.
They are angry and mean and would rather push a agenda than be funny.
Anyway, I digress…
In honor of President Trump’s reinstatement to Twitter and as a tribute to David Letterman’s Top 10 Lists I give you some of my favorite Trump tweets.
The range is wide, from the serious to hilarious and everything in-between.
Please understand that I am posting these with the best of intentions because WeLoveTrump, and I honestly love them on so many levels.
Never change, Mr. President — we love ya!
Start with the serious:

You need to do something about the missing children who were grabbed by perverts. Too many incidents – fast trial, death penalty.
— Donald J. Trump, (@realDonaldTrump), October 8, 2012.

It would become the prevailing theme for his movement and that of the Q community.
There is good reason.
This next one I hadn’t seen before doing my research, and it is pure perfection.

I don’t like to see the Pope stand at the front desk (checkout counter) of a hotel to pay his bill. It’s not Popelike!
— Donald J. Trump March 19, 2013

Classic Trump

It’s much more satisfying to me to hit “sleazebags”, than to see a psychiatrist. (I never have!)
Donald J. Trump November 19, 2012

Loved a comment on the next picture: Is this what they call a Indian burn?

The best line in the Elizabeth Warren Beer Disaster is her husband saying, “Thanks for being here.” I’m glad that you’re here. It’s his house, and he should be there.
— Donald J. Trump January 14, 2019

One of the most famous:

Happy #CincoDeMayo!! Trump Tower Grill makes the best tacos. I love Hispanics. https://t.co/ufoTeQd8yA pic.twitter.com/k01Mc6CuDI
Donald J. Trump, May 5, 2016.

Favorite personal favorites

While @BetteMidler may be a very unattractive woman I refuse to call her that because I insist on being politically incorrect.
— Donald J. Trump October 28, 2012

Another well-known, serious classic:

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said that he always has the “Nuclear Button” on his desk. Will someone from this depleted, food-starved regime tell him that my Nuclear Button is much larger and more powerful than his and that it works?
— Donald J. Trump January 3, 2018 (@realDonaldTrump).

Classic Trump

Every time I talk about the losers and haters, I do so out of love and affection. They can’t help it that they were born messed up!
— Donald J. Trump September 29, 2014

What the heck?

When I was 18, they called me Donald Trump. When @BarackObama turned 18, he was called Barry Soweto. Weird.
— Donald J. Trump March 12, 2012.

Another Indian burn?

Elizabeth Warren, who I sometimes refer to as Pocahontas by mistake, has joined the race for president. Will she run for our first Native American Presidential candidate or has she decided after 32 years that this isn’t working so well anymore? See you on the campaign trail, Liz!
— Donald J. Trump, (@realDonaldTrump), February 9, 2019.

Trump knows:

Madonna’s concert was disrupted by many people who left when she asked them to vote for Obama. Years ago, I walked out of a concert because it was terrible.
— Donald J. Trump October 29, 2012

This is my Mt. Rushmore of favorite Trump Tweets:

Barney Frank looked disgusting in his blue shirt, with his nipples dangling out. Very disrespectful.
Donald J. Trump December 21, 2011

What is this?

I have never seen anyone thin drinking Diet Coke.
— Donald J. Trump October 14, 2012

Another serious one, a prophet?

Pervert alert. @RepWeiner has returned to twitter. All girls under 18 years old should block him immediately.
Donald J. Trump November 7, 2012.

Another gem

Remember this?
Trump knew about the poisonous vaccines from the beginning

We have the Very Stable genius:

Another one of his campaigns that he launched:

We will end with the most famous…

Which is your favorite?


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